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Shortcut menu commands.

Add following code to your *.env file

shortcut_menu_style configurable
shortcut_menu -type object -file $ENV_DIR/obj.mnu en! "epen"ent#
shortcut_menu -type "isplay -file $ENV_DIR/"isp.mnu en! "epen"ent#
Example of possible actions
Object Shortcut Menu with cascading Menu
Menu efinition !ile
$%&&'ND -label ($)E*+',( -cm" (set_select_pt $)E*+',(
$%&&'ND -label (-loc. Detail Display( -cm" (st""isp $)E*+',(
$%&&'ND -label (0o1Dra2( -cm" (run 3opt3fo132p30o1Dra23fo1"ra2 $)E*DI)/ -f!name D&N'&E(
$')$'DE -label (DI)/*'4)( -file (/opt/menus/tmplt_/lant/"isplaylist.mnu(
$')$'DE -label (%VER*'4)( -file (/opt/menus/tmplt_/lant/o!erlaylist.mnu(
$%&&'ND -label (&o!eable( -cm" (o!_s2itch -mo!e( 5enable stat
$%&&'ND -label ()tationary( -cm" (o!_s2itch -stat( 5enable mo!e
$%&&'ND -label (/re! Disp( -cm" ($)+6(
isplays contents of "ogicview for #A"# $ #A"#A $ "O%&# $ MA'( bloc)s
(set_select_pt $)E*-*%$7(
(set_select_pt $)E*$%&/(
$%&&'ND -label (*ogicVie2( -cm" (run /opt/fo1/*ogicVie2/logic!ie2.e1e $)E*$%&/8$)E*-*%$7(
isplays trendview * logicview
(set_select_pt $)E*-*%$7(
(set_select_pt $)E*$%&/(
$%&&'ND -label (*ogicVie2( -cm" (run /opt/fo1/*ogicVie2/logic!ie2.e1e $)E*$%&/8$)E*-*%$7(
$%&&'ND -label (+ren"Vie2( -cm" (run c8/program files/I'+ren"Vie2/I'+ren"Vie2.e1e /' $)E*$%&/ /,
I'+ren"!ie2.e1e /' 9'rea: /, 9,roup6: 9,roup;: ... 9,roup<:
I'+ren"!ie2 /= 9=istorian: /- 9$ompoun"8-loc.6./arameter: 9$ompoun"8
-loc.6./arameter: ... 9$ompoun"8-loc.1./arameter:
I'+ren"!ie2 /' '>>6 /, ,>>6 ,>>; /' '>>; /, +an.6
I'+ren"!ie2 /= hist>6 /- +'N768+$?>6.&E') +'N768+$?>6.)/+ +'N768+$?>6.%@+
isplays detail display
$%&&'ND -label (-loc. Detail Display( -cm" (st""isp $)E*+',( 5p 6>>
Example of dmcmd commands +e, change view settings-
$%&&'ND -label (Display -ar %n ( -cm" ("isplay_bar on(
$%&&'ND -label ( %ff( -cm" ("isplay_bar off(
$%&&'ND -label ('larm -ar %n ( -cm" (alarm_bar on(
$%&&'ND -label ( %ff( -cm" (alarm_bar off(
$%&&'ND -label (&essage -ar %n ( -cm" (message_bar on(
$%&&'ND -label ( %ff( -cm" (message_bar off(
$%&&'ND -label ()tatus -ar %n ( -cm" (status_bar on(
$%&&'ND -label ( %ff( -cm" (status_bar off(
$%&&'ND -label (Date -ar %n ( -cm" (time_"ate_bar on(
$%&&'ND -label ( %ff( -cm" (time_"ate_bar off(
#hange val. +change selected #./.0 type value-
$%&&'ND -label (toggle ( -cm" (toggle $)E*+',(
0revious disp
$%&&'ND -label (/re! Disp( -cm" ($)+6(
$%&&'ND -label ($lose( -cm" (close(
#ascaded menus structure
$')$'DE -label (DI)/*'4)( -file ($ENV_DIR/"isplaylist.mnu(
$')$'DE -label (%VER*'4)( -file $ENV_DIR/o!erlaylist.mnu(
1un a program +ex. foxdraw on active window-
$%&&'ND -label (0o1Dra2( -cm" (run 3opt3fo132p30o1Dra23fo1"ra2 $)E*DI)/ -f!name D&N'&E(
2SE!2"" SE"E#'&O3S
+he $)E*-*%$7 !ariable is replace" 2ith the actual name of the bloc. portion of the selecte" tag name.
+he $)E*$%&/ !ariable is replace" 2ith the actual name of the compoun" portion of the selecte" tag name.
+he $)E*DI)/ !ariable is replace" 2ith the full path an" file name of the selecte" "isplay or o!erlay.
+he $)E*+', !ariable is replace" 2ith the full tag name of the selecte" configuration.
Example of shortmenus on display elements
inc2rap $)E*+', A>B6>>C -incr 6 increment a point by 6#
setb $)E*+',.> set -oolean to >#
setb $)E*+',.6 set -oolean to 6#

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