Assignment On Journal Entries

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From the following transactions of M/s Singh & Co, write up the Journal

2010 Rs.
Jan. 1 Assets: Cash Rs. 200; Bank Rs. 6800; Stock Rs. 4000;
Machinery Rs. 10000; furniture Rs. 1000; M/s. Narain
Bros. oe Rs. 1!00; M/s. B.". Bros. oe Rs.2!00.
Liabilities: #oan Rs. !000; su$ oin% to Jaco& Bros.
#t'. Rs. 2000.
Jan. 2 Bou%ht %oo's on cre'it fro$ Sa$ue( ) Co. 1*000
Jan. + So(' %oo's for cash ,hira- ) Co. 400
Jan. 4 So(' %oo's to Narain Bros. 1*000
Jan. ! Rec'. fro$ Narain Bros. in fu(( sett(e$ent of a$ount
'ue on Jan.1 1*4!0
Jan. 6 .ay$ent $a'e to Jaco& Bros. #t'. &y che/ue;
0hey a((oe' 'iscount
Jan. 1 3(' furniture so(' for cash 100
Jan. 10 Bou%ht %oo's 2!0
Jan. 11 B.". Bros. 4ai' &y che/ue; che/ue 'e4osite' in the
&ank 2*!00
Jan. 11 .ai' for re4airs of $achinery 100
Jan. 1+ Bou%ht %oo's of Jaco& Bros. #t'. 1*000
Jan. 1+ .ai' carria%e on these %oo's !0
Jan. 16 Rec'. che/ue fro$ Narain Bros. an' the che/ue
'e4osite' in &ank 1!0
Jan. 16 ,iscount a((oe' to the$ !0
Jan. 12 .ai' che/ue to Jaco& Bros. #t'. 1*000
Jan. 18 Bank inti$ates that che/ue of Narain Bros. has &een
returne' un4ai'
Jan. 11 So(' %oo's for cash to "ay Bros. 600
Jan. 21 Cash 'e4osite' in &ank !00
Jan. 24 .ai' Munici4a( 0a5es 100
Jan. 2! Borroe' fro$ 6rania 7n8est$ent Co. #t'. for erectin%
on 4re$ises. Money 'e4osite' ith &ank for the
ti$e9&ein% 10*000
Jan. 22 3(' nes4a4er so(' 20
Jan. 28 .ai' for a'8ertise$ents 100
Jan. +1 .ai' rent &y che/ue 1!0
Jan. +1 .ai' sa(aries +00
Jan.+1 ,re out of &ank for 4ersona( use 2!0
Jan. +1 Narain Bros. &eco$es inso(8ent* a 'i8i'en' of !0 .aisa
in the ru4ee is rec'.
Jan. +1 :n o(' a$ount* ritten off as &a' 'e&t in 2002 is

Jan. +1 ;urniture 4urchase' 1*000

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