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Parallel structure means using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have

the same level of importance. This can happen at the word, phrase, or clause level. The usual
way to join parallel structures is with the use of coordinating conjunctions such as "and" or "or."
1. Words and Phrases
With the -ing form (gerund) of words:
Parallel: ary li!es hi!ing, swimming, and "icycling.
With infinitive phrases:
Parallel: ary li!es to hi!e, to swim, and to ride a "icycle.
ary li!es to hi!e, swim, and ride a "icycle.
(Note: #ou can use "to" "efore all the ver"s in a sentence or only "efore the first one.)
$o not mi% forms.
Example 1
Not Parallel: ary li!es hi!ing, swimming, and to ride a "icycle.
Parallel: ary li!es hi!ing, swimming, and riding a "icycle.
Example 2
Not Parallel: The production manager was as!ed to write his report &uic!ly, accurately, and in a
detailed manner.
Parallel: The production manager was as!ed to write his report &uic!ly, accurately, and
Example 3
Not Parallel: The teacher said that he was a poor student "ecause he waited until the last
minute to study for the e%am, completed his la" pro"lems in a careless manner, and his
motivation was low.
'arallel: The teacher said that he was a poor student "ecause he waited until the last minute to
study for the e%am, completed his la" pro"lems in a careless manner, and lac!ed motivation.
2. Clauses
( parallel structure that "egins with clauses must !eep on with clauses. )hanging to another
pattern or changing the voice of the ver" (from active to passive or vice versa) will "rea! the
Example 1
Not Parallel: The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not
eat too much, and to do some warm-up e%ercises "efore the game.
Parallel: The coach told the players that they should get a lot of sleep, that they should not eat
too much, and that they should do some warm-up e%ercises "efore the game.
+entence ,ength has to do with the psychometric properties of a sentence, or series of
sentences. -enerally, teachers are loo!ing for the average num"er of words used per sentence
in writing. To calculate average sentence length, count the total num"er of words, record the
num"er. Then count the total num"er of sentences, record the num"er. $ivide the total num"er
of words "y the num"er of sentences and you have the average words per sentence.

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