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A comparative study of cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and

handball players of different age groups


chamkaur singh
Class m.p.ed. ii

Dept of physical education
Punjabi university, PATIALA

Punjabi university,patiala
Punjab (India)

Dr. nishan singh deol
Prof. Dept of physical education
Punjabi university, PATIALA
Punjab (India)


I hereby affirm that the work presented in this dissertation entitled as A comparative study of
cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball players of different age groups is exclusively
my own and there are no collaborators. It does not contain any work for which a degree has been
awarded by any other university.



This is to certify that the work embodied in the dissertation entitled as A comparative
study of cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball players of different age
groups has been carried out by Mr. Chamkaur Singh under our supervision and it is
worthy of consideration for the award of the M.P.Ed.


Dr. nishan Singh deol
Prof. Dept of physical education
Punjabi university, Patiala
Punjab (India)


I am ever grateful to God, the Creator and the Guardian, and to whom I owe my very
My deepest gratitude is to my esteemed guide Dr. NISHAN SINGH DEOL, Professor,
Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University, Patiala. I have been amazingly fortunate to
have guide who gave me the freedom to explore on my own and at the same time the guidance to
recover when my steps faltered. Dr. N.S. Deol taught me how to question thoughts and express ideas.
His patience and support helped me overcome many crisis situations and finish this dissertation. I
hope that one day I would become as good an advisor to my students as Dr. N.S. Deol has been to me.
It gives me immense pleasure in expressing my heartiest thanks Mr. Manoj Singh, Assistant
Professor, Department of Physical Education, Punjabi University, Patiala. Their constructive
suggestions and discussions helped me in the completion of this piece of research.
I am heartily thankful to all basketball and handball players of Punjabi university, Patiala who
served as subjects for this study and without whose help this study could not have been completed.
I am extremely grateful to all my seniors Mr. Gurvir Singh, Mr. Lakhwinder Singh, Pushpinder
Singh, Navdeep singh, gurupreet singh and Harmandeep singh brar. It was impossible for me to
complete this work without the precious assistance, constant encouragement and cooperation rendered
given by them.
I would like to thank my parents S. Darbara Singh and Smt. Sukhwinder Kaur . The constant
inspiration and guidance kept me focused and motivated. I am grateful to my dad for giving me the
life I have dreamed. I cant express my gratitude for my mom in words, whose unconditional love has
been my greatest strength. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to my dear brother Pargat
Singh and his wife Dimpal who constantly provide emotional support and took care of me in many
Finally, I would like to dedicate this thesis to my respected sir Dr. Nishan Singh Deol. The
relationships and bonds that I have with my respected sir hold an enormous amount of meaning to me.
I admire them for all of their accomplishments in life, for their independence, for their hierarchical
role in our department.




Statement of the problem

Objectives of the study




Definitions and explanations of terms

Significance of the study


Selection of Subjects

Selection of variables

Selection of tests

Administration of test

Statistical Procedure


Analysis and Interpretation of data

Analysis of data

Discussion of the findings






Table No. 3.1 The subjects were purposively assigned into
three groups

Table No. 4.1 Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular
fitness of male basketball and handball players of 19 22
years age group.

Table No. 4.2 Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular
fitness of male basketball and handball players of 22 25
years age group.

Table No. 4.3 Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular
fitness of male basketball and handball players of 25 28
years age group.


Figure No.4.1
Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the
cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball
players of 19 22 years age group.

Figure No. 4.2
Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the
cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball
players of 22 25 years age group.

Figure No. 4.3
Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the
cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball
players of 25 28 years age group.

