11 Universal Laws

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Table of Contents

11 Universal Laws.................................................................................3
Law of Attraction....................................................................................7
Law of Non-resistance.........................................................................12
Law of Receiving..................................................................................15
Law of Increase....................................................................................18
Law of Supply.......................................................................................20
Law of Thinking....................................................................................23
Law of Cause and Effect......................................................................26
Law of Obedience................................................................................29
Law of Forgiveness..............................................................................31
Law of Oneness...................................................................................34
Law of Sacrifice....................................................................................36
11 Universal Laws
It is vitally important to understand how
universal laws work.
Only by complying with these laws will you
effortlessly achieve health, happiness, love and
Upon compliance with natural laws you will
notice that problems solve themselves if you do
not worry about them and that life becomes so much easier and happier.
By working with laws and not against them, you will get into the flow of
life, and no big worries or problems will visit you.
Once you understand these laws you will be able to get rid of fear
because you will know why fear exists. You will understand every cause
and effect of whatever task you undertake. Therefore you will cause only
positive effects to manifest in your life.
Universal laws work all the time, and if you break them you will suffer
lack, negativity and depression. Only by working with the laws you will
become successful, motivated and happy.
These universal laws will give you power to be in complete control of
your life and the ability to change whatever you do not like in your
current situation.
Lush nature is the best example of prosperity and joy that compliance
with universal laws brings. Grass, flowers and trees grow effortlessly,
there is no struggle involved.
Yet instead of thinking only about goodness and enjoying present
moment, some people emerge themselves in thoughts of lack, anger
and depression.
That causes the manifestation of all the diseases, problems and lack of
all kind there is. Finally, it leads to something tragic like accident or even
That does not make any sense, especially when you start understanding
universal laws. You realise that to achieve everything you wish is so
easy, you just need to work together with the universe.
Once you understand the truth, you will be changed for ever. You will
never go back to your old ways of thinking.
Why do such laws exist? They exist for the purpose of growth. As we are
all one consciousness, and the consciousness is meant to expand itself,
these laws were created for us to experience growth.
It is like a test that you have to pass so that you could experience all the
goodness of this world.
When you overcome challenges by the application of the laws, you
cause your consciousness to expand because you are getting closer to
the truth. You start realising that everything is governed by these laws
and that gives you empowerment and motivation to be the best you can
You start making sense of everything that happened to you in the past.
Once you fully understand the causes of your current reality, you start
consciously living in the present and making every action you take into a
Once you master the laws, you will experience happiness, abundance
and everything this world has to offer. By mastering the laws you will
allow your consciousness one consciousness there is to work
through you and make you into the person you always wanted to
There is a lot of suffering in the world today, but it is self-inflicted. It
only exists because people do not understand and go against the
workings of the universe. That is the price they pay for not complying
with universal laws.
If you do not comply with the laws, you will feel that everything is out of
your control and that life is unfair. This is, of course, not the case.
Although your ego will protest, only by letting the consciousness express
itself through you, will you experience happiness, abundance, love and
find the purpose of your life.
It is easy to notice when you are going against the laws of the
universe. Whenever you feel sad, angry, depressed or hopeless, this is
a sign that you are going against the flow. Your emotions are the best
indicators of your understanding of the laws.
There are many universal laws, over twenty of them, but it is important
to know the main eleven laws. The rest are just confirmations of the
main laws or are very similar to the main ones.
The eleven laws that are vitally important are:
1)The Law of Attraction the most important law, by knowing this law
alone you can succeed in everything you do. It teaches that like always
attracts like, and that your current surroundings are the expression of
your inner state.
2)The Law of Non-resistance teaches that you should never fight
against unpleasant circumstances and events in your life, because by
doing so you will receive even more of them.
3)The Law of Receiving states that you can receive your desires only
by learning how to be ready to receive them.
4)The Law of Increase states that you can receive all your wishes only
by being grateful for what you have now. It also explains the law of
Cause and Effect, as if you are grateful for something (action) you
always receive more of it (reaction).
5)The Law of Supply explains that by paying attention and thinking
about the things you would like to have, you are sure to receive them.
6)The Law of Thinking explains that your main mental state is
constantly manifesting in the outside world and it will also determine
your future.
7)The Law of Cause and Effect teaches that every cause has an
effect. If you learn to cause only good effects, your life will be a success.
8)The Law of Obedience states that by obeying the laws you will live
the life of truth the life of abundance, love and happiness.
9)The Law of Forgiveness - teaches that only by forgiving you will be
able to release the negative emotions which make you unhealthy. By
forgiving you will be able to have great health and positive mental state.
10) The Law of Oneness states the truth of the universe. We are all
one consciousness manifested in different expressions in this world.
11) The Law of Sacrifice explains that you cannot have two opposite
things at the same time. Everything is received by sacrificing something
you have at present.
By taking time to learn these laws you will achieve everything you want
in your life. If you obey universal laws you will become courageous and
confident because you will know that nothing negative can happen to
By being completely aligned with the universe you will avoid trouble,
danger and uncertainty. You will realise that nothing negative is going to
happen to you if you don't initiate that with your thinking.
The Law of Attraction
I am deeply grateful to the universe for the law
of attraction. It is so easy to attract everything
you wish into your life by complying with this
amazing law.
The less negative thoughts you get in your
head, the quicker you are able to bring your
desires into manifestation.
Negative thoughts can really slow down or even cancel your desires
coming into manifestation.
