German Language Course (Wikibooks) 2006

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Language Course

From Wikibooks,
the open-content textbooks collection
[004] Introduction
[009] Lessons
[010] Level one lessons (Introductor lessons!
[10"] Level t#o lessons ($rundle%ende lektionen!
[14&] Level three lessons ('#ischenlektionen!
[1&0] Level (our lessons ()r#eitertelektionen!
[1&*] Level (ive lessons (+evie# lessons!
[1&4] $r,mm,r
[1&-] .ppendices (.nh/n%e!
[*04] .bout
[*00] .uthors
[*01] $23 Free 4ocument,tion License
First Edition
May 01, 2006
54F cre,ted b 6,%ind,7
sterreich Deutschland
The current version of this book can be found at

6o# to ;tud $erm,n 3sin% <his <extbook
. <extbook on Five Levels
<he =uestion ,rose e,rl in the development o( this textbook ,s to precisel #ho
#ould be the t,r%et ,udience: .lthou%h intended to be , >be%innin%> textbook on
$erm,n, m,n (elt th,t the e,rl lessons #ere too di((icult (or oun%er students
#ith ver limited or no experience #ith $erm,n ,nd, perh,ps more import,ntl,
limited skills in )n%lish %r,mm,r: For this re,son , textbook on three levels #,s
conceived: ?e%innin% $erm,n (Level I! puts more emph,sis on buildin%
voc,bul,r ,round sub@ect m,tter interestin% ,nd use(ul to oun% students: ?,sic
$erm,n (Level II! emph,sises %r,mm,r, ,nd ,ssumes , %re,ter kno#led%e o(
)n%lish %r,mm,r more tpic,l o( ,n older hi%h school or , colle%e student: I( ou
,re @ust be%innin% to le,rn $erm,n or ,ttemptin% to te,ch oursel(, ou m, #ish to
tr both ,ppro,ches ,nd see #hich #orks better (or ou, since some people re=uire
, stron% structur,l ,ppro,ch to le,rnin% , ne# l,n%u,%e #hile others (ind this
>structure> onl impedes pro%ress b ,ddin% ,nother l,er o( complexit:
Intermedi,te $erm,n (Level III!, #hich re=uires even more kno#led%e o( )n%lish,
is (or colle%e students, pre(er,bl (or sophomores or @uniors: Aith even more
complex lessons, %r,mm,r ,nd voc,bul,r comes .dv,nced $erm,n (Level IV!,
#hich #ith the most complex ,nd di((icult p,rts o( the $erm,n l,n%u,%e, is (or l,te
colle%e students (;eniors! ,nd colle%e %r,du,tes: <he l,st level, #hich is , revie#
level, but ,lso h,s cultur,l (,cts ,nd the histor o( the $erm,n l,n%u,%e, is
+evie#ed $erm,n: (Level V!: .n existin%, sep,r,te text, $erm,n $r,mm,r, m,
eventu,ll be mer%ed into the lesson modules or developed into use(ul ,ppendices
,s , %r,mm,r re(erence: .t present, ho#ever, $erm,n $r,mm,r is ,n exp,ndin%,
si%ni(ic,nt contribution to the textbookB it provides ,n import,nt re(erence on
$erm,n l,n%u,%e %r,mm,r rules use(ul to the student #orkin% throu%h ,n o( the
three levels:
live version
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
The German Language
$erm,n (Deutsch! is , member o( the #estern %roup o( the $erm,nic l,n%u,%es: It is spoken prim,ril
in $erm,n, .ustri,, the m,@or p,rt o( ;#it7erl,nd, Liechtenstein, Luxembour%, the ;Cdtirol (;outh
<rol! re%ion o( It,l, the Dpole Eoivodship o( 5ol,nd, p,rts o( ?el%ium, p,rts o( +om,ni,, the .ls,ce
()ls,ss! re%ion o( Fr,nce ,nd p,rts o( 4enm,rk: .ddition,ll, sever,l (ormer coloni,l possessions o(
these countries, such ,s 2,mibi, in .(ric,, h,ve si7,ble $erm,n-spe,kin% popul,tions: <here ,re
$erm,n-spe,kin% minorities in sever,l e,stern )urope,n countries includin% +ussi,, ,nd in the 3nited
;t,tes ,s #ell ,s countries in ;outh .meric, like .r%entin,: Dver 1*0 million people spe,k $erm,n ,s
their n,tive l,n%u,%e: $erm,n is the third most popul,r (orei%n l,n%u,%e t,u%ht #orld#ide, ,nd the
second most popul,r in )urope: Fontinue re,din% ,bout the $erm,n l,n%u,%e:
German and English
I( ou ,re ,n )n%lish spe,ker un(,mili,r #ith $erm,n, ou m, be surprised to le,rn th,t )n%lish ,nd
$erm,n ,re closel rel,ted l,n%u,%es ,nd sh,re m,n #ords th,t ,re ver simil,r: <his is p,rticul,rl
true (or everd, #ords in )n%lish th,t ,re .n%lo-;,xon (th,t is, $erm,nic! in ori%in: Fonsider the
(ollo#in% list o( )n%lish #ords (ollo#ed b their $erm,n counterp,rts8
,rm G der Arm
book G das Buch
c,t G die Katze
(,ther G der Vater
(in%er G der Finger
#,%on G der Wagen
house G das Haus
h,nd G die Hand
Hune G der Juni
m,n G der Mann
mother G die Mutter
mouse G die Maus
n,me G der Name
son G der Sohn
%,rden G der arten
l,mp G die !am"e
bush G der Busch
b,ker G der B#c$er
net G das Netz
storm G der Sturm
h,t G der Hut
(ire G das Feuer
%r,ss G das ras
(ish G der Fisch
kinder%,rten G der Kindergarten
Audio8 D$$ (114I?! G Hear these words
D( course, even #ords #hose spellin% is no di((erent in )n%lish ,nd $erm,n m, be pronounced =uite
di((erentl: ?ut in re,din% $erm,n, ou #ill see the connections bet#een these l,n%u,%es, even in
m,n o( the >sm,ll> #ords (the ,bove ex,mples ,re ,ll nouns!: For ex,mple8
<his #eek, m (,ther is #ith m brother in the cit
Diese Woche ist mein Vater mit meinem Bruder in der Stadt:
Audio8 D$$ (114I?! G Hear these sentences
2ote ,lso the %ener,l simil,rit o( sentence structure #ith )n%lish: <he onl re,l di((erence in the
$erm,n is th,t the verb is moved (or#,rd in the sentence: 6o#ever, there ,re m,n $erm,n sentences
in #hich , verb (orm is the l,st #ord in the sentence:
3n(ortun,tel, #hile $erm,n is perh,ps the e,siest >(orei%n> l,n%u,%e (or ,n )n%lish spe,ker to le,rn,
me,nin%s o( #ords th,t ,re spelled simil,rl ,re not ,l#,s identic,l: <hese >(,lse (riends> c,n be
con(usin% (or the be%inner: Further, $erm,n is , more structured l,n%u,%e th,n )n%lish, #ith , more
complex %r,mm,r, ,nd it #ill become ,pp,rent ,s ou le,rn $erm,n th,t ou #ill ,lso le,rn more
,bout )n%lish l,n%u,%e structure th,n ou mi%ht ever rec,ll (rom our hi%h school )n%lish cl,sses: For
, =uick listin% o( simil,rities ,nd di((erences bet#een )n%lish ,nd $erm,n, re,d the Introduction to
Level I:
Vocabulary and Grammar
In le,rnin% to re,d or spe,k ,n l,n%u,%e #ith #hich ou h,ve minim,l ,c=u,int,nce (th,t is, ,re not ,
n,tive spe,ker o(!, the t#o ,spects to be m,stered ,re voc,bul,r ,nd %r,mm,r: .c=uirin% voc,bul,r
is , >simple> m,tter o( memori7,tion: For the l,n%u,%e(s! #e le,rn ,s children, this process is so
tr,nsp,rent th,t #e h,ve trouble conceivin% o( the import,nce o( h,vin% , l,r%e voc,bul,r: ? the ,%e
o( conscious reco%nition o( our communic,tin% #ith others throu%h speech, #e h,ve ,lre,d le,rned
the me,nin% o( thous,nds o( #ords: )ven #ords #e h,ve trouble de(inin%, #e re,dil underst,nd their
use in convers,tion: <his process c,n be >re,ctiv,ted,> ,s it #ere, b immersion in , second l,n%u,%e8 ,
method o( le,rnin% , ne# l,n%u,%e b movin% to , pl,ce #here th,t l,n%u,%e is spoken ,nd h,vin% to
%et ,round ,nd live #ithout use o( oneJs n,tive ton%ue:
.bsent the opportunit o( residin% in , $erm,n-spe,kin% ,re,, the student o( $erm,n must put (orth
subst,nti,l e((ort to le,rn #ords, includin% #h,t the me,n, ho# to pronounce them, ,nd ho# the ,re
used in sentences: ?e sure to >le,rn>Kcommit to memorK,ll o( the voc,bul,r #ords in e,ch lesson
,s the ,re presented: ),rl lessons h,ve simple sentences bec,use it is ,ssumed th,t the studentJs
voc,bul,r is limited: ?ut throu%hout the text, more complex discourses (o(ten ,s photo c,ptions! ,re
included to introduce the student to re%ul,r $erm,n in use: It m, be help(ul to tr,nsl,te these usin% ,
$erm,n-)n%lish diction,r (,ccess to one is , mustB see .ppendix 0 (or on-line options!: Dther sources
o( $erm,n, such ,s ne#sp,pers, m,%,7ines, #eb sites, etc:, c,n ,lso be use(ul in buildin% voc,bul,r
,nd developin% , sense o( ho# $erm,n #ords ,re put to%ether: <he $erm,n Aikipedi, provides ,n
ever exp,ndin% source o( $erm,n l,n%u,%e ,rticles th,t c,n be used (or this purpose: Further, ,
$erm,n version o( the Aikibooks pro@ectK, libr,r o( textbooks in $erm,nKis ,v,il,ble ,t $erm,n
$erm,n %r,mm,r is more complex th,n, but su((icientl simil,r to, )n%lish th,t >re,din%> $erm,n is
possible #ith minim,l voc,bul,r in the sense th,t the student should %ener,ll reco%ni7e the p,rts o( ,
sentence: Aith , %ood diction,r, ,n )n%lish spe,ker c,n usu,ll tr,nsl,te , $erm,n sentence close to
correctl: 6o#ever, to ,ccur,tel spe,k ,nd underst,nd $erm,n, ou must le,rn ho# e,ch #ord
(unctions in , sentence: <here ,re ei%ht b,sic %r,mm,tic,l (unctions8 case, gender, number, tense,
person, mood, voice, ,nd comparison: 6o# #ords >si%n,l> these (unctions is ,n import,nt ,spect o(
le,rnin% , ne# l,n%u,%e: )n%lish spe,kers should kno# ,ll o( these (unctions ,nd the si%n,ls used in
)n%lish, but it is o(ten the situ,tion th,t ou kno# per(ectl #ell ho# to spe,k )n%lish, #ithout
underst,ndin% much ,bout #ord-(unctions ,nd si%n,ls: For this re,son, this textbook incorpor,tes
consider,ble det,il on %r,mm,r, includin% both )n%lish ,nd $erm,n %r,mm,r: <he re(erence book
%nglish ,t Wi$i&oo$s m, be consulted (or ,ddition,l help: Ahen #e s, $erm,n is more complex
th,n )n%lish, #h,t #e re,ll me,n is th,t the si%n,ls used in $erm,n ,re di((erent (rom ,nd more
numerous th,n those used b )n%lish:
. %uide to pronunci,tion o( $erm,n is provided ,s .ppendix 1: Lou should become (,mili,r #ith this
p,%e e,rl on, ,nd re(er to it o(ten: 2othin% c,n repl,ce le,rnin% , l,n%u,%e (rom , n,tive spe,ker, but
the text is liber,ll sprinkled #ith ,udio (iles providin% the student #ith v,lu,ble input (rom he,rin%
spoken $erm,n: .n,l7e the spoken #ords c,re(ull: <he pronunci,tion %uide in .ppendix 1 c,n onl
closel, not ex,ctl, conve ho# $erm,n #ords should be pronounced: .nd o( course, $erm,n (like
)n%lish! h,s , number o( di,lects distin%uished b di((erences in pronunci,tion:
6elp in the pronunci,tion o( individu,l #ords c,n be (ound b ,ccessin% the sound (iles o( either o( the
online diction,ries, links to #hich ,re %iven in the $erm,n #ebsites ,ppendix:
Layout of Lessons
<his textbook is intended ,s , be%innin% course in the $erm,n l,n%u,%e (or )n%lish spe,kers: ),rl
lessons emph,si7e convers,tion,l sub@ects ,nd %r,du,ll introduce $erm,n %r,mm,tic,l concepts ,nd
rules: In ,ddition, sound (iles ,ccomp,n ,ppropri,te p,rts o( e,ch lesson: .lthou%h the basic lessons
(rundlegende !e$tionen! ,re presented ,t ,bout the (3;! hi%h school level: ?e%inners (includin%
those ,ttemptin% to le,rn $erm,n outside o( , course structure! ,re expected to #ork throu%h sever,l
b,sic lessons up to ,n indic,ted point, #hen revie# is su%%ested ,lon% #ith ,ddition,l stud: <he b,sic
#, lessons %o to other lessons is ver simple ,nd direct8
Lesson 1 M * M " M 4 M ,nd on to the end o( the text:
Layout ithin Lessons
<he (ollo#in% subhe,din%s or c,te%ories ,re o((ered #ithin the lessons (Level II ,nd ,bove!8
1: Dne or more convers,tion (Gesprch! or stor (Geschichte! pieces in $erm,n ,lone to illustr,te
the l,n%u,%e in use:
*: ;tud m,teri,l (Lernen! in )n%lish ,nd $erm,n to present lists o( conceptu,ll rel,ted #ords:
": Dne or more %r,mm,r (Grammatik! lessons coverin% elements o( $erm,n %r,mm,r, #ith
illustr,tions dr,#n (rom the convers,tion, stor, or stud m,teri,ls:
4: . list o( #ords (Vokabeln! ,nd phr,ses introduced in the lesson, ,bove th,t point, usu,ll in the
convers,tion, stor, or stud present,tions: Aords ,nd phr,ses ,re ,rr,n%ed ,lph,betic,ll
#ithin %roups, ,nd the %roups ,re presented in the (ollo#in% order8 1! nouns, *! phr,ses, "!
verbs, ,nd 4! ,ll other #ords: . %uide to pronunci,tion o( the #ords presented is consolid,ted
#ithin .ppendix 1: 6o#ever, in e,ch Vo$a&eln, nouns stressed on other th,n the (irst sll,ble
(the %ener,l rule in $erm,n! ,re indic,ted b boldin% o( the stressed sll,ble (e:%:, Biologie!:
2ote th,t the )n%lish tr,nsl,tion o( ,ll $erm,n #ords in , Vo$a&eln is the best e=uiv,lent (or
the lesson ex,mple: <he lesson Vo$a&eln is not , diction,r, but , =uick re(erence (or
tr,nsl,tion purposes: For this re,son, verbs ,re not tr,nsl,ted into , tpic,l )n%lish in(initive
(orm #ith , preceedin% p,rticle, >to>:
0: . list o( ,ddition,l, rel,ted #ords or phr,ses (Andere WrterB ,dv,nced lessons onl! th,t rel,te
to, but ,re not included in, the voc,bul,r presented in the b,sic ,nd ,dv,nced lessons:
1: )n%lish sentences ,nd other m,teri,l to be tr,nsl,ted b the student into $erm,n (bersetzung!:
<hese ,re numbered ,nd , m,tchin% ,ns#er sheet is linked to this c,te%or: <he student should
#rite out the $erm,n usin% m,teri,l (rom the lesson (,nd previous lessons! be(ore checkin%
their #ork ,%,inst the ,ns#er list:
The !tudent and the Lesson
),ch level o( the text is desi%ned to constitute , course o( stud in the $erm,n l,n%u,%e: For ,n level
selected, e,ch lesson should be re,d thorou%hl ,nd m,stered be(ore movin% on: ;ubst,nti,l text in
$erm,n is included ,nd the student should re,d ,ll o( it, not once, but multiple times: .t Levels II ,nd
III, complete tr,nsl,tions into )n%lish ,re included onl in selected pl,ces: Nost o( this text must be
tr,nsl,ted b the student usin% his or her ,c=uired voc,bul,r ,nd the voc,bul,r presented ,t the
bottom o( e,ch lesson: .s the $erm,n text is re,d (pre(er,bl out loud!, the student must succeed in
%,inin% ,n underst,ndin% o( the me,nin% o( e,ch sentence, ,nd o( the role e,ch #ord pl,s in
est,blishin% th,t me,nin%: <o the be%inner, there #ill seem to be m,n #ords in , $erm,n sentence
th,t ,re out o( pl,ce or even redund,nt or unnecess,r: <hese ,dd subtleties to the l,n%u,%e th,t #ill
m,ke sense eventu,ll: ?ut it is import,nt to experience these subtleties (rom the ver be%innin%:
congratulations on com"leting
<he Introduction
live version O discussion O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion
Heidel&erg' Deutschland ( Das Schloss )on Heidel&erg und Alte Br*c$' in den H*geln des +denwalds
Heidel&erg' erman, ( -he .astle o/ Heidel&erg' in the hills o/ the +denwald
German Level "ne Lessons
A Beginner's Course in German
.astle Neuschwanstein seen /rom the Marien&r*c$e
Level "ne #ontents
$%&& ' Introduction
!ection $%&$ ( Starting Point
Lesson $%&$ ' Wie hei)t du* G 6ellos9$oodbes, ,lph,bet, nomin,tive c,se pronouns ,nd
,rticles, n,mes, >Aie %ehtJsP> ,nd =uestions:
Lesson $%&+ ' ,rei-eit G ;ports ,nd ,ctivities, pre(erences, tellin% time, ,nd times, d,tes ,nd
Lesson $%&. ' Essen G Introduction to (ood, (ood-rel,ted verbs, intro to mod,ls Q mRchten,
kein-#ords, polite9(orm,l convers,tion l,n%u,%e, ,nd >;chmecktJsP>:
/evie $%&$ O +evie# o( Lessons 1-"
!ection $%&+ ( Berlin German!
Lesson $%&0 ' 1leidung ( .rticles o( clothin%, shoppin%, describin% clothes, colors,
introduction to sep,r,ble verbs:
Lesson $%&2 ' Volk und ,amilie G F,mil members, possessives, describin% people, ,nd
expressin% (,vorites:
Lesson $%&3 ' !chule G ;chool sub@ects, , description o( $erm,n schools, b,sic voc,bul,r in
school cl,sses (m,th, %eo%r,ph, etc:!, ,nd school supplies:
/evie $%&+ O +evie# o( Lessons 4-1
!ection $%&. ( Vienna Austria
Lesson $%&4 ' 5as ,est G 4,tive c,se ,rticles ,nd pronouns, %ivin% %i(ts, invit,tions to p,rties,
sn,ck (ood, ,nd es %ibt:
Lesson $%&6 ' Privileg und Verantortung G N,kin% pl,ns, pl,ces to %o, t,sks ,nd @obs, more
mod,ls, comm,nds, ,nd #eil Q denn:
Lesson $%&7 ' Wetter G Ae,ther, methods o( tr,nsport,tion, ho# to %et pl,ces, ho# to %ive ,nd
%et directions, ,nd usin% #o like #eil:
/evie $%&. O +evie# o( Lessons &-9
!ection $%&0 ( Berne S"itzerland
Lesson $%$& 8 9u :ause Essen G Food one #ould (ind in , superm,rket, m,kin% me,ls, me,ls
o( the d, in $erm,n:
Lesson $%$$ ' ,ilme G Novies, tpes o( movies, >A,s (Cr:::P>, usin% mR%en to express
Lesson $%$+ ' 5as :aus G Furniture, 4escribin% stu(( II, di((erent m,teri,ls used in (urniture,
position (,cc:9d,t:! prepositions:
/evie $%&0 O +evie# o( Lessons 10-1*

!e)el +ne !essons
Lesson 1:00 O Introduction
Welcome to Level I German;
Level I is ,imed ,t @unior hi%h ,nd hi%h school students: 6o#ever, it c,n be used
b others @ust be%innin% to le,rn to spe,k or re,d $erm,n:
<he %o,l o( Level I $erm,n is not to over#helm or con(use the student, but r,ther
to te,ch the student in ,n orderl (,shion: Le,rnin% $erm,n is me,nt to be (un, not
sub@ective: <hus, the voc,bul,r is (orm,tted (or tr,nsl,tin% (rom )n%lish (#hich
the students kno#! into $erm,n:
live version
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
German and English
$erm,n ,nd )n%lish ,re ver close to e,ch other: 6ere ,re some m,@or simil,rities8
?oth l,n%u,%es use the L,tin ,lph,bet:
2orm,ll, sentences (ollo# ;ub@ect-Eerb order:
Suestions h,ve Eerb-;ub@ect order or .dverb-Eerb-;ub@ect order:
?oth l,n%u,%es h,ve prepositions, con@unctions, ,dverbs, nouns, verbs, inter@ections, pronouns,
,nd ,d@ectives:
<he indirect ob@ect usu,ll comes be(ore the direct ob@ect:
<here ,re contr,ctions in both $erm,n ,nd )n%lish:
N,n #ords sh,re the s,me roots, such ,s word ,nd Wort, or house ,nd Haus:
N,n #ords, such ,s Foot&all ,nd Sandwich ,re the s,me in )n%lish ,nd $erm,n:
.s ou c,n see, $erm,n is ver much like )n%lish: <here ,re, ho#ever, di((erences8
$erm,n h,s gendersB ever noun is either m,sculine, (eminine, or neuter:
$erm,n h,s three di((erent #ords (or >ou>, #hile )n%lish h,s onl one: <here ,re even (our i(
ou count the imperson,l >m,n>:
$erm,n h,s more verb (orms th,n )n%lish:
$erm,n h,s more letters th,n ,nd di((erent pronunci,tions (rom )n%lish (see Lesson 1!:
$erm,n is the onl kno#n #ritten l,n%u,%e #here all nouns ,re c,pit,li7ed, re%,rdless o(
#hether or not it is , proper noun:
;ometimes in $erm,n the verb #ill be the l,st #ord o( , sentence:
<here ,re no helpin% verbs in $erm,n:
.d@ectives #ill h,ve di((erent endin%s b,sed on the noun the ,re modi(in% in $erm,n:
$erm,n is more J%uttur,lJ: In $erm,n, ou t,lk in the b,ck o( our mouth:
>I> (ich! is onl c,pit,li7ed i( it is the (irst #ord o( the sentence:
In $erm,n, there ,re (our c,sesB in )n%lish, there ,re three:
6o#ever, next to 4utch, $erm,n is one o( the e,siest l,n%u,%es (or )n%lish spe,kers to le,rn: <he
di((erences #ill be t,ckled over the course o( the lessons:
:o to use this level of the German te<tbook
<he lessons ,re me,nt to be t,ken in order: .t the revie#s, ,(ter ever third lesson, ou %o b,ck to look
,t the previous lessons:
Lou #ill need , notebook ,nd , pencil to t,ke notes ,nd do problems (or this course:
Layout of Each Lesson
Ahen completed,
1: )ver lesson #ill h,ve , title ,t the top, centered:
*: <he lesson #ill introduce sever,l topics, more ,nd more ,s the lessons pro%ress:
": .(ter e,ch section, there #ill be , link to the problems p,%e (,t $erm,n8?e%inner Lesson T5!,
#here ou #ill #rite do#n the problems ,nd the ,ns#ers on our o#n sheet o( p,per:U
4: Ahen done #ith the problems (or th,t section, ou #ill %o to the ,ns#ers p,%e (,t
$erm,n8?e%inner Lesson T.!, #here ou check our ,ns#ers: Ieep tr,ck o( our scores (put
them on the b,ck p,%e o( our notebook, #ith the Lesson T ,nd section title! (or l,ter use:
0: <he ,ns#ers p,%e #ill t,ke ou b,ck to the lesson: Fontinue in the s,me (,shion:
1: .t the end o( the p,%e there #ill be , link to the test (,t $erm,n8?e%inner Lesson T<!: ?e(ore
ou %o to it, revie# ,n sections th,t ou ,re uncle,r on, or ,n th,t ou missed problems on:
Ahen ou ,re re,d, t,ke the test: <here #ill be , link to the test ,ns#ers p,%e (,t
$erm,n8?e%inner Lesson T<.! (or #hen ou ,re done:
2ote8 U <he link is the onl indic,tion o( the end o( the section: <he title is the indic,tion th,t these ,re
in pl,ce: I( it is there, ,nd there is no link to the problems, continue on until ou %et to , link:
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:00 O Introduction
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Section 0120 3 Starting 4oint
Lesson 1:01 O Aie 6eiVt duP
German 5ialogue ' Wie :ei)t du* ' audio8 "ne ' To =$.$ > $0+ kb ' help?
What@s your name* ' Wie hei)t du*
,ran- 6,llo, ich bin Fr,n7: Aie heiVt duP
Greta 6,llo, Fr,n7: Ich heiVe $ret,: Aie %ehtJsP
,ran- )s %eht mir %ut: Iennst du den LehrerP
Greta H,, er heiVt 6err AeiV:
,ran- Dh, d,nke, $ret,: ?is d,nnW
Greta AiedersehenW
#e$t %ialogue
,ran- $uten Nor%en: ;ind ;ie 6err AeiVP
2ein, ich bin 6err ;ch#,r7: Aie heiVt duP
,ran- Ich heiVe Fr,n7: 4,nke 6err ;ch#,r7: Ich bin sp/t dr,n:
?itte, Fr,n7: Ich bin ,uch sp/t dr,n: ?is sp/terW
,ran- .u( AiedersehenW
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:ellos and Goodbyes in German
German Vocabulary ' Wie :ei)t du* ' audio =info ' $00 kb ' help?
Greetings ' GrA)e
6elloW 6,lloWU
Moin Moin5 (used in northern $erm,n!
r*6 ott5 (used in southern $erm,n, .ustri, ,nd ;outh <rol!
$ood mornin%W $uten Nor%enWU
$ood d,W $uten <,%WU
$ood evenin%W $uten .bendWU
$oodbeW .u( AiedersehenWU
?eW <schCssWU
L,terW ?is sp/terWU, ?is d,nnWU
$ood ni%htW $ute 2,chtWU
N,n di((erent $erm,n-spe,kin% re%ions h,ve their o#n #,s o( s,in% hello ,nd %oodbe: Lou #ill
not be re=uired to kno# ,n o( those (or ,n problems or tests: Lou #ill need to kno# ,ll o( the
expressions #ith , >U> ,(ter them thou%h: <he others, o( course, #ould be use(ul to kno# i( ou ,re
tr,velin% to the re%ions #here the ,re used:
,ormal and Informal Greetings in German
$erm,ns respect hi%her ,uthorit #ith their choice o( cert,in phr,ses: <he more (orm,l phr,ses ,bove
,re uten Morgen, uten -ag, ,nd Au/ Wiedersehen (,s #ell ,s r*6 ott!: <he less (orm,l ones ,re
-sch*ss: <he other ,re neutr,l in the (orm,l - in(orm,l ch,in:
2ote8 In $erm,n no#,d,s, ><schCss> is ,lso used #ith people #ho ,re not on (irst n,me terms:
6ere ,re some ex,mples8
.laudia8 $uten Nor%en, 6err A,%nerW
Herr Wagner8 6,llo, Fl,udi,W
Brigit8 <sch,u, ;usiW
Susi8 ?is sp/ter, ?ri%itW
German Vocabulary ' Wie :ei)t du*
Br% C Brs% ' :err und ,rau
Nr: 6err
Nrs: Fr,u
Ns: Fr/ulein (,rch,ic!
The German Alphabet
German Grammar ' Wie :ei)t du* ' audio =info ' 37& kb ' help?
The Alphabet ' 5as Alphabet
#haracters ., X/ ?b Fc 4d )e F( $% 6h Ii
Pronunciation ,h /h b, ts, d, , e( %, h,h ee
#haracters H@ Ik Ll Nm 2n Do YR 5p S= +r
Pronunciation ot k,h el em en oh Rh p, coo ,ir
#haracters ;s V <t 3u ZC Ev A# [x L '7
Pronunciation ess es7ett t, oo di,resis (o# v, iks psilon tset
<he *1 letters in both $erm,n ,nd )n%lish ,re sho#n ,bove: Dne other letter, V (the es7ett Jess-tsetJ! is
used (or (voiceless! JsJ: It is used in c,se t#o sJs (ss! or #hen , sin%le s c,nJt be used8 bet#een vo#els or
in the end o( #ords #hen the precedin% vo#el is lon%: )x,mple8 >der Fluss> (short u, )n%lish river!,
but >der FuV> (lon% u, )n%lish (oot!: 2ote th,t the es7ett is not used in ;#it7erl,nd: Lou ,l#,s #rite
double s inste,d, even ,(ter lon% vo#els: <here(ore ou #rite >Fluss> ,nd >Fuss>:
.nother di((erence bet#een $erm,n ,nd )n%lish is the umlaut: <he vo#els ,, o, ,nd u c,n t,ke ,n
uml,ut (double dots ,bove!, becomin% /, R, ,nd C: <he uml,ut ch,n%es the sound o( the vo#el: For
pronunci,tions o( ,ll the letters, %o to the 5ronunci,tion $uide in .ppendix 1:
<he uml,uts ,re even used #hen spellin%: Fommon #ords used to cl,ri( , %iven letter ,re
Xr%er (,n%er!, Ykonom (economist! ,nd Zbermut (hi%h spirits!: <o s, >uml,ut> ,(ter the letter
is ,n )n%lish custom used #hen spellin% $erm,n #ords in )n%lish:
In #ritin%, the uml,uts ,re sometimes substituted #ith the vo#el plus e, i:e ,e, oe ,nd ue: Lou
(ind this in n,mes ,s $oethe or in cross#ords, but ou donJt use it in norm,l texts ($oethe is ,n
exception to the rules %overnin% uml,uts, ,l#,s #ritten #ith >oe>!: 6o#ever, i( ou h,ve no
#, to tpe uml,uts ou must use vo#el-plus-e:
In most se,rch en%ines ,nd online diction,ries, , vo#el #ith uml,ut c,n be entered ,s either the
simple vo#el or in vo#el-plus-e (orm: For ex,mple, i( ou #ish to (ind >Xr%er> ou m, enter
,n o( the (ollo#in% three se,rch strin%s8 >/r%er>, >,er%er>, >,r%er> (the l,st is incorrect #ritin%,
,nd ,ctu,ll me,ns somethin% di((erentW (>,r%>\ver b,d9%rim, >,r%er>\ >%rimmer>!:
<o cre,te the speci,l uml,ut ,nd ess7et ch,r,cters on ,n en%lish kebo,rd, ou c,n use our numeric
kep,d #ith the .lt ke:
German Ect% ' Wie :ei)t du*
Alt keys for ' German characters
V ,lt ] 0**"
C ,lt ] 0*0*
Z ,lt ] 0**0
R ,lt ] 0*41
Y ,lt ] 0*14
/ ,lt ] 0**-
X ,lt ] 0191
I( ou use N,c D; [ these #ill #ork onl i( ou choose >3nicode> kebo,rd l,out, but ou c,n ,dd
uml,uts #ith option-u ,nd the V #ith option-;:
Eitte buchstabieren !ie
Look ,t this short phone convers,tion: <r to re,d it ,loud: <he tr,nsl,tion o( #ords ,nd phr,ses is
%iven belo# the text:
German 5ialogue ' Wie :ei)t du* ' audio =info ' 0&2 kb ' help?
