Pdhpe Rationale: Promoting PDHPE in Primary Schools

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Promoting PDHPE in
Primary Schools

Anthony Ramirez 17499330

1. Moving
2. Problem-Solving
3. Communicating
4. Decision Making
5. Interacting

Teaching PDHPE in classrooms will aid students in learning 5
key skills including:

Additionally, students will cover various skills and knowledge in
the topics of child protection, sexuality, movement,
discrimination, nutrition, safety issues, drug education and
social relations.

What Can I Get Out Of Doing PDHPE?

Developing Essential Skills
And Knowledge

Peer Relations

Students can discover the value and various ways of connecting
and forming relationships with their peers.
Road Safety

Children can form better understanding on road and traffic safety
to prevent accidents and injuries.

Further Essential Skills
And Knowledge

Personal Identity and Sexuality

Children can gain better insights into the progressive changes that
takes place during growth and development.

Students are motivated and taught the important ways in being
active and healthy throughout their childhood.

The aim of teaching PDHPE is to develop knowledge and
understanding, skills and attitudes needed to lead healthy, active
and fulfilling lives. (PDHPE K-6 Syllabus, pg 8)
More importantly, PDHPE can lead children to a more healthier
and active lifestyle.
To demonstrate this positive health effectively PDHPE considers
ways to developing better quality of life, to experience a joyful
life, and limit illnesses and disability.

Looking at the BIGGER Picture

PDHPE becomes an essential key subject in education within the
primary school curriculum , being able to:

Making Primary School
Curriculum Complete

Motivate children in learning to appreciating their peers and
Advocating of physical activities.
Teach children to make educated choices, resulting to efficient
and sensible actions.

Board of Studies NSW. (2007b). Personal, Development, Health and Physical
Education K-6 Syllabus. Sydney, Australia: Board of Studies NSW.
Image 1: Cartoon Kids.
Image 2: Play Away.
Image 3: Parent Well-being.

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