Therefore it is vital to get rid of your negative thinking by using
meditation, for example, to prepare yourself for the law of attraction.
Once you get rid of the negative thinking, you should concentrate on
clearly visualising what you want to have, do or become. Try to visualise
your desire in detail and you should spend at least 10 minutes
visualising your goal every day.
Do not worry if you forget to visualise one day. You will not stop the
manifestation process, you may just slow it down.
Once you get good at attracting things to you, you will not even need to
visualise any more. I will give you more information about that later on.
When you have visualised what you want and you can bring the image
of your desires to your mind at any given time, you should start looking
for clues and signs of your desires coming into manifestation.
Mostly people, including me, get clues and signs, but you may also get
reassurance that your desire is coming into manifestation by the feeling
of assurance or by thoughts of assurance. That happens quite rarely,
but you should look out for that too.
I will give you an example how the universe responds to your wish. As at
the moment of writing this article my website is very new, I did not even
have a proper 'About' page.
I got the feedback of one visitor who wanted to find out more about me
and he said that my 'About' page does not say anything about who I am.
Therefore I asked the universe if I need to create a proper 'About' page,
or should I leave it as it is (I have an audio and picture of me explaining
a little bit about me anyway).
After an hour of my request I was reading one blog. I noticed that the
blogger just published a new post. I started to read it and the post was
about the structure of websites.
It was written in that post that it is crucial to have a good 'About' page
because visitors want to find out who you are! This way I 'got the
message' from the universe and created my 'About' page straight away.
You should always look out for clues and signs of your desire. You
should state to the universe what you want and strongly believe that the
law of attraction is bringing it to you.
Another very important thing to do is to expect and be ready to receive
your desires.
You cannot get anything from the universe if you ask for something but
then do not really believe that you will receive it. It does not work this
You have to strongly believe that you are about to receive what you
In fact, try to convince yourself that you already have what you want.
This will give you an advantage because you will come from an
abundance state of mind, rather than lack.
That may be hard to do if you are just starting off, so you should start
from visualising smaller desires.
At first it will be much easier to believe that you already possess small
desires. Once you manifest them, you can move on to bigger ones
because you will be more assured that your desires sent to the universe
always bring back the manifestations of them.
I know that some people give advice that you should straight away try to
manifest very big goals. But that usually does not work because if you
have not consciously manifested anything, you will not be able to
believe that you are truly in the possession of a huge desire.
If you send a wish to the universe but you cannot make yourself
believe that you already have your desire, you will only manifest lack
because you will approach the universe with the mindset of lack. So be
careful not to do that and start from small things first.
I remember my first manifestation was a cup of coffee, than mp3 player,
than happiness, peace of mind and so on. It was really exciting to see
how I can gradually progress from small things to bigger and bigger
I cannot stress the importance of being ready to receive your desire. If
you want to manifest love, for example, you cannot go about your day
being grumpy. This will not resonate with your goal. You should be
happy and expecting, looking to receive love.
You should completely open yourself and surrender to love. You need to
entirely trust the universe without trying to find out how love will come
into your life.
Leave this job to the universe, do not try to get involved in the
manifestation process. Just trust that the universe will bring love in the
most perfect and unexpected way.
During the manifestation process you should never dwell on negative
thinking. It has the ability to completely mess up or even prevent you
from getting the law of attraction working on your side.
Negative thinking is like a brick wall preventing you from receiving
your manifestation. The more you emerge yourself into worry and
thoughts of lack, the higher and thicker the wall you are building to
prevent yourself from getting your desires.
Also you should try not to be impatient. It will take longer for your desire
to manifest if this is your first or second time consciously applying the
law of attraction.
That is completely normal because you are just getting to know the
whole process of manifestation. Also, you might still have some limiting
beliefs left in you, which really slow down the process of attraction. But
never worry about that. Just let the universe find the best way the
manifestation to reach you.
Once you manifest one goal, some of your limiting beliefs will disappear
because you will prove them wrong by getting what you want. For
example, you may lose a belief that "Only by working hard you can
succeed" because you will see that the opposite is true.
You should not tell anyone about what you want to manifest
because some of your friends may express disbelief and that will impact
you, especially at early stages.
You will start doubting the whole process of the law of attraction and this
way you will block yourself from the manifestation reaching you.
Also, whenever you tell about your desire to others, if it is still just in the
process of manifestation, you are taking energy away from it. This
leaves little energy for the manifested desire to reach you. So you may
get your desire after a long time or not get it at all.
When you become good at making the law of attraction work for you,
there will be no need for visualisation. All you will have to do is to tell the
universe (even in your mind) about what you want. Be ready and
completely believe that you are receiving your manifestation, and it will
come very soon.
The more you become good at consciously using the law of attraction,
the less time you need to wait for your desire to manifest.
I still did not tell you the best part of this process... Once you get a
proof that the law of attraction always works, you will eliminate the worst
emotion that you can have fear.
There will be no reason for you to fear anything, because you will know
that only you can decide what you will experience. You are in complete
control of your destiny, and as long as you do not introduce negative
thoughts, nothing negative can possibly happen to you.
You will feel like you are so much loved by the universe. You will feel the
love of it because of all the things it gives to you. Whatever you want,
the universe is more than happy to supply you with.
Also I will tell you the biggest mistake that people make in trying to
manifest their desires. They spend ten minutes visualising their goals
and being happy about it, but then they carry on with their lives being
bored, disappointed or feeling helpless.