5irectory Assistance ' ,ernsprechauskunft
Ban A .uskun(t, $uten <,%:
Ban E $uten <,%: Ich h/tte %ern die <ele(onnummer von Fr,u Fl,udi, ?olli%er ,us ?ern:
Ban A Aie schreibt m,n d,sP ?itte buchst,bieren ;ie:
Ban E
2,tCrlich: Fl,udi,8 F #ie F/s,r, L #ie Lud#i%, . #ie .nton, 3 #ie 3rsul,, 4 #ie 4or,, I
#ie Id,, .
#ie .nton: ?olli%er8 ? #ie ?ert,, D #ie Dtto, 7#eim,l L #ie Lud#i%, I #ie Id,, $ #ie
$ust,v, ) #ie
)mil und + #ie +ich,rd:
Ban A 4,nke: 4ie 2ummer l,utet :::
Vocabulary and Phrases =from above?
German Vocabulary ' Wie :ei)t du*
Vocabulary ' Wortschat-
English German
In(orm,tion 4esk die .uskun(t (no plur,l!
I #ould like to h,ve Ich h/tte %ern(e!
5hone 2umber die <ele(onnummer
(rom ?erne ,us ?ern
6o# do ou spell thisP Aie schreibt m,n d,sP
5le,se ?itte
;pell ?uchst,bieren
D( course 2,tCrlich
>.> ,s in .nton . #ie .nton
<#ice '#eim,l
<he number is die 2ummer l,utet
Dominative #ase
F,ses describe #h,t , noun or pronoun does in , sentence: Ahen , noun or pronoun is the sub@ect o( ,
sentence, it is considered to be in the nominative case: For ex,mple, in the sentence >I ,te ,n ,pple>, I
is the sub@ect ,nd the apple is the direct ob@ect: Lou #ill le,rn more ,bout c,ses ,s the course
German Grammar ' Wie :ei)t du* ' audio =info ' 64 kb ' help?
!ubFect Pronouns ' Vorbehaltliche Pronomina
1st person
sin%ul,r ich I
plur,l ir #e
*nd person
sin%ul,r duG H!ie ou
plur,l ihrG H!ie ou
"rd person
sin%ul,r erG sieG es he, she, it
plur,l sie the
;ie is the (orm,l (polite! version o( du ,nd ihr: In ,ll con@u%,tions, it ,cts ex,ctl like sie (plur,l!
German Grammar ' Wie :ei)t du*
Dames ' Damen
English German
N n,me is::: Ich heiVe:::
6is96er9Its n,me is::: )r9;ie9)s heiVt:::
<heir n,mes ,re::: ;ie heiVen:::
Dur n,mes ,re::: Air heiVen:::
Lour n,me is::: 4u heiVt:::
Lour n,mes ,re::: Ihr heiVt:::
Ah,t is our n,meP Aie heiVt duP
Ah,t ,re our n,mesP Aie heiVt ihrP
<o ,sk someone elseJs n,me, ,sk >Aie heiVt:::>
For more th,n one person, >Aie heiVen:::>
Dote8 <here are possessive pronouns in $erm,n, the @ust donJt ,ppl here:
Lou h,ve ,lre,d le,rned one verb8 heiVen, to be c,lled:
German Verb ' Wie :ei)t du*
hei)en ' to be called
!ingular Plural
first person ich heiVe ir heiVen
second person du heiVt ihr heiVt
third person
er heiVt
sie heiVt
es heiVt
sie heiVen
<#o more extremel common verbs ,re the $erm,n tr,nsl,tions (or Jto beJ ,nd Jto h,veJ8 sein ,nd
ha&en: <he ,re con@u%,ted like this8
German Verb ' Wie :ei)t du*
sein ' to be
!ingular Plural
first person ich bin I ,m ir sind #e ,re
second person du bist ou ,re ihr seid ou ,re
third person
er ist he is
sie ist she is
es ist it is
sie sind the ,re
German Verb ' Wie :ei)t du*
haben ' to have
!ingular Plural
first person ich h,be ir h,ben
second person du h,st ihr h,bt
third person
er h,t
sie h,t
es h,t
sie h,ben
Wie geht@s*
German Vocabulary ' Wie :ei)t du*
:o are you* ' Wie geht@s*
English German
6o# ,re ouP Aie %ehtJsP
&esponses 'or Good
$re,t 5rim,
$ood $ut
Eer %ood ;ehr %ut
&esponses 'or Ead
Niser,ble Niser,bel
?,d ;chlecht
2ot %ood 2icht %ut
&esponses 'or "kay
Dk, $,n7 %ut
.lri%ht )s %eht so
$erm,n, like m,n other l,n%u,%es, %ives e,ch noun , %ender8 Basculine, ,eminine, ,nd Deuter:
Plural is e,sB the de(inite nomin,tive .rticle is ,l#,s die: .nd ,s in )n%lish there is no inde(inite
,rticle in plur,l: 2ouns in plur,l (orm re=uire di((erent verb(orms th,n nouns in sin%ul,r:
In )n%lish, there ,re t#o di((erent tpes o( ,rticles8 de(inite (the! ,nd inde(inite (, ,nd ,n!: $erm,n is
the s,me, except th,t there ,re (ive di((erent ,rticles o( e,ch tpe: <he nominitive c,se ,rticles ,re ,s
5efinite Articles
German Grammar ' Wie :ei)t du*
The 5efinite Article of the Dominative #ase ' 5er definitive Artikel des Dominativi
masculine der der Hun%e the bo
/eminine die die Fr,u the #om,n
neuter d,s d,s N/dchen the %irl
die die Hun%en the bos
die Fr,uen the #omen
die N/dchen the %irls
Indefinite Articles
German Grammar ' Wie :ei)t du*
The Indefinite Article of the Dominative #ase ' 5er unbestimmte Artikel des Dominativ
masculine ein ein N,nn , m,n
/eminine eine eine Fr,u , #om,n
neuter ein ein N/dchen , %irl
,orming Iuestions
<he common #ord order in , $erm,n sentence is the s,me ,s in )n%lish8 ;ub@ect verb Db@ects: (;vD!
Der Junge s"ielt Fu6&all1
<he bo pl,s soccer:
<his sentence is in the indicati)e mood, the mood th,t st,tes , (,ct: <he interrogati)e mood ,sks ,
=uestion: <o ch,n%e the )n%lish sentence ><he bo thro#s the b,ll> to the interro%,tive mood, #e
insert the helper verb >does> be(ore >bo,> endin% #ith,>P>: >4oes the bo thro# the b,llP>
<he process is ver simil,r in $erm,n: 6o#ever, since $erm,n verbs express both the simple ,nd
pro%ressive ,spects, #e sitch the hole verb ith the subFect, endin% up #ith,
>S"ielt der Junge Fu6&all7>
4oes the bo pl, soccer
Lou h,ve le,rned t#o =uestions so (,r8 >Aie heiVt:::P> ,nd >Aie %ehtJsP>: In $erm,n, there ,re t#o
b,sic #,s to (orm , =uestion: <he (irst is the method described ,bove: In ,ddition to this, ou c,n put
,n interrogati)e ad)er&:::
German Vocabulary ' Wie :ei)t du*
Iuestions ' ,ragen
English German
AhoP AerP
Ah,tP A,sP
AhereP AoP
AhenP A,nnP
AhP A,rumP
6o#P AieP
<he =uestion >Aie heiVt:::P>, directl tr,nsl,ted, me,ns >6o# is ::: c,lledP>: <h,t is #h it does not
cont,in Was: <hese #ords come (irst in the sentenceB the #ord order is8 Interr: .dverb Eerb ;ub@ect
Db@ect: For ex,mple8
Warum s"ielt der Junge Fu6&all7
Ah does the bo pl, soccerP
Lou should note ,t this point th,t in $erm,n, the verb alays comes second in the sentence, except
in the c,se o( , =uestion ,s described ,bove: The subFect is alays ne<t to the verbG if not in front of
it then folloing it% For ex,mple8
Der Junge s"ielte am Montag Fu6&all1
<he bo pl,ed soccer on Nond,:
Am Montag s"ielte der Junge Fu6&all1
Dn Nond,, the bo pl,ed soccer:
.t this point, ou should kno# the #ords (or >es>, 8a ,nd >no>, nein respectivel:
What@s "n the Test
<o %o str,i%ht to the lesson test, %o here:
<he test #ill h,ve (our p,rts to it8 $r,mm,r (1- points!, <r,nsl,tin% ("4 points!, +e,din%
Fomprehension (*- points!, ,nd Eoc,bul,r (*0 points!, in th,t order: <he $r,mm,r section #ill test
our ,bilit to con@u%,te verbs %iven the in(initive ,nd the sub@ect: Lou #ill ,lso h,ve to kno# the
,rticles o( cert,in nouns:
<he <r,nsl,tin% section is #orth the most points, ,nd it too h,s t#o sections: Lou must kno# the
tr,nsl,tions (or sentences ,nd phr,ses %oin% (rom )n%lish to $erm,n, ,nd be ,ble to t,ke , $erm,n
di,lo%ue ,nd tr,nsl,te it b,ck into )n%lish:
<he third section, +e,din% Fomprehension, is ,ll Fill-in-the-?l,nk: Lou #ill %et t#o di,lo%ues ,nd be
,sked to (ill in the bl,nks (or these: ;ome o( the h,rdest p,rts de,l #ith the %reetin%s, so m,ke sure ou
kno# these:
<he l,st section is , voc,bul,r section: Lou %et *- )n%lish #ords on the le(t ,nd *- $erm,n #ords on
the ri%ht, ,nd be ,sked to m,tch them: <o stud (or th,t, check out the &1 (l,shc,rds rel,ted to this
lesson ,t Fl,shc,rd)xch,n%e:com: <h,t is the #hole test: <,ke itW
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:01 O Aie 6eiVt duP
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Section 0120 3 Starting 4oint
Lesson 1:0* O Frei7eit
German 5ialogue ' ,rei-eit
!ports and time ' !port und 9eit
,ran- 6,llo, $ret,W Aie sp/t ist esP
Greta )s ist viertel vor drei:
AirklichP Ich spiele FuVb,ll um drei: N,chst du ;port,
Greta 2ein, ich bin (,ul: Ich %ehe @et7t n,ch 6,use:
,ran- FuVb,ll m,cht ,ber ;p,VW
Greta ?is d,nn:
,ran- AiedersehenW
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!ports and Activities
German Vocabulary ' ,rei-eit
!ports and activities ' !port und AktivitJten
English German
sport(s! ;port
interests 6obbs
soccer FuVb,ll
.meric,n (ootb,ll Footb,ll
volleb,ll Eolleb,ll
b,sketb,ll ?,sketb,ll
tennis <ennis
b,seb,ll ?,seb,ll
9-pin bo#lin% Ie%eln
chess ;ch,ch
bo,rd %,me d,s ?rettspiel
%,me d,s ;piel
home#ork 6,us,u(%,ben
television Fernsehen
movie der Film
!pielenG Bachen and "ther Verbs
.ll three verbs th,t ou #ere introduced to in Lesson 1 ,re irre%ul,r in some #,, ho#ever most verbs
,re re%ul,r verbs ,nd this is con@u%,tion o( them,
German Verb ' ,rei-eit
#onFugation ' 1onFugation
!ingular Plural
first person ich -e ir -en
second person du -st ihr -t
third person
er -t
sie -t
es -t
sie -en
For ex,mple, the verbs s"ielen ,nd machen,
German Verb ' ,rei-eit
to play ' spielen
!ingular Plural
first person ich spiele ir spielen
second person du spielst ihr spielt
third person
er spielt
sie spielt
es spielt
sie spielen
German Verb ' ,rei-eit
to doKmake ' machen
!ingular Plural
first person ich m,che ir m,chen
second person du m,chst ihr m,cht
third person
er m,cht
sie m,cht
es m,cht
sie m,chen
Was machst du7
Ah,t ,re ou doin%P
9ch s"iele Bas$et&all1
I pl, b,sketb,ll:
S"ielst du Fu6&all7
4o ou pl, soccerP
9ch mache Hausau/ga&en1
I do home#ork:
%r macht Hausau/ga&en1
6e does home#ork:
Machst du S"ort7
4o ou pl, sportsP
2ote the l,st sentence: In )n%lish one "la,s , sport, #hile in $erm,n one does , sport: Lou c,n ,lso
use the #-#ords (rom Lesson 1 to m,ke some more combin,tions:
Warum s"ielst du Base&all7
Ah do ou pl, b,seb,llP
Wer hat Hausau/ga&en7
Aho h,s home#orkP
<o s, >not>, use >nicht>: >2icht> %oes ,(ter the verb but be(ore the sport:
Wer s"ielt nicht Fu6&all7
Aho doesnJt pl, soccerP
Wir s"ielen nicht -ennis1
Ae donJt pl, tennis:

#ompound !entences
German Vocabulary ' ,rei-eit
#onFunctions ' Verbindungen
English German
,nd und
but ,ber
or oder
?oth $erm,n ,nd )n%lish h,ve compound sentences, the ,pplic,tions o( these ,re enormous: <he c,n
be used in lists, but ,lso in compound sentences: For ex,mple,
9ch s"iele Bas$et&all' und er s"ielt auch Bas$et&all1
I pl, b,sketb,ll, ,nd he ,lso pl,s b,sketb,ll:
<he ne# #ord, LauchL, is ver import,nt ,nd it me,ns >,lso>: <he one %r,mm,r rule ,bout >,uch> is
th,t is ,l#,s comes ,(ter the verb:
"ther Verbs and Their #onFugations
German Grammar ' ,rei-eit
Verbs ' Verben
German English
lesen to re,d
sch,uen to #,tch
sehen to see
,rbeiten to #ork
schreiben to #rite
sch#immen to s#im
;ch,uen, schreiben ,nd sch#immen ,re ,ll re%ul,r verbs, the (ollo# norm,l con@u%,tions: <o
con@u%,te , ou (irst remove the J en J, then ,dd the correct endin%, here is ,n ex,mple,
Verb ,irst !tep ,inished
sch,uen sch,u ich sch,ue
.rbeiten is ,n irre%ul,r verb, ho#ever it h,s , simple ch,n%e: Ahenever the endin% st,rts #ith ,
conson,nt, ,n JeJ is ,dded be(ore it: ;o it #ould be du arbeitest, not du ar&eitst: .s #ell ,s erG
sieG esG and ihr arbeitet, not er' sie' es' and ihr ar&eitt:
Lesen is ,lso ,n irre%ul,r verb: First, #hen (ormin% #ith >du, er, sie, ,nd es>, it is du liest, not
du liesst or du lesst:
;ehen is the l,st irre%ul,r verb: Ahen (ormin% >du> it is siehst ,nd #ith >erG sieG and es> it is
To Bore Verb ,orms
<here ,re t#o more verb (orms in )n%lish th,t ou #ill le,rn this lesson8 the present pro%ressive (>I ,m
pl,in%, he is m,kin%>!, ,nd the ,((irm,tive >I do pl,, he does not pl,>, #hich includes , (orm o( Jto
It mi%ht be temptin% to m,ke the present pro%ressive sentence, >I ,m pl,in%:> into >Ich bin spielen:>:
.(ter ,ll, JspielenJ sounds , lot like Jpl,-in%J, but th,t is not the de(inition: J;pielenJ me,ns Jto pl,J,
#hich m,kes >Ich bin spielen:> into >I ,m to pl,:>, not ,t ,ll #h,t ou ,re trin% to s,: ;o it is not
>Ich bin spielen:>
<he second phr,se, >I do pl,>, is ,nother trick one: <his one m, seem like, >Ich m,che spielen:> ?ut
donJt (or%et, there ,re no helpin% verbs in $erm,n: >Ich m,che spielen:> @ust doesnJt #ork:
?oth o( the phr,ses ,bove ,re simpli(ied in $erm,n: Inste,d o( >I ,m pl,in%:> ,nd >I do pl,:>,
$erm,n m,kes them both simpl >I pl,:> Ahen usin% JnotJ, inste,d o( >does not pl,>, ou %et >pl,s
not>: <his m, sound like old )n%lish, ,nd there ou see #here )n%lish c,me (rom, ,nd #h it is c,lled
, >$erm,nic> l,n%u,%e:
E<pressing likes and dislikes
German Vocabulary ' ,rei-eit
#onFunctions ' Verbindungen
English German
I like::: Ich h,be ::: %ern:
A,s h,st du %ernP Ah,t do ou likeP
In $erm,n, there ,re sever,l #,s to express likes ,nd dislikes: <he #, is , c,us,l #,: Lou c,n ,lso
,dd other verbs, (or other thin%s, like ,skin% or s,in% i( the like to pl,, or m,ke thin%s:
<o express pre(erence, use lieber inste,d o( gern1 For ex,mple, :Wir s"ielen lie&er Fu6&all1:
<o express (,vorites, ou use am liebsten, me,nin% >most o( ,ll>, in the s,me context ,s lie&er:
For ex,mple, :9ch s"iele am lie&sten Schach1::
<o express dislikes, use nicht gern inste,d o( gern:
<he (irst bi% unit in this Level 1 is time: $erm,n time is ver much like )n%lish time: 6o#ever, #e
must be%in #ith $erm,n numbers:
Deutsch )n%lish Deutsch )n%lish
eins one dreizehn thirteen
zwei t#o )ierzehn (ourteen
drei three /*n/zehn (i(teen
)ier (our ;zehn ;teen
/*n/ (ive
sechs six zwanzig t#ent
sie&en seven drei6ig thirt
acht ei%ht )ierzig (ort
neun nine ;zig ;t,
zehn ten
el/ eleven sie&zehn seventeen
zw<l/ t#elve sie&zig sevent
<his t,ble sho#s the b,sic numbers in $erm,n: <o s,, t#ent-one, s, >)inund7#,n7i%> - ,ll one
#ord: J)insJ drops its JsJ #henever it is in th,t position: <here(ore, th,t me,ns >Dne ,nd t#ent>, in
Dne more ch,n%e h,ppens ,t 11 ,nd 108 Inste,d o( cre,tin% , #ord #ith Js7J (sechs7i%, sechs7ehn!, the
JsJ is dropped, cre,tin% sechzig (10! ,nd sechzehn (11!, pronounced ,s in >ich>:
A,tch out (or J4reiVi%J: It is not (ormed #ith -7i% ,t the end like ,ll other dec,des (>7#,n7i%, vier7i%,
(Cn(7i%, :::>!W
<o s, numbers hi%her th,n 998
hundred - Hundert
thous,nd - -ausend
For ex,mple, *9-4 is s,id, >'#eit,usendneunhundertvierund,cht7i%:> ('#ei t,usend neun hundert vier
und ,cht7i%! (* ^ 1000! ] (9 ^ 100! ] 4 Q -0
Asking the Time
In $erm,n, there ,re t#o common #,s to ,sk the time: Lou c,n s,, >Aie viel 3hr ist esP>, #hich
me,ns liter,ll, >Ah,t time is itP>: 6o#ever, it is seldom used ,nmore: <he more common #, is to
s,, >Aie sp/t ist esP>, even thou%h this onl me,ns, >6o# l,te is itP>:
;peci(ic times c,n be expressed in t#o #,s8 ex,ct (orm (>Four thirt-seven>!, or be(ore9,(ter (orm
(><#ent-three to (ive>!:
E<act form
<his (orm is the s,me ,s )n%lish: <o s,, >It is 10810 ,:m:>, s, >)s ist 'ehn 3hr FCn(7ehn:> 2otice the
=hr: <his me,ns >oJclock>, but is used in ,ll ex,ct times:
$erm,ns use , *4-hour clock, like other countries in )urope ,nd .meric,n milit,r time: <o convert to
.meric,n time, i( it is ,bove 1*, subtr,ct 1*: ;o .cht7ehn 3hr is the e=uiv,lent o( (1- - 1* \! 1 p:m: in
.meric,n time: <o convert to $erm,n time, ,dd 1* i( it is p:m: ()xcept (or 1* p:m:, see belo#:! 4 p:m:
is there(ore !ech-ehn Mhr:
I( %iven ,n hour belo# 1*, it is ,:m:
<he countin% o( hours st,rts (rom 7ero: ;o, in $erm,n, the time bet#een midni%ht ,nd 1 ,:m: is 08__:
11 p:m: #ould be *"800: 2ote th,t noon (1* p:m:! is 9Nlf Mhr ,nd midni%ht (1* a:m:! is Dull Mhr: In
r,re occ,sions, *4800 mi%ht be used, #hich implies th,t ou me,n Jth,t p,rticul,rJ d, (i%norin% th,t in
(,ct , ne# #eekd, h,s st,rted ,t midni%ht! ;o, i( someone s,s >Nont,%, *4800>, ,ssume its ,t the end
o( the d, o( mond, (<uesd, 1* ,:m: midni%ht!: >Nont,%, 0800> #ould be Nond, 1* ,:m: midni%ht:
6ours %re,ter th,n *4 ,re never used:
>2oon> is s,id ,s >Mittag>, ,nd >Nidni%ht> is >Mitternacht>
In $erm,n, it is ,lso not uncommon in everd, contexts to use the 1*-hour clock: In th,t c,se,
>vormitt,%s> (liter,ll Jbe(ore noonJ! corresponds to ,:m:, #hile >n,chmitt,%s> (,(ter noon! me,ns p:m:
>.bends> (in the evenin%! is commonl used in pl,ce o( >n,chmitt,%s> (or times l,ter th,n 0 p:m: (1
3hr ,bends \ 1 p:m:! .lso, ,s in )n%lish, ou c,n omit >vormitt,%s> ,nd >n,chmitt,%s> i( itJs obvious
(rom the context: 6o#ever, since this is nothin% ne# (in comp,rison to )n%lish!, ou #ill not be tested
on it:
EeforeKAfter the :our
.(ter - nach
<ill - )or
3se the s,me (orm ,s in )n%lish: For ex,mple, 1080& c,n be s,id ,s, >drei vor )l(:> Like#ise, 4810
#ould be >7ehn n,ch Eier:> <pic,ll, use the sm,ller number #ith Jn,chJ or JvorJ: 4onJt s,,
>siebenund(Cn(7i% n,ch 'ehn:>
2ote8 <his is onl used #ith in(orm,l time tellin%: Lou donJt use J3hrJ, ,nd ou (or%et ,ll ,bout the *4
hour clock: ;ee ,bove (or more in(orm,tion:
<here ,re ,lso , couple more #ords (or 810, 840, ,nd 8"0:::
=u,rter - Viertel
h,l( before - Hal&
=u,rter before - Drei)iertel (used mostl in e,stern $erm,n, in most other re%ions ou #onJt be
3se these #ords @ust ,s ou use others, except th,t ou donJt need , )or #hen usin% h,lb: For ex,mple,
118"0 c,n be s,id ,s, >6,lb 7#Rl(> ,nd 0810 c,n be s,id ,s >Eiertel n,ch FCn(>, 0840 #ould be >Eiertel
vor ;echs> or >4reiviertel ;echs>:
!aying When Oou 5o !omething
Wann s"ielst du Foot&all7 (Footb,ll me,ns .meric,n Footb,ll: <he much more popul,r soccer #ould
be >FuVb,ll>, #hich lit: me,ns Footb,ll!
<o s, ou pl, , sport ,t , cert,in time in )n%lish, ou #ould ,ns#er, >I pl, (ootb,ll at "8"0:> <his is
,ll the s,me in $erm,n, #ith the tr,nsl,tion o( J,tJ bein% um: <h,t m,kes the ,bove response >Ich spiele
Footb,ll um h,lb Eier:> or >Ich spiele Footb,ll um (Cn(7ehn 3hr dreiVi%:>:
"ther Time
Times of 5ay
In $erm,n ,nd )n%lish, m,n times one #ould #,nt to ,pproxim,te, such ,s >tomorro# ,(ternoon>:
6ere ,re the $erm,n tr,nsl,tions8
)n%lish Deutsch
the d, der -ag
tod, heute
tomorro# morgen
the d, ,(ter tomorro# *&ermorgen
esterd, gestern
the d, be(ore esterd, )orgestern
(e,rl! mornin% Morgen>
mornin% Vormittag
,(ternoon Nachmittag
evenin% A&end
ni%ht Nacht
UIn $erm,n, except the c,pit,li7,tion, the #ords (or >mornin%> ,nd >tomorro#> ,re the s,me8 morgen: I( ou #,nt to s,
tomorrow morning use morgen /r*h (me,nin%8 earl, on the ne?t da,! inste,d o( Morgen morgen:
<he #ords ,bove c,n be combined into phr,ses like >heute 2,chmitt,%> or >%estern .bend>: 2ote th,t
the time o( d, st,s c,pit,li7ed (it is , noun! ,nd the d, st,s lo#erc,se (it is ,n ,dverb!:
5ays and Bonths
$erm,n d,s ,nd months ,re ver simil,r to )n%lish months8
)n%lish Deutsch
Nond, Montag
<uesd, Dienstag
Aednesd, Mittwoch
<hursd, Donnerstag
Frid, Freitag
;,turd, Samstag @or ;onn,bendA
;und, Sonntag
H,nu,r Januar (or J#nner in .ustri,!
Febru,r Fe&ruar(or ver r,rel Fe&er!
N,rch M#rz
.pril A"ril
N, Mai
Hune Juni (or r,rel Juno>!
Hul Juli (or r,rel Julei>!
.u%ust August
;eptember Se"tem&er
Dctober +$to&er
2ovember No)em&er
4ecember Dezem&er
U Juni ,nd Juli sounds ver simil,r: ;ometimes Juno ,nd Julei ,re used to sep,r,te the months, but onl in spoken #ords:
2ote the order o( the d,s o( the #eek: <he $erm,n #eek be%ins on Nond,:
<o s, >on Nond,>, s, :am Montag: or #h,tever ,pplies: <o s, >in H,nu,r>, s, :im Januar: or
#h,tever ,pplies: <his is the s,me (or ,ll o( the d,s ,nd months:
Lou c,n ,lso combine the times o( d, (rom e,rlier #ith the d,s o( the #eek: ?ut theJre both nouns:
<o do this, there(ore, #e must combine the t#o #ords into one, ,s in >4ienst,%n,cht> (<uesd, ni%ht!:
)n%lish Deutsch
(irst o( (month! erster
second o( (month! zweiter
third o( (month! dritter
(ourth o( (month! )ierter
seventh o(
ei%hth o( (month! achter
-th o( (belo# *0! ;ter
tenth o( zehnter
t#entieth o( zwanzigster
thirt-(irst o( einunddrei6igster
-th o( (*0 to "1! ;ster
on (the! ,m @see &elow5A
I( ou #,nt to s,, (or ex,mple >on the *0th o( 4ecember>, simpl s, >,m (Cn(und7#,n7i%sten
4e7ember:>, in other c,ses ou s, >(Cn(und7#,n7i%ster 4e7ember> or >der (Cn(und7#,n7i%ste
In $erm,n, d,tes ,re #ritten out in the lo%ic,l order Da, 1 Month 1 Bear, inste,d o( the .meric,n
Month C Da, C Bear: For ex,mple, vier7ehnter .u%ust is #ritten ,s 14:-: 5le,se note th,t $erm,n uses ,
dot inste,d o( , sl,sh: 4o not use the sl,sh in d,tes, ,s it is unusu,l ,nd con(usin% bec,use ou c,nnot
tell i( >491> me,ns 4th o( Hune (4:1:! or 1th o( .pril (1:4:!