Physical activity is an important ingredients in the quality of life, when we do physical
activity or physical exercise, blood will circulate in all the parts of our body even for brain
nerves system also very effectively so that our concentration capacity as well as memory
capacity will be improved much better because it increases energy and promotes physical,
mental and psychological well being Through systematic training programmed one can
improve both physical and mental fitness. Most physical movements incorporate the elements
of force, quickness duration, complexity and a range of motion to a certain extent further it
can distinguish individual motor aspects and physiological components such as speed,
strength and endurance. The physical fitness plays a vital role in the performance .An
individual physical fitness and performances depend in the co-coordinative functions of the
various factors such as physical, physiological abilities, nutrition, technique, tactics,
physique, body size and composition. For the physiological system of body to be fit they
must function well enough to support the specific activity the individual is performing.
Moreover different activities make different demands upon the organism with respect to
circulatory, respiratory metabolic and neurological process which are specific to the
activities. Fitness is a healthy state of body and mind .It means feeling healthy, attractive
energetic and happy. Fitness is important at all levels of the game whilst being essential for
top level players. It is beneficial for beginners who will improve both their effectiveness and
enjoyment through good standards of fitness. Fitness enables a player to cope with the
physical demands of the game as well as allowing the efficient use of his various technical
and tactical competencies throughout the match Basket ball is one of the top participation
sports is likely to strengthen in years to come with basket ball playing integral part of the
college communities program, which provides free and structured physical activity to
children after school hours, Basketball players need a combination of technical, tactical and
physical skills in order to succeed. Improving aerobic capacity and overall fitness boosts
performance on the Basketball field. Cricket is a deceivingly demanding sport players spend
a long day on their feet, there are periodic fast sprints when batting, chasing down a ball, and
bowling, plus various dynamic movements such as leaping, throwing, and turning quickly. It
really is vital that all players should increase their fitness. Integrated development of rural
areas is one of the abiding tasks before the government of India. The central government
reiterates the cardinal importance of villages to the overall development of the country and
commits to work towards development of rural areas which for various reasons could not
keep pace with urban areas in the past. A number of initiatives have been taken in the recent
years for creation of social and economic infrastructure in rural areas to bridge the rural-
urban divide as well to provide basic amenities of the rural populace.