It is important to visualise your goals because it quickens the process of
the law of attraction.
But the main state of mind is more important than visualisation! It is
illogical to think that you will receive your desire by being grumpy most
of the time. You will not!
You should guard your mind the best way you can so that you would
never talk, behave or think opposite to what you want the law of
attraction bring to you.
If you want to manifest love in your life, you should never feel hate or
boredom. If you want to manifest abundance, you should never feel or
think about lack. If you want to manifest happiness, you cannot let
yourself have discouraging and limiting thoughts about how hopeless or
unlucky you are.
I know it might be hard not to do that if this is your current reality. But
keep in mind that you created such reality because of the mistakes you
made in the past. You can surely change that by changing your current
state of mind.
If you live in lack, only pay attention to abundance. Even if you only see
evidence of abundance by looking at plenty of flowers in the garden or
many clouds in the sky. These are all signs of abundance in nature, a
natural state of everything in this universe.
By looking at the manifestations of abundance you will be able to bring
out the feeling of abundance in yourself that was hidden away by your
thoughts of lack.
By observing abundance you will start feeling wealthy although you may
still have no proof supporting that. But once you feel this way, you will
start attracting external abundance in no time.
I have given you the main process, advice and warnings of applying the
law of attraction. If you truly obey the law, I can guarantee that you will
achieve everything you want. I wish you all the best in making this
process work for you. Thank you for reading so far one of my longest
If something in this article was unclear to you, please let me know by
contacting me. This way I can make this article the best resource for
people to learn about the law of attraction. I would appreciate your
The Law of Non-resistance
The law of non-resistance teaches that
whenever you resist some situation, you
are giving more power to it. This way you
make the problem increasingly harder to
What you resist always persists. This is
because by resisting something you are
directing negative energy to that object.
You make it stronger therefore it affects you more negatively. The
problem may even appear too big to be solved.
You start feeling disempowered and you lose hope that you can
overcome such situation.
This happens because you use your energy to resist the situation, and
you have no or little energy left to actually overcome it. By acting this
way you disobey the law of non-resistance.
The first sign of resisting any situation is when you start struggling with
it. Struggle always shows that you are going against the flow. You
should change the direction whenever you notice that you always
struggle with some situation in your life.
How to make the law of non-resistance work for you
The best way to approach any problem is by firstly acknowledging it.
You should see the situation for what it is, and not neglect any aspect of
it. After acknowledging it you should take action from the present
moment, rather than from over-thinking.
Whenever you acknowledge the problem, you completely surrender to it.
By that you are saying to yourself 'I know that I have the problem in my
life'. This lets you see the situation in the best way possible for what
the situation truly is.
Whatever action you take from such acknowledgement will be the
correct action. Why? Because by acting from the state of
acknowledgement you are giving only positive energy to the action you
are taking to solve a problem.
Whenever you give out positive energy, you receive positive energy
So when you take a positive action to solve a problem, you will get a
solved problem in return. You should always take positive rather than
negative action. This way you will make the law of non-resistance work
for you.
If you see no way to solve a problem, you should leave it for a while.
When you come back to it, you will notice that the problem was solved
by someone else or you will get ideas in your mind that will lead you to
the solving of a problem.
But that will only happen if you leave the problem unsolved with a
peaceful mind rather than worrying about it throughout the day.
Going with the flow
There is only one reason why some problems cannot be solved. They
indicate that you are going against rather than with the flow of life.
When you go with the flow, you are heading towards your life's purpose.
Whenever you encounter big problems that cannot be solved, it means
you have just turned upstream trying to paddle against the flow.
By doing this you ignore the law of non-resistance, and the ignorance of
this universal law brings struggle and suffering.
If you try really hard and finally overcome such situation (I am talking
about years here rather than moments of your life) you can achieve your
desired outcome.
But you will see that the outcome does not make you happy or that it is
not what you expected.
This is the price you pay for struggling and failing to correct your course.
Whenever you feel that there is something constantly preventing you
from overcoming some obstacle, your should start thinking what other
options you have.
For example, if you constantly meet misfortunes in your current business
(no clients although business was established for 6 months, for
example), you should start thinking of selling/liquidating it and starting
another company or doing something else.
By doing that you will stop yourself from going further away from your
life's purpose.
Whenever you feel that everything is going great and that obstacles
solve themselves, someone else solves them for you or you easily
overcome them, it means that you are going with the flow you are
using the law of non-resistance to your benefit.
When that happens, unaware people consider themselves 'lucky'. This
not luck, it is just the correct path they are taking. And those 'unlucky'
ones that only meet misfortunes are not really unlucky, they are just
heading the wrong way.
Whenever you encounter some difficulty you should never fight it.
Acknowledge it, surrender to it and take action from the present
moment. This way the action you will take will always be the best way to
solve the problem.
When there is no way to overcome some difficulty, it means you are
going against the law of non-resistance and you should change the
direction instead of struggling with your current situation.
The Law of Receiving
The law of receiving states that for you to
be able to receive your desires, you should
be open to get them. Although this might
seem obvious, many people do exactly the
For example, if you want to be in a
relationship and you think you are ready for
it but all you do is sit at home, it means you are not ready to receive it.
You can only prove that you are ready to receive a relationship by going
out and being ready to meet someone.
This way you are saying to the universe 'Can you see, I am completely
ready to receive my desire!' and the relationship comes into your life.
