No Debate Over Forensics Victory

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_t''-'"' ...... . IJ.

s . Nicholas Awakuni, ASO elections committee member, said.
"People putting their time and effort in hopefully shows they're
willing to work hard next semester."
The results of the elections were revealed Aprilll and post-
rd in the Student Activity Center.
"T basically took over classes and asked the teachers if I
steal five minutes of their time," Kahn said. "The teach-
were very kind to let me speak to their classes and the re-
on Aprilll in Inglewood, Calif .. Class 138
No debate over
Forensics victory
Celine West
Staff Writer
Recent successes and victories
for the EC debate team places
them in high ranks among other
colleges as their final State and
National Championships brought
their season to a close.
"Abigail Watkins and An-
drew Escalante are being heav-
ily recruited by many four year
schools, and offered scholarships
to get them to go to their schools.
Either of them have a good chance
of winning gold at Phi Rho Pi
National Championships coming
up," Bishop said, "They are amaz-
ing competitors and really great
"We were first in community people too."
colleges at the NPDA [National EC's debate team is so good
Parliamentary Debate Associa- that they came out ahead of many
tion,]" Francesca Bishop, director other colleges and universities in
of forensics, said. the recent state
"Our top team " championsh'ip
did so well in pre- We kind of crushed while they won
liminaries that we the recent nation-
got a bye in the them. No other com- al championship.
first elimination munity colleges ad- "We finished
round." third in junior
The team's vanced. There was us colleges, lith in
success in the
NPDA Champi-
onship Tourna-
ment placed them
far above all other
community col-
leges in the com-
and them, and they
were way down.
four-year colleges
and universities,
and we won the
NPDA Tourna-
ment," Crossman
said. Francesca Bishop,
director of forensics
Not only does
the debate team
compete against
local community
"We had the
only two teams
that made it to elimination round
in community colleges at that
toLqJlament," Mark Crossman,
tion, said. "There were no other
community colleges in the elimi-
nation round."
EC's top teams garnered the
attention of many college recruit-
ers and improved their chances in
the final and upcoming national
tournament, Phi Rho Pi.
colleges, but it held its own in
competitions against top-tier col-
leges and universities.
. "Otrt of 300 speaK:'"efs Abigail
was 14th," Crossman said. "These
were the best colleges, too."
The time and effort put into
building a strong team paid off
when it came to pulling together
and coming out ahead.
[See FORENSICS, Page 2]
c .. 1 . :1. C\ 1 T ,_ ,_ ......... ..-. 44-
racks relocated to the Receiving Facilities near the
Lew, dean of humanities, said. "Given all the
take care of, I'm inclined to believe him [when he
to contact us.] Things fall into the cracks. Saldana
with this division."
wind and the newspapers has become a reoccurring
groundskeepers and Saldana hope there is some-
done to fix the problem.
we can find a solution for this in the future to
.,,11 '"'u m;;- wcnru; tO cnange rne overan par-
ticipation and opportunities of the campus,
Lee said.
"To the next year ASO, I wish the best
of luck in everything that they do and I
hope they can put togetther a lot events,"
Awakuni said. "They have the funding
and the man power and I hope they can do
more than we did this year."
Continued from Page 1
"During the preliminary debate
rounds, we advanced two teams,"
Bishop said. "We kind of crushed
them. No other community colleges
advanced. There was us and them
and they were way down," she said.
Having such a highly competitive
team has motivated college admin-
istration to back their competitive
"We never get to go to this tour-
nament because we can never afford
the tournament. Rebecca Cobb, of
student development, actually gave
us championship funds to get this
team to that tournament," Bishop
said, "because this team was one
of the most competitive, on a four
year level, that we've ever had. We
really wanted to give them that ex-
Students who play a critical role
in building such a strong team often
hear about the opportunity either
through a friend, or through a com-
munications class. Those who join
sharpen their skills and change their
educational futures.
"I've always liked to argue and I
found out about the program here. I
heard it was really good and thought
this was probably the best place I
could test the waters with debate,"
Alejandro Rivera, 20, accounting
and communications major, said.
"I had a friend on the debate team
last year. I took Communication 4
over the summer and then I hit the
ground running."
"It has really made my time
worthwhile," he added.

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