Basketball was invented in 1891 by a Canadian born physical education instructor, James
Naismith. Basketball has gained worldwide popularity and fascinated players and spectators
with its dynamic characteristics as a team sport (Hoffman and Maresh, 2000). In this sport,
players cover about 4500 - 5000 m during a 40-minutes game with a variety of
multidirectional movement such as running, dribbling, and shuffling at variable velocities
(Crisafulli et al., 2002). In order to execute running, dribbling and shuffling like movements
during performance, both aerobic and anaerobic metabolic systems appear to be involved
throughout a game (Ciuti et al., 1996). High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a form of
fitness training in which a pair or group of various workouts are grouped together to form a
circuit in which you engage in each individual exercise within the circuit once before going
through for a second, third, fourth or as many times as you need to. The very labels of HIIT
suggest that this form of training is characterized by a high intensity pace, with little to no
breaks in between each exercise within the circuit. HIIT is a great way to not only knock out
a work out session in a very time efficient manner but to also ensure that, because of the fast
pace in which you are moving through workout that your heart rate is elevated throughout the
duration. This will help you burn fat in addition to working out more quickly.
Sports are usually governed by a set of rules or customs. Physical events such as scoring
goals or crossing a line first often define the result of a sport. However, the degree of skill
and performance in some sports such as diving, dressage and figure skating is judged
according to well-defined criteria. This is in contrast with other judged activities such as
beauty pageants and body building, where skill does not have to be shown and the criteria are
not as well defined.
Cardiovascular endurance is the most important aspect of fitness. It is basically how
strong your heart is, which can potentially add years to your life. The heart is the most
important muscle in the human body and if it is kept healthy then you can avoid numerous
health problems. Another reason that cardiovascular endurance is important is because your
heart controls the oxygen flow to all your muscles - meaning cardiovascular health has a
direct impact on your performance. Both endurance and strength wise. Cardiovascular
endurance is also frequently called cardio-respiratory endurance, cardiovascular fitness,
aerobic capacity, and aerobic fitness or is sometimes more broadly termed endurance.
Although endurance may also refer to the ability of the muscle to do repeated work without
fatigue. Flexibility is definitely one of the most important aspects of fitness and has a very
substantial role in every other part. It is extremely important to maintain a high flexibility, as
it will reduce the risk of injury in any sport ten-fold and will also improve your performance.
Flexibility is determined basically by how for a muscle can stretch its fibres. As the fibres can
stretch more, the muscles become more flexible. In general, flexibility means the range of
movements around the skeletal joints of the body. Precisely, flexibility may be defined as
the range of motion around a joint as determined by the elasticity of the muscles, tendons
and ligaments associated with the joint under consideration. In other word flexibility is the
ability of a person to move the parts of the body through as wide a range of motion as
possible without undue strain to the joints and its muscle attachments.
Physical fitness is more than cardio-vascular fitness. Most of the experts agree that fitness
has many different components of which cardio-vascular fitness is only one. From a public
health perspective, strength, muscular endurance, speed, flexibility, agility and body
composition form the components of physical fitness.
The element of specific basis of selection is being inducted in the procedure of selection
of athletes at various levels in some advanced countries. To excel in a physically competitive
sport, the player must possess such dimensions of body characteristics are known to be of
fundamental importance for individual development to achieve Olympic level performance in
a sport. The physique which includes the evaluation of size, shape and form of an individual
is of prime importance as to know how far an individual can succeed in becoming a top
athlete. Studies have also shown that champions of different sports require different qualities
with respect to their events.
In the Morden era with the advancement of scientific knowledge, techniques and methods
even en the field of physical , health, recreation and sports it is realised and observed on
objective basis that the performance of an individual depends on various personal
physiological, physical, sociological and psychological factors. It is now frequently pointed
out, mentioned and recorded by the personal in the fit of physical education and sports that
performance of physical education even depends on various factors and it is not the outcome
of a single quality. It means performance is a multi-dimensional process not an
undimensional. Factors which affect the tenure are efficiency of participant, in on event are
participants attitude towards activity. Aptitudes, intense physical fitness, physiological setup
including capacities of various system in a body, and then functioning knowledge of
fundamentals of the event, level of growth and development of various part of a body, social,
emotional and individual adjustment in the activity. It is further found that determines success
or level of performance or achievement of an individual are developed and are also
influenced by environmental situation, nature of training and practice done and cultural set up
of the society.
It is well known fact that human biological system do not behave in the human at all ages.
The development pattern of various motor ability factors factors is different ages. As the
requirement of each sportive event is not same so keeping in view the development pattern of
various motors ability factors the age for talent selection for different event is not same. Not
only physiological parameters but physical parameters are also important for any sportive
events e.g. large height weight ratios are required for volleyball and basketball. There are
studies related to the prediction of adult played parameters at young age and maximal
physiological response of children to exercise but these studies are not sufficient to illustrate
the implicit factors regarding sportive performance and no literature is available to know the
influence of cardio-vascular fitness and vital capacity of the participant or the performance of
various physical activities especially regarding the influence of cardio-vascular fitness.
Therefore more appropriate efforts are required to analyse these implicit factors to project a
general and authentic understanding of the underlying physiological process of exercise
performance. So in the direction the present study is an effort to explore some more
significant parameters regarding physical exercise and cardio-vascular fitness. In addition to
these factors like vascular capacity, respiratory system, vital capacity, circulatory system and
other system of body are also important in the field of physical education to judge or predict
the performance of an individual in physical, recreational and sports.
The problem entitle was A comparative study of cardiovascular fitness of male basketball
and handball players of different age groups.
1. To find out the cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball players of 19-
22 years age group.
2. To find out the cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball players of 22-
25years age group.
3. To find out the cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball players of 25-
28 years age group.
Based on different research findings, experts opinion and scholars own
understanding of the problem, it was hypothesized that:
1. There will be a significant difference between cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of 19-22 years age group.
2. There will be a significant difference between cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of 22-25years age group.
3. There will be a significant difference between cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of 25-28 years age group.
1. The study was delimited to male basketball and handball player of Punjabi university
Patiala at inter college level.
2. The data was collected in the academic session of 20013-2014.
3. The study was delimited to different age group of 19-22years, 22-25 years and 25-28
4. The study was delimited to 10 players of each age group.
5. The study was delimited to 30 players of each game.
Following factors were considered as limitations of the present study.
1. On the days of testing the aptitude of the subjects may have
influenced the results of the study. This was considered as the
limitations of the study.
2. No special motivation technique was used during the test and training
program, therefore the difference that may how occurred in
performance due to lack of motivation, was recorded as the limitation
of the study.
3. As the subjects come from different socioeconomic groups their
dietary habits, life style, routine of training is different which was
considered as limitations of the study.
It is very clear from the statement of the problem that the study wishes to find out the
relationship between cardio-vascular fitness and the age factor on which it depend. There will
be used certain technical terms and words. So to avoid the possible ambiguity in
understanding theses terms and words, they are explained one by one as follows:
Cardiovascular Fitness:-
Socialistic have not yet come to any final conclusion regarding the definition of cardio-
vascular fitness. Generally, they pointed out it pertains to heart and blood vessels. In this
study, cardio vascular fitness has been used in the sense of fitness to perform some physical
task, requiring muscular work and measured through the modified form of Harvard step test.
Actual accomplishment as distinguished from potential ability, capacity or aptitude.
A formal exercise consisting in making successive connection.
1. The study may also give knowledge about the development aerobic
training program for basketball and handball players.
2. The results of this study will be of enormous support to the sports
scientists, physician, teachers and coaches to frame or modify the
existing schedules of aerobic training.
3. The result of the study will give an additional knowledge to the area
of research in aerobic capacity of handball and basketball players.