You should make it as easy as possible for the universe to grant your
Universe will try to find a way to get you what you want even if you sit at
home with your wish. Someone might just knock on your door and that's
the person of your dreams. But that may happen after a while, say, ten
years time.
So it is better to really open up to all the possibilities of getting your
desires manifested. You should truly show to the universe that you are
ready: look the best you can, brighten up, dress up and go out to meet
your future partner.
Wrong mindset
There is another reason why you just seem not to be able to receive
your desires.
There might still be some limiting belief left in you that prevents you from
getting your desires.
That often relates to money. Deep down you may still feel that money is
actually bad, or that it makes people worse off or that you are not ready
to be wealthy.
Deep down you know that with wealth comes much bigger responsibility
and you might not be ready for that.
Yet you are not willing to bring this fact out of your unconscious mind. So
you get all kinds of problems and situations preventing you from the free
flow of abundance.
If this is the situation you are in, you should remember that these limiting
beliefs are all created by you and they can be overcome. However, you
will need to really question yourself about what kind of limiting beliefs
may be holding you back.
Or you can use another method for eliminating limiting beliefs, which are
positive affirmations. Affirmations should be repeated daily and you
should select a completely opposite statement to that of your current
limiting belief.
So if you think that money makes people evil, you should say that
money makes people good; or personalise it and say 'I feel so much
better by having plenty of money!' or something like that. This will
overwrite your old program of limiting beliefs and you will be able to use
the law of receiving to your benefit.
Being too specific
Also, whenever sending your desire to the universe, you should not be
too specific as to what you want. By too specific I mean extremely
specific, like wishing for some person you know to enter your life.
It is better to leave the opportunities wide open because the universe
might just be sending something so much better than the current person
you have in mind. However, by wishing so specifically, you are
preventing that great person from coming into your life.
However, you should not confuse this with other types of desires. If you
want to manifest money, it is good to be specific because money can
come in different currencies and sums, and add up to the sum you
requested. It is not the same as asking for a specific person to come into
your life.
Whenever you are completely aligned with the flow of life, everything
positive effortlessly comes to you.
Some things just drop onto you lap, but that happens only because you
did something really positive in the past and this is a manifestation of
your previous good work. Nothing happens by chance!
Life feels like a dream when you are using the law of receiving to your
advantage. When you master the law of receiving, you do not have to
struggle or work hard any more. You just need to be ready to receive
what you wished for.
Examples of how you can use the law of receiving
To manifest money be ready and expecting all kinds of income
sources, people giving you money and finding money on the street. You
should say to the universe: 'I am completely ready to receive plenty of
money into my life' and be happy and truly ready to receive it.
To be happy - say to the universe that you are completely ready to
receive happiness and be aware that it can come at any time. Look out
for clues and signs of happiness so that you would know that you are on
the right track.
To become focused/goal oriented - every day write in a notebook (or a
separate gratitude journal)how grateful you are for the universe for your
ability to become better and better at focusing and accomplishing goals.
This acts as an affirmation and starts a change in you.
To lose weight - exercise and see in your mind yourself getting thinner
and thinner. See your body as very fit and healthy. That especially
applies when you eat.
Usually when an overweight person eats, he sees himself as getting
more overweight. That is such a big mistake! You should see yourself
getting thinner even whilst you are eating. That's a whole point! See
yourself as losing weight as often as you can.
Final observations and advice on the law of receiving
When you do not notice the results of your intention, do not get
frustrated. Sometimes it takes time for your desire to manifest, and that
is absolutely normal. You should keep being ready no matter what you
do because your desire can reach you at any moment.
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear. The same applies to
the law of receiving. As soon as you are completely ready to receive
your desire, it will come in no time. As if it was always there, just waiting
for you to be ready.
The Law of Increase
The law of increase explains that whatever
you are grateful for, you are sure to receive
more of it.
This is because you are sending your
gratitude to the universe, and as a
response, it sends back more things you
are grateful about.
It is the natural reaction of the universe to
manifest more things you are thankful for.
Gratitude is an action you take and the manifestation of more things you
are grateful for is the natural reaction. This never changes. It is as
certain as the law of gravity.
It is very beneficial to have a gratitude journal. I had mine for a long
time, and every day I feel so happy and excited to list all the things I am
grateful for. I usually list around 15 things I am grateful for, but you may
list less than that, or even more if you like!
When you feel grateful you raise your vibration. This makes you a
vibrational match for what you are grateful for. I have noticed that I
receive more of what I am thanking for instantly or after a short while.
However, I am not sure if it is the same with other people.
The law of increase not only explains the gratitude, but also how the
whole universe works. Everything is always expanding, growing and
multiplying. Our desires grow, we advance in our education and
knowledge. As soon as you get a thought, you are sure to get more and
more related thoughts.
If we would not advance and grow we would stagnate and then death
would settle. We naturally know this and constantly move forward.
But what if you want something you do not yet have? Then you should
thank for things that you have at the moment that you appreciate. For
example, if you do not like where you live, at least be grateful that you
have a house or a place to sleep. This will bring you better surroundings.
Also, if you visualise well and can convince your mind that you already
have your desire, you can also thank for that vision of what you want.
However, you should feel as though you already have what you wish.
That will quicken the manifestation of your desire.
There is evidence of the law of increase everywhere. In nature flowers
and trees grow and blossom and seeds spring into life; Human desires
always get bigger; We get more and more knowledge; Technology
advances every minute.
