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Scott Mountain Homeowners Association
Board Meeting of February 4, 2014

Location: Fire Station, 9336 SE Causey

Board Members Present: Ted Seble, Dave Gilman, Jim Graham, Dennis Shaffer, Jenny Shaffer,
John Chapman, Nancy Hall, John Short, Dan Otis

Absent: All Board members present

Homeowners Present: Patricia Mick Guests: none

Call to Order: 7:04 pm by President Dennis Shaffer

Approval of Meeting Minutes - January 2014
The Board members had the draft minutes available by email. A motion was made to approve the
minutes by Dennis, all members agreed, and the minutes were approved as submitted.

Homeowner Issues:
Patricia Mick requested an Architectural review of the cement wall she wants to add on her property
next to community area sidewalk. John Short said he would meet with her to review project. She also
had a question about a neighbor who uses his homes fireplace for heating the home exclusively. She
was concerned about the fireplace chimney not being cleaned properly and creating a fire danger. The
home is at 10547 SE 96. The Board discussion indicated that based on the covenants the Board has
no control over how fireplaces are used. However, a letter could be sent stating concern about fire
danger. As this is a rental, the letter would need to be sent to the owner. John Chapman will send a
letter to the owner, Mr. Muir(SP?).


President: Dennis Shaffer

Dennis noted that yard debris has been dumped on the common area near 102
. He saw a
resident of the area across from the common area dumping yard debris in the common area
and told him that the HOA area was private property. John Chapman wrote and Dennis sent a
letter to the person doing dumping explaining that area belongs to the HOA and should not be
dumped on, and will write a similar letter to other property owners in that area.

Vice-president: Ted Seble
Ted said he had been contacted about the annual yard sale. It was suggested that we have the
sale at the same time Happy Valley has their sale. Ted will Check on when Happy Valley plans
to have their annual neighborhood sale. John Chapman will do the Craigs list ad and will get
estimates for signs for the yard sale.

Secretary: Dave Gilman
Dave reported the completion of the January meeting minutes

Treasurers Report: John Chapman
John provided a revised report on the 2013 Associations finances. See attachment 1.
He reported that a tree from common area fell on a homeowners fence in the area above 100

Drive. There was no damage. He noted that if there were damage the homeowners insurance
would cover it for acts of God, not the HOA insurance.
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Champagne Lane the new home for sale. The house has a storm drain into the HOA
common area. This is for overflow from the retention well for the roof drain and the property has
an easement for that. The builder still needs to replant where common area was dug up for the
sewer and to build riprap for drain. The house has not had its final inspection, so these items
should be done before approval.
It was suggested that when someone new moves in to the HOA, that the board member closest
to the new owners house provide them info on the HOA.

Environmental Committee: Jim Graham
Dumpster cost update Jim explained why the fall charge was more than spring charge for the
dumpsters. The increase from spring to fall is because fall had 4 more boxes and almost twice
as much weight as spring.
Jim shared the estimate from River City Environmental to clean the common area drains. See
attachment 2. The cost was in the range of $1450-$2000 depending on actual time and
materials. Jim will check on access to drains before we get it done and will report back.

Covenant Compliance: Dan Otis
Dan checked on the truck that had been on the street at 9924 SE Nancy Ct. He asked the
owner to move the truck and it is now in owners drive way.
He reported on a tree down in the King Street common area. It was blocking a path in the
common area. It was agreed that only the part on the path will be removed.

Architectural: John Short
John reported that the tree removal request by Phyllis Armstrong at 10786 SE 93th Court was
He said he would like to review the sight line at Idleman and 99
looking east, up the hill. Some
of the branches on trees in the common area may need to be cut to improve the drivers view.
The house next to John at 10051 SE 100
Drive has been abandoned and trash has started to
collect. The owner has moved out, but the house has not been taken back by the bank yet.
Jenny said she will call the County about our concerns.

Safety: Jenny Shaffer
Jenny reported on the water main work to be done on 100
Drive. The County told her it will
start in the next 3 weeks and the main water pipe will be replaced for entire length of 100
She spoke to the County traffic engineer and he said he had not yet analyzed the data from
radar speed device that was on 99th, but he said it was clear that it did slow down traffic. Jenny
expects the radar to be there annually, as she has a request into the County. The traffic
engineer also told her he is sending a letter back to Nancy on the Eagle Landing study.
John Short discussed his concern with cars not stopping at stop signs. He said he would contact
the Sheriff's office to request additional officers in the HOA area.
Green space report The trails are in good shape and the blackberry test area is doing good.

Eagle Landing: Nancy Hall
She reported on the Sunnyside United neighbors (SUN) CPO meeting.


Adjournment: at 8:45 pm by Ted

Next Regular Board Meetings: March 4, 2014 at 7 pm at the Fire Station
And each first Tuesday of the month that follows, except in August and December.
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