?irthd, - e&urtstag
<o s,, >N birthd, is on Hul *0th>, s,, >Ich h,be ,m 7#,n7i%sten Huli $eburtst,%:> 2ote the orderB
it tr,nsl,tes b,ck liter,ll ,s >I h,ve on the *0th o( Hul birthd,:> <his kind o( thin% is common in
<o celebr,te someoneJs birthd, in $erm,n, there ,re t#o common phr,ses: ;impl >6,pp ?irthd,>
is >.lles $ute 7um $eburtst,%W> (lit: %)er,thing good to the &irthda,! ,nd >?est #ishes on our
birthd,W> is >6er7lichen $lCck#unsch 7um $eburtst,%W> (heart, congratulation to the &irthda,1! I(
ou #ere sendin% , c,rd, ou #ould most likel use the second one:
;prin% - Fr*hling
;ummer - Sommer
.utumn9F,ll - Her&st
Ainter - Winter
in (the! - im
For ex,mple, to s, >in ;ummer>, s, >im ;ommer>: <o s, >I pl, b,seb,ll in summer:>, s, >Ich
spiele ?,seb,ll im ;ommer:>:
Periods of Time
I( ou #,nt to express , cert,in period o( time, but it doesnJt h,ve , speci(ic n,me, like Nachmittag,
ou c,n do it like this8
von (st,rtin% time! bis (endin% time!:
<his is the s,me ,s (rom ::: till ::: in )n%lish:
<his c,n ,lso ,ppl #ith d,tes: For ex,mple, >Air h,ben ;chule (school! von Nont,% bis Freit,%>:
)xceptions8 >Air h,ben (rei vom (Cn(und7#,n7i%sten 4e7ember bis zum 7#eiten H,nu,r>:
:o often*
Wie o/t7
<here ,re m,n #,s to ,ns#er this =uestion: <#o ,re >once9t#ice9three times in , :::>, or
A Dumber or Times
<o s,, >once , month>, or >(our times , #eek>, ,dd :mal: to the end o( the number ,nd s, >in the :::>:
6ere ,re the tr,nsl,tions (or >in the :::>8
4, - am <,%
Aeek - in der Aoche or die Aoche
Nonth - im Non,t
Le,r - im H,hr
Aeekend - am Aochenende
Nornin% - am Nor%en or morgens
)venin% - am .bend or a&ends
.(ternoon - am 2,chmitt,% or nachmittags
2i%ht - in der 2,cht or nachts
For ex,mple, >Ae bo#l t#ice , #eek:> is >Air ke%eln 7#eim,l in der Aoche:>
"ften Adverbs
,l#,s - immer
most o( the time - meistens
o(ten - o/t
sometimes - manchmal
seldom - selten
never - nie
onl - nur
<o ,ppl these #ords, put them in the sentence, after the verb and subFectG but before the
sportKactivity: Lou c,n ,lso use JnurJ to s, thin%s like, >;ie spielt nur m,nchm,l <ennis:> 2ote th,t i(
this is tr,nsl,ted #ord-(or-#ord, it becomes, >;he pl,s onl sometimes tennis:>, not >;he onl
sometimes pl,s tennis:> or >;he onl pl,s tennis sometimes:> <h,tJs @ust the #, $erm,n is:
TimeP/elated Words
<ime - die Deit
Free time - die Freizeit
<o s, ou h,ve time, i%nore the JdieJ: <o s, #hen, insert other phr,ses ou h,ve le,rned this lesson:
For ex,mple, >Ich h,be ,m ;,mst,%,bend 'eit:> 2ote th,t the #ord order is the s,me ,s th,t o(
birthd,s: Lou c,n use Frei7eit in the s,me #,:
U2ote th,t #hile >die 'eit> me,ns >the time>, the phr,se >6,st du die 'eitP> (>4o ou h,ve the timeP>! is not used to
in=uire ,bout #h,t time it is: Lou c,n, ho#ever, use the phr,se to in=uire ,s to #hether or not someone h,s time to do
What@s "n the Test
<o %o str,i%ht to the lesson test, %o here:
<he test #ill h,ve (our p,rts to it8 $r,mm,r (&9 points!, <r,nsl,tin% (90 points!, +e,din%
Fomprehension (*0 points!, Eoc,bul,r (*0 points!, ,nd 5revious <opics (10 points! in th,t order: <he
$r,mm,r section #ill test our ,bilit to kno# the verbs (rom this lesson ,nd itJs v,rious visions, to
kno# ,rticles - the %enders o( them ,nd the correct us,%e o( them, ,nd correct #ord order:
<he <r,nsl,tin% section is #orth the most points, ,nd it too h,s three sections: Lou must kno# the
tr,nsl,tions (or sentences ,nd phr,ses %oin% (rom )n%lish to $erm,n, ,nd be ,ble to t,ke , $erm,n
di,lo%ue ,nd tr,nsl,te it b,ck into )n%lish: .lso ou must kno# the tr,nsl,tion (rom 2umbers to
<he third section, +e,din% Fomprehension, is Fomprehension Suestions ou must kno# ho# to re,d
the conversion ,nd ,(ter re,din% ou #ill be ,sked =uestion on the previous conversion:
<he (ourth section is , voc,bul,r section: Lou %et *0 )n%lish #ords on the le(t ,nd *0 $erm,n #ords
on the ri%ht, ,nd be ,sked to m,tch them: <o stud (or th,t, check out the 401 (l,shc,rds rel,ted to this
lesson ,t Fl,shc,rd)xch,n%e:com 4art 9 ,nd Fl,shc,rd)xch,n%e:com 4art 99:
<he l,st section, 5revious <opics, is , =uick revie# on Lesson 1 to %et re,d (or this section, @ust look
,t some p,st notes or %o to Lesson 1 ,nd stud: <h,t is the #hole test: <,ke itW
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:0* O Frei7eit
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Section 0120 3 Starting 4oint
Lesson 1:0" O )ssen
Franz: Hallo, Greta! Wie geht's?
Greta: Sehr gut. Ich habe Hunger.
Franz: Ich auch. Mchtest du etas essen?
Greta: !a!
"In der Gastst#tte$
Greta: Ich %chte Salat, &rot und Wasser.
Franz: Hast du 'etzt (einen Hunger?
Greta: )ein, ich habe gro*en Hunger. Was be(o%%st du?
Franz: Ich be(o%%e ein St+c( ,-.elstrudel und einen /isbecher.
Greta: Waru% das? 0u sollst eine &raturst neh%en.
Franz: )ein, ich bin zu.rieden. Ich habe (einen gro*en Hunger.
Greta: ,ch so, dann ist das genug.
")ach zanzig Minuten.$
Greta: 0iese Gastst#tte ist schrec(lich! Ich %chte etas zu essen!
Franz: Wir gehen!
live version
test ,ns#ers
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report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
6ere ,re some thin%s ou mi%ht order ,t , rest,ur,nt, (,st (ood or sit-do#n8
,--etizers "die 1ors-eise, 1ors-eisen$
Salad - der Salat
Bread - das Brot
&readstic( 2 die Scheibe &rot
Main 0ishes "das Hau-tgericht, Hau-tgerichte$
Sausage - die Wurst
Sausages 2 die W+rste
Bratwurst - die Bratwurst
Hot Dog - das "or der$ Hot Dog
Pizza - die Pizza
3izzas 2 die 3izzen "or die 3izzas$
Hamburger - der Hamburger "-ronounced either li(e the 4it5 o. Ha%burg, or li(e in
Hamburgers - die Hamburger
with - mit "ignore article$
without - ohne "ignore article$
Tomatoes - Tomaten
Lettuce - der Salat
Cheese - der Kse
3ic(les 2 die Gur(en 67 die Ge+rzgur(en "%ore -recise$
6nions 2 die 8iebeln
Ketchu - der "or das$ Ketchu
!ustard - der Sen"
Chic#en - das Hhnchen
4hic(ens 2 die H#hnchen
Sea.ood 2 die Meeres.r+chte "-lural$
$ish - %der& $isch
Sides "die &eilage "singular$, die &eilagen "-lural$$
Sou - die Sue
Sous - die Suen
'oodle Sou - die 'udelsue
$rench $ries - die Pommes "rites "-lural$
9his ord is -ronounced French, so it sounds li(e :-o%% .ritt:.
$ries - die Pommes or die $ritten "both in.or%al and -lural$
9his ti%e it's not -ronounced French; rather 5ou sa5 '-o%%is'.
Pasta - die Pasta or die 'udeln
Potato - die Karto""el
Potato - %in (ustria& )rda"el %earth ale&
Potatoes - die Karto""eln
Potatoes - %(ustria& )rd"el
!ashed Potatoes - der Karto""elbrei
$ried Potatoes - die Brat#arto""eln "-lural$
4orn 2 Mais
Corn on the Cob - !ais#olben
&ean 2 die &ohne "not green beans$
Beans - die Bohnen
0esserts "die )achs-eise, )achs-eisen or der )achtisch$
G<teau 2 0ie "Sahne2$9orte
Strudel - der Strudel
,--le strudel 2 ,-.elstrudel
4herr5 strudel 2 =irschstrudel
3o--5 seed strudel 2 Mohnstrudel
Ca#e - der Kuchen
Piece o" Ca#e - das St*c# Kuchen
Pie - die Pastete
Piece o" Pie - das St*c# Pastete
,--le 3ie 2 die ,-.el-astete
+ce Cream - das )is
&ol o. Ice 4rea% 2 der /isbecher
Pudding - der Pudding
Coo#ie - der Ke#s
Coo#ies - die Ke#se
$ruit - das ,bst
The !eal - das )ssen
Lunch - !ittagessen "noon %eal$
Dinner - (bendessen "e>ening %eal$
<his list o( (oods (die ;peise, ;peisen! is ver use(ul: 5rint it out ,nd keep it: D( course it is
recommended th,t ou memori7e ,ll o( the tr,nsl,tions ,nd %enders o( these (oods, but the lesson
problems ,nd test #ill onl re=uire the bolded ones to be memori7ed:
Accusative #ase
.s ou kno# (rom the Intro, in $erm,n, there ,re (our c,ses: <hree ,re used o(ten: <he (irst,
Dominative #ase, ou le,rned in Lesson 1: It covers the sub@ect, ,nd the predic,te noun (in >6e is
(noun!:>, (noun! is the predic,te noun!: <he second, the Accusative #ase, ou #ill le,rn no#: It covers
the direct ob@ect ,nd the ob@ect o( sever,l prepositions: <he third, the 5ative #ase #ill be t,u%ht l,ter
on: It covers the indirect ob@ect ,nd the ob@ect o( m,n other prepositions:
2ote8 <he Accusative #ase ,nd 5ative #ase ,re identic,l in )n%lishB th,tJs #here the extr, c,se comes
N,sculine Feminine 2euter 5lur,l
4e(inite .rticle den die d,s die
Inde(inite .rticle einen eine ein -eineU
H The indefinite article for plurals is nonPe<istant% :oever related ordsG such as possessives and the keinP ords
that you ill learn later this lessonG ill end in eine for plurals%
In the ,rticles, the memor hook (or ,ccus,tive c,se is >4er %oes to den (pronounced >d,in>! ,nd the
rest st, the s,me:>: <he m,sculine inde(inite ,rticle %oes to einen, ,nd everthin% else st,s the s,me
there: <here(ore ,bove, der 6,mbur%er %oes to den 6,mbur%er ,nd ein 6,mbur%er %oes to einen
6,mbur%er #hen the h,mbur%er is the direct ob@ect, such ,s in >)r h,t einen 6,mbur%er:> (>6e h,s ,
I( ou ,re %ettin% con(used, itJs (ine: <his topic is one o( the h,rdest (or )n%lish spe,kers to %r,sp: 6ere
,re some solutions8
<o (ind out the c,se o( somethin%, (irst (ind the verb: <he verb rules the sentence: )verthin% revolves
,round it: 2ext ou (ind the sub@ect o( the sentence: <he sub@ect is the thin%9person th,t is doing the
verb: The subFect is alays in the Dominative #aseG so it takes on the derG dieG dasG dieG or einG
eineG ein%
2o# ou look b,ck ,t the verb: I( it is , bein% verb (,m, ,re, is, etc:!, the next noun ,(ter the verb is the
predicate noun: .n e,s #, to (i%ure this out is to #rite ,n e=u,tion: I( the verb c,n be repl,ced #ith
,n e=u,ls si%n (\!, then the (ollo#in% noun is , predic,te noun: I( it c,nJt be repl,ced b ,n e=u,ls si%n,
re(er to the next p,r,%r,ph: The predicate noun is also alays in the Dominative #aseG so the same
rules apply to it%
Ich bin ein !unge.
Sie ist eine Frau.
I( the verb o( the sentence is ,n ,ction verb (pl,in%, thro#in%, m,kin%, e,tin%!, (ind #h,t the sub@ect is
doin% the verb to: For ex,mple, i( the verb is >m,kes> (m,cht!, ou look (or #h,t is bein% m,de: <h,t is
the direct ob@ect: The direct obFect is alays in the Accusative #aseG so it takes on the denG dieG dasG
dieG or einenG eineG ein%
Sie haben den 4heeseburger.
Habt ihr einen Salat?
<he inde(inite ,rticles, #hen ou @ust look ,t their endin%s, %o -, e, -, e (or nomin,tive c,se, ,nd en, e, -,
e (or ,ccus,tive: <his c,n be memori7ed ,s >?l,nkie, ?l,nkie, .n ?l,nkie:>
+emember, bet#een nomin,tive ,nd ,ccus,tive, the onl third-person ch,n%e is in the m,sculine (orm:
<he pronouns experience , much bi%%er ch,n%e th,n the ,rticles: <his is ,lso true in )n%lish, ,s the
,rticles (,, ,n, the! do not ch,n%e ever, but I %oes to me, #e %oes to us, etc:
2ot everthin% is the s,me, thou%h: Ahile me is mich ,nd us is uns, the second ,nd third persons
under%o di((erent ch,n%es: In third person, ,s in the ,rticles, the onl ch,n%e is in m,sculine sin%ul,r:
Follo#in% the >der %oes to den> rule, er %oes to ihn #hen in the ,ccus,tive c,se:
<he second person in )n%lish never ch,n%es: In $erm,n, du %oes to dich ,nd ihr %oes to euch: ;ie, the
(orm,l version o( either, st,s the s,me: +emember, ;ie (*nd person (orm,l! ,nd sie ("rd person plur,l!
onl di((er in their me,nin%s ,nd the (,ct th,t the (ormer is c,pit,li7ed ,nd the l,tter is not: <his st,s
true throu%hout $erm,n %r,mm,r:
6ere is , t,bul,r represent,tion o( the ,bove:
5erson !ingular Plural
)n%lish $erm,n )n%lish $erm,n
1st me mich us uns
*nd ou dich ou (J,ll! euch
him, her,
ihn' sie' es them sie
2ote8 -his is 8ust a Euic$ lesson in %nglish grammar a""lied into erman1 9/ ,ou alread, $now all
a&out antecedents in %nglish' s$i" the /irst "aragra"h1
Ahen usin% , pronoun, ou h,ve to kno# #h,t it is (or it to #ork: <here ,re some r,re exceptions, such
,s in msteries or dr,m,, but other#ise this is ,l#,s true: ;ometimes in di,lo%ue this is t,ken c,re o(
b pointin% or m,kin% some other %esture, but most o( the time, the pronoun modi(ies somethin%
,lre,d mentioned: The obFectKperson mentioned earlier that turns into a pronoun later is called
the antecedent%
In $erm,n this is ver use(ul: Lou c,nJt simpl s, JitJ ,nmore: N,n (ood #ords ,re m,sculine ,nd
(eminine, ,nd #hen ou turn them into pronouns, the turn into JheJ, JsheJ, JhimJ, ,nd JherJ, not ,l#,s
JitJ: For ex,mple, the sentence ><he cheesebur%er t,stes %ood: ItJs ver crunch:> turns into ><he
cheesebur%er t,stes %ood: HeFs ver crunch:> 2ote8 Lou #ill le,rn ho# to s, this in $erm,n l,ter in
this lesson:
Ah is it >he>P <his is #here the ,ntecedent comes in: ?ec,use there ,re (oods th,t ,re m,sculine ,nd
(eminine in $erm,n, ou c,nJt ,ssume the JesJ: Lou h,ve to look b,ck ,t the previous sentence, ,t the
,ntecedent, der .heese&urger: >4er Fheesebur%er> is repl,ced b er (since it is the sub@ect, ,nd
there(ore in 2omin,tive F,se!: <here(ore, ,ll ou need to kno# ,re these connections8 der9den-er9ihn,
die-sie, d,s-es, die-sie:
,oodP/elated Verbs
essen @9A - to e,t, to be e,tin%, to do e,t
trin$en - to drink, to be drinkin%, to do drink
&e$ommen - to %et9receive, to be %ettin%9receivin%, to do %et9receive
m<chten @MA - #ould like
wollen @MA - to #,nt, to be #,ntin%, to do #,nt
D( these (ive verbs, onl trinken ,nd bekommen ,re re%ul,r: )ssen is irregular (th,tJs #h,t the >I>
me,ns!: 4o ou remember (rom the l,st lesson JlesenJ ,nd JsehenJP In both o( them, the (irst JeJ ch,n%ed
to JieJ in the du- ,nd er9sie9es-(orms: Aell essen experiences the s,me ch,n%e, except th,t it ch,n%es to
JiJ, not JieJ: .lso, it ,cts the s,me ,s JlesenJ in the du-(orm8 Lou donJt h,ve three sJs in , ro#:
<here(ore, du9er9sie9es isst ,nd everthin% else is the s,me:
9sst sounds ,nd looks , lot like ist: <he minute di((erence h,ppens to be in the #, ou pronounce the
s: Ahen ou me,n eats it is sometimes ,n overstressed hissin% (i:e: extremel sh,rp! sound: In norm,l
li(e $erm,ns, too, c,n onl tell #hich verb is me,nt (rom kno#in% the context:
Hust like in l,st lesson, #here ou could s,, :9ch s"iele gerne Fu6&all1:, ou c,n ,lso extend it to (ood:
>I like to e,t cheesebur%ers:> is tr,nsl,ted ,s :9ch esse gerne .heese&urger1:
<he l,st t#o verbs (m,rked @MA! ,re modals: <he #ill be discussed in the next section:
In the introduction, ou le,rned th,t $erm,n h,s no helpin% verbs: Inste,d, the h,ve modals, #ords
th,t b,sic,ll do the s,me thin%:
Nod,ls ,re con@u%,ted ver di((erentl (rom norm,l verbs: <he ich- ,nd er9sie9es-(orms ,re ,l#,s the
s,me, #hile the du-(orm ,dds ,n JstJ: Nost mod,ls experience , vo#el ch,n%e (rom sin%ul,r to plur,l,
,nd the rest is the s,me:
NRchten isnJt technic,ll , mod,l, but it ,cts ex,ctl the s,me: <here is no vo#el ch,n%e, ,nd the ich-
,nd er9sie9es (orms ,re >mRchte>: 6ere is the complete con@u%,tion8
5erson ;in%ul,r 5lur,l
$st ich m<chte #ir m<chten
+nd du m<chtest ihr m<chtet
.rd er9sie9es m<chte sie m<chten
NRchten me,ns >#ould like> ,nd c,n be ,pplied to (ood (i:e: Ich mRchte einen Fheesebur%er:!:
NRchten c,n be tr,nsl,ted even more liter,ll ,s >#ould like to>, ,nd is tr,dition,ll used #ith ,n
in(initive verb ,t the end o( the sentence (i:e: >Ich mRchte @et7 %ehen>9>I #ould like to %o no#>!:
6o#ever, this in(initive is not necces,r i( itJs completel obvious #h,t ouJre t,lkin% ,bout (I( ou s,
>Ich mRchte einen Fheesebur%er>, everone #ill ,ssume th,t ou #ould like , cheesebur%er to e,t:!
(2ote8 <echnic,ll, >mRchten> is not , #ord: <he ,bove cited con@u%,tion is ,ctu,ll the >Ion@unktiv>
o( >mR%en>, #hich h,s become so popul,r ,s , phr,se, th,t even m,n $erm,ns tod, ,renJt ,#,re o( it
,nmore, so ou donJt need to #orr ,bout it: >)t#,s mR%en> me,ns >to like sth>, ,nd >I #ould like> is
the closest tr,nsl,tion o( >ich mRchte>!
Aollen is , true mod,lB it even ch,n%es vo#els: Ich9er9sie9es #ill ,nd du #illst: 6ere is the complete
5erson ;in%ul,r 5lur,l
$st ich will #ir wollen
+nd du willst ihr wollt
.rd er9sie9es will sie wollen
Aollen c,n ,lso be ,pplied to (ood, but m, be considered impolite ,nd dem,ndin% (>Ich #ill einen
Fheesebur%erW> rou%hl me,ns >I dem,nd , cheesebur%erW> M<chten should be used inste,d8 >Ich
mRchte einen Fhessebur%erW> \ >I #,nt , chessebur%erW>!:
Aollen should not be con(used #ith the (uture tense, despite the presence o( the )n%lish #ord J#illJ in
the con@u%,tions: 6o#ever, #ill c,n ,lso me,n ,n intent or , document sho#in% #h,t one wants to
h,ppen: ;o it is not so di((erent (rom Jto #,ntJ ,s possibl ori%in,ll presumed:
Bodals ith other verbs
Ahen ou need to use ,nother verb #ith , mod,l (;uch ,s expressin% ou #ould like or #,nt to
pre(orm ,n ,ction! the sentenceJs #ord order is some#h,t di((erent th,n it #ould be in )n%lish: In
)n%lish ou #ould st,te the sub@ect pronoun (such ,s >I>!, ,n )n%lish e=uiv,lent to the mod,l verb
(such ,s >#,nt>!, the ,ction ou #,nt to pre(orm (such ,s >to e,t>! ,nd th,n #h,t the ,ction #ill be
pre(ormed on (such ,s >h,mbur%er>!, m,kin% the sentence >I #,nt to e,t , h,mbur%er:> In $erm,n ou
must put the ,ction ,t the end o( the sentence, m,kin% the sentence >I #,nt , h,mbur%er to e,t:> (:9ch
will einen Ham&urger essen1:!
:unger and Thirst
In $erm,n, inste,d o( s,in%, >IJm hun%r:>, ou s, >I h,ve hun%er:> <he s,me ,pplies to thirst: 6ere
,re the $erm,n tr,nsl,tions8
6un%er - der 6un%er (hoon-%,re! D+ (hoon%-er!`-5erh,ps , di,lect:
<hirst - der 4urst
Like in )n%lish, these t#o #ords do not h,ve , plur,l (orm: Ahen usin% them, ou donJt need to #orr
,bout the JderJB ou c,n @ust s,, >Ich h,be 6un%er:> to s, >I ,m hun%r>:
,ormal #onversations
In Lesson 1, ou le,rned ho# to t,lk (orm,ll, usin% phr,ses like >$uten Nor%enW> ,nd >Aie heiVen
;ieP>: <here ,re, ho#ever, , (e# #ords th,t ,re Jsurviv,l #ordsJ in $erm,n, speci(ic,ll
5anke - <h,nk ou, <h,nks
Eitte - 5le,se and LouJre #elcome:
<o m,ke this even more (orm,l, ou c,n t,ck on the #ord JschRnJ to the end o( ><h,nk ou> ,nd
>LouJre #elcome> to m,ke Jd,nkeschRnJ ,nd JbitteschRnJ (both one #ord! in response: ;chRn liter,ll
me,ns JprettJ (ouJll rele,rn this next lesson!, so it turns those everd, phr,ses into compliments
(><h,nks, prett:>!:
!ome other ays to say Lthank youL8
4,nkeschRn - <h,nk ou ver much
4,nke sehr - <h,nks , lot
6er7lichen 4,nk (>her7lichen> me,ns sincere or (rom the he,rtB ou m, remember it (rom
>6er7lichen $lCck#unsch 7um $eburtst,%W> l,st lesson!
Eielen 4,nk - <h,nks , lot
<,usend 4,nkU - <h,nks , million (liter,ll me,ns , thous,nd, but no one ever s,s ><h,nks ,
.u(richti%en 4,nkU - #ould be >th,nk ou sincerel> ()er, (orm,l!
U - Lou #ill not be tested on these phr,ses:
!ome other ays to say LOou are elcomeL8
?itte sehrW
$ern %eschehenW (4onJt mention it!
Iein 5roblemW (2o problem!
4,(Cr nichtWU - (4o! not (th,nk me! (or this (onl used in 2orthern $erm,n!
U - Lou #ill not be tested on this phr,se:
<#ice ou h,ve been t,u%ht th,t the endin% o( the inde(inite ,rticle (or plur,ls would &e eine ((or
2omin,tive ,nd .ccus,tive c,ses!, i( there #,s ,n inde(inite ,rticle (or plur,ls: 2o# th,t lesson
,pplies: <he kein-#ords h,ve the s,me endin%s ,s the ein-#ords, ,nd the me,n the opposite8 no, not
,n, none: For ex,mple, >kein Fheesebur%er> me,ns >no cheesebur%er>: >Ieine Fheesebur%er> (in this
c,se Fheesebur%er is plur,l! me,ns >2o cheesebur%ers>: 2otice the JeJ ,t the end o( JkeineJ: <h,tJs the
endin% (or plur,ls ,nd (eminine nouns ,nd c,n be likened to the >der, die, d,s -M die> rel,tionship,
#here the (eminine ,rticle serves (or the plur,l ,s #ell:
"rdering at a /estaurant in Germany
+est,ur,nt - d,s +est,urJ,ntJ (pronounci,ted French!
,t (the! - beim
<here ,re m,n rest,ur,nts ou mi%ht (ind in $erm,n: Nuch like in )n%lish-spe,kin% countries, ou
#ould more likel use the n,me o( the rest,ur,nt th,n n,me #h,t kind o( rest,ur,nt: I( ou #,nt to
,dress the #ish to e,t , cert,in (ood, there ,re t#o #,s8
ex,mple8 >#,ntin% to e,t chinese (ood>
1: >Ich mRchte %erne 7um Fhinesen:> - liter,ll8 >I #,nt to %o to the Fhinese (rest,ur,nt!:> *: >Ich
mRchte %erne chinesisch essen (%ehen!:> - liter,ll8 >I #,nt to (%o! e,t Fhinese (stle!:>
6ere ,re some more rest,ur,nts ou c,n (ind in $erm,n8
Fhinese (ood8 >7um Fhinesen> 9 >chinesisch essen>
H,p,nese (ood8 >7um H,p,ner> 9 >@,p,nisch essen>
.meric,n (ood8 >7um .merik,ner> 9 >,merik,nisch essen>
Nexic,n (ood8 >7um Nexik,ner> 9 >mexik,nisch essen>
.r,bic (ood8 >7um .r,ber> 9 >,r,bisch essen>
It,li,n (ood8 >7um It,liener> 9 >it,lienisch essen>
Indi,n (ood8 >7um Inder> 9 >indisch essen>
French (ood8 >7um Fr,n7osen> 9 >(r,n7Rsich essen>
$reek (ood8 >7um $riechen> 9 >%riechisch essen>
<urkish (ood8 >7um <Crken> 9 >tCrkisch essen>
Accusative case prepositions
Lou re,d ,t the be%innin% o( this lesson th,t the Accusative #ase covers the direct ob@ect ,nd the
ob@ects o( some prepositions: 6ere ,re those prepositions th,t ,l#,s (,ll under .ccus,tive F,se
Durch - throu%h
F*r - (or
egen - ,%,inst
+hne - #ithout
=m - ,t, ,round
<hese prepositions c,n be memori7ed e,sil usin% , common tune: >ItJs , ;m,ll Aorld .(ter .ll> ,nd
>N,r 6,d , Little L,mb> both #ork #ell (or this:
Lou le,rned um l,st lesson, ,nd ohne e,rlier this lesson: Durch ,nd gegen #ill be t,u%ht in depth l,ter,
,nd (Cr #ill be t,u%ht no#:
3p until this point, ou h,ve onl #orried ,bout the .ccus,tive F,se in third person: FCr, me,nin%
J(orJ, c,n ,nd should be used in the (irst ,nd second persons, too: 6ereJs ,n ex,mple8
><he cheesebur%er is (or me:> - >4er Fheesebur%er ist /*r mich:>
.s ou c,n see, JmeJ is put into ,ccus,tive c,se bec,use the preposition is /*r:
!aying :o ,ood Tastes
In $erm,n (,s in )n%lish! there ,re sever,l #,s o( tellin% ho# (ood t,stes: Lou c,n do this #ith J%utJ
,nd JschlechtJ (rom Lesson 1 to s,8
5er #heeseburger schmeckt gut P The meal tastes good
5er #heeseburger schmeckt schlecht P The meal tastes bad
?ut this is v,%ue: Ah do ou think it t,stes %oodP Lou c,n use the (ollo#in% #ords to more ,cutel
describe ho# the cheesebur%er t,stes8
delicious - lec$er
delicious - deli$atU (, lot more (orm,l th,n lecker!
t,st - schmac$ha/t
@uic - sa/tigU
crunch - $nac$ig
crisp - $nus"rigU
spic - w*rzig, "i$ant
st,le, t,steless - /adeU (.ustri,8 (,d!