A serious and scholarly attempt has been made by the scholar to go through the related
literature. Although literature specified related to the present study but some of the vital and
valuable information in support of present study were gathered. A brief review of the studies
related to the present problems has been described in this Chapter.

Ghosh (2002) conducted a study on selected coordinative abilities on 15 male sprinters and
15 male jumpers of Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education, Gwalior with the
purpose to find out the coordinative ability between the track events and fields events. The
variables selected for the study were orientation ability, differentiation ability, reaction
ability, balance ability and rhythm ability. t ratio on all the variables was applied and on the
basis of the results the following conclusions were drawn:
1. In case of orientation ability and reaction ability there was a significant difference between
the sprinters and jumpers.
2. On the other hand in differentiation ability, balance ability and rhythm ability there was no
significant differences between the sprinters and jumpers.
3. It was observed that the sprinters and the jumpers did not differ completely.

Prakash and Dureha (1998) assessed the physical, physiological and psychological
variables as predicting factors in Kho - Kho performance. The subjects were 150 male
university level players of India. Their age ranged from 17 to 25 years. The judgment of Kho
- Kho playing ability of each subject was based on the four point scale, which was evaluated
by the three experts according to the players achievement levels of performance. The Kho
Kho performance predicting factors were assessed by the selected physical variables
(speed, explosive strength, agility, speed endurance, speed of movement, height and weight),
physiological (heart rate, vital capacity and cardiovascular endurance) and accuracy
variables. The mean, standard deviation, correlation, partial correlation and multiple
correlation was employed for the analysis of data at 0.05 level of significance. Within the
limitations of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: The selected physical
variables (speed, explosive strength, agility, speed endurance and speed of movement),
physiological variables (vital capacity, and cardiovascular endurance) and psychological
variables (visual perceptual accuracy can be used as predicting factors to assess the KhoKho

