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Important Houses, the Moon and the Ascendant, Trimsamsa

positions, Moon/Ascendant in various Trimsamsas of various Signs,

beastly lust of a female, unchastity, mother and daughter to be
unchaste, miscellaneous, rulers of the 7
Sign and 7
planets in the Ascendant, 8
House, female with masculine
disposition, religious order, Vedic exponent, application of rules
47. Aphorisms of Death
Reasons of death, death by drowning/fall, fire, hanging, due to a
female, trident's hit, hit by wood, by a club, due to royal wrath, due to
insects, intoxicants and machinery, in filthy surroundings, by thirst,
weapons and birds, 22
decanate, 22
decanate related to the 36
decanates of the Zodiac and reasons of death therefrom
48. Lost Horoscopy
Effects of births in the 12 different Ascendants in the context of lost
49. Effects of Horas
24 halves of the 12 Signs and effects thereof in the context of lost
50. Effects of Decanates
36 decanates of the Zodiac and effects thereof in the context of lost
51. Effects of Navas
108 Navas of the Zodiac and effects thereof in the context of lost
52. Lost Horoscopy
The natal Ayana, other natal factors, position of the querist, personal
name, another method, lost horoscopy based on the Moon at query
53. AshtakaVarga

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