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NB: See detailed expectations under Instructions for the Critical Journal (posted)

Your Name: Anahi Felix

Class Time and a!s: "":## am$"":%# am
Title of &or': ()*er!da! I +a'e ,p -n The +ron. Side -f Capitalism(
Author/Artist of &or': Not stated
"0 +hat do !ou thin' the &or'1s main ar.ument2 point2 or conclusion 3e4
The main ar.ument or point is that the photo.raph is sa!s (e*er!da! i &a'e up on the
&ron. side of capitalism( that is suppose to mean somethin.0 the &a! the area loo's and
ho& the .raffitin. &ritin. is painted on the &all &ith the man stanidn. a.ainst it0 It tries
to tell li'e a stor! of the (american dream( people from other countries per sa! come here
to fulful their dreams 3ut are 3ein. controlled or discriminated here0 people .o throu.h
tou.h times and loo'in. at the picture the main point could 3e that people &ill 5ud.e !ou
and asume man! thin.s a3out !ou 5ust 3! ho& !ou loo' in an! &a!0
60 7i*e three &a!s the artist/author supports his/her point:
8-nl! if !ou .et the ar.ument in 9uestion one (") correct2 can !ou .et this part correct
3ecause these are the supportin. elements to that ar.ument:
a0 ;ed .raffiti painted on the &all ( means somethi.n could 3e a s!m3ol for
30 A colored man standin. a.aints the &all
c the &a! the area loo's2 ho& the man is dressed and also his expression
<0 =o& the artist/author1s historical period and location (i0e0 context) ha*e affected
ho& he/she chose to ma'e his/her point4
The authors choice of historical period or location &ould ha*e affected &hat the
authors/artist point &as 3! 'no&in. &hat the area is li'e0 it could ma'e a 3i. differeince0
For example if its in los an.eles CA it can possi3le! 3e on the poor side or &here
homesles or .hetto place is0 Another 3i. example is 3! ho& the person loo's0 this could
mean that the man is ma!3e .oin. to an inter*ie& 3! the &a! he is dressed2 or he is a
forei.ner and o&ns his o&n little store0
>0 urin. the time period &hen the &or' &as created &hat social .roups (for example:
economic class? reli.ious affiliation? political .roup? ethnic/lin.uistic .roup? .ender) &ere
3ein. addressed4 +h! do !ou thin' so4
NB: There should 3e e*idence for this in the material @ explicitl! stated2 or implied 3! the
There &ere social .roups 3ein. associated &ith2 it &as 3ein. addressed to the econom!
3ecause its all around us and it can ha*e some 'ind of impact or reaction to the econom!0
possi3l! lo& or middle class 3ecause 5ust 3! loo'in. at the photo and loo'in. at the
location its not a *er! rich area its *andiliAed and surroundin.s arent that nice either0 the
&a! the man loo's and is dressed isnt poor 3ut not hi.h class either0 I also thin' polotical
.roup and ethnicit! 3ecause its tal'in. a3out capitalism2 the ethnicit! 3ecasue there is a
colored man loo'in. do&n0
%0 =o& did the artist/author &ant this particular audience (from B>) to react to his/her
The autor/artist &anted his audience to react to his &or' 3! ta'in. a .ood loo' at the 3i.
3ri.h. red letters &ritten on a 3ro'en &all2 and a colored man dressed a.ainst the &all0 its
tr!in. to send a messa.e and ma'e !ou loo' and thin' of e*er! part a3out this photo that
can stand for an!thin. to 5ud.e a3out the appearnce0
NB: Nothin. a3out !our ans&ers implies a.reement or disa.reement &ith the ideas
presented0 +e ma!2 in fact2 disa.ree &ith the &or'2 3ut &e do not express such
disa.reement until &e CunderstandD0 Importantl!2 no&here in these 9uestions do I as' for
!our CreactionD or !our Copinions0D This is the *er! first step in &ritin. a3out a primar!
or secondar! sources0 It is onl! after !ou understand the o35ect of !our criticism &ill !ou
3e a3le to offer a reasona3le and effecti*e criti9ue0
No&2 !ou are tas'ed to &rite an Canal!sisD of the &or'2 &hich should remain scholarl!
and o35ecti*e (as much as possi3le)0 After !ou ha*e successfull! introduced the su35ect
(o35ecti*el!)2 !ou are to spend a3out as much space addressin. &hether or not the author
&as successful in his/her artistic .oal2 and .i*e reasons as to &hether or not !ou &ere
con*inced0 The of paper &ill 3e indicated at the time of the assi.nment0

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