Toner (1982) investigated the relationship of selected physical fitness and mood variables to
success in female high school basketball players. The study examined the relationship of
physical fitness, skills and mood variables success in female high school basketball players
being chosen to become varsity players. Mc Nairs profile of Mood States, Coopers 12
minutes run test, AAHPER Jump and Reach test, AAHPER Shuttle run test, 30 yards dash,
AAHPER under basketball test, speed dribble test were administered to eighty one female
high school basketball players. Each of the three teams was treated on three separate
occasions during the regular afternoon practice time for the teams. At the end of the testing
and evaluation period, the few of coaches on the basis of their observations during drills and
scrimmage competition independently related each candidate as either a successful or an
unsuccessful performer. Discriminate analysis procedures supported the following hypothesis
(a) The fitness factor, skill testing and personal factors, (known together as pre-season
variables) were successful indicators of group membership while the POMS did correlate
with coachs ratings.

Hammes (1979) found the relationship of bio-rhythm to selected aspects of basketball
performance. In all 13 members were selected from 1976-77 UW-Ean Claire, Green Bay, and
La Crosse Mens Inter- Collegiate Basketball teams who played were evaluated on field goal
percentage, free throw percentage, rebounds, assists, blocked shots, turnovers and fouls,
completed bio-rhythm charts were computed for the season. A three way ANOVA revealed
no significant difference between the players game performance and his bio-rhythmic cycles.

Garden (1978) predicated basketball playing ability of college women by selected tests. The
purpose of this study was to determine the value of cardio-vascular capacity measure
(Coopers 12 minutes Run), leg power measure (Modified Ssargent Jump, Jump and Reach
test) or upper body muscular strength and endurance flexed arm hang, a percentage of body
fat measure (Skin fold thickness), and measure of body height as predictors of basketball
playing ability and to develop a statistical equation for predicating success in playing college
basketball. The basketball playing ability or criterion measures were an ability rating, a
personality ability rating, composite ability/personality rating, null comparative rating scale,
and a ranking of the players by the coaches. The sample was twenty female basketball players
from the 1976-77 University of Arkansas and North Eastern Oklahoma State University
teams. Ten players from each school participated in the study. The step-wise multiple
regression programme was utilized to form prediction equations by the five tests or predictor
variables being correlated with each of the five basketball playing ability measures. The
prediction equations were selected using a criteria only those variables which had the lowest
standard error of estimate and the greatest `F` value. The equation produced a correlation
coefficient of 0.786 and a standard error of estimate of + 0.392. The prediction equation form
step-wise multiple regression programme was basketball ability = 9.0532 + 1.36421 (12
Minutes Run) 0.11303 (Height).
Cureton (1951) reported that the cardiovascular condition as tested by five minutes step- test
of Olympic swimmers and track and fieldsmen was found to be much better than that of the
normal proper. Moreover, these result showed that the distance swimmer runners showed
better cardiovascular condition then other athletes this improved cardiovascular efficiency
has keep attributed mainly to improved economy in the working of athletes.
Khehr et at. (1942) reported that when upright positions was assumed and during exercise
the trained heart accelerated less than the untrained heart, and in another group the average
heart rate, after two months of training decreased from 66.8 to 62.8 beats per minute and after
six months of training the decline was from 62.8 to 61. 8 beat pr minutes. No details of the
training method and significant level of the result were given.
Copper at all. (1937)- Observed that the amplitude of R and T waves in the ECGs of two
subjects increased greatly after playing a game of squash .in an ECG;s study of corsmem they
found an increase in the amplitude of I- waves.
Patterson and Patterson ( 1935)- Studies the ECGs of a group of athletes immediately after
competition in thirty one mile walking marathon and reported that PR and aRS in intervals
were unchanged in most of the tracings.

