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4 Listening Comprenhension
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.

The woman is at:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. The house of a friend.

b. A museum.

c. A restaurant.

d. The Cinema.
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.

On the right wall you can see:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Two big vases.

b. Two big white and black paintings.

c. Many colorful little paintings.

d. Two big colorful paintings.
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.

The woman is impressed because:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. She is speaking English.

b. She is learning a lot.

c. She is with some friends.

d. She doesn't like paintings.
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 1 - Possessive noun with s.

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym

According to the listening, a dog walker is a person who:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Walks with a dog's people

b. Takes people's dog for walks

c. Takes dog's people for walks

d. Walks with a people's dog
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 5 - WH questions (Where, What, Which)

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the soccer match

According to the conversation, Which are the names of the soccer teams?
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Dogs and Horses

b. Frogs and Dogs

c. Daniel and Helen

d. Horses and Frogs
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.

The small paintings:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Are very colorful.

b. Are black and white.

c. Are so huge.

d. Are not interesting.
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 4 - Vocabulary

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym

The word that best completes the sentence: "Helen Black does the ________ report on TV"
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Water

b. Were

c. Sweater

d. Weather
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 5 - DESCRIBING A PLACE

Choose the correct option according to the listening The Museum.

The floor of the place looks:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Old and dirty.

b. Shiny and clean.

c. Old but clean.

d. Clean and slippery.
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 2 - Adverbs of Frequency

Choose the correct option according to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym

In the conversation, Daniel goes to school and studies until:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. 08:00 p.m.

b. 07:00 p.m.

c. 05:00 p.m.

d. 04:00 p.m.
Puntos: 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 4 - DESCRIBING PEOPLE

Choose the correct option according to the listening A Famous Artist.

The person talking:
Seleccione una respuesta.

a. Has an autograph of the man.

b. Has a picture of the man.

c. Doesn't know who the man is.

d. Knows who the man is.

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