s,lt - salzig
overs,lted - )ersalzenU
s#eet - s*6
bitter - &itter
sour - sauer
cre,m - cremigU
hot (in the sense o( >ver spic>! - schar/
hot (in the sense o( >ver #,rm>! - hei6
burnt - ange&ranntU
cold - $alt
dis%ustin% - schrec$lich
U - Lou #ill not be tested on these descriptors:
!chmecken is , re%ul,r verb: 6ere is itJs con@u%,tion8
5erson ;in%ul,r 5lur,l
$st ich schmec$e #ir schmec$en
+nd du schmec$st ihr schmec$t
.rd er9sie9es schmec$t sie schmec$en
<he (irst ,nd second persons re,ll shouldnJt be used: 2o one is %oin% to s,, >Lou %us t,ste s,lt> or
>I t,ste cre,m> (,t le,st hope(ull!: ;o the onl (orms ou need to kno# ,re er9sie9es schmec$t ,nd sie
(plur,l! schmec$en:
Lou c,n use JschmecktJ ,nd JschmeckenJ or JistJ ,nd JsindJ to st,te ho# the (ood t,stes: Hust use
#hichever one ou #ould use in )n%lish ,nd itJll be correct:
.lthou%h the )n%lish me,nin% o( schmec$en is simpl to taste, :Schmec$t der .heese&urger7: c,n be
t,ken in , positive #, to me,n >4o ou like the cheesebur%erP>: In other #ords, schmec$en ,lone c,n
me,n to taste good:
>-he cheesebur%er t,stes %ood:> does not sound th,t speci(ic ,s to #hich cheesebur%er ou ,re t,lkin%
,bout: Lou could be t,lkin% ,bout some other cheesebur%er th,n the one in (ront o( ou: It @ust isnJt
cle,r: 2o#, i( ou s,id, >-his cheesebur%er t,stes %ood:>, it #ould be obvious th,t ouJre t,lkin% ,bout
the cheesebur%er ouJre e,tin%: J4ieserJ is the $erm,n tr,nsl,tion (or JthisJ8 >4ieser Fheesebur%er
schmeckt %ut:>
4ieser is , speci,l ,d@ective: It ch,n%es (orms in di((erent situ,tions8 di((erent %enders ,nd di((erent
c,ses: It c,n ,lso me,n JtheseJ #hen modi(in% , plur,l: 6ere ,re its (orms8
N,sculine Feminine 2euter 5lur,l
2omin,tive F,se dieser diese dieses diese
.ccus,tive F,se diesen diese dieses diese
.s ou c,n see, dieser is onl ,ppropri,te (or modi(in% m,sculine nouns in nomin,tive c,se: ?ut
JFheesebur%erJ, #hich is m,sculine, is the sub@ect o( the sentence, >4ieser Fheesebur%er schmeckt %ut:>
;o it is correct in th,t circumst,nce:
Lou m, be #onderin% #h JdieserJ is ho# it is presented ,s , #hole: .(ter ,ll, it onl ,pplies to
m,sculine nouns in the nomin,tive c,se, #hile JdieseJ ,pplies (or both (eminine and plur,l nouns,
nomin,tive and ,ccus,tive c,se: ?ut to be %ender-less, ou could use JdiesesJ inste,d: ItJs the (,ct th,t
ou could use ,n o( those in the nomin,tive c,se to summ,ri7e the #ord: 4ieserJs loc,tion in the upper
le(t h,nd corner m,kes it st,nd out ,nd %et chosen:
Jeder me,ns JeverJ: It ,cts ex,ctl like JdieserJ in its endin%s, so it should be e,s to remember: 6ere
,re the di((erent (orms8
N,sculine Feminine 2euter
2omin,tive F,se @eder @ede @edes
.ccus,tive F,se @eden @ede @edes
2otice the ,bsence o( the plur,l (orm: Ahen ou think ,bout this, itJs the s,me in )n%lish8 no one s,s
Jever booksJ:
JAelcherJ is the third o( this threesome o( ,d@ectives: JAelcherJ me,ns J#hichJ, the seventh #-#ord so
(,r (#er, #,s, #,nn, #o, #,rum, #ie, ,nd #elcher!: Its (orms h,ve the s,me endin%s ,s JdieserJ:
N,sculine Feminine 2euter 5lur,l
2omin,tive F,se #elcher #elche #elches #elche
.ccus,tive F,se #elchen #elche #elches #elche
#onnection ith Time
Lou mi%ht #,nt to s, Jever d,J, Jthis #eekJ, Jever mornin%J, or J#hich <uesd, ni%htPJ: ?ut to do
this, not onl do ou need to kno# the @eder-(orms, but ,lso the %enders o( the times ,nd the c,ses: <he
second one is e,s8 Whenever you do something at a certain timeG that time is put into Accusative
#ase% L,st lesson, ou le,rned the %ender o( one time8 der <,%: ;o no# ou kno# everthin% to s,
Jdiesen <,%J, J@eden <,%J, ,nd J#elchen <,%PJ (this d,, ever d,, ,nd #hich d,P!: 6ere ,re the c,ses
o( ,ll the times in Lesson *8
N,sculine Feminine 2euter
Ahen extendin% to J#hich <uesd, ni%htPJ, remember th,t the ni%ht st,s (eminine on <uesd,, so it
st,s >Aelche 4ienst,%n,chtP>: Like#ise, ou c,n s, Jever HuneJ the s,me ,s Jever monthJ8 J@eden
This and That
9ch m<chte einen .heese&urger1 Der schmec$t sehr gut1
9ch esse 8eden -ag .heese&urger1 Die ha&e ich gern1
Look ,t the second sentence o( e,ch o( these $erm,n di,lo%ues: Ah,tJs missin%P <h,tJs ri%ht, inste,d
o( >4er Fheesebur%er schmeckt sehr %ut:> ,nd >4ie Fheesebur%er h,be ich %ern:>, both o( the
JFheesebur%erJs, so to spe,k, ,re dropped: AeJre le(t #ith @ust the ,rticles, onl in this c,se, the ,renJt
,rticles: <heJre demonstrative pronouns:
4emonstr,tive pronouns ,renJt sc,r: <heJre @ust the s,me ,s the norm,l pronouns, onl the %ive
more oom"h to the sentence: <he c,n be tr,nsl,ted ,s either JthisJ or Jth,tJ (>IJd like , cheesebur%er:
<h,t t,stes ver %ood:>!, or JtheseJ or JthoseJ (or plur,ls (>I e,t cheesebur%ers ever d,: <hese I like:>!:
4emonstr,tive pronouns ,re ex,ctl the s,me ,s the de(inite ,rticles (#ell, there is one ch,n%e in
d,tive, but th,t #ill be covered in Lesson &!: I( ou ,re not sure o( the %ender (me,nin% in context, the
spe,ker doesnJt kno#, not th,t ouJve (or%otten th,t itJs Jder Fheesebur%erJ!, use Jd,sJ, like in >A,s ist
d,sP> (Ah,t is th,tP!:
Boney and Paying
$erm,n, .ustri,, Luxembur%, ?el%ium ,nd ;Cdtirol a in other #ords8 ,ll $erm,n
spe,kin% re%ions except ;#it7erl,nd ,nd Liechtensteina h,ve %iven up their (ormer
currencies ,nd ,dopted the )uro ,s o( 1999: Dne %uro is #orth 100 .ents: ?ec,use
the ,re not members o( the )urope,n 3nion, ;#it7erl,nd ,nd Liechtenstein h,ve
kept the ;#iss Fr,ncs (Fran$en \ 100 Ga""en!:
+ne %uro .oin
J)uroJ norm,ll does not ch,n%e in the plur,l in $erm,n, so ou #ould still s, >Ich h,be 000 )uro:>
2evertheless, there is ,n exception8 )uro coins: I( ou s, >Ich h,be vier )uros:>, ou ,ctu,ll ,re
s,in% th,t ou h,ve (our 1-)uro coins: ?ec,use the b,cksides o( euro coins look di((erent in e,ch
countr, m,n people in )urope h,ve st,rted collectin% (orei%n euro coins: In this c,se ou c,n s, >Ich
h,be irische )uros:> (I h,ve Irish euro coins:! (or ex,mple:
<here is not et , rule #hether or not the #ord :.ent: h,s , di((erent plur,l (orm: <he m,@orit o(
$erm,ns ,re usin% the #ord :.ent: ,s , plur,l (orm, but #hen the donJt it is simpl :.ents::
In $erm,n >euro> is pronounced [boi-ro], not [ou-ro]: For >Fent> there ,re t#o pronunci,tions8 ou
c,n either pronounce it ,s in )n%lish or ou s, >t7ent>: <he l,tter version se,ms to be pre(erred b
older people:
Ahen ,t , rest,ur,nt, ou #ill #,nt to p, ,t the end: Lou c,n use this voc,bul,r to help ou:
to p, - zahlen
the bill - die Gechnung
the #,iter - der +&er
>6o# much is th,tP> - :Was macht das7: (>Ah,t does th,t m,keP>!
<o ,sk (or the bill ou c,n s,, >?itte 7,hlenW>, or m,ke it , complete sentence8 >Ich mRchte 7,hlenW>,
or >Air mRchten9#ollen 7,hlenW>: Lou c,n ,lso s,, >(6err Dber!, die +echnun% bitteW>
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:0" O )ssen
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Section 0120 3 Starting 4oint
+evie# 1:01
I Ich
We Wir
?ou 0u
Sie ".or%al$
?ou ,ll Ihr
Sie ".or%al$
He /r
She Sie
It /s
9he5 Sie
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Ha>e Habe "@st 3erson, Singular$
Hast "And 3erson, Singular$
Haben "@st B Crd 3erson, 3lural$
Habt "And 3erson, 3lural$
,% &in
,re &ist "@st 3erson, Singular$
Sind "@st B Crd 3erson, 3lural$
Seid "And 3erson, 3lural$
Is Ist
Hello! Hallo!
Ser>us! "used in &a>aria and ,ustria$
Moin! or Moin Moin! "used in northern Ger%an5$
Gr+ezi! "used in Sitzerland$
Good %orning! Guten Morgen! or Morgen!
Good da5! Guten 9ag! or 9ag!
Good e>ening! Guten ,bend! or )',bend!
Gr+* Gott! "used in southern Ger%an5, ,ustria and South 95rol$
Goodb5e! ,u. Wiedersehen! or Wiedersehen
&5e! 9sch+ss! or 9schau!
Ser>us! "used in &a>aria, ,ustria$
Dater! &is s-#ter! or &is dann!
Good night! Gute )acht!
Good Gut
Su-er! S-itze!
Great! 3ri%a!
1er5 good! Sehr gut!
&ad Schlecht
Miserable Miserabel
Who Wer
What Was
Where Wo
When Wann
Wh5 Waru%
Ho Wie

&o5 0er !unge
Girl 0as M#dchen
Man 0er Herr
Wo%an 0ie Frau
&o5s 0ie !ungen
Girls 0ie M#dchen
Men 0ie M#nner
Wo%en 0ie Frauen
Sort%s& Sort
Interests Hobb5s
Soccer Fu*ball
ES, Football Football
1olle5ball 1olle5ball
&as(etball &as(etball
9ennis 9ennis
&aseball &aseball
F2-in &oling =egeln
4hess Schach
&oard Ga%e 0as &retts-iel
Ga%e 0as S-iel
Ho%eor( Hausau.gaben
9ele>ision Fernsehen
Mo>ie 0er Fil%, Fil%e
,nd End
&ut ,ber
6r 6der
9o Ha>e Haben
9o &e Sein
9o &e 4alled Hei*en
9o 3la5 S-ielen
9o 0oGMa(e Machen
9o 7ead Desen
9o Watch Schauen
9o See Sehen
9o Wor( ,rbeiten
9o Write Schreiben
9o Si% Schi%%en
6ne /ins
9o 8ei
9hree 0rei
Four 1ier
Fi>e F+n.
SiH Sechs
Se>en Sieben
/ight ,cht
)ine )eun
9en 8ehn
/le>en /l.
9el>e 8l.
9hirteen 0reizehn
Fourteen 1ierzehn
Fi.teen F+n.zehn
SiHteen Sechzehn
Se>enteen Siebzehn
/ighteen ,chtzehn
)ineteen )eunzehn
9ent5 8anzig
9hirt5 0rei*ig
Fort5 1ierzig
Fi.t5 F+n.zig
SiHt5 Sechzig
Se>ent5 Siebzig
/ight5 ,chtzig
)inet5 )eunzig
Hundred Hundert
9housand 9ausend
)oon Mittag
Midnight Mitternacht
,.ter )ach
9ill 1or
Iuarter 1iertel
Hal. &e.ore Halb
Iuarter &e.ore 0rei>iertel "used in eastern Ger%an5$
0a5 9ag
9oda5 Heute
9o%orro Morgen
?esterda5 Gestern
/arl5 Morning Morgen "use %orgen .r+h .or to%%orro %orning$
Morning 1or%ittag
,.ternoon )ach%ittag
/>ening ,bend
)ight )acht
Monda5 Montag
9uesda5 0ienstag
Wednesda5 Mittoch
9hursda5 0onnerstag
Frida5 Freitag
Saturda5 Sa%stag or Sonnabend
Sunda5 Sonntag
!anuar5 !anuar
!#nner "used in ,ustria$
Februar5 Februar
March M#rz
,-ril ,-ril
Ma5 Mai
!une !uni
!uno "in s-o(en ord onl5$
!ul5 !uli
!ulei "in s-o(en ord onl5$
,ugust ,ugust
Se-te%ber Se-te%ber
6ctober 6(tober
)o>e%ber )o>e%ber
0ece%ber 0eze%ber
S-ring Fr+hling
Su%%er So%%er
,utu%n Herbst
Winter Winter
9i%e 0ie 8eit
Free 9i%e 0ie Freizeit
,la5s I%%er
6.ten 6.t
So%eti%es Manch%al
Seldo% Selten
)e>er )ie
6nl5 )ur
Me Mich
Es Ens
?ou 0ich
?ou ,ll /uch
Hi% Ihn
Her Sie
It /s
9he% Sie
(etizers -orseisen
Salad 0er Salat
&read 0as &rot
&readstic( 0ie Scheibe &rot
Main 0ishes Hau-tgerichte
Sausage 0ie Wurst
Sausages 0ie W+rste
&raturst 0ie &raturst
Hot 0og 0as Hot 0og
3izza 0ie 3izza
3izzas 0ie 3izzen
Ha%burger 0er Ha%burger
Ha%burgers 0ie Ha%burger
With Mit "ignore article$
Without 6hne "ignore article$
9o%atoes 9o%aten
Dettuce 0er Salat
4heese 0er =#se
3ic(les 0ie Ge+rzgur(en
6nions 0ie 8iebeln
=etchu- 0er =etchu-
Mustard 0er Sen.
4hic(en 0as H#hnchen
4hic(ens 0ie H#hnchen
Sea.ood 0ie Meeres.r+chte "-lural$
Fish 0er Fisch
Sides 0ie &eilage "singular$, die &eilagen "-lural$
Sou- 0ie Su--e
Sou-s 0ie Su--en
)oodle Sou- 0ie )udelsu--e
French Fries 0ie 3o%%es .rites "-lural$
Fries 0ie Fritten "In.or%al and -lural$
3asta 0ie 3asta or 0ie )udeln
3otato 0ie =arto..el
3otatoes 0ie =arto..eln
4orn Mais
&ean 0ie &ohne
&eans 0ie &ohnen
0esserts )achs-eisen
G<teau 0ie "Sahne2$9orte
Strudel 0er Strudel
,--le strudel ,-.elstrudel
4a(e 0er =uchen
3iece o. 4a(e 0as St+c( =uchen
3ie 0ie 3astete
3iece o. 3ie 0as St+c( 3astete
,--le 3ie 0ie ,-.el-astete
Ice 4rea% 0as /is
3udding 0er 3udding
4oo(ie 0er =e(s
4oo(ies 0ie =e(se
Fruit 0as 6bst
9he Meal 0as /ssen
Dunch Mittagessen
0inner ,bendessen
Hunger 0er Hunger
9hirst 0er 0urst
9o /at /ssen
9o 0rin( 9rin(en
9o 7ecei>e &e(o%%en
9o Want Wollen
Would Di(e Mchten
0an(e 9han( 5ou
&itte 3lease B ?ou're Welco%e
0an(eschn 9han( 5ou >er5 %uch
0an(e sehr 9han(s a lot
=ein 3roble%! )o -roble%
4hinese Food 4hinesisch /ssen
!a-anese Food !a-anisch /ssen
,%erican Food ,%eri(anisch /ssen
MeHican Food MeHi(anisch /ssen
,rabic Food ,rabisch /ssen
Italian Food Italienisch /ssen
Indian Food Indisch /ssen
French Food Franzsich /ssen
Gree( Food Griechisch /ssen
0urch 9hrough
F+r For
Gegen ,gainst
6hne Without
E% ,t, ,round
0elicious Dec(er
9ast5 Sch%ac(ha.t
!uic5 Sa.tig
4runch5 =nac(ig
4ris-5 =nus-rig
S-ic5 W+rzig
Stale Fade
Fad "used in ,ustria$
Salt5 Salzig
Seet S+*
&itter &itter
Sour Sauer
4rea%5 4re%ig
Hot Hei*
&urnt ,ngebrannt
4old =alt
0isgusting Schrec(lich
9o 3a5 8ahlen
9he &ill 0ie 7echnung
Waiter 0er 6ber
Wie :ei)t 5u*
:ello and Goodbyes
Air h,ben 6,llos und Aiedersehens: IRnnen ;ie sich erinnernP (?erichtW!
Dominative #ase
Air h,ben ,uch den 2omin,tiv: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n ihn erinnernP (?erichtW!
Air h,ben d,s Eerb heiVen: )rinnern ;ie sichP (?erichtW!
Air h,ben 7#ei ,nderen Eerben kon@u%iert: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n sie erinnernP (?erichtW!
Air h,ben die .rtikel (Cr 2omin,tiv %eh,bt: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n sie erinnernP (?erichtW!
/egulars Verbs
Air h,ben die re%elm/Vi%en Eerbenden: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n sie erinnernP (?erichtW!
Likes C 5islikes
Air h,ben $e(,llen ,us7udrCcken %eh,bt: IRnnen ;ie sich d,r,n erinnernP (?erichtW!
Air h,ben die ',hlen %elernen: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n sie erinnernP (?erichtW!
Air h,ben schon 'eit-ARrter %elernt: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n diese erinnernP (?erichtW!
Accusative #ase
Air h,tten schon den .kkus,tiv-F,ll: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n ihn erinnernP (?erichtW!
Bodal Verbs
Air h,ben die mod,len Eerben: IRnnen ;ie sich ,n sie erinnernP (?erichtW!
Air h,ben ,,Iein geha&t1 K<nnen Sie sich daran erinnern7 (?erichtW!
ThisG EveryoneG and Which
Air h,ben, 4ieser, Heder, und, Aelcher %eh,bt:: IRnnen ;ie sich erinnernP (?erichtW!
congratulations on com"leting
+evie# 1:01
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Section 012H 3 Berlin' erman,
Lesson 1:04 O Ileidun%
:ello from Eerlin;
In ever Lesson (rom 4 - 1* there is %oin% to be , (e,tured $erm,n-;pe,kin% cit,
#hich be the theme o( the lesson: For 4 - 1 it is ?erlin: <here #ill be (,mous
loc,tions in ?erlin, like (or this lession itJs Iur(Crstend,mm ,nd I,4eAe, the
shoppin% ,re, o( ?erlin: .lso in e,ch lesson there #ill be (,cts, so i( ou ever tr,vel
to , $erm,n-;pe,kin% countr itJll be like ou ,re , n,tiveW
It@s Time to #hange Time
Loc,l time is 1 hours ,he,d o( ):;:<: I( itJs *800pm in 2e# Lork Fit, itJs -800pm
loc,ll: 5le,se note th,t $erm,n ch,n%es to ,nd (rom d,li%ht-s,vin% time , (e#
#eeks be(ore the 3:;:, so time di((erences still v,r in N,rch ,nd Dctober:
live version
test ,ns#ers
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
TipG TipG and Tip !ome Bore
<ippin%: . service ch,r%e is ,l#,s included on rest,ur,nt checks, but it is usu,l ,nd polite to round up
the ,mount: For , cup o( co((ee costin% ,bout *:00 )3+, ou #ould round up to *:00 )3+: .t ,
rest,ur,nt, ou should %ive , tip o( ,t le,st (ive percent: $ivin% no tip ,t ,ll is considered extremel
rude: <ip #hen p,in%, donJt le,ve mone on the t,ble: <ip the h,t check or co,t check ,ttend,nt: .dd
,bout * )uros to t,xi (,res: <ippin% is very import,nt:
!hopping Locations
<here ,re t#o m,@or shoppin% loc,tions: <he (ur')rstendamm in the old #est is lined #ith bouti=ues
,nd dep,rtment stores: It continues e,st#,rds (or ,bout three hundred ,rds #here ou c,n visit
(a%eWe, the bi%%est dep,rtment store in )urope: Dn the ne#l-developed *riedrichstra+e in the old
e,st, the (,mous French store $,lleries L,(,ette is to be (ound to%ether #ith , m,7e o( under%round
shoppin% m,lls: ;hops ,re %ener,ll open 9,m--8"0pm Nond, throu%h Frid, ,nd 9,m-4pm on
German 5ialogue ' 1leidung
Going !hopping ' Gehendes Einkaufen
:elga $uten Nor%en, N,ri,:
Baria Nor%en: Aie %ehtJsP
Nir %ehtJs %ut: Ich %ehe 7um Iur(Crstend,mm, mRchten ;ie mit mir
Baria H,, %erne: Ich hole vorher noch $eld:
:elga Ich sehe ;ie d,nn ,m Iur(Crstend,mm:
am (ur')rstendamm
:elga 6,llo N,ri,W
Baria 6,lloW
:elga Aohin %ehen #ir ,ls erstesP
Baria L,ssen ;ie uns 7u dieser ?outi=ue %ehen:
:elga D:I:
in der Bouti,ue
Angestellter Thomas 6,llo meine 4,menW
Baria und :egla 6,llo, %uten <,%:
Angestellter Thomas ?enRti%t ihr 6il(eP
Baria H,, IRnnen ;ie mir hel(en, diesen +ock in meiner $rRVe 7u (indenP
Angestellter Thomas 2,tCrlich:
Angestellter Thomas 6ier ist der +ock in Ihrer $rRVe:
Baria 4,nke: Ao ist die 3mkleidek,bineP
Angestellter Thomas 4ort:
<heir is , lot to shoppin%, pl,ces to shop, mone, items to bu: In this lesson #e #ill cover most o( it:
<here ,re t#o bi% shoppin% loc,tions in ?erlin the ,re Iur(Crstend,mm ,nd I,4eAe:
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
!hopping ' Einkaufen
English German
?,b#e,r 4ie ?,b,rtikel (plur,l!
FhildrenJs Ae,r 4ie Iinderbekleidun%
Fle,r,nce ;,le 4er +/umun%sverk,u(
Flosed $eschlossen
Flothin% 4ie Ileidun%
4er Fomputershop
Fosmetics 4ie Iosmetik
Fustomer 4er Iunde
Fustomer ;ervice 4er Iundendienst
4,s )lektro%er/t
)sc,l,tor 4ie +olltreppe
F,shion 4ie Node
Furniture 4,s NRbel (no plur,l!
$i(t 4er $eschenk,rtikel
$ood E,lue (.d@:! 5reis#ert
$roceries 4ie Lebensmittel (plur,l!
He#eler 4,menschuhe (plur,l!
Le,ther $oods 4ie Leder#,ren (plur,l!
Dpen $eR((net
Dpenin% 6ours 4ie Y((nun%s7eiten (plur,l!
5resent 4,s $eschenk
+educed +edu7iert
;,les +eceipt 4er I,ssenbon
;ouvenir 4,s .ndenken
;peci,l D((er 4,s ;onder,n%ebot
;ports $oods ;port,rtikel (plur,l!
;t,tioner ;chreib#,ren (plur,l!
;ummer ;,le 4er ;ommerschlussverk,u( (,bbr: ;;E!
Eideo ;tore 4ie Eideothek
Ainter ;,le 4er Ainterschlussverk,u( (,bbr: A;E!
<#o Iur(Crstend,mm h,s m,n bouti=ues, dep,rtment stores, ect: Ahich ,re in <,uent7ienstr,Ve ,nd
F,s,nenstr,Ve, t#o streets in Iur(Crstend,mm: <,uent7ienstr,Ve h,s , lot o( the dep,rtment stores,
includin% I,4eAe, #hich #e #ill %et into %re,ter det,il l,ter: ,nd F,s,nenstr,Ve h,s , lot o( the
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
1u@damm ' 1urfArstendamm
English German
4ep,rtment ;tore A,renh,us
+et,il ;tore )in7elh,ndels%esch/(t
<he N,ll )ink,u(s7entrum
?outi=ue ?outi=ue
;tore $esch/(t
.nd some o( the thin% to mi%ht s, or ,sk #hile in , Flothin% store:::
K<nnen Sie mir hel/en' meine r<6e zu /inden @/*r dieses IIIIA7
F,n ou help me (ind m si7e ((or this ____!P
Wo ist die =m$leide$a&ine7
Ahere is the dressin% roomP
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
1u@damm ' 1urfArstendamm
English German
N,n,%er N,n,%er
)mploee .n%estellter
;,les Flerk Eerk/u(er
F,shier I,ssierer
4ressin% +oom 3mkleidek,bine
NenJs ;ection N/nner,bteilun%
AomenJs ;ection Fr,uen,bteilun%
.nd ,nother shoppin% loc,tion is I,4eAe, , upsc,le dep,rtment store in $erm,n: It h,s six (loors,
,nd Is ,lso c,lled ><he dep,rtment store o( the #est> (I,u(h,us des Aestens! bec,use it is the l,r%est
,nd most m,%ni(icent dep,rtment store on continent,l )urope:
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
1a5eWe ' 1aufhaus des Westens
English German
,irst ,loor Erstes !tockerk
Nens#e,r N/nnerkleidun%
!econd ,loor 9eiter !tock
Aomens#e,r Fr,uenkleidun%
Third ,loor 5ritte !tock
Iids ;ection Iinder,bteilun%
,ourth ,loor Vierter !tock
)lectronics )lektronik
Iitchen#,re ICchenbed,r(
,ifth ,loor ,Anfter !tock
Li%htin% ?eleuchtun%
?eddin% ?ett#/sche
<os ;piel#,ren
!i< ,loor !echster !tock
Food Lebensmittel
;ince ,re h,ve most o( the %ener,l shoppin% ph,ses ,nd voc,ul,r do#n, #e ,re %oin% to %et more
First is electronics, it mi%ht seem , little b,re, but electronics ,nd m,n other stu(( #ill be (e,tured in
Lesson 1*:
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
1a5eWe ' 1aufhaus des Westens
English German
)lectronics )lektronik
<elevision Fernsehen
4i%it,l F,mer, 4i%it,lk,mer,
<elephone <ele(on
Fell phone Nobiltele(on, 6,nd
Fomputer Fomputer, +echner
;pe,kers L,utsprecher
4E4s 4E4
F4s F4
4E4 5l,er 4E4-5l,er
F4 5l,er F4-5l,er
2otice th,t computer is , ,bbrevi,tion o( 5erson,l Fomputer: .nd some phr,ses ou c,n ,sk the
S"ielt der DVD;4la,er auch .D7
4oes the 4E4 pl,er ,lso pl, F4sP
Hat das Mo&iltele/on eine Digital$amera7
4oes the cell phone h,ve , di%it,l c,mer,P
I( ou look ,t the #ord order o( this sentence, ou #ill see ouJve ,lre,d le,rned everthin% it those to
sentence, ,nd ou, oursel( c,n customi7e these sentences i( ou #,nt:
.nd es beddin% #ill ,lso be =uite b,re ,s #ell, but th,t is bec,use beddin% isnJt th,t bi%, but beds #e
#ill discuss in Lesson 1*:
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
1a5eWe ' 1aufhaus des Westens
English German
?eddin% ?ett#/sche
?l,nkets 4ecken
5illo# Iop(kissen
5illo# F,se Iop(kissenbe7C%e
;heets ?l/tter
?ed ;kirt ?ett-+ock
.nd like ,l#,s here ,re some o( the thin%s ou mi%ht s, th,t ,re rel,ted to beddin%:
4assen die Ko"/$issen&ez*ge au/ das Ko"/$issen7
4oes the pillo# c,se (it the pillo#P
.nd #ith th,t =uestion there ,re other v,ri,tions o( it ou c,n ,sk, like:::
4asst die Dec$e au/ das Bett7
4oes the bl,nket (it the bedP
$erm,n, .ustri,, Luxembur%, ?el%ium ,nd ;Cdtirol a in other #ords8 ,ll $erm,n spe,kin% re%ions
except ;#it7erl,nd ,nd Liechtensteina h,ve %iven up their (ormer currencies ,nd ,dopted the )uro ,s
o( 1999: ?ec,use the ,re not members o( the )urope,n 3nion, ;#it7erl,nd ,nd Liechtenstein h,ve
kept the ;#iss Fr,ncs: Furrentl 1 )3+ is 0:-* 3;4, so the )uro is stron%er:
2o# i( ou #ere ,t , shoppin% center in $erm,n like Iur(Crstend,mm, ,nd ou #ere shoppin% ,t ,
bouti=ue here is some voc,bul,r ou mi%ht #,nt to kno#:
Was macht das7
6o# much does it costP
Der Hemd $ostet 0H2 %uro1
<he shirt cost 1*0 euros:
Das $ostet JK2 %uro1
<he tot,l is 190 euros:
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
Boney ' Geld
English German
5rice 5reis
2ote 4er ;chein
Foin 4ie NCn7e
1 )uro Foin 4,s )urostCck
* )uro Foin 4,s '#eieurostCck
0 )uro 2ote 4er FCn(euroschein
10 )uro Foin 4er 'ehneuroschein
100 )uro Foin 4er 6underteuroschein
Dote8 <he #ord coin (NCn7e! turns to ;tCck #hen , #ord or number is put to%ether #ith it:
)ven thou%h in the voc,bul,r #e list the 1, *, 0, 10, 100 )uro there ,re more )uro 2otes: <he t#ent,
(i(t, ,nd t#o hundred )uro 2otes ,re the ones #e didnJt list, ,lso there ,re cent coins:
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
Boney ' Geld
English German
1 Fent Foin 4,s FentstCck
* Fent Foin 4,s '#eicentstCck
0 Fent Foin 4,s FCn(centstCck
10 Fent Foin 4,s 'ehncentstCck
*0 Fent Foin 4,s '#,n7i%centstCck
00 Fent Foin 4,s FCn(centstCck
German Bath
In #ritten $erm,n, , comm, is used in prices #here #e #ould put , decim,l point in )n%lish: <hus c
0,49 (or 0,49 c! me,ns /i)e euros and /ourt,;nine cents: In shops ,nd superm,rkets ho#ever, prices c,n
either be displ,ed b , comm, or , decim,l point: Ahen , price ends in , round number o( euros, it is
most commonl #ritten ,s c 0,- etc: <he reverse is ,lso true: Ahere ,s )n%lish uses , comm, to split
up l,r%e numbers, $erm,n uses , decim,l point: ;o >c 1:940> me,ns si$ thousand nine hundred and
'ort!-'i.e euros - not si? "oint nine /our /i)e euros1
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
#lothes ' 1leidung
English German
;kirt 4er +ock
5ullover 4er 5ullover
;c,r( 4,s <uch
Fo,t 4er N,ntel
;hirt 4,s 6emd
;#e,ter 4er 5ullover
2ecktie 4er ;chlips
H,cket 4ie H,cke
5,nts 4ie 6ose
6,t 4er 6ut
;hoe 4er ;chuh
;ock 4ie ;ocke
$love 4er 6,ndschuh
?louse 4ie ?luse
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
#lothes ' 1leidung
English German
;i7e 4ie $rRVe
Folor 4ie F,rbe
Fotton 4ie ?,um#olle
Le,ther 4,s Leder
+,on 4ie Iuntseide
German Vocabulary ' 1leidung
!i-es ' 5ie GrN)en
English German
;m,ll Ilein
Nedium Nittel
L,r%e $roV
)xtr,-L,r%e )xtr,%roV
Dote8 I( the shirt ou bou%ht #,s si7e medium it #ould be , r<sse /ittelhemd1
5escribing #lothes
6ere ,re some o( the #ords ou c,n use #hen our describin% them:::
4hea- Billig
/H-ensi>e Teuer
3rett5 Schn
Egl5 Hsslich
So.t Weich
)e Neu
&road Breit
Wide Weit
9ight Eng
4o%.ortable Bequem
<o s, I( like somethin% or not, (or clothin%, itJs:::
I like itW
%rCSieC%s ge/#llt mir5
I donJt like itW
%rCSieC%s ge/#llt mir nicht5
2o# i( ou tr somethin% on ou or our lookin% (or , so(t shirt #ith , ti%ht (it, ou (ind it, (eel, tr it
on, but itJs (,irl expensive ou mi%ht s, this:::
In English8 -he shirt loo$s great5 -he shirt /eels so/t' /its tight1 -he shirt is )er, com/orta&le1 How
much does it cost7 +h no5 -he shirt is e?"ensi)e5 Wow' LL euros thatFs a little too much1
In German8 Das Hemd sieht "rima aus5 Das Hemd /*hlt sich weich an' es sitzt eng1 Das Hemd ist sehr
&eEuem1 Wie)iel $ostet es7 Mist5 Das Hemd ist zu teuer5 LL %uro ist zu)iel1
<he ph,ses to describe the shirt #ere:::
<he shirt looks %re,t:
Das Hemd sieht "rima aus0
<he shirt (eels so(t:
Das Hemd ')hlt sich weich1
<he shirt (its ti%ht:
Der Hemd sitzt eng1
2o#, the bold #ords ,re verbs th,t ,re one p,rt in describin% ho# the shirt is: <he other h,l( o(
describin% it is the ,d@ectives like so(t, ti%ht, %re,t, ect: .nd ,s ou c,n see the verb looks is sep,r,ble,
but #e #ill %et into th,t l,ter:
#lothingP/elated Verbs
.nd no# %ettin% into verbs here ,re some o( the verbs, ,n ,lso some o( these ,re ;ep,r,ble-5re(ix
Eerbs, like ,ussehen, ,nprobieren, ,nd ,nh,ben: ?ut #e #ill stud those in more det,il l,ter: .lso #e
#ill be le,rnin% ,bout tr,%en:
9o loo( :,ussehen:
He loo(s :/r sieht aus:
9o tr5 on :,n-robieren:
He tries on :/r -robiert an:
9o -ut on :,nziehen:
He -uts on :/r zieht an:
9o ta(e :)eh%en:
9o bu5 :=au.en:
9o ha>e onGear :,nhaben: or :tragen:
He has onGears :/r hat an:
!eparable Prefi< Verbs
N,n $erm,n verbs ch,n%e their me,nin% b ,ddin% pre(ixs, #hich ,re o(ten preposition such ,s abPG
anPG aufPG ausPG beiPG einPG mitPG vorPG or -uP:<he verbs anha&en (to #e,r! ,nd aussehen (to look! ,re
both verbs #ith separable (trennbar! pre(ixes: <h,t is, #hen used next to the sub@ect pronoun, the
pre(ix is sep,r,ted (rom the verb ,nd put ,t the end o( the sentence or cl,use: Dr, better put, In the
present tense ,nd imper,tive, the pre(ix is sep,r,ted (rom the in(initive stem:
:9ch ha&e einen Mantel an1: (>IJm #e,rin% , co,t:> Dr, more liter,ll tr,nsl,ted, >I h,ve , co,t on:>!