In this chapter procedure and methods applied in selection of subject,
selection of variables, instrument reliability, reliability of the data, orientation
of the subjects, training program, and collection of data, administration of
tests, and experimental design and statistical procedures are being explained.
Selection of Subjects
The purpose of present study was to compare the cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of different age groups. To achieve this purpose total
sixty (N=60) handball and basketball players of three different age group from
Punjabi University, Patiala were selected as subjects.
Table no. 3.1
The subjects were purposively assigned into three groups as following:
Game Age groups
Basketball 19 22 years (N =10) 22- 25 years(N =10) 25 - 28 years(N =10)
Handball 19 - 22 years (N =10) 22- 25 years(N =10) 25 - 28 years(N =10)

Selection of Variables
Researcher had gone through the available literature and had
discussions with various experts and his guide before arriving at a conclusion.
The availability of the techniques, feasibility and reliability of the procedure
and the outcome were extensively analyzed and on various factors associated
with the problem, cardiovascular fitness variable was selected to test during
the study.

Selection of Tests
To measure the cardiovascular fitness level of handball and basketball players at different age
level, 600 run/walk tests was used.
Field and equipment used: Track or marked area and stopwatch.
Test Administration: The subject was asked to take a standing start. At the single Ready? Go! The
subjects start running the 600 yard distance. Walking was permitted but the performer was to cover
the distance in the shortest period of time.
Scoring: The time taken to run 600 yards in minutes and seconds was the score of this test item.
Statistical Procedure
After the collection of relevant data, to compare the cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of different age groups t-test was employed on mean values
of cardiovascular fitness with the help of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
16.0. The level of significance was set at 0.05 percent.

After the collection of relevant data, to compare the cardiovascular fitness of
male basketball and handball players of different age groups t-test was employed on
mean values of cardiovascular fitness with the help of Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS) 16.0. The level of significance was set at 0.05
percent. This chapter is devoted to analysis and interpretation of the results for
reaching at definite conclusions.
Table No. 4.1
Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular fitness of male basketball
and handball players of 19 22 years age group. (N=20)

Game Age group Mean S.D t - values
Basketball players 19-22 years (N-10) 2.47 0.33
1.34 Handball players 19-22 years (N-10) 2.32 0.15
(18) = 1.96
The findings of table no. 4.1 shows the comparison of cardiovascular fitness of
male basketball and handball players of 19 22 years age group are shown in table
no.4.1. The table statistically reveals that the calculated t value 1.34 of
cardiovascular fitness of 19 22 years age group male basketball and handball players is less
than tabulated value 1.96. Therefore the values of table no. 4.1 show that, there
was insignificant difference between cardiovascular fitness of 19 22 years age group
male basketball and handball players. The results of table no 4.1 are also illustrated
in figure no. 4.1.

Figure no. 4.1 Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of 19 22 years age group.
Table No. 4.2
Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and
handball players of 22 25 years age group. (N=20)

Game Age group Mean S.D t - values
Basketball players 22-25 years (N-10) 2.38 0.13
1.76 Handball players 22-25 years (N-10) 2.20 0.29
(18) = 1.96
The findings of table no. 4.2 shows the comparison of Cardiovascular Fitness Of
Male Basketball And Handball Players Of 22 25 Years Age Group are shown in table
no.4.2. The table statistically reveals that the calculated t value 1.76 of
cardiovascular fitness of 22 25 years age group male basketball and handball players is less
than tabulated value 1.96. Therefore the values of table no. 4.2 show that, there
was an insignificant difference between cardiovascular fitness of 22 25 years age
group male basketball and handball players. The results of table no 4.2 are also
depicted in figure no. 4.2.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
handball players
basketball players

Figure no. 4.2 Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of 22 25 years age group.

Table No. 4.3
Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and
handball players of 25 28 years age group. (N=20)
Game Age group Mean S.D t - values
Basketball players 25-28 years (N-10) 2.29 0.14
0.57 Handball players 25-28 years (N-10) 2.23 0.29
(18) = 1.96
The findings of table no. 4.3 shows the comparison of cardiovascular fitness of
male basketball and handball players of 25 28 years age group are shown in table
no.4.3. The table statistically reveals that the calculated t value 0.57 of
cardiovascular fitness of 25 28 years age group male basketball and handball players is less
than tabulated value 1.96. Therefore the values of table no. 4.3 show that, there
was an insignificant difference between cardiovascular fitness of 25 28 years age
group male basketball and handball players. The results of table no 4.3 are also
illustrated in figure no. 4.3.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
handball players
basketball players

Figure no. 4.3 Comparison of mean, S.D and t-value of the cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of 25 28 years age group.

