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English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)

PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric

Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director / _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?
over (do not mix logs; e.g., no poem log in front, and movie log on back)

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
The poem has a tone of being alone; The speaker is alone, with nothing but his horse. He also personies
the horse, like he is so lonely that he has to. Also, the fact that he is watching a house in the village,
wishing he could have a community.
Woods could be a symbol of loneliness.
The speaker being alone causes a few actions from the speaker. He personies his horse, which could be
from being lonely. Also, he watches a house in the village, maybe because he longs for community
Found and read in the library.
English IIXL / Shakely Log #____(do not number until Quarterly collection)
PV Log: (circle one) Poem / Movie / Picture / Lyric
Date _____/_____
Title ___________________________________
Author / Director _________________________________
Context (Where Found / Viewed / Read?)
Content / CD / Summary / Precis (Say? Plot? Setting/Situation? Key lines/phrases scenes, etc? )
Content / CM / Meaning? / Theme(s)?
Form (Diction? Construction Terms? Symbolism?)
Commentary (What do you want to say? Why like? Questions? Synthesis / Allusions-Connections /
Relevance to personal experience, to literature, 20Qs? etc.)? Poetic Traits?
"I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul."
No matter how hard they try, the spirit cannot be broken according to the author.
Regular poem diction.
This poem gives me personal strength; Henley was obviously talking about people trying to break him due
to his race, and he didn't let it break him. He knows that he is in control of his spirit and nobody else.
Found and read in the library.

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