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CAESAR II Webinars

1. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar : CAESAR II Fundamentals Online Video Course -
This webinar will give an overview of the new CAESAR II Fundamentals Video
Online Course, to be launched in January 2014. Join Anthony Horn, director of
Piping Design Online, as he outlines how this online course is set up, and how it
gives new or prospective CAESAR II users the opportunity to gain a thorough
understanding of the fundamentals of CAESAR II, the worlds most widely used
piping stress analysis package.
During this course students are taken through four examples (three of which are
from the ASME B31.3, Appendix S piping code*). In solving these problems
students will be introduced to real-world, best-practices approaches with their
results compared those in the code. The course has been designed to familiarize
students with the tools and functionality that experienced users most often use
and even some that ought to be used more often!
2. CAESAR II Webinar : Let Industry Experts Run FEA on Your CAESAR II Analysis
Part 1 of 2 - This webinar is the first in a groundbreaking two-part webinar series
in which you will learn how to use CAESAR II and FEATools to:
Analyze components outside of code limits.
Improve analyses of high cycle service.
Reduce stress on equipment.
Increase plant and equipment life.
Produce more cost-effective designs.
Calculate realistic loading conditions.
Calculate realistic allowable loads on nozzles.
3. CAESAR II Webinar : Let Industry Experts Run FEA on Your CAESAR II Analysis
Part 2 of 2 - This webinar is the second in a groundbreaking two-part webinar
series that provides you with techniques & guidelines on how to improve
CAESAR II piping models with a more rigorous analysis using FEATools.
4. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar : Nuclear Certification (NQA) of CAESAR II and
What It Can Mean for You - CAESAR II has established a Quality Assurance
program that conforms to ASME NQA-1 2008/09, 10 CFR Part 50 Appendix B and
10 CFR Part 21. CAESAR II Nuclear software is now available to support our
customers with their Nuclear applications by offering an NQA compliant
Learn about the quality improvements made to bring CAESAR II into compliance
with the NQA program, using Subpart 2.14 Commercial Grade Dedication (CGD).
See the cost savings you will gain by having the CAESAR II CGD package for use in
the nuclear industry. Hear about whats involved with this certification and the
benefits to you whether you work in the nuclear industry or not. Learn the global
significance of the ASME NQA standard and how it applies to our analysis
software. Realize the efficiencies of workflow gained by using CAESAR II in
nuclear projects.
Learn about the additional modules available in the CAESAR II Nuclear software
over the standard CAESAR II, including a design-reviewable text file.
Find out how a more robust software product is produced and gain a more

complete understanding of the associated level of quality added to CAESAR II, for
both nuclear and non-nuclear users.
5. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: Dynamic piping analysis in CAESAR II, Part 1:
Modal analysis - This is part one in a series of four webinars on dynamic piping
analysis in CAESAR II. This opening session will focus on modal extraction the
first step in most dynamics evaluation and a building block in all modal analyses.
A brief review of dynamic concepts used here will be followed by a review of the
modal analysis input parameters. The accuracy of the (static input) piping model
will be discussed. Finally, using the natural frequency calculation as a simple
screening tool for system reliability will wrap up this presentation.
6. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: Dynamic Piping Analysis in CAESAR II, Part 2:
Harmonics - Cyclic loads of even small magnitude can damage piping systems
and most shaking pipe is a cause for concern. CAESAR II can be used to replicate
piping response to these harmonic loads. Once the computer model matches
the physical system, the model can be confidently adjusted to de-tune the
response. The focus here is this forcing-frequency-to-natural-frequency ratio
and not on evaluating calculated fatigue stress amplitude. This webinar will
develop the CAESAR II input required for harmonic analysis and the engineering
concepts involved.
7. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: Dynamic Piping Analysis in CAESAR II, Part 3:
Seismic Analysis of Piping Systems by the Response Spectrum Method - Seismic
analysis by the response spectrum method is a form of modal analysis. Each
system mode of vibration is independently excited by the seismic event and then
these modal responses are combined. This webinar will develop the CAESAR II
input required for seismic analysis using the response spectrum method setting
and entering the response spectrum, defining the shock magnitude and
direction, and specifying the modal combination method. Basic dynamic analysis
and engineering concepts will be used in developing this input. CAESAR II
dynamic output is quite helpful in confirming the correctness of the model and in
diagnosing problems. This output will be reviewed to highlight these
8. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: Dynamic Piping Analysis in CAESAR II, Part 4:
Time History Analysis in CAESAR II - Time history analysis provides the most
realistic specification of dynamic loads in CAESAR II. The programs modal time
history analysis can simulate system response to several force-versus-time
events. This approach is best suited to represent well-defined transient events
traveling though the piping system such as pressure waves associated with a
fluid hammer event. (In many cases, because of its exact event modeling, time
history serves more as a forensic analysis tool rather than an initial design tool.)
This webinar will develop the CAESAR II input required for time history analysis
setting and entering the time history and load vectors and, perhaps more
importantly, set the proper CAESAR II Control Parameters for the analysis. The
program results will also be reviewed to highlight added capabilities there. Basic
dynamic analysis and engineering concepts will be used in this presentation.