Although the law of increase works naturally, you can also use it
consciously. To use this law consciously requires gratitude. Gratitude
triggers response from the universe to manifest more things you are
grateful about.
The law of increase will benefit you greatly and it can be applied
instantly to your advantage.
The Law of Supply
The law of supply simply states that for
every demand there has to be a supply. It
cannot be any other way.
Not knowing the law some try to manually
create supply for every demand.
It is not necessary to do that, yet the
logical thinking does not know any other
way of accomplishing things. So to many people it seems natural that if
they want something they have to initiate some action to receive it.
Universe is the creator of the supply for every our demand. All you
should do is state your desire to the universe and expect to receive it.
Therefore you do not need to worry if you have enough resources to
survive or anything like that. The universe has a natural tendency to
supply you with whatever you need.
How the law of supply works
Firstly, you should be grateful for what you currently have and state what
you would like to receive.
For example, if you would like to have more money, you should thank for
the money you currently have and express your desire to have more of
it. You should be happy about this new request and imagine as though
you already have as much money as you would like to receive.
After this request you should check for signs that the money is coming.
Look out for synchronicities and other clues that will unexpectedly show
up in your life.
When such signs show that you need to accomplish some tasks, be
sure to do that if it feels right. You will feel that the sign is a call to action
when you get it. It will have a certain energy attached to it. Hard to
describe, but obvious once it happens.
Finally, you should believe and be ready to receive what you desire.
Without belief and readiness you will not receive what you wish because
you will block yourself from the supply.
The wrong use of the law of supply
The disobedience to this law causes lack. In some countries you see the
lack of natural resources or money. Some individuals complain because
of the lack of love, happiness or excitement. These states are created by
people themselves, they are unnatural states.
You deny supply by the constant affirmation of lack. If you complain or
think every day about what you do not have, you are creating more and
more lack.
It is as if you are asking for lack, and you are supplied with more lack.
If you say: I do not have enough money you are sending the message
to the universe: not enough money so you are supplied with not
enough money!
The more you affirm disempowering and negative thoughts, the more
evidence of disempowerment and negativity you will get in the external
A very simple law
You may see that there is nothing complicated about the law of supply.
You should simply state what you want, look out for clues, act on them
and be ready to receive your desire.
However, you should never ask the universe to supply you with
something from the state of lack.
If you want to be happier, you should feel happiness that you currently
have, thank for it and ask for more. Or you can form a question How
can I be more happy? That sends a request to the universe for more
As a result you will receive ideas, thoughts or suggestions of others
about how to become happier. This will all come as a natural response
to your request.
You can see in nature a clear example of the law of supply. Birds,
insects and other animals never worry about things like food or shelter.
They trust the universe that if they need something, their needs will
always be met.
Birds never know where they will find food. Yet they discover it in various
places whenever they have the need for it. It helps that they do not have
logical thinking and that they act from instincts. They do not burden
themselves with artificially created worries and they always live in the
Whereas people tend to over-think and complicate simple things. We got
so disengaged from the nature and its laws that we forgot that life is very
simple. We just need to obey some laws that govern our lives.
If you wish to make the law of increase work to your benefit, you should
never try to approach it by thinking logically about what to do to get your
needs met. That would be like trying to artificially create the supply that
would come naturally anyway.
The law of supply works all the time and the best example to see it
working is by observing the nature. Animals trust that the universe will
supply every need they have and their needs are always met.
Once you have faith in the universe and are ready to receive your
desire, it will come to you in a very short while.
The Law of Thinking
The law of thinking states that whatever your main
state of mind is, it will be reflected in the external
If your thinking is mainly positive, it means that your
life is quite positive and mainly positive events
happen in your life. If you entertain depressing and
fearful thoughts, then your external reality is a
reflection of that.
If you change your state of mind, you will change your reality.
Your surroundings is the best measurement to show what your usual
mood is. If you are an angry person, you will encounter many angry
people and your surroundings will be unsatisfactory.
If you are very happy, you will be surrounded by positive friends and
family and your life will be full of positive experiences.
The benefits of the law of thinking
By using the law of thinking you will:
1.)Consciously create your reality
2.)Prevent yourself from getting stuck in problems
3.)Understand the causes of your current results
4.)Produce only great outcomes
5.)Improve health as a result of the positive state of mind
How to use the law of thinking
Now as you know that thinking affects your external world, you will try
not to entertain negative thoughts. You can do that by trying to
consciously control what you are thinking about.
You should not dwell on negative thoughts because they will manifest at
some point in your life. Try to dwell only on thoughts that you would like
to come into your reality.
The same applies to words. You should never say anything aloud that
you do not want to manifest.
How to consciously solve any problem
When you try to solve a problem with frustration you will get results that
will create more frustration.
If you encounter some problem and are unable to solve it, just leave it
alone for a while. When you come back to it with a fresh mind, the
problem will either be solved or you will be given a new way to view the
The reason why you cannot solve any problem with negativity is
because your anger and frustration block you from seeing some of the
crucial aspects of the problem that would solve it. You only see negative
aspects of a situation because you are negative.
If you need to solve a problem quickly and have no time to leave it
aside, then try this technique. When you encounter some problem,
acknowledge exactly what kind of problem you are experiencing and
completely surrender to it. You will be surprised how quickly the change
will happen and that situation will be solved.
This is because by understanding the situation and not resisting it, you
will be in a positive or neutral state of mind. That, in turn, will give only
positive energy to any action you take. Therefore whatever way you try
to solve the problem will be the right way.
