What Are The Advantage and Disadvantage of Blogs

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What are the advantage and disadvantage of Blogs?

Advantages Of Blogs Disadvantages

1. The easiest way to
people updated on the
project we are working
1. Spend more time on Blogs
than with family and friends
2. eople can comment
on your project or
message that we posted
2. !ruel people may give cruel
". !onvenient ". #o privacy
$. %ots of information $. &nformation not updated thus
damaging reputation of the

ii. Facebook
Do you know? ()ace*ook+ found *y (Mark Zuckerberg
with his college roommates and his ,arvard -niversity
peers since )e*ruary in year 2.1$. ()ace*ook+ is a social
networks that connecting people around the world. &t is
usual friendly and user could chose to set/up their own
*usiness page or personal page with terms and
conditions apply. &t is simple and easy to use and suita*le
for different levels of users. #ew user must register *y
creating their personal profile.

Advantages Of Facebook

1. !onnecting people around
the world
1. 0pportunity creating
2. 1nowing what+s
happening around us
2. 2ossip channel
". )ree advertising for most
". Too many interruptions
iii. Wikiedia vs !oogles "c#olar
Wikiedia !oogles "c#olar
1. -ser )riendly 1. -ser )riendly
2. &nterantional languages
". Several language options
". %ots of information ". 34cellent free tool for
scholarly information
$. 5nyone can *e the
author or edit information
$. 6one *y professional ,6
with evidence

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