Critical Thinking Questions 4

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Your Name: Anahi Felix

Class Time and Days:

Humanities 1010, 11:00 am-11:50 am, MF
Title o! "or#:
Maimonides, the la"s $on$ernin% Mashia$
Author&Artist o! "or#: Maimonides, translated 'y (lie)er C* A'rahamson
1* hat do you thin# the "or#+s main ar%ument, ,oint, or $on$lusion mi%ht 'e-
The main ,oint in this readin% is that it "as meant to $$e ,eo,le, throu%h %i.ein% a
ta#e it or lea.e it deal and many other "eird nonsense, that $hrisitanity in %eneral is a
misled and that the /e"ish #no" all there is to #no" and ha.e it all !i%ured out*
0* 1i.e three "ays the artist&author su,,orts his&her ,oint:
23nly i! you %et the ar%ument in 4uestion one 516 $orre$t, $an you %et this ,art $orre$t
'e$ause these are the su,,ortin% elements to that ar%ument7
a* The Torah: that it is the "ord o! 1od
'* The 8e"ish understandin% the old testament
$ The an$ient 8e"ish s$ri,ture
9* Ho" mi%ht the artist&author+s histori$al ,eriod and lo$ation 5i*e* $ontext6 ha.e a!!e$ted
ho" he&she $hose to ma#e his&her ,oint-
8ust 'y tou$hin% the su'/e$t on any #ind o! reli%ion the time durin% the "hat the author is
tal#in% a'out and ho" the readin% %ets "orded $an ha.e a 'i% a!!e$t on the audienn$e*
:e$asue ho" you say&"rite thin%s $an really ma#e ,eo,le /ud%e "hat your sayin%* this
$an $reate 'ias o,inions and "ant to $$e ,eo,le $ertaint thin%s* There $an 'e other
testaments, "ritin%s, 'oo#s or other thin%s that to other ,eo,le is ,roo! and "hat the
author is sayin% is not true* The 8e"s and $hristians ha. di!!erent testaments*
;* Durin% the time ,eriod "hen the "or# "as $reated "hat so$ial %rou,s 5!or exam,le:
e$onomi$ $lass< reli%ious a!!iliation< ,oliti$al %rou,< ethni$&lin%uisti$ %rou,< %ender6 "ere
'ein% addressed- hy do you thin# so-
N:: There should 'e e.iden$e !or this in the material = ex,li$itly stated, or im,lied 'y the
This do$ument "as "ritten !or 'oth non- 8e"ish audien$es and 8e"ish audien$es
similar*the readin% mi%ht ha.e had many assum,tions that really oly a,,ly to those o! the
8e"ish !aith, 'ut the lan%uea%e usesd seems almost $ondes$endin% at a time, to "hi$h /ust
led me to 'eli.e it is also "ritten !or the non '*
5* Ho" did the artist&author "ant this ,arti$ular audien$e 5!rom >;6 to rea$t to his&her
"hen re!errin% that some se$tions "ere $ensored 'y Christians, he re!ers to the times
"hen the Chur$h "as $onsidered a ,o"er on many $ountries that "ere Christians* The
$hur$h $ontrolled "ho had a$$ess to the :i'le 'e$ause reli%ions "as used a ,oliti$al
,o"er* Many ,eo,le "as not !ree to a$$ess the s$ri,tures o! the 3ld and Ne" testaments,
only $ertain do$trines "ere tau%ht in their masses and meetin%s*
N:: Nothin% a'out your ans"ers im,lies a%reement or disa%reement "ith the ideas
,resented* e may, in !a$t, disa%ree "ith the "or#, 'ut "e do not ex,ress su$h
disa%reement until "e ?understand@* Am,ortantly, no"here in these 4uestions do A as# !or
your ?rea$tion@ or your ?o,inions*@ This is the .ery !irst ste, in "ritin% a'out a ,rimary
or se$ondary sour$es* At is only a!ter you understand the o'/e$t o! your $riti$ism "ill you
'e a'le to o!!er a reasona'le and e!!e$ti.e $riti4ue*
No", you are tas#ed to "rite an ?analysis@ o! the "or#, "hi$h should remain s$holarly
and o'/e$ti.e 5as mu$h as ,ossi'le6* A!ter you ha.e su$$ess!ully introdu$ed the su'/e$t
5o'/e$ti.ely6, you are to s,end a'out as mu$h s,a$e addressin% "hether or not the author
"as su$$ess!ul in his&her artisti$ %oal, and %i.e reasons as to "hether or not you "ere
$$ed* The len%th o! ,a,er "ill 'e indi$ated at the time o! the assi%nment*

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