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Paragraph Outline

Opening sentence:
I was touched and sadden after I read the articles that reflects the attitude of the
people in the modern society today.

Topic sentence: Ways to prevent child from sexual assault or abuse
Point 1 & Supporting details: effects of the child that experience child abuse to
the society and country as a growing nation
- Low self esteem and effect mental health
- Cannt perform well in their studies
Point 2 & Supporting details: what can the government and people can do on
child sexual abuse
- Implement sex eduation in school
- Give moral support to child of a divorced parents
- More aware whats going on around us

Point 3 & Supporting details:
*It is not necessary to have 3 points. If your wish to provide more explanation
for the first 2 points, you may not need point 3.

Conclusion/call for action: Hope that the government can implement tougher
punishment to the offencer of sexual abuse. We as a part of society has our obligation in
doing our part to prevent child sexual abuse.

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