:Was hast du an7: (>Ah,t ,re ou #e,rin%P> or >Ah,t do ou h,ve onP>!
6o#ever, #hen the sep,r,ble-pre(ix verb is put ,t the end o( the sentence, such ,s #hen used #ith ,
mod,l verb, the verb in =uestion ,nd its pre(ix ,re not sep,r,ted:
:Du willst einen Mantel anha&en1: (>Lou #,nt to #e,r , co,t:>!
:Willst du eine Bluse anha&en7: (>4o ou #,nt to #e,r , blouseP>!
Inste,d o( :anha&en: the verb :tragen: is o(ten used: <he sentences (rom ,bove #ould then be8
:9ch trage einen Mantel1: (>IJm #e,rin% , co,t:> !
:Was tr#gst du7: (>Ah,t ,re ou #e,rin%P>!
:Du willst einen Mantel tragen1: (>Lou #,nt to #e,r , co,t:>!
:Willst du eine Bluse tragen7: (>4o ou #,nt to #e,r , blouseP>!
<he verb :tragen: h,s t#o me,nin%s8 >to #e,r> ,nd >to c,rr>: ;o i( someone s,s :9ch trage Schuhe:
onl the context #ill tell ou #hether the person is c,rrin% the shoes in his h,nds or ,ctu,ll #e,rin%
them: <r,%en is , di((erent kind o( verb, ,n irre%ul,r verb, not onl does it ch,n%e in the endin%, but it
ch,n%es in the be%innin% this ,lso h,ppens in the s,me #, to fahrenG grabenG schaffenG ,nd aschen%
?ut, heres the thin% ,t the be%innin% onl the a ch,n%e into J, ,nd like this onl h,ppens to some verbs:
6ere is the t,ble (or tr,%en8
5erson ;in%ul,r 5lur,l
$st ich trage #ir tragen
+nd du tr#gst ihr tragt
.rd er9sie9es tr#gt sie tragen
Folor ,re ,lso ,nother %re,t #, to describe clothes like Das rote Hemd "asst gut1#hich me,ns <he red
shirt (its #ell:
+e,d the (ollo#in% p,r,%r,ph, tr to (ind the #ords described to h,ve , color:
Wir /ahren in den Schwarzwald1 9ch ha&e ein gr*nes Hemd getragen1 Die Geise war lang1 %s &egann
$#lter zu werden und a&zu$*hlen1 9ch h<rte Musi$ au/ meinem &raunen i4od1 9ch &in schlie6lich
eingeschla/en1 Als ich au/wachte' sah ich den &lauen Himmel und den wei6en Schnee1
I( ou (ound 0 #ords ou ,re ri%ht:
!char- hich means black =the !char-ald =Elack ,orest? is a ooded mountain range?
GrAnes :emd hich is a green shirt%
Erauner iPod hich is a bron iPod%
Elauer :immel hich is blue sky%
And ei)er !chnee hich is hite sno%
.nd no# (or the ,ctu,l colors:::
7ed :7ot:
&lue :&lau:
Green :Gr+n:
6range :6range:
1iolet :1eilchen:
?ello :Gelb:
&ron :&raun:
Indigo :Indigo:
Gra5 :Grau:
&lac( :Scharz:
White :Wei*:
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:04 O Ileidun%
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Section 012H 3 Berlin' erman,
Lesson 1:00 O Eolk und F,milie
:ello from Eerlin;
Eanks and Boney
$erm,nJs m,in b,nks ,re 4eutsche ?,nk, 4resdner ?,nk ,nd Fommer7b,nk: <he
4eutsche ?,nk is the b,nk o( issue ,nd h,s its he,d=u,rters in Fr,nk(urt: <here ,re
m,n b,nks o( ,ll kinds throu%hout the countr: ?,nks ,re open Non-Fri 9,m-
1*pm or *8"0-4pm: Dn <hursd,s, the ,re open until 08"0 or 1pm: Fh,n%in%
mone is best done ,t , b,nk bec,use their r,tes #ill be better th,n exch,n%e
services loc,ted ,t ?ure,u de Fh,n%e: N,@or post o((ice br,nches ,nd tr,vel ,%ents
,lso o((er currenc exch,n%e: $erm,n is one o( 1* )urope,n countries th,t h,ve
repl,ced their n,tion,l currencies #ith the )uro, #hich is much stron%er to the 3:;:
4oll,r, but #e,ker th,n the ?ritish 5ound:
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,sk , =uestion
Vater' Mutter und die eschwister &e$ommen Besuch )on +ma und +"a1
-ater Karl: Hallo Mutter und 1ater! Wie geht es euch?
,a .udol": 0an(e, %ein Sohn. /s geht uns gut.
,ma Lieschen: )a %ein /n(el, du bist 'a richtig gro* georden!
Sohn Thomas: !a, 6%a Dieschen, ich ei*.
Tochter !arie: 6%a! Hast du uns etas %itgebracht?
!utter Bettina: )un sei nicht so au.geregt Marie, lass 6%a und 6-a erst ein%al
"kurze Zeit spter, die Geschenke wurden schn !usgep!ckt"""$
Tochter !arie: Mutti! 9ho%as ni%%t %ir i%%er %eine 3u--e eg.
!utter Bettina: 9ho%as! 0u sollst deiner Schester ihre 3u--e nicht egneh%en.
Sohn Thomas: )ein, das ist %eine 3u--e.
!utter Bettina: )ein. 0ie 3u--e gehrt deiner Schester.
Sohn Thomas: !a 6=, hier hast du die 3u--e...
!utter Bettina: End bedan(e dich bei deinen Gro*eltern, Marie.
The ,amily
6ome is #here the he,rt is, the s,: .nd #h,t is in the homeP F,milW o( course, so this is , ver
import,nt section o( the lesson: ItJll %ive ,ll voc,bul,r (or the (,mil, ,nd l,ter in , di((erent section,
ouJll le,rn ho# to describe our brothers ,nd sisters or ,n personW .nd no# to %et st,rted lets do
some voc,bul,r:::
Sohn Son
9ochter 0aughter
1ater Father
Mutter Mother
Gro*>ater Grand.ather
Gro*%utter Grand%other
6-a Grand-a
6%a Grand%a
Schester Sister
&ruder &rother
Geschister &rothers B Sisters
/n(el Grandson
/n(elin Granddaughter
Frau Wi.e
Mann Husband
Schieger>ater Father2in2Da
Schiegertochter 0augther2in2Da
Schager &rother2in2la
Sch#gerin Sister2in2la
Schieger%utter Mother2in2la
Schiegersohn Son2in2la
6n(el Encle
9ante ,unt
Mutti JMutter
Ma%a JMutter
3a-a J1ater
U \ In(orm,l verison o( the #ord
2o# even thou%h m,n o( these ,re common phr,ses ou ,nd me #ould s, in everd, live, some o(
these ,re r,ther used #hen ou ,re on , visit to %r,ndmotherJs, or thin%s our mother #ould s,: N,be
ou notice some o( these in the di,lo%ue: 2o# ou mi%ht be ,skin% >6o# ,m I %oin% to spe,k (luent
$erm,n, i( I @ust le,rn phr,sesP> Like I s,id, these ,re b,sic,ll (rom the di,lo%ue, ,nd ou c,n stud
these to look ,t the #ord order: .lso cert,in thin%s ,re @ust di((ernt in $erm,n, like >Aie heiVt duP>
#hich tr,nsl,tes liter,ll to >6o# ,re ou c,lledP> #hen #e use >Ah,t is our n,meP>: Dk, let %et
st,rted on these common phr,ses:::
5u bist Fa richtig gro) georden
Bou ha)e grown u" so much @usual sentence used &, +"a und +maA
:ast du uns etas mitgebracht*
Ha)e ,ou &rought something /or us7
Dun sei nicht so aufgeregt%
Now donFt &e so e?cited1
Qemanden hereinkommen lassen%
!et some&od, come in1
=!ie? Wurden schon ausgepackt%
@-he,A Ha)e alread, &een o"ened1
=!ich? Eedanken fAr etas%
-o than$ /or something1
Msing ,ormal and Informal Pronouns in the ,amily
;ome ver conserv,tive (,milies mi%ht still use !ie #ith %r,ndp,rents or even p,rentsW <his is
sometimes pr,cticed in (,milies o( nobilit or exterritori,l cultur,l isl,nds in #hich older $erm,n
customs h,ve survived: 6o#ever, usin% >;ie> (eels ver outd,ted to the v,st m,@orit o( people: In
pr,ctic,ll ever (,mil ,ll members use du #ith e,ch other:
5escribing People
I c,nJt describe in #ords ho# import,nt this section o( the lesson is: )ven thou%h ou h,ve ,lre,d
le,rned to describe to some de%ree, here #e #ill introduce , ne# ,spect o( describin%, ,nd #e #ill
revie#: ?ut ho# could #e describe i( #e didnJt h,ve voc,bul,rP 6ere it is:::
)ice )ett
Mean En.reundlich
3rett5 Schn
Egl5 H#*lich
Intelligent Intelligent, 0en(.#hig
Enintelligent Enintelligent, 0u%%
Interesting Interessant
&oring Dangeilig
,cti>e 7+hrig
Daz5 Faul
Funn5 =o%isch
Serious /rnstha.t
Strong =r#.tig
Wea( Schach
6dd /igenartig
9alented &egabt
Entalented Enbegabt
&oss5 7echthaberisch
3assi>e Ent#tig
6ld ,lt
?oung !ung
Fat Fett
S(inn5 0+nn
9all Gro*
Short =lein
<he verb used most o(ten (or describin% is >to &e> #hich #e le,rned in the (irst lesson: ;ome ex,mples
,re8 He is wet' She is stu"id' 9 am laz,: ?ut ou do use other verbs like (eel, looks, ect: <his lesson #e
#ill be stickin% mostl #ith the verbs #eJve le,rned in the p,st: Ae #ill, ho#ever, le,rn one ne# verb:
.ll sentences #e #ill cre,te #ill be in the nomitive c,se: Dk,, letJs %et st,rtedW
In term o( be,ut, ou c,n s, (our b,sic thin%s: <hese ,renJt ,ll, but these ,re the e,siest ,nd simplest
!he is beautiful%
Sie ist sch<n1
:e is ugly%
%r ist h#6lich1
<hese t#o use the verb to &e, ,nd the next one #ill use the verb to loo$ #hich #ould need somethin%
else in order to m,ke sense:
!he looks beautifulG but that shirt is ugly%
Sie sieht sch<n aus' a&er dieses Hemd ist h#6lich1
:e looks uglyG but he looked handsome yesterday%
%r sieht h#6lich aus' a&er gestern hat er sch<n ausgesehen1
.nd in the l,st sentence it s,s >,us%esehen:> 4onJt #orr ,bout th,t--it #ouldnJt be t,u%ht until Level
": ;o since ou %et the ide, o( describin%, letJs le,rn , ne# verbW .nd the ne# verb is klingen #hich is
to sound: .s in >6e sounds #eird:>, >;he sounds borin%:> ;ince #e kno# ho# to describe, #e re,ll
donJt h,ve to cover it: ItJs #orks @ust like other verbs:
:e sounds nice%
%r $lingt nett1
They sound funny%
Sie $lingen $omisch1
+emember th,t #hen describin% itJs ;]E]., or sub@ect, verb, then ,d@ective: )x,ctl like in )n%lish:
For ri%ht no#, th,tJs ,ll (or describin% thin%s: Ae ,re %oin% to h,ve some sm,ll describin% lessons #ith
some p,rts o( this lesson:
/elated Verbs
Dk, #e @ust #ent over the verb in the previous section: <his #ill b,sic,ll be , list th,t #ill help ou
memori7e them better, ,nd there is not , lot: Dther then >klingen> ,nd >fAhlen> ou should kno# ,ll o(
these: <he the >)r sieht ,us> is to sho# ou it is , sep,r,ble-pre(ix verb:
Sein 9o &e
,ussehen 9o Doo(
/r sieht aus He Doo(s
F+hlen 9o Feel
=lingen 9o Sound
<his ,lso , l,r%e section o( this lesson, n,tion,lit, it is ver import,nt: Lou c,n use it ,s , stereotpe,
or (or our herit,%e: <here ,re m,n n,tion,lities, too m,n to %o over in this lesson, ou #ill more
n,tion,lit ,s this level, ,nd book %oes on: +i%ht no# #e ,re @ust %oin% to h,ve , v,%ue little list, ,nd
,s this section %oes there #ill be more, like !ede and !edish or ,renchman, ,renchoman, and
,rench: .nd so (or the list:::
BaFor Dationalities
<his is the sm,ll list, m,ke sure ou memori7e this list ,nd the next one:
5escribing People ith Dationality
It is no surprise ou c,n describe people #ith n,tion,lit, most times, itJs stereotpic,l, like nor#e%i,ns
,re blonde, t,ll, ect: or %erm,ns #e,r lederhosen, drink beer, ,nd pl, polk, ,ll d, lon%, but th,t is @ust
not true: 6o#ever ou c,n @ust use it (or #h,t it is, , n,tion,lit: I( ou do describe people b
n,tion,lit this #ill help: Dk,, ou should ,lre,d kno# ho# to describe, ri%htP
<his p,rt #e #ill %et more in to det,il l,ter, but ri%ht is is ,n import,nt p,rt o( describin% people #ith
n,tion,lit, even thou%h in )n%lish #e most times donJt do this, in $erm,n the do: <he di((erence
bet#een n,tion,lit ,nd l,n%u,%e, like in )n%lish, ,rench and french: ?ut in %erm,n it is fran-Nsisch
and ,ran-oseG ,ran-Nsin: <his ,lso is ho# it #orks (or n,tion,lit describion b noun or ,d@ective,
#hich #e ,re %oin% to le,rn ri%ht no#:
Doun or AdFective Dationality
<here ,re t#o #,s to describe someone: Aith , noun-b,sed n,tion,lit #ord or ,n ,d@ective-b,sed
n,tion,lit #ord: Nost times in )n%lish, the ,d@ective-b,sed n,tion,lit ,nd the l,n%u,%e o( th,t
countr ,s the s,me #ord, but, most o( the time, not in $erm,n: Lou c,n see the di((erence #ith this
%?am"leM 9ch &in sch"edisch (I ,m ;#edish! ,nd 9ch s"reche S"edish (I spe,k ;#edish!
.lthou%h, sometimes the ,re the s,me, see the ex,mple belo# (or th,t, but most times it like the
ex,mple ,bove:
%?am"leM 9ch &in 'ranzsisch (I ,m French! ,nd 9ch s"reche 'ranzsisch (I spe,k French!
2o# #e ,re ,ll (,mili,r #ith the #ord >alt1>, #hich me,ns old: .nd in )n%lish, to (ind out somebodJs
,%e #e ,sk >How old are ,ou7>: In $erm,n it is ex,ctl the s,me: .nd ou #ere t,u%ht, in l,tter
lessons ,bout verbs ,nd =uestions: Lou mi%ht think it #ould be somethin% like >Wie alt du7> or >Wie
&ist du alt7>: <h,t #ould be incorrect bec,use the (irst =uestion doesnJt h,ve , verb, ,nd the second one
is incorrect bec,use #hen ,skin% , =uestion it is ok, to h,ve , ,d@ective ,(ter the verb or interro%,tive
,dverb: <his ,ll mi%ht sound con(usin%, but itJs re,ll not:
2o# to ,sk the =uestion #ith 1st person it is:::
Wie alt bin ich* P How old am 97
.nd response ou mi%ht %et is:::
Ich bin RR Qahre alt%
9 am II ,ears old1
5u bist RR Qahre alt: - Bou are II ,ears old1
.nd no# the plur,l version o( the 1st person:::
Wie alt sind ir* P How old are we7
<he responses ou #ill %et is:::
Wir sind RR Qahre alt% S We are II ,ears old1
Ihr seid RR Qahre alt% P Bou all are II ,ears old1
<o ,sk this import,nt =uestion in the *nd person: First, #e #ill le,rn the bi%%est =uestion here, >How
old are ,ou7> #hich is:::
Wie alt bist du* P How old are ,ou7
.nd there is onl one response to this it is:::
Ich bin RR Qahre alt% P 9 am II ,ears old1
For the e=u,ll import,nt plur,l *nd person:::
Wie alt seid ihr* P How old are ,ou all7
Ahich the response is:::
Wir sind RR Qahre alt% P We are II ,ears old1
.nd (orm,l =uestion, (or both sin%ul,r ,nd plur,l is:::
Wie alt sind !ie* P How old are ,ou7
How old are ,ou all7
Lou should ,ll re,d %et the p,ttern (or this, but #e ,re %oin% to keep on doin% this doin% this list, i(
ou ,renJt sure o( somethin% or ou ,re con(used: ;o (or the "rd person:::
Wie alt ist erKsie* P How old is heCshe7
<he responses to this ,re:::
Er ist RR Qahre alt% P He is II ,ears old1
!ie ist RR Qahre alt% P She is II ,ears old1
.nd no# the plur,l "rd person o( =uestion ,nd response:::
Wie alt sind sie* P How old are the,7
.nd o( course the response:::
!ie sind RR Qahre alt% P -he, II ,ears old1
2o# #ith some people ou mi%ht be ,ble to %uess their ,%e, ,nd ou could ,sk them directl ,bout it:
<his is usu,ll prett o( rude, but it illustr,tes nicel ho# the phr,se h,s to be ch,n%ed i( ou ,sk , es-
no-=uestion, so letJs %et st,rted, ,n#,W
Eist du RR Qahre alt* P Are ,ou II ,ears old7
Ist erKsie RR Qahre alt* P 9s heCshe II ,ears old7
!ind sie RR Qahre alt* P Are the, II ,ears old7
2ote the inversed order bet#een >Aie ,lt bist duP> und >?ist du __ H,hre ,ltP> <his is ex,ctl the s,me
,s in )n%lishW
5erson !ingular Plural
)n%lish $erm,n )n%lish $erm,n
1st m mein our unser
*nd our dein' 9hr our euer' 9hr
"rd his, she, its sein' ihr' sein their ihr
Dote8 J)uerJ is irre%ul,r: Ahen JeuerJ h,s to h,ve , di((erent endin% the e be(ore r is dropped, so it turns
into Jeur-J:
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:00 O Eolk und F,milie
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Section 012H 3 Berlin' erman,
Lesson 1:01 O ;chule
:ello from Eerlin;
!chool in Germany
;chool is not re%ul,ted n,tion#ide, but b e,ch L,nd
$erm,n >Iinder%,rten> is option,l - it tr,nsl,tes r,ther to >pl, school>,
>Eorschule> bein% rou%hl the e=uiv,lent to >Iinder%,rten>
From the ,%e o( six on, ,ll $erm,ns ,ttend , >$rundschule> (element,r
school! (or (our or six e,rs, dependin% on the L,nd:
.(ter th,t, the %o to either
the >6,uptschule> #hich is industri,ll oriented,
the >+e,lschule>, #hich is ::: oriented,
the >$mn,sium>, #hich is ,c,demic,ll oriented,
or the >$es,mtschule>, or comprehensive school:
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;choolin% is obli%,tor until the ,%e o( 11, but the $mn,sium diplom, >.bitur> c,n onl be
obt,ined ,(ter 1* or 1" e,rs, i:e: ,t ,%e 1- or 19:
L,tin ,nd sometimes even ,ncient $reek ,re re%ul,rl t,u%ht ,t the $mn,sium: For the
>.bitur>, ,t le,st t#o (orei%n l,n%u,%es ,s #ell ,s some c,lculus ,nd ,n,lsis cl,sses h,ve to be
;chool d,s o(ten ,re (rom --1"h: In most JL/nderJ, onl the older students h,ve ,ddition,l
cl,sses bet#een ,bout 14-10:"0h (th,ts - ,:m: - 1 p:m: ,nd * p:m: - ":"0 p:m: B-!
In most schools, )xtr,curricul,r .ctivities ,re o((ered, such ,s 4r,m, Flub or ;chool Fhoir, but
the ,re less common th,n in the 3:;: <hou%h m,n students (eel some sort o( identi(ic,tion
#ith their school, most ,re @ust h,pp #hen the c,n %o home B-!
$ener,ll spe,kin%, m,n schools still ,re more (orm,l th,n 3; or F,n,di,n schools:
<he m,rkin% sstem uses
1 (ver %ood, -&,0d!,
* (%ood &0d!, UU
" (s,tis(,ctor, 1*,0d!,
4 (su((icient 00d!:
0 ((,ult! is (,iled:
1 (not su((icient! is onl used #hen the student liter,ll h,nds in , bl,nk sheet:
<hese m,rks c,n be modi(ied #ith , >]> or , >-> to indic,te , tendenc, so e:%: *] is , (,irl
%ood m,rk th,t corresponds to ,bout -0d:
Sil(e: !etzt haben ir Mathe.
9orsten: 6'e, ich habe +berhau-t (eine Dust...
Sil(e: Hast du die ,u.gaben ge%acht?
9orsten: !a, >orhin i% &us.
Sil(e: Su-er! =ann ich noch schnell >on dir abschreiben?
Dehrer "&etritt den 7au%$: Guten Morgen!
=lasse: Guten Morgen!
Dehrer: Setzt euch.
Dehrer: Wer %chte die ,u.gaben an der 9a.el rechnen? Florian?
Florian geht zur 9a.el, schreibt an und liest >or:
:K -lus L ist gleich @C:
:L %inus K ist gleich C:
:C %al L ist gleich AM:
:AM geteilt durch @A ist gleich A:
Dehrer: Sehr gut, Florian!
0ie Gloc(e l#utet. /s ist F+n.%inuten-ause.
Sil(e: Schnell, ir %+ssen in den Musi(rau%!
9orsten: ,u 'a, darau. .reue ich %ich schon!
Sil(e: Wei*t du denn, as ir heute %achen?
9orsten: Wir ollten doch heute ein Died >on Grne%e5er singen!
Sil(e: ,ch 'a? Welches denn?
9orsten: :,l(ohol:, glaube ich...
)ach de% Musi(unterricht:
9orsten: Schau noch %al au. den Stunden-lan!
Sil(e: !etzt haben ir nur noch Geschichte...
9orsten: =o%%, ir sch#nzen und gehen ins &istro.
Sil(e: Schon ieder!
Mnd !at- fAr !at- %%%
!etzt haben ir Mathe.
)o ha>e e %aths.
2ote th,t the re,son (or the inverted >h,ve #e> is th,t in $erm,n, it is o(ten possible to ch,n%e the
order o( , phr,se to emph,si7e: ?ut bec,use >Het7t> is in the be%innin%, >#ir h,ben> h,s to be inverted:
6'e, ich habe +berhau-t (eine Dust "dazu$...
>D@e> is , common excl,m,tion, ,nd corresponds to >oh no>: >Lust (7u et#,s! h,ben> me,ns >(eelin%
like (it!>: >Ich h,be keine Lust (d,7u!> is >I donJt (eel like (it!>: >Ich h,be *&erhau"t keine Lust>
emph,si7es it, me,nin% >I donJt (eel like it ,t ,ll:>
Hast du die ,u.gaben ge%acht?
Ha>e 5ou the tas(s done?
>4id ou do our home#orkP>
!a, >orhin i% &us.
?es, be.ore in the bus
<his is , common pr,ctice o( students ever#here in the #orld, I %uess::: >Eorhin> is , common #ord
to desi%n,te somethin% th,t lies not (,r in the p,st - , couple o( minutes ,%o (or ex,mple:
2otice the contr,ction o( >im>, #hich is derived (rom >in dem>, >in the>:
Su-er! =ann ich noch schnell >on dir abschreiben?
Su-er! 4an I 'ust Nuic(l5 .ro% 5ou co-5?
>;uper>, >Fool>, ><oll>, ,re common excl,m,tions ::: >2och schnell> is here me,nt ,s >#hile there is
still time>
Dehrer "&etritt den 7au%$: Guten Morgen!
9eacher "enters the roo%$: Good Morning!
=lasse: Guten Morgen!
4lass: Good Morning!
Dehrer: Setzt euch.
9eacher: Sit don.
Les, there ,re still schools, #here it is common (or the students to st,nd up #hen the te,cher enters the
room: <his is not , milit,r tr,dition, but is supposed to (ocus the students ,nd h,ve them interrupt
#h,tever the #ere doin%, so the ne# cl,ss c,n be%in: <his custom is becomin% less popul,r, thou%h:::
Wer %chte die ,u.gaben an der 9a.el rechnen? Florian?
Who ould li(e the tas(s on the blac(board "to$ calculate?
>Aho #ould like to do these =uestions on the bl,ckbo,rdP> 2ote th,t ><,(el> is rel,ted to >t,ble>,
me,nin% , (l,t sur(,ce, ,nd indeed $erm,n ><,(el> c,n ,lso desi%n,te , t,ble prep,red (or , (e,st:
4onJt let the #eird order o( the #ords disturb ou, even i( the phr,se seems tot,ll incomprehensible ,t
(irst: IJll tr to construct this bit b bit8
<his is the b,sic =uestion ,nd ,ns#er p,ir8
:Wer rechnet?: 2 :Ich rechne.:
:Who calculates?: 2 :I calculate.:
<o ,sk, i( ou #,nt to do somethin%, ou use , construction simil,r to )n%lish8
:Wer ill rechnen: 2 :Ich ill rechnen.:
:Who ants to calculate: 2 :I ant to calculate.:
2ote th,t the >to> is ,lre,d included in the $erm,n #ord >rechnen>: >+echnen> is cle,rl ,lre,d ,n
in(initive, ,nd doesnJt need , >7u> to prove it: <his is one o( the m,in re,sons #h complic,ted
con@u%,tions c,n survive, the cont,in in(orm,tion th,t doesnJt h,ve to be expressed other#ise then:::
<o be , little more polite (or ,t le,st seem like it, since our te,cher prob,bl #ouldnJt t,ke , no (or ,n
,ns#er B-!
:Wer %chte rechnen?: 2 :Ich %chte rechnen!:
:Who ould li(e to calculate?: 2 :I ould li(e to calculate:
<his is ,nother ex,mple (or brevit b con@u%,tion: <he #ord >mRchte> cont,ins the >#ould>, ,s it is ,
>Ion@unktiv>-(orm o( the #ord >mR%en> #hich tr,nsl,tes to >like>: 4onJt be discour,%ed, m,n
$erm,ns donJt re,li7e this, ,nd m,n donJt use the Ion@unktiv correctl, i( ever: 6o#ever, >ich
mRchte>-phr,ses ,re extremel popul,r, so @ust use them, even i( ou didnJt underst,nd et , #ord o(
the expl,n,tion ,bove B-!
LetJs introduce ob@ects in our phr,se8
:Wer rechnet die ,u.gabe?: 2 :Ich rechne die ,u.gabe:
:Who calculates the tas(?: 2 :I calculate the tas(:, %eaning :Who ansers the
<his is , direct ob@ect, >.u(%,be> is in the ,ccus,tive c,se: ?ec,use this is , (eminine noun, this is not
so obvious, but the structure is the s,me ,s in8
:Wer sieht den Mann?: 2 :Ich sehe den Mann.:
:Who sees the %an?: 2 :I see the %an.:
2o#, #e ,lso h,ve ,n ,dverbi,l expression o( the pl,ce: <his is ,n expression th,t de(ines the verb,
thus ,d-verbi,l:
:Wer rechnet an der 9a.el?: 2 :Ich rechne an der 9a.el:
:Who calculates on the blac(board?: 2 :I calculate on the blac(board:
2o# letJs put ,ll this to%ether8
:Wer rechnet die ,u.gabe an der 9a.el?: 2 :Ich rechne die ,u.gabe an der 9a.el.:
:Who calculates the tas( on the blac(board?: 2 :I calculate the tas( on the
2ote th,t the order o( the ob@ect ,n the ,dverbi,l expression is interch,n%e,ble: Lou c,n emph,si7e
somethin% b puttin% it closer to the end o( the phr,se:
.nd no# (or the #hole phr,se in ,ll its %lor8
:Wer O %chte O die ,u.gabe O an der 9a.el O rechnen?: 2 :Ich O %chte O die
,u.gabe O an der 9a.el O rechnen.:
:Who O ould li(e O the tas( O on the blac(board O "to$ calculate?: 2 :I O ould
li(e O the tas( O on the blac(board O "to$ calculate.:
It #,snJt <6.< b,d, #,s itP
Florian geht zur 9a.el, schreibt an und liest >or:
Florian goes to the blac(board, rites on and reads be.ore:
>Flori,n %oes to the bl,ckbo,rd, #rites do#n ,nd re,ds out ,loud>
>7ur> is ,nother contr,ction, this time o( >7u> ,nd >der>: 2ote th,t ,(ter >7u> (ollo#s the d,tive c,se, so
>der> is not the m,sculine but the (eminine ,rticle B-!