The statistical analysis of comparison of physical fitness components of male basketball and
handball players of different age groups (19-22years, 22-25years, 25-28 years) are affiliated
with Punjabi University, Patiala. The level of confidence is 0.05 and the significant difference
value of t-test is 1.96. The t-test shows that there is insignificant difference between
cardiovascular fitness of different age groups (19-22years, 22-25years, 25-28 years) of male
basketball and handball players.

The found results were eye opening that the male basketball and handball players of different
level of age groups had significant difference of cardiovascular fitness at 0.05 level of confidence.
Thus, the hypothesis taken for study that there would be a significant difference of cardiovascular
fitness of male basketball and handball players of different level of age groups had rejected.
The statistical analysis of comparison of cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball
player age group (19-22 years) were insignificant difference because their computed t-test value is
1.34 at the 0.05 level of confidence which is below the significant value 1.96 shown in table no.4.1.
Hence, the hypothesis that there would be significant difference of cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball player age group (19-22 years) had rejected.

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
handball players
basketball players
The statistical analysis of comparison of cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball
player age group (22-25 years) were insignificant difference because their computed t-test value is
1.76 at the 0.05 level of confidence which is below the significant value 1.96 shown in table no.4.2.
Hence, the hypothesis that there would be significant difference of cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball player age group (22-25 years) had rejected.
The statistical analysis of comparison of cardiovascular fitness of male basketball and handball
player age group (25-28 years) were insignificant difference because their computed t-test value is
0.57 at the 0.05 level of confidence which is below the significant value 1.96 shown in table no.4.3.
Hence, the hypothesis that there would be significant difference of cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball player age group (25-28 years) had rejected.

