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D - 1 C - 2 B - 3 A - 4

Eye contact,
Gesture &
communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of
everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace,
pitch and volume (ACEL1!"", ACEL1#$2%
enhance presentations by using some basic oral presentation
compose a range of effective imaginative, informative
and persuasive te'ts using language appropriate to
purpose and audience
Almost no eye contact
Lac(ing confidence)
*oice monotone or nearly
*ery poor oral grammar
+ome eye contact
+po(e clearly most of the
,any grammatical errors
Eye contact most of the
time) Clear and confident
voice, -ith variety in
tone, pace and volume)
+tance rela'ed and may
have used natural
gestures) *ery fe-
grammatical errors
E'cellent eye contact)
+po(e clearly and
confidently, using
e'cellent variety of pace,
volume and tone to ma(e
speech interesting and
engaging) .ela'ed and
natural throughout) No
grammatical errors)
/urpose and +tyle
plan, rehearse and deliver presentations incorporating learned
content and ta(ing into account the particular purposes and
audiences (ACEL1!"$%
0s not an e'position or
informative) 0s too casual
and conversation li(e)
0s an e'position or
informative) Argues a case,
provides information but
may it may be a little
confusing) +tyle is
sometimes too casual and
conversation li(e)
Clearly argues an e'position
or provides detailed
information in relevant detail
and order) +upports -ith
e'amples and good
elaboration) +tyle is relatively
formal and tries to meet the
needs of the audience)
A clear topic used throughout)
1ses e'cellent e'amples or
elaboration to support and
uses techni2ues to engage
audience, eg rhetorical
2uestions, analogy) +tyle is
formal and appropriate to the
/lan and deliver short presentations, providing some (ey
details in logical se2uence (ACEL1!##%
0nformation is confused
and disorganised)
3as a simple beginning,
middle and end, -ith some
interesting information4
more detail needed)
Clear introduction,
developed content, and
conclusion evident)
0nteresting introduction,
-ell developed content
-ith relevant elaboration,
interesting conclusion)
+peech Content 5
use information to support and elaborate on a point of vie-
use persuasive language to compose simple persuasive te'ts
appropriate to a range of conte'ts
EN2 6 $&
incorporate ne- vocabulary from a range of sources into
students7 o-n te'ts including vocabulary encountered in
research (ACELA18$"%
e'periment -ith vocabulary choices to engage the listener or
*ery little
content9research on topic)
:nly simple -ords used
and9or too much slang and
collo2uial language)
Clear information9
argument presented
interesting for peers)
+ome specific -ords
used) ;oes beyond
common -ords) Not
much slang 9 casual
language used)
0nformation relevant to
topic and opinion is clear
throughout, <ide range
of effective and specific
.elevant, -ell-
researched and suitable
information provided in
an original -ay -ith
clear opinion throughout)
E'cellent range of
technical and specific
language may have been
used for targeted effect)
=ime4 =:=AL 91! Comments4

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