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Chris Coppenbarger Introduction to Galatians (Galatians 1:1-5)

Last updated: 11/09/2009

1- Paul,| an| apostle-- Id

not| from| men| nor|
through| man,
A Cf
but| through| Jesus| Christ| Exp
and| God| the| Father,

who| raised| him| from| the|
and| all| the| brothers| who|
are| with| me,
To| the| churches| of|
Grace| to| you| and| peace|
from| God| our| Father|
and| the| Lord| Jesus|
who| gave| himself| for| Ac
our| sins
to| deliver| us| from| the| Res
present| evil| age,
according| to| the| will| of| Pur
our| God| and| Father,
to| whom| be| the| glory|
forever| and| ever.| Amen.


Paul is declaring that he is an apostle and he gives the reason why, not because men have said so, but
because God has appointed him so. The reason for doing so, is most likely to assure the Galatians that
he has the authority to write to them.

In that, he also adds that God the Father raised Jesus from the dead. He wants to proclaim the living
Christ, not a dead one.

Paul states that this letter is from both him and the other brothers who are with him. He is not alone in
proclaiming the Lord Jesus Christ to them. Paul is also writing to the churches in Galatia. He is not writing
to unbelievers. This is a letter to further teach the believers in Galatia how to live, in Christ.

He proclaims grace and peace to them, both from him and the others with him, but also from God the
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, again, invoking that this letter comes from God through him.

1. Paul is telling them that Christ died for our sins. That is believer's sins, the elect in Christ. This is found
elsewhere such as in Ephesians 5:25 where it says that Christ gave himself up for the church, that is the

2. Paul gives the reason for this death. It was to deliver us from this evil age. That can probably be more
linked to Romans 6 and Romans 8 where Paul details that we have been released from the bondage to
sin. We are slaves to righteousness, not sin.

3. This was according to God's will that all this should happen. Acts 4:27-28 proclaim that all this was
3. This was according to God's will that all this should happen. Acts 4:27-28 proclaim that all this was
done according to the hand and plan of God. God willed this to happen from before the foundation of the

4. God the Father will receive glory and honor forever and ever. He is eternal and will remain eternal. He
is to be glorified by all creatures in the end.

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