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Appendix I

Feedback Form
Adopted from:
Academic Writing Motivation Questionnaire (AWMQ)
2012 Ashley Payne, University of Georgia

In order to better understand what you think and how you feel about the writing you do in your
courses, please respond to each of the following statements by checking the boxes. Thank you!

Statements Strongly




01. I enjoy writing.

02. I like to write down my

03. I use correct grammar in my

04. I complete a writing
assignment even when it is

05.Being a good writer will help
me do well academically.

06. I write as well as other

07. I write more than the
minimum on writing assignments.

08. I put a lot of effort into my

09. I like to participate in written
online discussions.

10. I like to get feedback from an
instructor on my writing.

11. I am able to clearly express
my ideas in writing.

12. I easily focus on what I am

13. I like my writing to be graded.

14. I am more likely to succeed if
I can write well.

15. It is easy for me to write good

16. I enjoy creative writing

17. I like classes that require a lot
of writing.

18. I plan how I am going to write
something before I write it.

19. Becoming a better writer is
important to me.

20. Being a better writer will help
me in my career.

21. It is important to me that I
make an A on a writing

22. I enjoy writing assignments
that challenge me.

23. I revise my writing before
submitting an assignment.

24. Punctuation is easy for me.

25. I enjoy writing literary
analysis papers.

26. I like to write even if my
writing will not be graded.

27. I like others to read what I
have written.

28. I enjoy writing research

29. I would like to have more
opportunities to write in classes.

30. Being a good writer is
important in getting a good job.

31. I practice writing in order to
improve my skills.

32. I want the highest grade in the
class on a writing assignment.

33. I would rather write an essay
than answer multiple-choice

34. I want others to recognize me
as a good writer.

35. Spelling is easy for me.

36. Choosing the right word is
easy for me.

37. I am motivated to write in my

Appendix II
Feedback Form
01. How do you usually feel when asked to write a composition?
a) interested b) enthusiastic
c) powerless d) bored
e) other (please specify) __________________________
02. What is your favorite topic of writing?
a) travel b) fashion c) music
d) movie e) food f) other (please specify) ___________________

Appendix III
Students' Different Opinions in Follow-up Class Discussion

Question #1: Why is
it important for you to
get an A on a writing

Question #2: Describe
what makes a good

Question #3: When
preparing to write,
what hinders you at
the very beginning?

Question #4: If you could
design the syllabus, what
kind of knowledge points
would you like to
integrate into your
writing syllabus?
easier to get to
writing is a
college skill
make the
dream come
true to get to a
being a good
writer enables
me to get
oriented to the
to make my
family proud
of me
to make the
teacher happy
it shows my
to help other
people to

always being
prepared with
pencil and
paper at hand
grammar and
spelling are
good writer is
a good reader
clear mind
a good writer
writes many
drafts to get a
good essay
a good writer
knows the
topics in detail
spelling and
figuring out

vocabulary and
writing skills
formal writing
more time
Question #5: How much time you spend in English writing after class every week?
0-1 hour (7 students); 1-5 hours (1 students); +5 hours (No). The other students waived to answer.

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