>,nschreiben> splits to >schreibt ,n>, ,nd me,ns litter,ll >#ritin% on>: It is o(ten used #hen #ritin%
le%ibl on , l,r%e, visible sur(,ce such ,s bl,ckbo,rd or , (lipch,rt:
>vorlesen> splits to >liest vor>, ,nd ori%in,tes in >re,d be(ore (,n ,udience!>: It tr,nsl,tes to >re,d
:K -lus L ist gleich @C:
:L %inus K ist gleich C:
:C %al L ist gleich AM:
:AM geteilt durch @A ist gleich A:
;o, ,s ou mi%ht h,ve %uessed, plus ,nd minus ,re the s,me ,s in )n%lish - the ,re @ust pronounced
$erm,n: <he verbs >,ddieren> ,nd >subtr,hieren> ,re prob,bl not di((icult either::: >Ist %leich> or short
>%leich> corresponds obviousl to >is e=u,l to> or >e=u,ls>:
>m,l> me,ns >times>: <his is ,lso used in ever d, phr,ses, such ,s >100m,l h,be ich dir %es,%t :::> >I
told ou , 100 times :::> <he correspondin% verb is >m,lnehmen> or >multipli7ieren>
>%eteilt durch> is liter,ll >divided b>, ,nd the verb is >teilen> or >dividieren>:
Lehrer8 ;ehr %ut, Flori,nW Eer %ood, Flori,nW
2o#, th,t #,s e,sW
0ie Gloc(e l#utet. /s ist F+n.%inuten-ause.
9he bell rings. It is .i>e2%inute2brea(
?et#een cl,sses, there is usu,ll , bre,k o( (ive minutes to ,llo# te,chers ,nd students to %o (rom one
cl,ssroom to ,nother: In most schools, cl,sses such ,s $erm,n, )n%lish, 6istor, 5hilosoph ,re t,u%ht
in the cl,ssroom: Fl,sses th,t use speci,l e=uipment, such ,s ,ll sciences, music ,nd ,rts ,nd o( course
computers ,nd sport ,re bein% t,u%ht in , speci,li7ed l,b cl,sses:
Schnell, ir %+ssen zu Musi(!
Iuic(, e %ust to %usic!
<his sentence sounds str,n%e: <his is, bec,use in everd, $erm,n, sometimes the verb gehen c,n be
le(t out, i( it is cle,r #h,t is me,nt: In this c,se, the complete phr,se #ould h,ve to be >Air mCssen 7u
Nusik gehen>: ?ut since <orsten #ill not think ;ilke is %oin% to (l there, there #ill be no
misunderst,ndin%: .dditionn,ll, the #ord >cl,ss>, or >course> is missin%, #hich is the usu,l #, o(
students to t,lk ,bout their sub@ects:
2ote8 In )n%lish, the phr,se #ould mi%ht be >Ae ha)e to %o to the music room> inste,d o( must: <he
$erm,n tr,nsl,tion >Air h,ben in den Nusikr,um 7u %ehen> #ould be understood, but is =uite (orm,l:
.ddition,ll, there is , connot,tion th,t the spe,ker dist,nces himsel( (rom the order he is bein% %iven:
,u 'a, darau. .reue ich %ich schon!
6h 5es, on this loo( .orard I %5sel. alread5!
Ahe#, #h,t #,s th,tP
LetJs st,rt ,t the be%innin%: >.u @,> ist ,n excl,m,tion me,nin% >cool>, >th,tJs %re,t>: It h,s nothin% to
do #ith the $erm,n e=uiv,lent o( >ouchW>, #hich is >,u(,!W> B-!
>;ich (reuen> me,ns >bein% h,pp>: It is re/le?i)e such ,s in >I help msel(>, bec,use the sub@ect ,nd
the ob@ect ,re the s,me: ;ome phr,ses simpl ,re constructed like this, even i( there seems to be no re,l
re,son to this, ,nd m,n l,n%u,%es kno# this phenomenon: <he >sich> here is technic,ll the
,ccus,tive o( >he, she, it> ,nd is bein% ch,n%ed dependin% on the person8
ich .reue %ich I a% ha--5
du .reust dich "thou art ha--5$
er, sie, es .reut sich he, she, it is ha--5
ir .reuen uns e are ha--5
ihr .reut euch 5ou are ha--5
SieGsie .reuen sich the5 are ha--5
2ote th,t >to be h,pp> ,ctu,ll #ould be r,ther tr,nsl,ted b >%lCcklich sein>, but it is the closest
)n%lish e=uiv,lent to >sich (reuen>:
>;ich *&er etwas (reuen> me,ns >to be h,pp a&out something>: <his is kind o( sel(-expl,n,tor: ?ut
>sich au/ etwas (reuen>, liter,ll >to be h,pp on something> me,ns >to look (or#,rd to>: <his is ,
common phr,se th,t uses the on in the s,me #ide sense ,s in >on dru%s>, or >livin% on somethin%> -
there is no sp,ti,l rel,tion here:::
In >d,r,u(> ou reco%ni7e the >,u(>: <he >d,> is , demonstr,tive prounoun such ,s in >that pl,ce>:
>4,r,u(> ,ctu,ll is ,nother contr,ction #hich developped , lon% time ,%o (rom >d,-her,u(>: <he
>d,r,u(> is re(erencin% the #ord >Nusik> (rom ;ilkeJs sentence:
;o >.u @,, d,r,u( (reue ich mich schon> or >on-this look-(or#,rd I msel( ,lre,d> @ust me,ns >$re,t,
IJm ,lre,d lookin% (or#,rd to th,t>
N,be it com(orts ou , little th,t the )n%lish phr,se in , #ord-b-#ord tr,nsl,tion to $erm,n #ould
be @ust ,s inintelli%e,ble:::
Wei*t du denn, as ir heute %achen?
=no 5ou then hat e toda5 %a(e?
><hen do ou kno# #h,t #e (,re %oin% to! do tod,P> 2ote ,%,in, th,t >m,chen> o(ten does not
tr,nsl,te to >m,ke>, but to >do>W
Wir ollten doch heute ein Died >on Grne%e5er singen!
We anted "but$ toda5 a song o. Grne%e5er sing!
>?ut #e #,nted to sin% , son% b $rRnemeer tod,W>
<he >doch> doesnJt liter,ll me,n >but>, but is , ver common phr,se to rein(orce ,nd emph,si7e: Its
most common use is prob,bl in >H,W - 2einW - 4DF6W> - >LesW - 2o> - ;DW> It is , stron%er es, in
spite o( the >no>, ,nd especi,ll little kids like the #ord B-!
,ch 'a? Welches denn?
6h 5es? Which then?
:,l(ohol:, glaube ich...
:,lcohol:, belie>e I...
2ote th,t ,ddin% , >%l,ube ich> is ,nother common phr,se, ex,cl ,s >I think> or >I believe> c,n be
,dded to ,n )n%lish phr,se: 2ever mind the #ord order, this is bec,use technic,ll the subordin,te
cl,use o( the sentence is put to the be%innin%::: >Ich %l,ube, d,ss >.lkohol> d,s Lied ist> `-M >4,ss
>.lkohol> d,s Lied ist, %l,ube ich> >I believe th,t >.lcohol> is the son%> `-M ><h,t >.lcohol> is the
son%, I believe>
6erbert $rRnemeer is , ver popul,r $erm,n rock sin%er (rom the +uhr re%ion: 6is most (,mous
son%s include >N/nner>, >?ochum> (, cit in the +uhr re%ion!, >Nensch> ,nd ,lso >.lkohol>:
:!ache' wenn es nicht zum Weinen reicht5: ; song title on the al&um :Mensch:' H22H
)ach de% Musi(unterricht:
,.ter the %usic class:
>3nterricht> comes (rom >unterrichten> >to te,ch>, ,nd me,ns simpl >cl,ss>: ?etter not think ,bout
>under> ,nd >ri%ht> here, #hich ou mi%ht h,ve correctl reco%ni7ed ,s the #ordJs components B-!
>richten> liter,ll me,ns >to correct>:
Schau noch %al au. den Stunden-lan!
Doo( still once on the hour2-lan!
>6,ve , look ,t the schedule once ,%,inW>
>noch einm,l> or short >noch m,l> - >(once! ,%,in> - both #ords ou h,ve met be(ore: >m,l> is the
s,me ,s in >drei m,l> - >three times>, ,nd since >one time> in )n%lish is repl,ced b >once> this is onl
lo%ic,l B-! >noch> is more di((icult, but #ith the liter,l tr,nsl,tion o( >noch einm,l> - >still once> ou
c,n m,be %et the ide, :::
!etzt haben ir nur noch Geschichte...
)o ha>e e onl5 still histor5...
>2o# #e h,ve onl histor le(t> - .%,in , >noch>W
=o%%, ir sch#nzen und gehen ins &istro.
4o%e, e s(i- and go in the bistro.
>Fome on, letJs skip cl,ss ,nd %o to the bistro inste,d>: .s in )n%lish, >Iomm> c,n be used to motiv,te
<here is et ,nother contr,ction here >ins> is derived (rom >in d,s>, me,nin% >in the>: >d,s> is the
neutr,l ,rticle in ,ccus,tive c,se here:
Schon ieder!
,lread5 again!
;ome o( the #ords in the di,lo%ues ,bove ,re >(illers>, th,t ,re commonl used to m,ke spoken
l,n%u,%e (lo#: <he ,re not c,rrin% ,n necess,r in(orm,tion, strictl spe,kin%, but the help
m,ke the phr,ses sound >re,l>: Lou cert,inl kno# such #ords in )n%lish, such ,s >#ell>,
>like>, >kind,>, >Jkno#>::: <r to spot those #ords ,nd reduce the phr,ses: <hen tr to spot ,ll
the #ords th,t %ive ,ddition,l in(orm,tion: Lou should end up #ith phr,ses th,t cont,in onl
;ub@ect ,nd Eerb ,nd m,be ,n Db@ect:
N,ke , list o( ,ll the contr,ctions used in this ch,pter: F,n ou determine the (ull t,blesP
!choolP/elated Verbs
Desen 9o 7ead
Schreiben 9o Write
Studieren 9o Stud5
Dernen 9o Stud5
8eichnen 9o 3aint
!chool #lasses
0eutsch Ger%an
/nglisch /nglish
7ussisch 7ussian
Franzsisch French
Datein Datin
Mathe%ati( Mathe%atics
S-ort 3/ or G5%
=unst or 8eichnen ,rts
Musi( Music
Geschichte Histor5
&iologie &iolog5 Geogra-h5
7eligion 7/ or 7eligion
4he%ie 4he%istr5
3h5si( 3h5sics
In.or%ati( 4o%-uter Science
/le(tronische 0aten>erarbeitung 4o%-uter Science
!chool !upplies
der 7adiergu%%i /raserG7ubber
der &leisti.t 3encil
der =uliG=ugelschreiber 3en
das Fach Sub'ect
die =lasse 4lass
der Dehrer 9eacher "%ale$
die Dehrerin 9eacher ".e%ale$
die Schule School
der Sch+ler Student "HighGSecondar5
School and Doer$
der Student Student "4ollegeGEni>ersit5$
die StundeGSchulstunde Desson
die 3ause &rea(
die Schultasche &ac(-ac(

Section 012H 3 Berlin' erman,
+evie# 1:0*
&ab5ear 0ie &ab5arti(el "-lural$
4hildren's Wear 0ie =inderbe(leidung
4learance Sale 0er 7#u%ungs>er(au.
4losed Geschlossen
4lothing 0ie =leidung
4o%-uter Section 0er 4o%-utersho-
4os%etics 0ie =os%eti(
4usto%er 0er =unde
4usto%er Ser>ice 0er =undendienst
/lectrical ,--liance 0as /le(troger#t
/scalator 0ie 7olltre--e
Fashion 0ie Mode
Furniture 0as Mbel "no -lural$
Gi.t 0er Geschen(arti(el
Good 1alue ",d'.$ 3reisert
Groceries 0ie Debens%ittel "-lural$
!eeler5 0a%enschuhe "-lural$
Deather Goods 0ie Dederaren "-lural$
6-ening Hours 0ie P..nungszeiten "-lural$
3resent 0as Geschen(
7educed 7eduziert
Sales 7ecei-t 0er =assenbon
Sou>enir 0as ,nden(en
S-ecial 0as Sonderangebot
S-orts Goods S-ortarti(el "-lural$
Stationer5 Schreibaren "-lural$
Su%%er Sale 0er So%%erschluss>er(au. "abbr. SS1$
1ideo Store 0ie 1ideothe(
Winter Sale 0er Winterschluss>er(au. "abbr. WS1$
live version
test ,ns#ers
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
Deartment Store Warenhaus
7etail Store /inzelhandelsgesch#.t
9he Mall /in(au.szentru%
&outiNue &outiNue
Store Gesch#.t
Manager Manager
/%-lo5ee ,ngestellter
Sales 4ler( 1er(
4ashier =assierer
0ressing 7oo% E%(leide(abine
Men's Section M#nnerabteilung
Wo%en's Section Frauenabteilung
First Floor /rstes Stoc(er(
Mensear M#nner(leidung
Second Floor 8eiter Stoc(
Wo%ensear Frauen(leidung
9hird Floor 0ritte Stoc(
=ids Section =inderabteilung
Fourth Floor 1ierter Stoc(
/lectronics /le(troni(
=itchenare =+chenbedar. Floor F+n.ter Stoc(
Dighting &eleuchtung
&edding &ett#sche
9o5s S-ielaren
SiH Floor Sechster Stoc(
Food Debens%ittel
)lectronics )le#troni#
9ele>ision Fernsehen
0igital 4a%era 0igital(a%era
9ele-hone 9ele.on
4ell -hone Mobiltele.on, Hand5
4o%-uter 4o%-uter, 7echner
S-ea(ers Dauts-recher
010s 010
40s 40
010 3la5er 01023la5er
40 3la5er 4023la5er
&edding &ett#sche
&lan(ets 0ec(en
3illo =o-.(issen
3illo 4ase =o-.(issenbezug
Sheets &l#tter
&ed S(irt &ett27oc(
3rice 3reis
)ote 0er Schein
4oin 0ie M+nze
@ /uro 4oin 0as /urost+c(
A /uro 4oin 0as 8eieurost+c(
K /uro )ote 0er F+n.euroschein
@Q /uro )ote 0er 8ehneuroschein
@QQ /uro )ote 0er Hunderteuroschein
@ 4ent 4oin 0as 4entst+c(
A 4ent 4oin 0as 8eicentst+c(
K 4ent 4oin 0as F+n.centst+c(
@Q 4ent 4oin 0as 8ehncentst+c(
AQ 4ent 4oin 0as 8anzigcentst+c(
KQ 4ent 4oin 0as F+n.zigcentst+c(
S(irt 0er 7oc(
3ullo>er 0er 3ullo>er
Scar. 0as 9uch
4oat 0er Mantel
Shirt 0as He%d
Seater 0er 3ullo>er
)ec(tie 0er Schli-s
!ac(et 0ie !ac(e
3ants 0ie Hose
Hat 0er Hut
Shoe 0er Schuh
Soc( 0ie Soc(e
Glo>e 0er Handschuh
&louse 0ie &luse
Size 0ie Gr*e
4olor 0ie Farbe
4otton 0ie &au%olle
Deather 0as Deder
7a5on 0ie =untseide
S%all =lein
Mediu% Mittel
Darge Gro*
/Htra2Darge /Htragro*
4hea- &illig
/H-ensi>e 9euer
3rett5 Schn
Egl5 H#sslich
So.t Weich
)e )eu
&road &reit
Wide Weit
9ight /ng
4o%.ortable &eNue%
7ed 7ot
&lue &lau
Green Gr+n
6range 6range
1iolet 1eilchen
?ello Gelb
&ron &raun
Indigo Indigo
Gra5 Grau
&lac( Scharz
White Wei*

9o Doo( ,ussehen
9o 9r5 6n ,n-robieren
9o 3ut 6n ,nziehen
9o 9a(e )eh%en
9o &u5 =au.en
9o Ha>e 6nGWear ,nhaben
Sohn Son
9ochter 0aughter
1ater Father
Mutter Mother
Gro*>ater Grand.ather
Gro*%utter Grand%other
6-a Grand-a
6%a Grand%a
Schester Sister
&ruder &rother
Geschister &rothers B Sisters
/n(el Grandson
/n(elin Granddaughter
Frau Wi.e
Mann Husband
Schieger>ater Father2in2Da
Schiegertochter 0augther2in2Da
Schager &rother2in2Da
Sch#gerin Sister2in2Da
Schieger%utter Mother2in2Da
Schiegersohn Son2in2Da
6n(el Encle
9ante ,unt
Geschen( 3resent
)i%%t 9o 9a(e ,a5
Desen 9o 7ead
Schreiben 9o Write
Studieren 9o Stud5
Dernen 9o Stud5
8eichnen 9o 3aint
0eutsch Ger%an
/nglisch /nglish
7ussisch 7ussian
Franzsisch French
Datein Datin
Mathe%ati( Mathe%atics
S-ort 3/ or G5%
=unst or 8eichnen ,rts
Musi( Music
Geschichte Histor5
&iologie &iolog5 Geogra-h5
7eligion 7/ or 7eligion
4he%ie 4he%istr5
3h5si( 3h5sics
In.or%ati( 4o%-uter Science

der 7adiergu%%i /raserG7ubber
der &leisti.t 3encil
der =uliG=ugelschreiber 3en
das Fach Sub'ect
die =lasse 4lass
der Dehrer 9eacher "%ale$
die Dehrerin 9eacher ".e%ale$
die Schule School
der Sch+ler Student "HighGSecondar5 School and Doer$
der Student Student "4ollegeGEni>ersit5$
die StundeGSchulstunde Desson
die 3ause &rea(
die Schultasche &ac(-ac(
congratulations on com"leting
+evie# 1:0*
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012N 3 Vienna' Austria
Lesson 1:0& O 4,s Fest
das S-iel Ga%e
das 1ideos-iel 1ideo Ga%e
der ;p,V Fun
die Feier 5,rtU
die 5,rt 5,rt
die Nusik Nusic
die <orte F,ke
d,s F,ss Ie%
d,s ?ier ?eer
der ;chn,ps 6,rd Li=uor
der Aein listen Aine
der AeiV#ein Ahite Aine
der +ot#ein +ed Aine
Feiern <o 5,rt
<rinken 4rinkin%
;,u(en <o $et 4runk
)rbrechen 9 sich
<o <hro# 3p
Iot7en <o 5uke @slangA
<,n7en <o 4,nce
live version
test ,ns#ers
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
U \ . Form,l 4inner 5,rt
5ifferent #elebrations
der Geburtstag &irthda5
Weihnachten 4hrist%as
6stern /aster
das !ubil#u% ,nni>ersar5
!nack ,oods
das Wasser Water
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:0& O 4,s Fest
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Section 012N 3 Vienna' Austria
Lesson 1:0- O 5rivile% und Eer,nt#ortun%
Qobs and Tasks
Wor( ,rbeit
0octor ,rzt
&uniness Man Gesch#.ts%ann
&uniness Wo%an Gesch#.ts.rau
9eacher Dehrer
3olice 6..icer 3olizeibea%te
Fire%an Feuerehr%ann
,ctor Schaus-ieler
,rtist =+nstler
,uthor Schri.tsteller
&an( 4ler( &an(angestellter
4ar Mechanic ,uto%echani(er
4he%ist 4he%i(er
4i>il Ser>ant &ea%ter
/ngineer Ingenieur
Far%er Dandirt
Hairdresser Friseur
!ournalist !ournalist
Da5er 7echtsanalt
Decturer 0ozent
)urse =ran(en-.leger
3ensioner 7entner
3hotogra-her Fotogra.
3olitician 3oliti(er
3ost%an &
3ro.essor 3ro.essor
Sales-erson 1er(
Secretar5 Se(ret#r
Student Student
9aHi 0ri>er 9aHi.ahrer
Waiter =ellner
live version
test ,ns#ers
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
4leaning 7einigung
4oo(ing =ochen
Ho%eor( Hausau.gaben
9as(s ,u.gaben
#ommon Phases
9ch ha&e 4l#ne111
I h,ve pl,ns:::
9ch ha&e 4l#ne mit111
I h,ve pl,ns #ith:::
Places To Go
/erman0 Deutschland
Hu%burg Ha%burg
&erlin &erlin
Fran(.urt Fran(.urt
4olonge =ln
Munich M+nchen
#ommon Phases
9ch muss gehen111
I h,ve to %o to:::
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:0- O 5rivile% und Eer,nt#ortun%
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012N 3 Vienna' Austria
Lesson 1:09 O Aetter
Wol/gang calls his /riend Monica a/ter he sees the weather /orecast1
Wol"gang: Mist!
!onica: Was?
Wol"gang: /s ird regnen.
!onica: 0u hattest 3l#ne, richtig?
Wol"gang: !a, Ich ollte einige Weihnachtengeschen(e (au.en.
!onica: Ich habe %ehr schlechte )achrichten.
Wol"gang: )ein! Was ist es?
!onica: /s ird regnen und dann s-#ter in einen
star(en Schneestur% +berechseln.
Wol"gang: )ein! 0ie Stra*e ird %it /is bedec(t sein.
!onica: Ich ei*. Ich %uss zur =lasse gehen. ,u.
Wiedersehen %ein Freund.
Wol"gang: &is 0ann!
live version
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report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
Weather Wetter
7ain 7egen
Sno Schnee
Sno Shoers Schneeschauer, Schnee.all
Shoers Schauer
9hunder 0onner
Stor% Stur%
9hunderstor% Geitter
4loud5 &el(t
6>ercast &edec(t
Hail Hagel
0rizzle )ieseln
9ha 9auen
Frost Frost
#ommon Phases
Wie ist das Wetter7
6o#Js the #e,therP
Wie ist das wetter 1117
Ah,t is the #e,ther (or :::P
K<nnen Sie mir sagen wie das Wetter heute ist7
F,n ou tell me tod,Js #e,therP
9st es1117
Is it:::P
4ar ,uto
9rain 8ug
9rainstation &ahnho.
,ir-lane Flugzeug
&oat &oot
Higha5 Dandstra*e
7oad Stra*e
congratulations on com"leting
Lesson 1:09 O Aetter
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012N 3 Vienna' Austria
+evie# 1:0"
das S-iel Ga%e
das 1ideos-iel 1ideo Ga%e
der S-a* Fun
die Feier 3art5J
die 3art5 3art5
die Musi( Music
die 9orte 4a(e
das Fass =eg
das &ier &eer
der Schna-s Hard DiNuor
der Wein Wine
der Wei*ein White Wine
der 7otein 7ed Wine
live version
test ,ns#ers
edit lesson
report ,n error
,sk , =uestion
$eiern To Part0
9rin(en 0rin(ing
Sau.en 9o Get 0run(
/rbrechen G sich Rbergeben 9o 9hro E-
=otzen 9o 3u(e #sl!ng$
9anzen 9o 0ance
der Geburtstag &irthda5
Weihnachten 4hrist%as
6stern /aster
das !ubil#u% ,nni>ersar5
das Wasser Water
Wor# (rbeit
0octor ,rzt
&uniness Man Gesch#.ts%ann
&uniness Wo%an Gesch#.ts.rau
9eacher Dehrer
3olice 6..icer 3olizeibea%te
Fire%an Feuerehr%ann
,ctor Schaus-ieler
,rtist =+nstler
,uthor Schri.tsteller
&an( 4ler( &an(angestellter
4ar Mechanic ,uto%echani(er
4he%ist 4he%i(er
4i>il Ser>ant &ea%ter
/ngineer Ingenieur
Far%er Dandirt
Hairdresser Friseur
!ournalist !ournalist
Da5er 7echtsanalt
Decturer 0ozent
)urse =ran(en-.leger
3ensioner 7entner
3hotogra-her Fotogra.
3olitician 3oliti(er
3ost%an &
3ro.essor 3ro.essor
Sales-erson 1er(
Secretar5 Se(ret#r
Student Student
9aHi 0ri>er 9aHi.ahrer
Waiter =ellner
Ger%an5 0eutschland
Hu%burg Ha%burg
&erlin &erlin
Fran(.urt Fran(.urt
4olonge =ln
Munich M+nchen
Weather Wetter
7ain 7egen
Sno Schnee
Sno Shoers Schneesch
Shoers Schauer
9hunder 0onner
Stor% Stur%
9hunderstor% Geitter
4loud5 &el(t
6>ercast &edec(t
Hail Hagel
0rizzle )ieseln
9ha 9auen
Frost Frost
4ar ,uto
9rain 8ug
9rainstation &ahnho.
,ir-lane Flugzeug
&oat &oot
Higha5 Dandstra*e
7oad Stra*e
congratulations on com"leting
+evie# 1:0"
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012O 3 Berne' Switzerland
Lesson 1:10 O 'u 6,use )ssen
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012O 3 Berne' Switzerland
Lesson 1:11 O Filme
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012O 3 Berne' Switzerland
Lesson 1:1* O 4,s 6,us
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion

Section 012O 3 Berne' Switzerland
+evie# 1:04
live version O discussion O exercises O test O edit lesson O comment O report ,n error O ,sk , =uestion
German Level To Lessons
Grundlegende Lektionen
A Basic Course in German
Level To #ontents
!ection +%&$ ( Salzburg Austria
Lesson +%&$ ' Einfache GesprJche unter ,reunden ( $erm,n %r,mm,r (introduction!,
(,mili,r convers,tions, #ord order in =uestions, pronouns (introduction!:
Lesson +%&+ ' ,remde und ,reunde ( Eerbs (introduction!, pronouns in nomin,tive c,se,
(orm,l convers,tions, pronoun %ender:
Lesson +%&. ' 5ie 9ahlen ( Fountin% (theme!, numbers 1 to 1*, tellin% time, nouns
(introduction!, de(inite ,rticles Q noun %ender, inde(inite ,rticles:
Lesson +%&0 ' Eine Geschichte Aber 9Arich ( .d@ectives (introduction!, nouns ,nd pronouns
in the ,ccus,tive ,nd d,tive, interro%,tives:
/evie +%&$ ' +evie# o( Lessons 1-4
!ection +%&+ ( 2)rich S"itzerland
Lesson +%&2 ' 5ie Wohnung ( Fon@u%,tin% verbs (present tense!, comm,nds:
Lesson +%&3 ' Bathematik ( ;imple m,th, numbers 1"-100, tellin% time8 minutes Q seconds,
d,s o( the #eek, months, ,nd se,sons
Lesson +%&4 ' BeinG 5einG und !ein ( ;chool sub@ects, , description o( $erm,n schools, b,sic
voc,bul,r in school cl,sses (m,th, %eo%r,ph, etc:!, ,nd school supplies:
Lesson +%&6 ' Einkaufen gehen ( .rticles o( clothin%, sep,r,ble verbs, colors:
/evie +%&+ ' +evie# o( Lessons 0--
!ection +%&. ( German!
Lesson +%&7 ' Verbtempus und Wortstellung ( Inverted #ord order, p,st ,nd (uture tense
Lesson +%$& ' Mndeveloped ( 3ndeveloped
Lesson +%$$ ' Mndeveloped ( 3ndeveloped
Lesson +%$+ ' Mndeveloped ( 3ndeveloped
/evie +%&. O +evie# o( Lessons 9-1*
Section 4056 7 Salzburg Austria
Lesson +%&$ ' Einfache GesprJche unter
Grammatik $P$ ( Introduction to German grammar
Ino#in% the p,rts o( speech (ho# #ords (unction in , sentence! is import,nt (or ,none ,ttemptin% to
le,rn , second l,n%u,%e: )n%lish spe,kers #ill (ind m,n stron% p,r,llels bet#een their l,n%u,%e ,nd
$erm,n: 6o#ever, ,s noted in the introduction, $erm,n %r,mm,r si%n,lsKho# #ords indic,te their
(unction in , sentenceK,re more complex th,n )n%lish, ,nd identi(in% the me,nin% o( #ords in ,
$erm,n sentence is di((icult #ithout underst,ndin% these clues or si%n,ls to #ord (unction th,t come
(rom the %r,mm,tic,l rules: <he b,sic lessons (Level II! o( this textbook ,re set up to (irst introduce the
p,rts o( speech, ,nd then brin% in the rules th,t %overn these: 5, p,rticul,r ,ttention to both ord
endings ,nd sentence ord order ,s ou pro%ress in le,rnin% the $erm,n l,n%u,%e:
Follo#in% is , short convers,tion piece (es"r#ch!: 5l, the ,udio (ile (irst, then ,ttempt to repe,t #h,t
ou he,r, re,din% the spoken p,rts o( the convers,tion: $o b,ck ,nd (orth (listenin% ,nd then spe,kin%!
until the $erm,n (lo#s e,sil (rom our lips: <his m, t,ke consider,ble pr,ctice: +e(er to the
voc,bul,r (Vo$a&eln! belo# to underst,nd the me,nin% o( the $erm,n sentences ou ,re he,rin% ,nd
GesprJch $P$ ( %ie *reunde
6einrich tri((t I,rl ,u( der ;tr,Ve: 6einrich und I,rl sind Freunde:
Heinrich8 $uten <,%, I,rl: Aie %eht es dirP
Karl8 $uten <,%: 4,nke, es %eht mir %ut: 3nd dirP
Heinrich8 4,nke, es %eht mir %ut: .u( Aiedersehen:
Karl8 .u( AiedersehenW
Audio8 D$$ (9&I?!