9. ICAS & PRG Webinar (1 of 3) : The ease and benefits of adding FEA results to
your piping and pressure vessel designs - Both Intergraph and Paulin Research
Group (PRG) will host a joint webinar on how CAESAR II and PV Elite users can
automate the inclusion of FEA results to improve the accuracy of their models
and analysis. This webinar will focus on two PRG Products, FEATools and
NozzlePRO, soon be available via Intergraph channels. Also covered will be
PRGs and Intergraphs future plans to more tightly integrate their products.
10. ICAS & PRG Webinar (2 of 3) : Examples that demonstrate using FEA Results
with CAESAR II designs - In this Webinar Paulin Research Group will demonstrate
four (4) examples of how using the FEATools programs can improve the
applicability of both CAESAR II models and CAESAR II analysis results. The four
examples that will be shown and discussed in detail are:
Using FEATools to calculate more realistic pump discharge loads
Modeling challenges of small bore branch connections
Branches in tight piping systems
Pressure and multiple case load cycling
Each example will involve a common piping design/analysis issue that can often
lead to either overly conservative results or non-conservative results. The core
issues with each example will be discussed, and then a demonstration of how the
FEATools programs can be used to address these issues and improve results
quickly and confidently. A more detailed description of each example is provided
Using FEATools to calculate more realistic pump discharge loads
Focus on flexibilities is often involves the branch, but in tight piping systems the
run flexibilities can also contribute to load reduction. In the vicinity of pumps
the smaller loads can help avoid the placement of difficult to construct supports
and rerouting of pipe.
Modeling challenges of small bore branch connections
There are several known problems with small bore branch connections. These
include the calculation of stress in the run pipe, and proper modeling of the
stiffness of the branch pipe. These examples detail these differences and ends
with a dynamic analysis showing how proper stiffnesses can have an effect on
calculated natural frequencies and when excitation frequencies cause
resonances. FEATools is used to modify the CAESAR model to get more
applicable results.
Branches in tight piping systems
This example shows a typical tight piping system where the boundaries are
considered rigid. The result shows how each of the moment contributions can
change and what affect this has on the stress at the junction. The conservative
assumption of rigid end connections is shown to not require rerouting of the
pipe. The CAESAR model is modified by FEATools and shown to be OK.

Pressure and multiple case load cycling
There are several design situations where the B31.3 Code has requirements for
evaluation without providing specific approaches. One of those situations occurs
when pressure cycles. FEATools provides numerous options for performing a
pressure cycle analysis to support the CAESAR II design of piping systems.
During analysis of piping branch connections, when the pressure cycles, external
loads can also cycle. It is important to recognize when these load changes
contribute only to the equivalent number of cycles, or when they cause
conditions where stress states are additive. The model used for the first example
will be used to show how different directional loads can be combined with
pressure and the expected result. These detailed results are difficult to provide
with a beam analysis where the actual maximum location of high stress around a
branch connection is unknown.
11. ICAS & PRG Webinar (3 of 3) : Improving CodeCalc and PV Elite Results with
Finite Element Analysis - Tony Paulin will demonstrate how you can use finite
element analysis (FEA) to extend and refine the analysis capabilities offered in
CodeCalc and PV Elite to solve problems that are outside the constraints of
analytical and code methods. Paulin Research Group's FEA-based software
(NozzlePRO) lets the customer easily and reliably performs a more rigorous and
more thorough analysis of their pressure vessels. The webinar will focus on
specific components common to pressure vessels. This will include nozzles
subject to external loads with comparisons to WRC 107/297, and supports with
non-integral reinforcements and saddle supports with comparisons to the Zick
12. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar : Modeling Expansion Joints in CAESAR II - This
webinar will focus on modeling of expansion joints in CAESAR II. We will
demonstrate the process for modeling a tied expansion joint manually. Then we
will show the CAESAR II expansion joint modeler. Last, we will perform an EJMA
(Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association) analysis to qualify the expansion
13. CAESAR II Webinar: Smart 3D Interface - Unfortunately the barriers between
design and analysis departments are both physical and mental. Because of this,
information exchange between departments is prone to error or loss, and delays
and expensive retrofits can be the result of relevant information not propagated
to all stakeholders.
This webinar will introduce new capabilities for integration between piping
design and analysis in the latest version of CAESAR II 2011 R1 (5.31). We will
reveal how the stress engineers can save on input time and concentrate on their
primary task of solving stress problems by extracting the piping layout directly
from the plant model, and do so with full confidence.
Once the piping system has been analyzed we will show how it can be quickly
sent from CAESAR II to SmartPlant 3D and SmartMarine 3D (collectively known
as Smart 3D) or SmartPlant Review, for comparisons with the original model. We
will demonstrate how support locations and pipe centerlines from the stress