Law of thinking in daily living
Some people undertake daily tasks with boredom and unhappiness. But
that is why their reality is boring and unhappy. That is very easy to
understand once you take a close look at the way they live.
Try to catch yourself in your daily activities to assess from what state of
mind you are working.
It does not only apply to the daily tasks but to your whole behaviour. If
you interact with external world being in the positive state of mind, you
will not encounter any big problems and you will be in the flow of life.
If you interact with external reality by resisting and fighting, you will
encounter many difficulties and think that life is unfair.
That is why it is true when some say that only you are responsible for
your results. If you are not doing well, it is you to blame. I know it sound
harsh, but that is the reality.
If you do not like your current situation, you can change it by changing
your inner state of mind.
The law of thinking is one of the most important universal laws because
by consciously applying it your life can change instantly. When you
become positive, you will no longer get unsatisfactory results or suffer
from problems that you cannot overcome.
The law of thinking gives you an opportunity to consciously create life
full of happiness and success. All it requires from you is to stop dwelling
on negative thoughts and focus on positive thinking instead.
The Law of Cause and Effect
The law of cause and effect teaches that
for every action there is an equal reaction.
You can use this law to your benefit if you
understand what actions produce positive
By having such knowledge you will only
cause positive effects in your life.
When people complain that their life is unhappy, this is because they
caused such life. The cause was their negative state of mind.
There are broad and small causes to every effect. Everything starts with
your mind therefore you can say that every effect was partially or
completely caused by your state of mind.
For every specific effect there is a specific cause. For example, if
your business is not profitable, it means that you did not provide enough
value. You are paid equally for the value you create. If you hold
something back and do not give everything you can, some profits will be
held back from you too.
Some people want to be successful but they refuse to give everything
they can to succeed. They refuse to get into good habits, learn new
skills and create value. That is surely not going to bring them success.
You cannot get anything for free, everything comes with price.
If you think you are doing everything right but you still don't see positive
effects, it could be because you are outgrowing your past mistakes.
Maybe in the past you were negative and now you are still suffering
negative effects that you caused. With time those negative effects will
disappear and you will be left only with good effects.
The law of cause and effect also explains that you should never do
something to others that you do not want to experience yourself.
Because if you treat others unfairly, others will treat you exactly the
same way. What goes around, comes around.
It is easy to tell which causes will bring good results, and which will
bring negative ones. Every good cause will produce positive results. If
you put all your heart into your work, you will be paid abundantly for that.
If you try to find shortcuts or produce poor results because of your
attitude, then you will be poorly paid.
Some people misunderstand the law of cause and effect and cannot
realise why they are not successful although they work hard. This is
because working hard does not produce any value. It only drains your
energy and makes you struggle. That, in turn, produces poor results.
Working hard is the worst way to work. You should enjoy your work and
put your heart into it, produce value with love. This is exactly opposite to
the hard work and struggle. The more enjoyment, energy and heart you
will put into your work, the more successful you will become.
That is why pursuing passion is the best way to live. You will effortlessly
create value if you are doing what you love.
Also, if you want to be very successful, you should try to cause positive
effects that many people will benefit from. The more people you can
benefit from what you create, the more successful you will become.
You will notice that whenever you create something to the highest good
for all, the less obstacles you will experience. It will be as though you
are completely in the flow and everyone is there to help you.
The law of cause and effect is especially clearly seen in money matters.
Whenever you spend your money with the scarcity in mind, you will
receive money slower or no money at all. Whenever you spend money
with faith that more is coming in, the quicker you will receive even more
than you spent.
If you donate money with the hope that your donation will improve
someone's life, you will be returned much more than you have donated.
If someone is treating you unfairly, but you always respond fairly, you will
only be rewarded. Maybe not instantly, but later on something will
happen in your life that will compensate you for your fairness.
Whereas the person that wronged you will be wronged at some point
too. The law of cause and effect makes no exceptions.
Whenever you are about to take some action, try to quickly assess if
that action will bring positive or negative effect to your life.
Therefore if you are about to undertake some project, but you feel lazy,
you can ask yourself if, working in such state of mind, will produce
positive results. This will save you from poor performance.
The more positive actions you take, the more successful your will
become. It is better to take less actions, but to make every single action
If you take many mediocre actions it will result in poor results and no
success. The law of cause and effect never fails.
The law of cause and effect can change your life dramatically only if you
understand the effects your actions will bring. It is easy to understand
which causes will produce good results because every positive cause
will always bring positive effect.
You should not worry if you still get negative results although you take
only positive actions. These are only consequences of your past
mistakes. You will gradually eliminate such causes and only positive
results will be evident in your life.
The Law of Obedience
The law of obedience simply states that you can
only achieve success if you obey universal laws.
It is a sin to disobey the laws of the universe. You
sin not because someone will judge you for that,
but because you will suffer from the consequences
your disobedience will bring.
There are many kinds of suffering caused by the
disobedience of natural laws. It is easy to see what
laws you ignored depending on what you suffer
If you suffer from bad health, it means that you disobey the law of non-
If you encounter many problems and obstacles no matter what you do, it
also means that you disobey the law of non-resistance.
If you are generally not satisfied with your life, it means that you do not
follow the law of attraction.
If you think that you are a victim, or that everything is out of your control,
it means you are not familiar with the law of thinking.