In this convers,tion #e le,rn sever,l simple %reetin%s exch,n%ed bet#een (riends meetin% ver brie(l
on the street:
Vokabeln $P$
<his (irst voc,bul,r (Vo$a&eln! m, seem , bit lon% considerin% ou h,ve been presented #ith onl
the brie( convers,tion piece ,bove, but it ,lso cont,ins ,ll o( the $erm,n #ords ou h,ve encountered
up to this point in the Level II textbook, includin% #ords in photo c,ptions ,nd lesson section he,ders:
<he l,out o( the Vo$a&eln is expl,ined in the Lesson L,out $uide in the $erm,nG)n%lish textbook
introduction, but the (our p,rts o( the Vo$a&eln ,re l,beled in this (irst lesson to reen(orce the concept:
2ote th,t column " m, cont,in (in p,rentheses! ,ddition,l notes ,bout , #ord in column 1: .lso, ou
c,n (ind the %reetin% phr,ses th,t ,ppe,r in the simple convers,tions ,bove (,nd m,n others! in
.nh,n% *, , $erm,n-)n%lish phr,se book:
der ,nhang, die ,nh#nge a--endiH, a--endices "singular and -lural$
die &r+c(e bridge
der Freund, die Freunde .riend, .riends "singular and -lural$
das Gesrch, die Gesrche con>ersation, con>ersations
die Gra%mati( gra%%ar "note irregular stress$
die De(tion lesson "note irregular stress$
die Stra*e street
das 9or gatea5
die 1o#abeln ord list, >ocabular5
das 1orort .oreord, -re.ace "introduction to a boo($
SH679 3H7,S/S
au. der Stra*e on the street
,u. Wiedersehen Good b5e
/s geht %ir gut I a% .ine "lit: 'It goes ith %e
Guten 9ag! Good da5 "greeting$
End dir? ,nd 5ou? "i%-lied: ',nd ho are
unter Freunden beteen .riends
Wie geht es dir? Ho are 5ou "lit: 'Ho goes it ith
Wie geht's? Ho are 5ou? "casual, but %ore co%%onl5
gehen go "geht is :goes:$
tre..en %eet, co%e u-on "tri%%t is :%eets:$
69H/7 :SM,DD: W670S "ad'ecti>es, ad>erbs, -re-ositions, etc.$
dan(e than( 5ou; than(s
dir "ith or .or$ 5ou
ein.ach si%-le
es it
gut good
%ir "ith or to$ %e
und and
ie? ho?
`` Lesson L,out $uide
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
GesprJch $P+ ( %ie Studenten
N,rkus ist ;tudent: )r studiert ?iolo%ie: )r be%e%net I,trin: ;ie studiert
N,them,tik: N,rkus und I,trin sind Freunde:
Mar$us8 6,llo, I,trinW Aohin %ehst duP
Katrin8 Ich %ehe eink,u(en: 4er IChlschr,nk ist (,st leer: Ich br,uche Aurst
und I/se: 3nd duP Aohin %ehst duP
Mar$us8 'ur 3ni: Ich h,be viel 7u tun:
Katrin8 $utW 4,nn bis b,ld: <schCss:
Mar$us8 <schCss, I,trin:
6ere ,%,in, t#o (riends (colle%e students! meet c,su,ll ,nd discuss brie(l #h,t e,ch is doin%:
Grammatik $P+ ( Word "rder in Iuestions
?,sic or normal ord order in simple $erm,n sentences is the s,me ,s in )n%lishKsub@ect then verb
then verb ob@ect8
9ch ha&e K#se G I (sub@ect! h,ve (verb! cheese (verb ob@ect \ #h,t ou >h,ve>!
.lso, ,s #ith )n%lish sentence structure, , =uestion sentence in $erm,n is (ormed b reversin% sub@ect
,nd verb8
Hast du K#se7 G 6,ve (verb! ou (sub@ect! cheeseP
<his is c,lled inverted ord order: )x,mples ,re provided in $espr/ch 1-1 ,nd $espr/ch 1-*: .s
,nother ex,mple, consider the st,tement8 %r studiert Biologie (J6e studies biolo%J!: . =uestion
st,tement mi%ht be8 Was studiert er7 (JAh,t studies hePJB ,lthou%h in )n%lish, #e #ould usu,ll s,8
>Ah,t is he studin%P>!: <he norm,l #ord order o( sub@ect (er or >he>! then verb (studiert or >stud>!
is reversed ,nd, in this c,se, ,n interrogative (was or >#h,t>! ,dded onto the (ront repl,cin% the
unkno#n (to the spe,ker! ob@ect (here, >biolo%>!: .ddition,l ex,mples o( =uestions (ormed (rom b,sic
st,tements illustr,te inverted #ord order8
Wie geht es dir7 (rom %s geht mir gut1 (JIt %oes #ell #ith me:J!
Wohin geht sie7 (rom Sie geht ein$au/en1 (J;he %oes shoppin%:J!
Was ist /ast leer7 (rom Der K*hlschran$ ist /ast leer1 (J<he (rid%e is ,lmost empt:J!
Was &rauche ich7 (rom 9ch &rauche Wurst und K#se1 (JI need s,us,%e ,nd cheese:J!
Versteht sie mich7 (rom Sie )ersteht mich1 (J;he underst,nds me:J!
Grammatik $P. ( Introduction to pronouns
. pronoun (4ronomen! is , short #ord th,t t,kes the pl,ce o( , noun previousl mentioned in the
sentence, p,r,%r,ph, or convers,tion: . pronoun substitutes (or , noun or noun phr,se ,nd desi%n,tes
persons or thin%s ,sked (or, previousl speci(ied, or understood (rom context: . speci(ic pronoun in
)n%lish ,s #ell ,s $erm,n h,s person, number, ,nd case: Lou #ill be encounterin% ,ll o( the common
$erm,n pronouns in the next sever,l lessons, so #e #ill tr,ck these ,s the ,ppe,r: <he (ollo#in%
familiar person,l pronouns ,re introduced in this lesson (!e$tion 0!8
ich S I "@st -erson, singular, no%inati>e case$
mich S %e "@st -erson, singular, accusati>e case$
mir S %e "@st -erson singular, dati>e case$
du S 5ou "And -erson, singular, no%inati>e case$
dir S 5ou "And -erson singular, dati>e case$
er S he "Crd -erson singular, no%inati>e case$
sie S she "Crd -erson singular, no%inati>e case$
es S it "Crd -erson singular, no%inati>e case$
5ronoun person describes the rel,tionship o( the #ord to the spe,ker (th,t is, 0st "erson is the spe,kerB
Hnd "erson is spoken toB ,nd Nrd "erson is spoken ,bout!: 5ronoun number re(ers to #hether the #ord
represents one (singular! or more th,n one ("lural! person or ob@ect: Fin,ll, case indic,tes ho# the
pronoun is used in , sentence, ,s #ill be expl,ined over the next sever,l lessons: For no#, note in the
ex,mples ou h,ve ,lre,d encountered, the three c,ses o( 1st person sin%ul,r pronouns in $erm,n8
ich, mich, ,nd mir: In )n%lish these ,re8 JIJ, JmeJ, ,nd (to or with! JmeJ K in essence, there ,re re,ll @ust
t#o c,ses in )n%lish8 sub@ective (JIJ! ,nd ob@ective (JmeJ!: Lou #ill shortl see th,t there ,re simil,rities,
et distinct di((erences, in the c,ses ,s used b the )n%lish ,nd $erm,n l,n%u,%es:
Vokabeln $P+
die ,ntort, die ,ntorten anser"s$ "singular and -lural$
die &iologie biolog5 "note irregular stress$
die Freundin, die Freunde ".e%ale$ .riend, .riends "co%-are der &reund$
der =#se cheese
der =+hlschran( re.rigerator
die Mathe%ati# %athe%atics "note irregular stress$
das 3rono%en -ronoun "note irregular stress$
der Student, die Studentin student, ".e%ale$ student
die Eni uni>ersit5 "a short .or% o. die
die Rbersetzung translation "lit. :o>er2setting:$
die Eni>ersitt uni>ersit5 "note irregular stress$
die Wurst sausage, banger
SH679 3H7,S/S
0ann bis bald! then until "e$ soon "%eet again$ ":until then:$
zu tun to do
begegnen %eet
brauchen need, ant, reNuire
ein(au.en gehen go sho--ing
haben ha>e
studieren stud5
>erstehen understand
69H/7 :SM,DD: W670S
an to "toards$
bald soon
bis until
dann then
du 5ou
er he
.ast al%ost
hallo hello
ich I
leer e%-t5, >acant
%ich %e
schn beauti.ul "in this case, 'nice' or
sehr >er5
sie she
tsch+ss so long "good b5e$
>iel %uch
as? hat?
ohin? here?
`` Lesson L,out $uide
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Tberset-ung $P$
? re(errin% b,ck to lesson ex,mples, ou should be ,ble to #rite out the (ollo#in% sentences in
$erm,n: Dn , piece o( p,per, (irst number ,nd #rite e,ch )n%lish sentence: <hen revie# the lesson
,bove ,nd produce , $erm,n sentence th,t s,s the s,me thin% ,s e,ch )n%lish sentence: .(ter ,ll
seven lines ,re tr,nsl,ted, (ollo# the Antworten (,ns#ers! link to comp,re our #ork #ith the correct
ones: 4o not be too concerned ,t this point i( our spellin% o( the $erm,n verbs do not m,tch the
,ns#ers: Lou #ill le,rn ,ll ,bout $erm,n verb (orms in l,ter lessons:
1: $ood d,, N,rkW 6o# ,re ouP
*: <h,nks, I ,m #ell: .nd ouP
": $ood be, 6enrW
4: F,therine needs cheese:
0: ;he underst,nds the lesson #ell:
1: ;o lon%, N,rkW 3ntil #e meet ,%,in:
&: Ahere is he %oin%P
.nt#orten M
Section 4056 7 Salzburg Austria
Lesson +%&+ ' ,remde und ,reunde
Grammatik +P$ ( Introduction to Verbs
. verb is th,t p,rt o( speech th,t describes ,n ,ction: Eerbs come in ,n ,lmost be#ilderin% ,rr, o(
tenses, ,spects, ,nd tpes: For no#, #e #ill limit our discussion to verbs used in the present tense K
i:e:, describin% ,n ,ction occurin% in the present: Lou should st,rt to reco%ni7e th,t the (orm , verb
t,kes is rel,ted to the sub@ect o( th,t verb8 the verb (orm must m,tch the person o( the sub@ect : <his
re=uirement is sometimes evident in )n%lish, but ,l#,s so in $erm,n: Fonsider the (ollo#in% )n%lish
,nd $erm,n sentences (the verb is studieren in ever c,se!8
I stud biolo%: 9ch studiere Biologie:
;he studies
Sie studiert Mathemati$1
<od, #e stud $erm,n:
Heute studieren wir
(2ote , sub@ect verb revers,l!
Ah,t ,re ou studin%P Was studierst du7
(2otice sub@ect verb revers,l in =uestion
;ever,l thin%s ,re illustr,ted b these sentence p,irs: First, ,ll verbs in $erm,n (ollo# the rule @ust
st,ted th,t , verb (orm must ,%ree #ith its sub@ect: ;t,rtin% in !e$tion J #e #ill le,rn the verb (orms
,ssoci,ted #ith e,ch person in $erm,n: ;econd, this rule in )n%lish ,pplies mostl to the verb Jto beJ
(e:%:, I ,m, ou ,re, he is, etc:!: In some )n%lish verbs, the "rd person sin%ul,r (orm is uni=ue, o(ten
t,kin% ,n JsJ or JesJ endin%8 >I %ive ,t the o((ice>, but >6e %ives ,t the o((ice> (,nd >;he studies:::>
,bove!: Fin,ll, some $erm,n verbs ,re best tr,nsl,ted #ith ,n )n%lish Jto beJ verb (orm ,dded: <his is
c,lled the "rogressi)e (orm in )n%lish (JAh,t ,re ou studin%PJ!, but it does not exist in $erm,n:
<hus, , verb like nennen c,n best be tr,nsl,ted ,s >to n,me> or >to c,ll>: <he (ollo#in% ex,mple m,
m,ke this cle,rer: In the present tense, the (ollo#in% st,tements in )n%lish8
J<he ,re c,llin% the corpor,tion, ><r,ns-$lob,l>J
J<he n,me the corpor,tion, ><r,ns-$lob,l>J
J<he c,ll the corpor,tion, ><r,ns-$lob,l>J
J<he do c,ll the corpor,tion, ><r,ns-$lob,l>J
,re ,ll expressed in $erm,n in onl one #,8 Sie nennen die Firma' :-rans;lo&al:: .nd the =uestion
st,tement8 J4o the c,ll the corpor,tion, ><r,ns-$lob,l>PJ becomes, in $erm,n8 Nennen sie die Firma'
Grammatik +P+ ( Pronouns in the Dominative #ase
Nost o( the person,l pronouns introduced in Lektion 1 ,re used ,s sub@ects o( their verbs: <hese
represent the nominative case in $erm,n (,s in )n%lish!: Ae #ill shortl le,rn three other c,ses in
$erm,n8 the accusative (or direct ob@ects, the dative (or indirect ob@ects, ,nd the genitive (or
expressin% possession: For no#, remember th,t the sin%ul,r person,l pronouns in )n%lish (nominative
case! ,re >I>, >ou>, ,nd >he9she9it> (1st, *nd, ,nd "rd persons! ,nd the nomin,tive c,se is used ,s the
sub@ect o( , verb: In $erm,n, these pronouns ,re rendered ,s ich, du, ,nd erCsieCes: In these ex,mple
sentences, the subFect o( the verb is underlined8
9ch gehe ein$au/en1 I %o shoppin%:
%r studiert Biologie1 6e studies biolo%:
%s geht mir gut: It %oes #ell #ith me: ( \ I ,m (ine!:
Wohin gehst duP
Ahere ,re ou
(2otice sub@ect verb revers,l in =uestion
<here ,re, o( course, plur,l person,l pronouns in the )n%lish nomin,tive c,se8 >#e>, >ou>, ,nd >the>B
,nd in $erm,n, these nomin,tive c,se pronouns ,re wir, ihr, ,nd sie: <hese ,ppe,r in the (ollo#in%
ex,mples (,%,in, sub@ect underlined!8
Wir gehen ein$au/en1 Ae %o shoppin%:
9hr )ersteht die Frage1
Lou ,ll underst,nd the
9hr ha&t die Anleitungen1 Lou (,ll! h,ve the instructions:
Sie )erstehen die Ar&eit1 <he underst,nd the #ork:
In both )n%lish ,nd $erm,n, the "rd person sin%ul,r ,lso h,s gender: .s ou #ill next le,rn, the *nd
person (person bein% ,ddressed! in $erm,n h,s both familiar ,nd polite ((orm,l! (orms: Further, it is
#orth repe,tin% here K ,lthou%h introduced in rammati$ H;0 ,bove ,nd to be covered in det,il in
(uture lessons K th,t the verb (orm ch,n%es #hen the sub@ect ch,n%es: <h,t is, in $erm,n the verb
(orm must m,tch the sub@ect o( , sentence: 6ere ,re some ex,mplesB comp,re #ith the previous three
ex,mple sentences ,bove ,nd note ho# the verb (orm ch,n%ed to m,tch the sentence sub@ect (sub@ect
,nd verb underlined!8
9ch )erstehe die Ar&eit1 I underst,nd the #ork:
Du gehst ein$au/en1 Lou %o shoppin%:
9ch ha&e alle Antworten1 I h,ve ,ll the ,ns#ers:
%r hat die Anleitungen1 6e h,s the instructions:
In the l,st ex,mple, the )n%lish verb (orm (Jh,veJ! ,lso ch,n%ed b,sed upon the sub@ect o( the sentence:
GesprJch +P$ ( %ie Gesch'tsleute
6err ;chmidt tri((t Fr,u ?,um,nn: ;ie sind $esch/(tsleute und sie ,rbeiten ,n dem
Herr Schmidt8 $uten <,%, Fr,u ?,um,nnW
Frau Baumann8 $uten <,%, 6err ;chmidtW
Herr Schmidt8 Aie %eht es IhnenP
Frau Baumann8 ;ehr %ut, d,nke: 3nd IhnenP
Herr Schmidt8 .uch %ut:
Frau Baumann8 ;chRn: 6,ben ;ie 6errn ;t,ndish schon %etro((enP
Herr Schmidt8 .us )n%l,ndP 2ein: Ist er 7u ?esuchP
Frau Baumann8 H,: 4,s ist richti%W .u( Aiedersehen, 6err ;chmidtW
Herr Schmidt8 .u( Aiedersehen, Fr,u ?,um,nnW
In this convers,tion, ,lthou%h the sub@ect m,tter is b,sic,ll c,su,l, , more (orm,l (orm o( $erm,n is
bein% used intonin% respect bet#een co#orkers in ,n o((ice settin%: <he polite (orm is expressed b the
pronouns ,s expl,ined belo# ($r,mm,tik *-"!:
Vokabeln +P$
die ,nleitungen instructions
das 0eutsch Ger%an "language$ "%ore co%%on is die deutsche
der Fre%de .oreigner, stranger
die Fir%a co%-an5, .ir%, business concern
die Frage Nuestion
die Gesch#.tsleute business -eo-le "die )eute T -eo-le$
der Hau-tsitz head "d!s H!upt T head or chie.$
der 9ag da5, da5ti%e
aus /ngland .ro% /ngland
0as ist richtig! 9hat is right!
Frau &au%ann Ms. &au%ann
Herr Sch%idt Mr. Sch%idt
zu &esuch >isiting
arbeiten or(
getro..en "ha>e$ %et "-ast -artici-le o. tre%%en$
nennen na%e, call
alle all
an at
Ihnen "ith r to$ 5ou "-olite .or%$
heute toda5
ihr 5ou "-lural$, 5ou all
'a 5es
nein no
richtig correct
sie the5 "note: also :she:$
Sie 5ou "-olite .or%$
ir e
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik +P. ( ,amiliar and Polite Pronoun ,orms
N,n pronouns #ere introduced in Lesson 1: In rammati$ H;0 ,nd es"r#ch H;0 #e h,ve been
presented #ith the (ollo#in% ,ddition,l pronouns8
*hnen S "to$ 5ou "And -erson singular, dati>e case$
ihr S 5ou "And -erson, -lural, no%inati>e case$
sie S the5 "Crd -erson, -lural, no%inati>e case$
Sie S 5ou "And -erson, singular, no%inati>e case$
wir S e "@st -erson, -lural, no%inati>e case$
In the convers,tions bet#een (riends presented in es"r#che 0;0 ,nd 0;H (Lektion 1! the familiar (orm
o( the person,l pronouns (e:%:, du, dir! #,s used: 6o#ever, $erm,n ,lso h,s , polite or formal (orm o(
some o( these person,l pronouns: <he polite (orm is used in convers,tions bet#een str,n%ers ,nd more
(orm,l situ,tions, ,s illustr,ted in the es"r#ch H;08 %reetin%s bet#een business ,ssoci,tes:
<he polite (orm is ,l#,s (irst-letter c,pit,li7ed in $erm,n, #hich c,n be help(ul in di((erenti,tin% Sie
(ou! (rom sie (she ,nd the!B 9hnen (ou! (rom ihnen (them!: 6o#ever, ou #ill soon le,rn th,t the
(orm o( the verb (see rammati$ H;N belo#! is most tellin%, ,s sho#n b these ex,mple p,irs usin% the
verb, ha&en (h,ve!8
Ha&en Sie eine Digarette7 4o ou h,ve , ci%,retteP (polite (orm o( ou!
Sie hat $eine Wurst und $einen K#se1
;he h,s no s,us,%e ,nd no
Sie ha&en )iel Ar&eit1 <he h,ve much #ork (to do!:
Ha&en sie zu )iel Ar&eit7 4o the h,ve too much #orkP
?ec,use the (irst letter in , sentence is ,l#,s c,pit,li7ed, #e c,nnot determine (#ithout the verb (orm!
#hether the second ,nd third ex,mples be%in #ith sie (JsheJ or JtheJ! or #ith Sie (polite JouJ!B ,
problem th,t #ould ,lso exist in convers,tion: <he (ourth ex,mple, #here sub@ect ,nd verb ,re reversed
in , =uestion, demonstr,tes the pronoun JtheJB comp,re it #ith the polite JouJ in the (irst ex,mple:
It is rel,tivel e,s (or ,n )n%lish spe,ker to ,ppreci,te ho# context, especi,ll in convers,tion,
overcomes con(usion considerin% th,t )n%lish h,s (e#er (orms (or these pronouns th,n $erm,n:
6o#ever, this (,ct does present some di((icult #hen le,rnin% $erm,n, since improper use o( ,
pronoun m, @ust cre,te con(usion in spe,kin% or #ritin% $erm,n:
GesprJch +P+ ( %ie Gesch'tsmnner
6err ;chmidt und 6err ;t,ndish be%e%nen sich ,m 6,uptsit78
Vereinigtes K<nigreich
)on ro6&ritannien und Nordirland
Herr Schmidt8 $uten Nor%en, 6err ;t,ndishW Aie %eht es IhnenP
Herr Standish8 4,nke sehr, es %eht mir %ut: 3nd IhnenP
Herr Schmidt8 2icht so %ut: Ich bin mCde:
Herr Standish8 Aie bitteP NCdeP A,rumP
Herr Schmidt8 Ich h,be so viel .rbeit:
Herr Standish8 4,s k,nn ich verstehen: 'u viel ist 7u viel:
Herr Schmidt8 4,s ist richti%: .u( Aiedersehen, 6err ;t,ndishW
Herr Standish8 .u( Aiedersehen, bis mor%en:
Vokabeln +P+
die &undesre-ubli( 0eutschland Federal 7e-ublic o. Ger%an5
die Gesch#.ts%#nner business%en "die Gesch%tsleute is
Gro*britannien Great &ritain "technicall5 +ereinigtes
(n Gr-.rit!nnien und
der Morgen %orning
die Rbersetzung translation
bis %orgen until to%orro
Guten Morgen! Good %orning "greeting$
nicht so gut not so ell
so >iel so %uch
Wie bitte? Ho is that?
zu >iel too %uch
bis until
(ein no "in the sense on :none:$
%+de tired
nicht not
sich each other
arum ? h5 ?
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik +P0 ( Personal pronoun gender
In both )n%lish ,nd $erm,n the "rd person person,l pronouns h,ve %ender ($r,mm,tik 1-"!: 6o#ever,
in )n%lish, the pronoun >it> is used (or most in,nim,te or non-livin% thin%s: <here ,re , (e#
exceptions8 , ship mi%ht be re(erred to ,s >she>: 6o#ever, in $erm,n, the "rd person person,l pronoun
re(lects the gender o( the noun (antecedent! re(ered to b the pronoun: For ex,mples8
Der K*hlschran$ ist /ast leer1 %r ist /ast leer1 It (masculine! is ,lmost empt:
9ch &rauche die Wurst1 9ch &rauche sie1 I need it (feminine!:
Das es"r#ch ist schwer1 %s ist schwer1 It (neuter! is di((icult:
<he (ollo#in% t,ble summ,ri7es these %ender rel,tionships8
"rd person pronouns
m,sculine er he
(eminine sie she
neuter es it
Tberset-ung +P$
Lou m,, ,t this point, tr the (l,sh c,rds developed (or Level I $erm,n: <his set h,s , (e# #ords ,nd
concepts not et presented in Level II, but (or the most p,rt c,n be ver help(ul in enh,ncin% our
voc,bul,r: $o to Fl,shc,rd)xch,n%e:com:
<r,nsl,te the (ollo#in% sentences into $erm,n: 5, ,ttention to #hether (,mili,r or polite (orm o( the
pronoun is re=uested8
1: $ood d,, Ns: 2eum,nn: 6o# ,re ouP [in polite convers,tion,l (orm]
*: I ,m #ell, th,nk ou: .nd ouP [in polite (orm]
": I ,m #ell, th,nk ou: .nd ouP [in (,mili,r (orm]
4: I,trin is studin% m,th:
0: <he meet e,ch other ,t the he,d o((ice:
1: I do underst,nd the instructions:
&: Is she visitin% (rom )n%l,ndP
-: 6o# is th,tP Lou h,ve too much #orkP [in polite (orm]
9: $ood be, Nr: ;mith: 3ntil tomorro# mornin%P
.nt#orten M
Section 4056 7 Salzburg Austria
Lesson +%&. ' 5ie 9ahlen
Lektion . ( 2hlen .on 6 bis 64
#ounting in ,n l,n%u,%e is , v,lu,ble skill best le,rned e,rl on: In $erm,n ,s in )n%lish, there ,re
both cardinal (countin%! ,nd ordinal (pl,ce or order! numbers, ,nd number (orm,tion is simil,r in th,t
the (irst t#elve numbers ,re uni=ue: .bove t#elve, numbers ,re (ormed b combin,tion: For ex,mple,
1" is dreizehn ,nd 14 is )ierzehn: 6i%her numbers #ill be the sub@ect o( l,ter lessons:
2ote in the t,ble ho# ordin,ls ,re (ormed (rom the c,rdin,ls in $erm,n b ,ddin% te: J<enJ becomes
JtenthJ in )n%lishB zehn become zehnte in $erm,n: .s in )n%lish, there ,re sever,l noncon(ormin%
v,ri,nts8 erste, dritte, ,nd sie&te:
cardinal numbers ordinal numbers
one eins 1st erste
t#o 7#ei *nd 7#eite
three drei "rd dritte
(our vier 4th vierte
(ive (Cn( 0th (Cn(te
six sechs 1th sechste
seven sieben &th siebte
ei%ht ,cht -th ,chte
nine neun 9th neunte
ten 7ehn 10th 7ehnte
eleven el( 11th el(te
t#elve 7#Rl( 1*th 7#Rl(te
Audio8 D$$ ("-0I?!
Le,rnin% the $erm,n #ords (or the numbers provides ,n excellent opportunit to pr,ctice $erm,n
pronunci,tions: Follo#in% ,re some help(ul hints (or )n%lish spe,kers ,ttemptin% to count in $erm,n:
. >dent,l sound> is m,de b movin% the ton%ue into the b,ck o( the upper teethK,lmost ,s i( the #ord
st,rted #ith , JtJ: . >%utter,l sound> comes (rom deep in the thro,t: .lso, remember, in #ords o( more
th,n one sll,ble, the emph,sis is on the (irst sll,ble: (in,l conson,nts ,re cut o(( =uickl in $erm,n,
not dr,#n out ,s in m,n )n%lish #ords: )n%lish spe,kers mi%ht c,ll this bein% curt or brus=ue #ith
e,ch #ord:
eins sa5 'e0en2zah' but dro- the 'ah'; 'z' is beteen an 's' and 'z'
zwei sounds li(e 'z>e5e'; the '' is beteen a '>' and a ''
drei sounds li(e :dr5:, but ith dental 'd' and roll the 'r'
(ier sound is beteen :.ear: and '.ee25ahr'
%/n% sa5 '.oon2.ah' ithout the 'ah'; >er5 slight 'r' a.ter the '+'
sechs sounds li(e :seH:, but ith a %ore dental leading 's'
sie.en sounds li(e :see &en: "use dental 's'$
!cht sounds li(e 'ah(t'; the 'ch' is gutteral
neun sounds li(e :loin: ith an 'n'
zehn sounds li(e the na%e, :8ane:, but the 'z' is %ore dental
el% sounds -rett5 %uch li(e :el.: "the Ger%an 'e' is a little higher$
zwl% sounds li(e 'zol.', but the 'o' is closer to
Grammatik .P$ ( Telling time =hours?