model are shown in both the SmartPlant Review and Smart 3D environments,
enabling direct and efficient communication between stress analysts, designers
and civil/structural engineers.
14. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: Customizing drawing styles in I-Configure for
stress isometric drawing generation in CAESAR II - Stress isometrics produced
by CAESAR II are customized using I-Configure, supplied as part of the product. I-
Configure simplifies the customization of stress isometrics by making ISOGENs
vast array of configuration options available in a single, simple to learn and easy
to use, graphical user interface. Although CAESAR II users can generate stress
isometrics using sample isometric style templates supplied as part of the
product, most users will usually wish to configure their own deliverables in
accordance with their company standards or project needs.
In this webinar we will focus on how I-Configure can be used to do this and show
examples of adding a company drawing border, changing drawing content,
modifying graphics definitions and dimensioning options, and positioning project
attributes in the title block area.
15. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: CAESAR II Stress Isometric Generation Basics -
One of the most widely used means to communicate stress analysis results with
others, alongside the analysis data reports themselves, is through the use of
stress isometric drawings. When included with the stress analysis reports, stress
isometric drawings add tremendously to the effectiveness of information
transfer. In this webinar we will focus on the aspects associated with stress
isometric drawing generation from a CAESAR II model. We will start off by
looking at the default isometric output and expand to review model annotation
features, line number filtering, forced split points, etc. Finally we will introduce I-
Configure as a tool used to create and configure custom isometric styles. In-
depth coverage of I-Configure functionality has been reserved for a separate
continuation webinar.
16. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar: CAESAR II Interfaces with SmartPlant 3D and
CADWorx Plant - CAESAR II is the worlds best known tool for Pipe Stress
Analysis. It can be (and is) used efficiently within a project workflow as a stand-
alone product. However, when used with Intergraphs 3D CAD modeling
software SmartPlant 3D* and CADWorx Plant** then errors are drastically
reduced, the time between analysis release and approval is reduced and
therefore productivity and efficiency are improved.
A large proportion of a given plant is made up of piping (approx. 80-90%). From
this approximately 60% of the piping systems are defined as critical and require
some form of formal stress analysis in order to demonstrate their safety. If the
data from the 3D model is not re-used for analysis, between 60 to 70% of the
stress analysis task is spent re-modeling the piping system(s). This is wasted time
which could be used to improve productivity.
A common complaint amongst project managers and analysts is that interfaces
with CAESAR II dont transfer data from the CAD arena to the analysis arena with
sufficient completeness, accuracy and analysts logic to justify their use.
Further, it is alleged that the interfaces dont provide sufficient user interaction
or flexibility to permit the analysis to do it their way.