If you work hard but see no success, you should follow the law of cause
and effect.
I could go on for longer about the causes and applicable laws, but I think
I made the point that it is very important to know universal laws. These
are the laws that govern our lives, so it is crucial to know them.
Laws always work in your life, it does not matter if you understand them
or not. If you live without any knowledge of natural laws, they can work
to your disadvantage because you may unconsciously disobey them.
The law of obedience teaches that if you are not familiar with the laws of
the universe, you will not understand why you encounter problems in life
and you will not realise how to change or improve your current
When you learn the laws you will be able to consciously create your
reality and improve every aspect of your life.
You will know that you are 100% in control of every circumstance in your
reality. You will feel empowered and happy. You will be successful in
everything you do.
You can find all laws explained in the universal laws section. Just scroll
down and you will see a list of 11 laws. Click on each of them to learn
more about each of the natural laws.
The law of obedience simply teaches that you need to obey the laws if
you want to achieve success and avoid trouble in life.
The law of obedience explains that if you get unsatisfactory results or
are unhappy, it means that you are not familiar with some law that is
applicable to your circumstance.
When you study and understand all the main universal laws, you will go
through life smoothly and you will be able to solve problems effortlessly.
The Law of Forgiveness
It is important to know the law of forgiveness if
you want to have good health and positive
mental state.
If you have some health problems it always
means that you do not follow this law.
The law of forgiveness teaches to forgive
everyone who caused you pain and suffering. By
forgiving you will be able to escape the
consequences of hidden resentment and hatred.
Whenever you keep negative feelings inside you (when you do not
forgive someone), those feelings get suppressed and produce some
kind of illness. The more suppressed feelings you have, the worst illness
will manifest.
How to get rid of suppressed feelings
If, whilst reading this article, you realised that you have suppressed
feelings inside you, you can prevent them from manifesting in several
Of course, it is better to obey the law of forgiveness and prevent such
feelings from arising in the first place, because they immediately do a lot
of harm to your well being.
To prevent negative feelings from manifesting you should forgive the
people that made you angry or made you suffer. That is the essence of
the law of forgiveness. You should realise that those people were
unconscious of what they had done.
They are unconscious in the sense that they are not aware who they
really are. They are on a low consciousness level and sometimes they
do not realise what harm they cause.
However, such people will raise their awareness someday. It may not be
in this lifetime though.
Another way to eliminate suppressed feelings is through meditation.
Meditation removes most of the diseases if practised regularly.
You may even feel the cleansing process of your body whilst meditating.
This process takes place if you feel itching or pain in some area of your
Another technique you can use is being aware of the arising feeling. As
soon as you encounter a person you feel resentful towards, become
aware of the negative feeling that arises in you. When you are
conscious from the start of the negativity, you are disempowering the
emotion therefore it cannot hurt you as much.
Learn to forgive
Learning to forgive may not be easy, but it is essential for good health.
Why would you want to suffer horrible consequences because of
someone that was negative towards you?
Usually people that are hard to deal with had difficult past and they just
find it hard to express themselves in any other way. They are not bad in
nature, they just did not know how to consciously deal with choices they
were given throughout their lives.
Negative people filter all the information through their negative lenses
caused by limiting beliefs. Therefore they see any situation worse than it
really is.
I have explained more about why people are negative so that you would
find it easier to forgive them.
When you forgive, you benefit yourself and others. When you suppress
feelings, you are hurting yourself.
I will tell you a short story about my grandmother. She was a good
person, but she saw life through a negative lens. She would always
think that she was right and if someone disagreed with her, she thought
that she was being attacked.
This happened because she completely identified herself with her
limiting beliefs and she considered an attack on her beliefs to be the
same as an attack on her as a person.
Because she held so many suppressed feelings, she manifested cancer
and died.
The reason why I am telling you this is to show that suppressed feelings
cannot just suddenly disappear. Eventually they will manifest as a
disease. Do not let that happen to you. Never hold any kind of negativity
towards another person.
How to tell if you hold suppressed feelings
It is easy to tell if you still feel negative about some person. Just think of
a person you dislike or who caused you pain.
If you still feel some unpleasant feeling as soon as you hear the name of
that person or as soon as you think of that person, it means you still hold
suppressed feelings towards him/her.
Negative people will pay for the damage they did to others. They will
eventually get ill, get involved in accidents or other misfortunes will
happen to them.
So if you are worrying whether they will have to pay for their
wrongdoing, do not worry about that they will, it cannot happen any
other way. Every negative cause always produces negative effect.
The Law of Oneness
The law of oneness explains the
relationship between everything in this
world. We are all one because we come
from the same source.
We are different manifestations of one
consciousness there is and part of that
consciousness is in each of us.
This law, if understood properly, will
empower and inspire you to become the best you can be.
We are all divine and therefore we are very powerful beings. If you see
the truth, you will clearly understand that everything depends on you
and that only you create your own life.
Yet people who fail to see the truth think that everything is out of their
control and that every success is based on luck. There is no luck
involved in our lives because our lives are governed by never-changing
The law of oneness states that if you do harm to others you will suffer
from that because by doing so you will harm yourself. We are all one, so
you should treat another person the way that you want to be treated.
If you spread love and happiness, you will receive love and happiness
from others. If you spread hatred and depression, you will receive more
of such negativity from those surrounding you.
If you are positive and and truthful, you are raising consciousness in all
beings. You will be rewarded for that for sure. If you treat others badly,
you are lowering all consciousness there is. After some time you will be
paid for this in the manifestation of some accident or mistreat.