Life in the computer age is not less than the blessing of GOD. Scientific discoveries
have changed the face of our planet. The science changed the thorny life into the bed of roses.
The use of scientific devices machineries and computerization is making the man dependent
and comfortable. It is acting like sweet poison. Man is losing his physical efficiency and
becoming weaker day by day. Health and Fitness is a Prerequisite of every person
irrespective of caste, creed and colour and can be accomplished through the medium of
As human beings evolved culturally, emotionally, and socially, physical activity also
evolved. As the society became more and complex leading towards the modern age, physical
education came to be recognized as an organized and supervised from of education, and was
termed as physical education. The importance of physical activity was recognized by Plato
when he said, "lack of activity destroys the good conditions of every human being, while
movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it".
Physical education, an integral part of the total education process, is a field of
endeavour that has as its aim the improvement of human performance through the medium of
physical activities that have been selected with a view to realizing this outcome says Charles
A. Bucher.
Physical education is an education of an individual through human movement where
many of the educational objectives are achieved by means of big muscle activities involving
sports, games, gymnastics, dance and exercise, opined Harold M. Barrow.
Man in the present world is full of modern gadgets and implements for utmost
comfort. Man is busy in making his life more and more pleasurable. Man has become largely
dependent upon automotive equipments and thus inviting many fatal diseases and
susceptibilities. The diseases mostly engulfing the modern society are 'Hypo kinetic' type, i.e.
diseases caused due to less movement of body parts. The diseases like Coronary Hearth
Disease, Hyper Tension of High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, arthritis, are all hypo kinetic type
mostly caused due to less movement of human body parts. In this regard knowledge of
physical education should be compulsory for every individual not only for professional
approach but also to a large extent for the benefit of the society.
The field of sport and exercise continues to expand rapidly. This is evidenced by the
fact that sport is now considered a multi-billion dollar industry (Park house, 2001). As the
field of sport experiences increased growth, numerous career opportunities are becoming
available for students trained in sport and exercise related majors. Historically, universities
have trained physical and health education majors to pursue careers in education and
coaching. However, in the 1960's individuals suggested that the field of physical education
should develop various academic sub disciplines (Henry, 1964).
Physical education has a major role to play in the school system. Without physical
education program we can never hope for a child's wholesome development. Now a days
professionals in the field of Physical Education and Sport have a good opening in this area. In
the C.B.S.E. curriculum Physical Education is compulsory subject in the +2 level. Moreover
physical education is of equal importance for all students from classes nursery to tenth
standard. Thus with respect to job opportunity schools are lucrative and wide ranging. Most
of Government, Semi-Government, Public and Private Institutions recruit Physical Education
teachers for handsome pay and perks.
Physical Education occupies a dignified position in the higher education sector; apart
from teaching in training colleges Physical Education has been included as an elective subject
in the degree course (B.A. B. Sc) level. Professional scope of Physical Education and Sports
Science is vast and vivid. (i) In Spas, Fitness and Health Clubs: In our country Spas have
grown like mushroom in most of the urban, suburban and semi-urban areas. This is the area
where we should seek expertise from professionals in the area of Physical Education and
Sport because they have best knowledge regarding rehabilitative and therapeutic modalities
like Cryotherapy, Thermotherapy, and Electromagnetic Therapy etc.
They are well equipped with the massage therapy most popular in the Spas and
Fitness centres. But the fact is that most of these Spas. Health and Fitness centres are
managed by unskilled personnel. (ii) Yoga Centres: The most popular and widely accepted
therapeutic aspect is the concept of Yogic Science which is considered to be a part of
Physical Education and Sports Science. Though a traditional concept of India which has its
origin in the early Vedic period has now become a global affair. Many experts in this area are
engaged in foreign countries attracting mass with the theory and practice. (iii) Physical
Education experts in the Tech. Institutes : Most of the government and non-government
technical institutes like IIT, NIT etc. recruit Physical Education Professionals as Sports
Officers, Physical Instructors, Physical Trainers to manage the various sporting events. (iv) In
mass media: Sports Journalism is an area where the Physical Education and Sports Science
experts can be worthwhile.
Not only this Physical Education is presently one of the best job generating
professional area. There are many areas where we can get the service of Physical education
experts. Some of them are as follows: (i) There should be a connecting link between the
Doctors and Physical Education experts, for exchange of views with regard to therapeutic and
rehabilitative measures. A scientific combination o the two may benefit the society further.
(ii) The Gymnasiums and health clubs should encourage trained personnel to manage the
health and fitness programs. (iii) Trained physical Education personnel should get priority in
defence and police services with special recruitment drives. (iv) Military training should be
laid to the hands of trained Physical Education personnel for better outcomes.
The present status was done to compare the cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball players of different age groups at inter college level of Punjabi
university Patiala.
The data was collected on randomly selected ten players of every group. Total sixty players were
randomly selected of both games. The age of subjects ranged between nineteen to twenty eight years.
They were studying in colleges of affiliated to Punjabi University, Patiala.

1. The result shows that there was significant difference of cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball player (19-22 year) age group.
2. After analysis the data the result shows that there was significant difference of cardiovascular
fitness of male basketball and handball player (19-22 year) age group.
3. The result shows that there was significant difference of cardiovascular fitness of male
basketball and handball player (19-22 year) age group.


It is said, Large scale innovations in education have often failed to produce the expected
1. Apart from developing evidence-based education policy, this also means that policy
should be implemented in a way that facilitates its proper evaluation.
2. The innovation is must from time to time. It is good to keep curriculum up to
3. The Management Committee, Principal, teachers, researchers and government
would be represented within the body to ensure improved alignment of the
proper implementation of prescribed syllabus, and improved alignment,
implementation and evaluation of practice.
4. Similar study may be undertaken as longitudinal for all the variables taken in the
present study.
5. Similar studies may be conducted on Female and both the gender subjects
6. The study may be applied on large sample of same population across the nation.

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