This Webinar will demonstrate how both of Intergraphs 3D offerings can
transfer a high percentage of a piping systems attributes to the analysis
environment thus leaving the analysis to get on with the analysis task rather
than modeling. As such, the two products, used together, can address the
requirements of Owner Operators, EPCs, smaller contractors, skid designers and
many more organizations.
A brief demonstration of the stand-alone CAESAR II product will be followed by
an illustration of how the time to analysis approval is reduced through the use
of Intergraphs SmartPlant 3D and CADWorx Plant in supplying necessary
attribute data.
*SmartPlant 3D Enterprise wide suite of software that provides all the
capabilities needed to design a plant, and then keep it as-built throughout its life
**CADWorx Plant Professional AutoCAD based Complete Plant Design for
smaller and medium sized projects
17. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar, Drivers of Success CAESAR II winner - During this
webinar we will discuss how MMPL used CAESAR II to successfully analyze high
temperature systems, complete an accurate stress analysis of all critical lines,
help MMPL save millions of rupees for their client and play an important role in
settling project technical disputes.
18. CAESAR II webinar: Getting started with CAESAR II - basic program
navigation/static stream - This session will demonstrate how to get started with
CAESAR II, we will review the basics of the program operation to perform Static
Analysis and discuss all the necessary steps of this operation while keeping the
details to a minimum. This is a quick operational and navigational program
overview for CAESAR II beginner users.
19. Intergraph CAESAR II webinar, Spreadsheet/Graphic/List - an Input Style for
Everybody - There are many ways to create or modify your CAESAR II input - the
pipe element spreadsheet, the list processor and graphic edit. We each have our
own approach to putting it all together. But when was the last time you took a
look at some of those "other" tools to build, edit and confirm your CAESAR II
input model? This CAESAR II presentation is just about building data; we won't
get out of the input processor. You will see how the spreadsheet, list and plot all
work together in creating and verifying your model. Sign up for this webinar;
you're bound to see a trick or two you'll use in your next input session.
20. Intergraph PV Elite & CAESAR II webinar, Local Stress Analysis: Nozzles, Clips -
Analysis per WRC 107/297 benefits both the vessel and piping engineer alike by
allowing piping engineers to determine maximum vessel loads absent any vessel
analysis, such as, for example, existing installations or during the early design
phases of a plant. During this webinar, we will show what is involved in checking
the local stress at vessel - nozzle/clip junction due to external loads using WRC
21. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar, CAESAR II Input Toolbar Icons described in One
Hour - During this webinar we will cover the CAESAR II toolbars, introduce you to
old commands that can now be accessed via the toolbars, plus we will introduce

you to new toolbar-accessible productivity enhancements that you may have
missed since CAESAR IIs current GUI update. This session is for current and
future users of CAESAR II.
22. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar, Sep 15th 10AM CDT: Introduction to CAESAR II
Pipe Stress Analysis for Designers and Engineers - This webinar describes how
pipe stress analysis satisfies the advanced requirements of piping designers.
Through proper line specification, routing and support location, piping designers
are equipped to address the bulk of the reliability and safety issues associated
with pressure piping systems. But some piping systems require formal
engineering review the sort of review found in Intergraph CAESAR II. This
session will describe the basic uses for CAESAR II (Hint: Its more than just pipe
stress) and conclude with a demonstration of this engineering process.
23. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar, CAESAR II Load Case Editor - The CAESAR II Load
Case Editor has evolved over the years into a very useful and flexible tool for the
engineer to use in pipe stress analysis. But it is underutilized by most people
who use CAESAR II. This webinar will focus on the various capabilities of the
CAESAR II load case editor. We will demonstrate how to properly setup, add or
remove static load cases or primitive loads and discuss the various load case
options that are available. We will discuss the occasional load cases with regard
to compliance with code requirements, and impact of nonlinear boundary
conditions on load case setup.
24. Intergraph CAESAR II Webinar, Custom reports in CAESAR II Output - During
this webinar, we will discuss the custom report template editor in the CAESAR II
Static output processor. The custom report option was added to CAESAR II,
version 5.00 and is designed to allow customization of the calculated results'
display to answer specific client needs or company standards. We will also
discuss the general static output processor operation.
What you will learn:
How to use the custom report template editor
How to change report types
How to add, remove, or change order of data fields
How to format data fields and set attributes
How to import & export custom reports
How to change output display units

25. CAESAR II Loop Optimization Wizard webinar - This webinar will focus on the
newly added CAESAR II Loop Optimization Wizard. This wizard has been
incorporated into CAESAR II version 5.20 to help users with expansion loop
design. During the webinar, we will walk you through the process of using the
Loop Optimization Wizard and demonstrate how to specify loop elements, loop
types, items to be optimized and target values. We will highlight what needs to
be defined for a successful implementation of the Loop Wizard and the final
analysis of results.

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