Some people do not understand the law of oneness because they think
that there is some external power controlling them. This is certainly not
true. We are the most powerful beings there are.
We create our reality with our thoughts and words. We are so powerful
that only because of our mental state the whole external world forms
around us.
If we are positive, we attract positive events and places in our lives.
When we are angry, we attract negative people and surroundings.
These are clear signs of our divine nature.
Many people do not realise how powerful they are so they do not bother
trying to change their circumstances. All they do is complain and get
stuck deeper and deeper in their unwanted circumstances.
Yet if they could shift their focus for what is bad to what is positive in
their environment, changes would take place gradually but for certain.
The law of oneness is the main law because it teaches us the truth
that we are the creators and we are all related to each other. This law
makes you understand that because you are part of the consciousness,
you are able to create the reality that you want to experience. Nothing
else can influence your life apart from your own mind.
If you let your consciousness express itself through, you will be
able to see how powerful you are and you will feel that you are
connected with everything in this world.
To let the consciousness express itself means to do what feels good and
only dwell on positive thoughts. What is good always points to the truth,
and you can never go wrong if you follow what is good.
If you still see yourself as a completely separate being, it means that
your ego has full control over you. You do not let your mind rest and
thoughts block you from receiving information from higher
Higher consciousness is unlimited intelligence, all intelligence there is,
whereas your thinking is limited by beliefs and experience that only you
It is wiser and much more beneficial to let the consciousness express
itself fully through you. Only then you will see that we are all connected
and that law of oneness is a fundamental law in each of our lives.
The Law of Sacrifice
The law of sacrifice teaches that for you to
get something new you will always have to
give something away.
This law applies to absolutely every aspect of
your life. It is better to willingly give first to
receive what you wish than to lose
something you did not expect.
I know it can be tricky to get your head
around this law so I will give you several
examples as to how it works.
Let's say you start a new relationship with someone. You now have
something extra in your life a partner.
The law of sacrifice always works so you have to lose something
because you gained something new. Therefore you lose the status of
being single.
No matter what new you gain or what you lose, these things always
have negative and positive sides. By being single you had more
freedom, you could do whatever you liked without having to
compromise. However, you felt lonely and wanted love.
By being in a relationship you feel loved and you are with someone, but
you miss times when you did not have to compromise with anyone and
were completely free.
Another example could be about wealth. If you know the law of sacrifice,
you may consciously decide to give something away for you to receive
wealth. That would be the best option because you will consciously
choose what to give away.
So you may give your time, effort, passion and value creation for you to
receive wealth in return.
If you want to become wealthy and try to take shortcuts to receive it,
even if you become wealthy, you will suffer consequences. Because you
disobeyed the law of sacrifice and you received something without
proper pay for it, it means that you accumulated debt for the universe.
Debts always have to be repaid, it cannot happen any other way. So
after some time you will repay such debt by understanding that wealth
was not something you really wanted, it did not fulfil you or you may lose
wealth because you did not put proper foundation for it.
You may also spoil yourself because of such wealth. In general, if you
try to make money without putting any effort, your wealth will be
temporary and you will be much more unhappy than you have ever
People mostly disobey the law of sacrifice because media confuses
them about the workings of universal laws. What is shown on TV is far
from truth, or half of the truth. For example, if they show that the person
suddenly became very rich they fail to mention years spent working to
get to such stage.
Or when a person won a lottery they fail to mention what happened to
him/her after that.
Such so called news confuse people and make them believe that money
can be acquired only by luck. This makes them depressed and they start
complaining how unfair life is.
More obvious examples of the law of sacrifice would be paying for
something you want to get. If you want to buy a new car, you pay money
to receive it. In other words, you sacrifice money to get a new car.
When you want to have better health, you may sacrifice time, money
and effort to receive it. Time can include visualisation about you being
healthy, reading about how to become healthy or talking to some expert
about it.
Money will be required to buy healthy food or food supplements. You will
put effort into exercise and willpower to become healthy.
The law of sacrifice clearly explains why people are stuck in their
current conditions although they would love to be healthier, wealthier
and more successful. This happens because they unconsciously know
that they would not be willing to sacrifice what they currently have for
them to receive something new.
That is why all the anger, depression and blaming in the world is so
pointless. It does not help anyone, it just reinforces the fact that most
people are not ready to sacrifice what it takes for them to change their
They would rather blame someone for their misfortunes than decide to
accept the fact that it will require time and effort to change.
As soon as you accept that you are 100% responsible for everything in
your life, you will become free and your willpower will strengthen. You
will realise that you are completely responsible for your experiences and
that you have the power to change every aspect of your life.
When such understanding comes, you will find enough strength to take
necessary actions and spend required time for you to achieve your
The law of sacrifice is very empowering and eye-opening. Yes, it is quite
obvious, but it is easily ignored. Sometimes obvious should be stated
many times for a major change to take place.
Because of so many negative influences in peoples lives (TV,
advertising, limiting beliefs, accepted standards in society) sometimes it
is possible to start believing that everything is out of our control and our
lives are based on luck. Fortunately, this is not the case.
The law of sacrifice is a universal law therefore it always works. To obey
this law means to be aware that in order to receive something new one
must give something away.
If you consciously choose to give something away before getting
something new, you will avoid owing to the universe therefore your
newly acquired possession will stay with you for a long time.

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