Conversation - Vacations: Presented by

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Conversation Vacations

Presented by:
- John Avila
- Lorena Gutirrez
- Juan Garbiras

(Old friends of school reunite again and meet themselves in the school
LORENA: Hi!, friends, whats new?
JOHN: Hey Lorena, its been a long time.
JUAN: Yeah, we havent see each other since 2002.
LORENA: Yeah, its been too much; Ive just talked with Caroline, the one who
used to eat bugers.
JOHN: Hmm, no I dont remember her yet.
JUAN: Yes you do, she used to be ugly but now she is really pretty, the red-
JOHN: Ah!, and she already has a child!, now I remember her.
LORENA: I suggest talking less about her, guys
JOHN: Ok, lets change the topic, have you guys gone on vacation yet?
JUAN: Yes, I went to Hawaii.
LORENA: Oh, great, how long did you stay there?
JUAN: For two months only.
JOHN: What year did you travel?
JUAN: It was in 2005, I used to practice swimming every day.
LORENA: Great!, and what about you John?
JOHN: Neh, I am always on vacations, I lived in France since 2006.
LORENA: Awesome!, I had wanted to go there since I was a kid.
JUAN: But, have you gone on vacation lately Lorena?
LORENA: Yeah, I went to Ibague, to my grandparents farm.
JUAN: Thats good, hey Lorenayou wanna go to eat someday?
LORENA: Yes, I agree to have dinner with you, but with John.
JOHN: I already think about it!, lets go now!.
LORENA: I hope to be full of food.
JUAN: Oh no!, I just ate a lot of food, sorry people, other day.
JOHN: Oh!, you still so stingy, I remember that you used to eat all your food
LORENA: Oh yes!, and you know I loved repeating food!.
JUAN: Ok, I am going to talk with other friends
JOHN: Well, I am going to invite Lorena to eat then.
LORENA: I havent eaten yet, great!.

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