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9 Foods That Will Naturally Detox You

By Maria Guadagno
Think the only way to detox is with a juice cleanse? Think again!
Our bodies are naturally built to detoxify us. Everyday, we eliminate and neutralie toxins
through our colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lym!h, and skin. "t#s just that, in this day and
age, these organs often get over$worked from the constant barrage of toxins from
!ollution, animal !roducts, and !rocessed foods.
%uckily, &other 'ature has the !erfect antidote!
(elow are ) !otent detoxifying foods that su!!ort your body#s natural cleansing
system*and you don#t have to juice them to get the benefits. +ou,ll receive benefits just
by incor!orating more of these foods into your diet-
.. /auliflower
This anti$oxidant rich cruciferous veggie aids your body#s natural detoxification system
and reduces inflammation.
0. (roccoli
1 strong detoxifier, broccoli neutralies and eliminates toxins while also delivering a
healthy dose of vitamins.
2. Turni! 3reens
1 !otent detoxifier, this cruciferous veggie also has been found to hel! !revent many
ty!es of cancer and is a great for reducing inflammation.
4. %entils
This fiber$rich legume aids in elimination, hel!s lower cholesterol, balances blood sugar,
and even increases your energy.
5. 3ra!efruit
This fiber$rich sweet and tangy fruit hel!s lower cholesterol, !revent kidney stones, and
aids the digestive system.
6. /ucumber
'utrient dense cucumbers, which are )57 water, hel! flush out toxins and alkalie the
8. 9teel /ut Oats
:igh in both soluble and insoluble fiber, oats will kee! you satiated and your digestive
system moving.
;. 9unflower 9eeds
:igh in selenium and <itamin E, sunflower seeds aid the liver#s ability to detox a wide
range of !otentially harmful molecules. "n addition, they hel! !revent cholesterol build u!
in the blood and arteries.
). :em! 9eeds
These tiny nutritional !owerhouses are an excellent source of omega 2 = 6 fatty acids,
are an easily digestible !lant based !rotein, have a strong anti$inflammatory effect, and
also aid in elimination.
>ublished 'ovember 02, 0?.0 at ;-26 1&

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