Ino#in% the numbers (rom 1 to 1*, ou c,n no# be%in ,skin% ,nd tellin% time in $erm,n:
Der =hrturm )on raz
GesprJch .P$
'#ei Hun%en, 6einrich und I,rl, sind Freunde: ;ie be%e%nen sich eines
Heinrich8 I,rl: Aie %ehtJsP
Karl8 6,lloW
Heinrich8 Aillst du spielenP Ich h,be einen ?,ll:
Karl8 Aie sp/t ist esP
Heinrich8 )s ist ein 3hr:
Karl8 4,nn k,nn ich bis 7#ei 3hr spielen:
Heinrich8 4,s ist %ut: Air spielen eine ;tunde l,n%W
.skin% (or the time is ,ccomplished b the sentence8 Wie s"#t ist es7 (>6o# l,te is itP>!: <he ,ns#er
pl,ces the hour in the line %s ist IIII =hr (>It is __ oJclock>!, substitutin% the correct c,rdin,l v,lue
(except ein is used inste,d o( eins!: Dne could ,lso ,sk8 Wie)iel =hr ist es7 (not used ver o(ten
,nmore! or respond %s ist eins or %s ist drei, etc:K#hich m, be imprecise, unless the time is close to
the hour: <he (ollo#in% sentences ,lso rel,te to tellin% time8
%r /ragt nach der =hrzeit1 6e ,sks the time:
Sie &egegnen sich eines Nachmittags1 <he meet e,ch other one ,(ternoon:
%s ist hal& )ier1 It is h,l( p,st three ("8"0!:
%s ist Viertel nach zw<l/1 It is , =u,rter ,(ter t#elve (1*810!:
%s ist Viertel )or el/1 It is , =u,rter to eleven (10840!:
%s ist drei Viertel el/1U It is , =u,rter to eleven (10840!:
%s ist /*n/ )or neun1 It is (ive minutes to (until! nine (0-800!:
%s ist /*n/ Minuten )or neun1 It is (ive minutes to (until! nine (0-800!:
%s ist zehn nach el/1 It is ten minutes ,(ter eleven (11810!:
%s ist zehn Minuten nach el/1 It is ten minutes ,(ter eleven (11810!:
%s ist acht nach1 It is ei%ht minutes ,(ter the l,st (ull hour (PP80-!:
%s ist zehn )or1
It is ten minutes to (until! the next (ull hour
%s ist drei durch1U It is bet#een three ,nd (our (0"8PP!:
%s ist el/ =hr drei It is three minutes ,(ter eleven (1180"!:
%s ist el/ =hr und drei minuten It is three minutes ,(ter eleven (1180"!:
U this is onl re%ion,l - m,n $erm,ns m, not underst,nd
Ino#in% ho# to express the =u,rter, h,l(, ,nd three =u,rter hours #ill ,llo# ou to %ive the time more
precisel: Ae #ill, o( course, revisit this sub@ect: Dnce ou kno# ho# to count beond t#elve, the
hourJs division into 10 minutes c,n be expressed: .lso, $erm,ns (like most )urope,ns! utili7e #h,t is
kno#n in .meric, ,s >milit,r time> or , *4-hour clock:
Vokabeln .P$
.lso included in the voc,bul,r (or Lesson " ,re the ordin,l ,nd c,rdin,l numbers 1 throu%h 1* (rom
!e$tion N ,bove:
der &all ball
der !unge, die !ungen bo5, bo5s
das Dernen learning, stud5
der )ach%ittag a.ternoon
die Stunde hour
die Ehr atch "ti%e-iece$; also :o'cloc(:
der Ehrtur% cloc( toer
die Ehrzeit ti%e, ti%e o. da5
das 1iertel Nuarter
die 8ahl, die 8ahlen nu%ber, nu%bers
bis zei Ehr until to o'cloc(
das ist gut >er5 ell "lit.: :that is good:$
eines )ach%ittags one "uns-eci.ied$ a.ternoon
ich (ann... s-ielen I can -la5
es ist it is
illst du ...? do 5ou ant ...? ".a%iliar .or%$
.ragen as( "a Nuestion$
s-ielen -la5
z#hlen count
dann then
halb hal., hal.a5 to
nach about, a.ter
s-#t late
>or be.ore, until
zu to
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik .P+ ( Introduction to Douns
. noun is , (und,ment,l p,rt o( speech, occurrin% in sentences in t#o di((erent #,s8 ,s sub@ects
(per(ormers o( ,ction!, or ob@ects (recipients o( ,ction!: .s , %ener,lit, , noun is the n,me o( ,
>person, pl,ce, or thin%>: 2ouns ,re cl,ssi(ied into proper nouns (e:%: >H,net>!, common nouns (e:%:
>%irl>!, ,nd pronouns (e:%: >she> ,nd >#hich>!: . proper noun (,lso c,lled "ro"er name! is , noun
#hich denotes , uni=ue entit: <he me,nin% o( , proper noun, outside o( #h,t it re(erences, is
(re=uentl ,rbitr,r or irrelev,nt ((or ex,mple, someone mi%ht be n,med <i%er ;mith despite bein%
neither , ti%er nor , smith!: ?ec,use o( this, the ,re o(ten not tr,nsl,ted bet#een l,n%u,%es, ,lthou%h
the m, be tr,nsliter,ted K (or ex,mple, the $erm,n surn,me >InRdel> becomes >Inoedel> in
)n%lish, ,s opposed to >4umplin%>: 5roper nouns ,re c,pit,li7ed in )n%lish ,nd ,ll other l,n%u,%es
th,t use the L,tin ,lph,betB this is one #, to reco%ni7e them: 6o#ever, in German both proper and
common nouns are capitali-ed (,s ,re cert,in (orm,l pronounsB see $r,mm,tik *-"!:
Grammatik .P. ( Gender of Douns
Ae h,ve seen evidence o( #ord %ender in the pronouns #e h,ve been enounterin%B not,bl JheJ, JsheJ,
,nd JitJ in )n%lish ,nd er, sie, ,nd es in $erm,n: Hust like m,n other l,n%u,%es (but not )n%lish!,
$erm,n h,s genders (or nouns ,s #ell: 2oun %ender is indic,ted b the de/inite article, #hich should
,l#,s be le,rned ,s p,rt o( the noun: For this re,son, nouns presented in e,ch lessonJs Vo$a&eln
include the %ender ,ppropri,te de(inite ,rticle:
5efinite Articles
<he de(inite ,rticle (&estimmter Arti$el! is e=uiv,lent to ,n )n%lish JtheJ, ,nd the three b,sic %ender
(orms o( de(inite ,rticles in $erm,n ,re ,s (ollo#s8
die (eminine
das neuter
<o s, Jthe bookJ in $erm,n, ou #ould s, das Buch, bec,use Buch is , neuter noun: <o s, Jthe m,nJ
in $erm,n, ou #ould s, der Mann, bec,use Mann is , masculine noun: <o s, Jthe #om,nJ in
$erm,n, ou #ould s, die Frau, bec,use Frau is , feminine noun:
2oun %ender does not ,l#,s derive (rom ,ctu,l %ender #here %ender mi%ht be ,pplic,ble: For
ex,mple, Jthe boJ is der Junge (masculine!B but Jthe %irlJ is das M#dchen (neuter!: .lso, nouns th,t
h,ve no inherent %ender ,re not necess,ril neuter: From this lesson8 Jthe #,tch or time pieceJ is die
=hr (J(eminineJ!:
?ec,use $erm,n is %ener,ll more structured th,n )n%lish, it is import,nt #hen le,rnin% $erm,n
nouns to ,l#,s le,rn them #ith their %ender correct de(inite ,rticleB ,nd in the Vo$a&eln nouns ,re
,l#,s %iven #ith their ,ssoci,ted de(inite ,rticle: <h,t is, ou must memori7e the #ord (or JbookJ in
$erm,n ,s das Buch, not simpl Buch: 2ot @ust de(inite ,rticles, but inde(inite ,rticles ,nd ,d@ectives
h,ve endin%s th,t must m,tch the %ender o( the noun the preceed: 3sin% the #ron% %ender c,n ,lter
the me,nin% o( , $erm,n sentence, so in (ormin% , proper sentence #ith Buch, ou #ill need to kno#n
th,t it is , neuter noun:
Indefinite Articles
in ,ddition to the de(inite ,rticlesK>the> in )n%lish ,nd der-#ords in $erm,nKdiscussed ,bove, both
l,n%u,%es h,ve indefinite articles (un&estimmter Arti$el!: Inde(inite ,rticles preceed nouns in the s,me
#, th,t de(inite ,rticles do, but conve , %ener,l or inde(inite sense: <hese ,re >,> or >,n> in )n%lish:
<hus, Jthe bookJ or das Buch re(ers to , de(inite or speci(ic book, #here,s J, bookJ or ein Buch is
inde(inite ,bout #hich book is re(erred to: Inde(inite ,rticles ,lso h,ve %ender ,s sho#n here8
ein der
eine die (eminine
das neuter
6ere ,re some ex,mples o( inde(inite ,rticles (underlined! used in $erm,n sentences8
9ch ha&e einen Ball1 I h,ve , b,ll:
Heute lesen wir ein Buch1 <od, #e re,d , book:
Mar$us tri//t einen Studenten au/ der Stra6e1 N,rk meets , student on the street:
Die esch#/tsleute ha&en eine Antwort1 <he business people h,ve ,n ,ns#er:
%in Freund s"ielt Ball mit ihm1 . (riend pl,s b,ll #ith him:
Ah, ou ,sk, ,re there #ords like einen in some sentences ,boveK, spellin% th,t does not ,ppe,r in
the %ender t,bleP <he t,bles (or both the de(inite ,nd inde(inite ,rticles ,bove ,re simpli(ied ,t this
st,%e, %ivin% onl ,rticles in the nomin,tive c,se (,pplied to #ords th,t ,re sub@ects o( verbs!: In the
ver next lesson ou #ill st,rt to ,ddress ,ll the other c,ses in $erm,n: 6o#ever, the nominative case
is the one used to si%ni( the %ender o( , noun, ,s in our Vo$a&eln:
Vokabeln .P+
das &uch boo(
die Frau o%an
der =ndel du%-ling
das M#dchen "5oung$ girl
der Mann %an
lesen read
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Tberset-ung .P$
<r,nsl,te the (ollo#in% sentences into $erm,n8
1: I ,m re,din% until ten oJclock:
*: It is nine thirt:
": It is , =u,rter to ten:
4: F,th is , student ,t the universit:
0: ;he meets N,rk on the street:
1: 6enr h,s , b,ll:
&: <he %irl is , (riend:
-: Nr: ;mith h,s , =uestion:
.nt#orten M
Section 4056 7 Salzburg Austria
Lesson +%&0 ' Eine Geschichte Aber 9Arich
LesestAck 0P$ ( Eine Geschichte Aber 9Arich
'Crich ist die %rRVte ;t,dt der ;ch#ei7: ;ie lie%t ,m .us(luss des 'Crichsees und
ist die 6,uptst,dt des %leichn,mi%en I,ntons, des I,ntons 'Crich: 'Crich ist
,us%esprochen schRn %ele%en, ,m nRrdlichen )nde des 'CrichseesKbei kl,rem
Aetter h,t m,n eine %ute ;icht ,u( die $l,rner .lpen:
'Crich ist d,s 'entrum der sch#ei7er ?,nken#irtsch,(t: 2eben den beiden
$rossb,nken (JFredit ;uisseJ und J3?;J! h,ben ,uch etliche kleinere ?,nkinstitute
ihren ;it7 in der ;t,dt:
.lthou%h this short stor cont,ins =uite , number o( impressive $erm,n nouns ,nd ,d@ectives, #ith the
,id o( Vo$a&eln O;0 (ollo#in% ou should h,ve no trouble re,din% ,nd underst,ndin% it: <he p,ss,%e
m,kes consider,ble use o( the $erm,n %enitive c,se ()n%lish possessive c,se!, #hich ou h,ve not et
le,rned: 6o#ever, , clue ,pplic,ble here8 tr,nsl,te des ,s >o( the> or >o(> ,nd note there ,re other der-
#ords th,t ,lso me,n >o( the>:
Vokabeln 0P$
die ,l-en ,l-s
der ,us.luss outlet, e..luence "o. a la(e$
die &an(institute ban(ing institutes
die &an(enirtscha.t ban(ing business
das /nde end
die Grossban(en %a'or ban(s
die Hau-tstadt ca-ital cit5
das Haus house
der =anton canton "Siss state$
das Desest+c( reading -assage
die Scheiz Sitzerland
die Sicht >ie
der Sitz
das Wetter eather
das 8entru% center "centre$
das 8+rich 8urich "cit5 and canton in
der 8+richsee Da(e 8urich
d.h. "das hei*t$ i.e. ":that is: in Datin$
Glarner ,l-en Glarner ,l-s
%an hat... one has...
nach Hause "toard$ ho%e "co%-are: zu H!use T :at
anru.en call, tele-hone
geben "gab, gegeben$ gi>e
(o%%en "(a%, ge(o%%en$ co%e
liegen "lag, gelegen$ lie "la5, lain$
a% "an de%$ at the
ausges-rochen %ar(edl5
bei in
beiden to
etliche a nu%ber o., Nuite a .e, se>eral
gleichna%ig sa%e na%ed
gr*te largest
(lar clear
(lein s%all
neben besides
nrdlich northern
scheizer o. or -ertaining to Siss

5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik 0P$ ( Introduction to adFectives
.n adFective is , p,rt o( speech #hich c,n be thou%ht o( ,s , >describin% #ord>Ktpic,ll, ,n
,d@ective modi(ies , noun: In both )n%lish ,nd $erm,n, ,d@ectives come be(ore the noun the describe
or modi(: In m,n other l,n%u,%es (such ,s French! the usu,ll come ,(ter the noun: 6ere ,re some
ex,mples o( ,d@ectives (underlined! ou h,ve ,lre,d encountered8
9ch ha&e )iel Ar&eit1 I h,ve much #ork:
Wir ha&en $einen K#se1 Ae h,ve no cheese:
Bei $larem Wetter hat man eine gute Sicht1
In cle,r #e,ther, one h,s , %ood
'Crich ist die %rRVte ;t,dt: 'urich is the l,r%est cit:
?ec,use nouns ,re c,pit,li7ed in $erm,n, it is (,irl obvious in these sentences #here the ,d@ectives
occur8 @ust be(ore the nouns the modi(: 2ote ho# the endin%s on $erm,n ,d@ectives c,n ch,n%e,
dependin% upon the noun ($einen K#seB $larem WetterB gute Sicht!Kspeci(ic,ll, the gender ,nd case
o( the noun the ,re modi(in%: ?e(ore expl,inin% the b,sic rules %overnin% ,d@ective endin%s, ou
need to h,ve , better underst,ndin% o( person, %ender, ,nd c,se in $erm,n nounsKconcepts th,t #ill
be explored in the next (e# lessons:
Fin,ll, re,li7e th,t the ordinal numbers ou le,rned in Lektion " ,re, in (,ct, ,d@ectivesKsub@ect to
the s,me rules %overnin% #ord endin%s (or ,d@ectives:
Wer ist das dritte M#dchen7 Aho is the third %irlP
Wir )erstehen nur die erste !e$tion1 Ae underst,nd onl the /irst lesson:
GesprJch 0P$ ( 5as neue BJdchen
N,rkus und 6elen, sind Freunde:
Mar$us8 Len,, #er ist d,s neue N/dchenP 4ie ?rCnette dort drCben:
Helena8 Ich %l,ube, sie heiVt JI,rolineJ:
Mar$us8 ;ie ist sehr schRn:
Helena8 ;ie ist hCbsch, #enn m,n kleine N/dchen mit l,n%en dunklen 6,,ren
Mar$us8 H,: Ihre 6,,re %e(,llen mir sehr:
Helena8 N,rkus, du bist ein FerkelW
<his short convers,tion,l p,ss,%e cont,ins more ex,mples o( ,d@ectives:
Vokabeln 0P+
die &r+nette brunette
die Haare hair"s$
das M#dchen girl
das Fer(el -iglet
ge"allen a--eal to
glauben belie>e
hei*en na%e, call
%ag li(e, desire, ish
dort there
"dort$ dr+ben o>er there
dun(el dar(
ihr her
h+bsch cute
(lein short
lang long
neue ne
enn i.
er? ho?
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik 0P+ ( Douns and pronouns in the accusative and
.s #,s noted previousl #hen the concept o( case #,s introduced (or pronouns ($r,mm,tik *-*!, there
,re (our c,ses used in $erm,n: +ec,ll th,t the nominative c,se in $erm,n corresponds to the
su&8ecti)e case in )n%lish ,nd ,pplies to nouns ,nd pronouns used in , sentence ,s the sub@ect o( ,
verb: 2ouns (,nd pronouns! th,t ,re used ,s ob@ects o( tr,nsitive (,ction! verbs ,re in the )n%lish
ob@ective c,se: I( these ,re direct obFects (recipients o( the ,ction o( , verb!, then these nouns ,re in
the accusative case in $erm,n: I( indirect obFects, then these nouns ,re in the dative case in $erm,n:
)ssenti,ll, the )n%lish o&8ecti)e case is divided, in $erm,n, into ,n ,ccus,tive c,se used (or direct
ob@ects ,nd , d,tive c,se used (or indirect ob@ects:
For comp,rison #ith )n%lish, rec,ll th,t the sin%ul,r person,l pronouns (nominati)e case! ,re >I>,
>ou>, ,nd >he9she9it> (1st, *nd, ,nd "rd persons!: <he o&8ecti)e case, person,l pronouns in )n%lish ,re
>me>, >ou>, ,nd >him9her9it>K,nd ,re used (or both direct ,nd indirect ob@ects o( verbs: For ex,mple8
6e %ives it [the 4irect Db@ect] to me [the Indirect Db@ect]:
<he $erm,n accusative case, person,l pronouns (sin%ul,r! ,re8 mich' dich' ihnCsieCes: <he $erm,n
dative case, person,l pronouns (sin%ul,r! ,re8 mir, dir, ihmCihrCihm: <hus, the ,bove )n%lish ex,mple
sentence becomes, in $erm,n8
%r gi&t es [the 4irect Db@ect] mir [the Indirect Db@ect]:
?ec,use mir is , d,tive pronoun, there is no need in $erm,n to use , modi(ier ,s in )n%lish, #here >to>
is used ,s , si%n,l o( ,n indirect ob@ect: <he (ollo#in% t,ble summ,ri7es the $erm,n pronouns in three
c,ses (or both sin%ul,r ,nd plur,l number8
;in%ul,r 5lur,l
2DN: .FF: 4.<: 2DN: .FF: 4.<:
1st person ich mich mir ir uns uns
*nd person du (!ieU! dich (!ieU! dir (IhnenU! ihr (!ieU! euch (!ieU! euch (IhnenU!
"rd person er, sie, es ihn, sie, es
ihm, ihr,
sie sie ihnen
U 5olite (orm
+ec,ll (rom $espr/ch *-1 the >incomplete> sentence =nd 9hnen7 (J.nd ouPJ!: 2ote th,t the pronoun
,%rees in c,se (here, d,tive! #ith the implied sentence K =nd wie geht es 9hnen7 <he s,me rule is
evident in $espr/ch 1-1 (=nd dir7!: ;uch ,%reement is import,nt to conve the correct me,nin%:
<,bles %ivin% the $erm,n person,l pronouns in ,ll c,ses c,n be (ound in ,n ,ppendix8 5ronoun <,bles:
2ouns do not ch,n%e their (orm (spellin%! rel,tive to c,se in $erm,nB inste,d, , precedin% ,rticle
indic,tes c,se: Lou h,ve le,rned the nomin,tive c,se de(inite ,nd inde(inite ,rticles ($r,mm,tik "-"8
der, die, das ,nd ein, eine: ein! (or e,ch o( the three noun %enders: 2o# #e #ill le,rn the accusati)e
(used to si%n,l , direct ob@ect! ,nd dati)e (used to si%n,l ,n indirect ob@ect! ,rticles: First, the de(inite
;in%ul,r 5lur,l
2DN: .FF: 4.<: 2DN: .FF: 4.<:
N,sculine der den dem die die den
Feminine die die der die die den
2euter das das dem die die den
<his t,ble mi%ht seem , bit over#helmin% (,nd there is et one more c,se in $erm,n8 the %enitiveW!,
but some points to note c,n m,ke memori7in% much e,sier: First, ,s ou c,n see (rom the t,ble, gender
does not re,ll exist (or plur,l nouns: 2o m,tter #h,t the noun %ender in its sin%ul,r number, its plur,l
,l#,s h,s the s,me set o( de(inite ,rticles8 die, die, den (or nomin,tive, ,ccus,tive, ,nd d,tive c,ses:
<he plur,l der-#ords ,re simil,r to the (eminine sin%ul,r der-#ords, di((erin% onl in the d,tive c,se:
.nother point8 the d,tive (or both m,sculine ,nd neuter nouns is the s,me8 dem: Fin,ll, (or (eminine,
neuter, ,nd plur,l nouns, there is no ch,n%e bet#een nomin,tive ,nd ,ccus,tive c,ses: <hus, onl (or
m,sculine nouns is there , de(inite ,rticle ch,n%e in the ,ccus,tive comp,red #ith the nomin,tive:
<he (ollo#in% ex,mples demonstr,te the use o( the de(inite ,rticle in v,rious p,rts o( speech8
Du hast die Wurst und den K#se1 Lou h,ve the s,us,%e ,nd the cheese: (,ccus,tive c,se!
Die esch#/tsleute )erstehen die
<he business ,ssoci,tes underst,nd
the #ork:
(nomin,tive ,nd ,ccus,tive
D*rich ist die gr<6te Stadt1 'urich is the l,r%est cit: (nomin,tive c,se!
In the l,st ex,mple, ou need to kno# th,t in both )n%lish ,nd $erm,n, the noun (or pronoun! th,t
(ollo#s the verb Jto beJ is , predicate noun, (or #hich the correct c,se is the nominative: <h,t is #h,
in )n%lish, JIt is IJ is %r,mm,tic,ll correct ,nd JIt is meJ is simpl incorrect:
<he inde(inite ,rticles ,re ,s (ollo#s8
2DN: .FF: 4.<:
N,sculine ein einen einem
Feminine eine eine einer
2euter ein ein einem
D( course, there ,re no plur,l inde(inite ,rticles in $erm,n or )n%lish (ein me,ns >,>: >,n>, or >one>!: It
is import,nt to see th,t there is , p,ttern in the c,se endin%s ,dded to ein rel,ted to the der-#ords in the
de(inite ,rticles t,ble ,bove: For ex,mple, the d,tive de(inite ,rticle (or m,sculine nouns is demKthe
inde(inite ,rticle is (ormed b ,ddin% ;em onto ein to %et einem: <he d,tive de(inite ,rticle (or (eminine
nouns is derKthe inde(inite is ein plus ;er or einer: <hese endin% ch,n%es #ill be covered in %re,ter
det,il in , (uture lesson: Lou #ill see th,t there ,re , number o( #ords (,d@ectives, (or ex,mple! #hose
(orm rel,tive ch,n%es b ,ddition o( these endin%s to si%n,l the c,se o( the noun the modi(: Fin,ll,
#e c,n see , p,ttern rel,tionship bet#een these >endin%s> ,nd the "rd person pronouns ,s #ell8
2DN: .FF: 4.<:
inde(: ,rticle ein einen einem
"rd pers: pronoun er ihn ihm
Feminine inde(: ,rticle eine eine einer
"rd pers: pronoun sie sie ihr
inde(: ,rticle ein ein einem
"rd pers: pronoun es es ihm
Ae could construct , simil,r t,ble to comp,re the de(inite ,rticles to the "rd person pronouns: .nd in
th,t c,se, #e #ould ,lso see ho# the plur,l de(inite ,rticles (die, die, den! comp,re #ith the third
person plur,l pronouns (sie, sie, ihnen!:
Grammatik 0P. ( Interrogatives
Lou h,ve encountered ne,rl ,ll o( the interrogatives commonl used in $erm,n (revie# $r,mm,tik
w!nn hen
w!rum h5 W!rum sind Sie m/de0
w!s hat W!s ist d!s0
wer ho Wer ist d!s 1dchen0
wie ho Wie geht es dir0
wie(iel ho %uch Wie(iel 'hr ist es0
w here W ist d!s Buch0
whin here "to$ Whin gehst du0
In , =uestion, interro%,tives repl,ce the unkno#n ob@ect ,nd est,blish the cl,ss o( ,ns#er expected:
Was ha&en Sie7 Ah,t do ou h,veP ()xpected is , Jthin%J!
Wie)iel Ar&eit ist zu )iel7
6o# much #ork is too
()xpected is , J=u,ntitJ!
Wann gehst du nach Hause7 Ahen do ou %o homeP ()xpected is , sense o( JtimeJ!
Wo ist der D*richsee7 Ahere is L,ke 'urichP ()xpected is , Jpl,ceJ!
2ote th,t the )n%lish construction (or some o( the =uestions di((ers (rom the $erm,n in th,t the (ormer
uses the pro%ressive (orm o( >do>:
Tberset-ung 0P$
<r,nsl,te the (ollo#in% sentences into $erm,n8
1: <he h,ve , %ood vie# o( the .lps:
*: L,ke 'urich is ver be,uti(ul:
.nt#orten M
Section 4056 7 Salzburg Austria
/evie +%&$
Lesson 0 is , revie# (Wiederholung! lesson to summ,ri7e the $erm,n l,n%u,%e lessons presented in
Lessons 1 throu%h 4: Lou should, then, return to Lektion 1 ,nd revie# (th,t is, rere,d! e,ch o( the (our
lessons b,ck up to this point: For , more ,dv,nced course, ou mi%ht no# incorpor,te e,ch o( the
,dv,nced lessons into this >revie#> process: <h,t is8 revie# Lesson 1, then do Lesson 1., revie#
Lesson *, then do Lesson *., etc:
Parts of !peech and Word "rder
;entences ,re composed o( p,rts th,t per(orm speci(ic (unctions: Lou h,ve been introduced to most
(but not ,ll! the m,@or p,rts o( speech8 pronouns9nouns, verbs, ,nd ,d@ectivesB ,nd ho# these ,re
expressed in $erm,n comp,red #ith )n%lish: Fonsider the (ollo#in%8
8ch brauche Wurst und (se
I (pronoun ,s sub@ect! need (verb! s,us,%e ,nd cheese (nouns ,s direct ob@ects!
3aben sie zu .iel Arbeit9
6,ve (verb! the (pronoun sub@ect! too much (,d@ectives! #ork (noun direct ob@ect!P
Aord order in , simple sentence (ollo#s th,t used in )n%lish: ;ub@ect ,nd verb ,re reversed to (orm ,
=uestion: In )n%lish, but not in $erm,n, the =uestion sentence could ,lso be st,ted (,nd, in (,ct, occurs
more o(ten in the 3;! ,s J4o the h,ve too much #orkPJ
2ouns ,re #ords th,t tpic,ll occur in sentences ,s either sub@ects (per(ormers o( some ,ction! or
ob@ects (recipients o( some ,ction!: Nost nouns ,re the n,me o( either , >person, pl,ce, or thin%> ,nd,
in $erm,n, ,re ,l#,s c,pit,li7ed: )ver noun in $erm,n h,s ,n >,ssi%ned> %ender (m,sculine,
(eminine, neuter!, ,nd #e le,rn e,ch noun #ith its nomin,tive c,se, de(inite ,rticle (der, die, das,
respectivel! in order to ,lso le,rn th,t %ender: <hus, , Vo$a&eln section (or nouns is presented thusl8
der ,nhang, die ,nh#nge a--endiH, a--endices "singular and -lural$
die &r+c(e bridge
der Freund, die Freunde .riend, .riends "singular and -lural$
das Ges-r#ch, die Ges-r#che con>ersation, con>ersations
die Gra%mati( gra%%ar "note irregular stress$
die De(tion lesson "note irregular stress$
die Stra*e street
Section 4054 7 2)rich S"itzerland
Lesson +%&2 ' 5ie Wohnung
GesprJch 3P$ ( Ein Eruder besucht Barkus
N,rkus studiert ?iolo%ie ,n der 3niversit/t: )r besucht die Eorlesun%en und d,nn
%eht er n,ch 6,use: )r #ohnt nicht bei seinen )lternB er mietet sich eine kleine
Aohnun%: ;ie h,t nur drei 'immer: $e%en .bend 7ei%t er sie seinem ?ruder:
Mar$us8 I,rl: 6ereinW
Karl8 <,%, N,rkusW Nutti %rCVt dich:
I,rl sieht sich um:
Karl8 Nir %e(/llt deine Aohnun%:
Mar$us8 4,nke: ;ie h,t drei 'immer: )s %ibt eine ICche, ein Aohn7immer,
und ein ;chl,(7immer:
Karl8 Ich h,be sie %ernW
<his incomplete stor ,nd convers,tion introduces terms (or items ,round the house (or ,p,rtment!:
Vokabeln 3P$
der &ruder brother
die /ltern -arents
die =+che (itchen
das Schla.zi%%er bedroo%
die 1orlesung class, instruction "at a uni>ersit5$
die Wohnung a-art%ent, .lat
das Wohnzi%%er li>ing roo%
das 8i%%er, die 8i%%er roo%"s$
es gibt there is
gegen ,bend toards e>ening
gern haben li(e "i.e., :to gladl5 ha>e:$
Herein! 4o%e in!
sich u%sehen loo( around
zeigen sho
besuchen >isit, attend "classes$
gr+*en greet
%ieten rent
sein his "a -ossesi>e ad'ecti>e$
Grammatik 3%$ ( Introduction to verb conFugations
In $erm,n, ever %r,mm,tic,l person h,s, or potenti,ll h,s, its o#n uni=ue verb (orm: 4escribin% the
v,rious verb (orms is c,lled verb conFugation: <his v,ri,tion in verb (orm is cert,inl one o( the thin%s
th,t m,kes $erm,n %r,mm,r some#h,t di((icult (or )n%lish spe,kers to le,rn: In )n%lish, onl the "rd
person sin%ul,r mi%ht di((er (rom the verb (orm used #ith ,ll o( the other persons (see $r,mm,tik 1-"!
,nd th,t di((erence is m,de b ,ddin% ,n endin% o( JsJ or JesJ: For ex,mple8 I9ou9#e9the J%oJ, but
he9she9it J%oesJ:
Let us h,ve , closer look ,t $erm,n verbs: 3su,ll, the in(initive (orm o( , verb in $erm,n ends #ith
-enK(or ex,mples, consider these verbs ou h,ve ,lre,d le,rned8 gehen (J%oJ!, ha&en (Jh,veJ!, ,nd
studieren (JstudJ!: In order to >build> the di((erent verb (orms (th,t is, con@u%,te , verb!, (irst cut o((
the J-enJ endin% (rom the in(initive: <hen ,ppend , ne# endin% ,ccordin% to the %r,mm,tic,l person:
For regular verbs it #orks essenti,ll ,s (ollo#s8
pronoun verb in )n%lish8
ich %ehe I %o
du %ehst ou %o
er9sie9es %eht he9she9it %oes
#ir %ehen #e %o
ihr %eht ou (pl:! %o
sie %ehen the %o
.s ou see in this ex,mple usin% the verb gehen, the sin%ul,r 1st person ends #ith -e, the *nd person
#ith -st ,nd "rd person (no m,tter #h,t %ender! ends #ith -t: .s (or the plur,l (orms, note th,t 1st ,nd
"rd person in plur,l number (see $r,mm,tik 1-"! ,re built the s,me #, ,s the in(initive: .%,in note
th,t, in )n%lish, onl the verb (orm (or the "rd person sin%ul,r is >uni=ue>: .n e,s #, to remeber the
re%ul,r verb endin%s is the (ollo#in% mnemonic >Eleph,nts st,ndin% to%ether en@o trumpetin%
;eems simple enou%h: 6o#ever, re,li7e #e ,re discussin% here onl the re%ul,r verb (orms in the
present tense (4r#sens!: Lou #ill le,rn =uite soon th,t, un(ortun,l, there ,re m,n exceptions (rom
these simple rules: .n import,nt one is the irregular verb sein (Jto beJ! #hich is irre%ul,r in )n%lish ,s
#ell (I ,m, ou ,re, he is::::!:
pronoun verb in )n%lish8
ich bin I ,m
du bist ou ,re
er9sie9es ist he9she9it is
#ir sind #e ,re
ihr seid ou (plur,l! ,re
sie sind the ,re
.t le,st 1st ,nd "rd person plur,l ,re the s,me: .nother import,nt verb is ha&en (Jto h,veJ!8
pronoun verb in )n%lish8
ich h,be I h,ve
du h,st ou h,ve
er9sie9es h,t he9she9it h,s
#ir h,ben #e h,ve
ihr h,bt ou (plur,l! h,ve
sie h,ben the h,ve
Lou see, itJs not too irre%ul,rKonl the *nd ,nd "rd person sin%ul,r constitute , sm,ll exception since
the JbJ h,s v,nished: )n%lish is some#h,t curious in this respect ,s #ell8 JI h,veJ, but Jhe h,sJ: Future
lessons #ill introduce ou to the m,n irregular verbs in $erm,n: ?ut ou should no# reco%ni7e #h,t
is h,ppenin% to the verbs in $erm,n sentences: <he ,re re(lectin% the person ,nd number o( their
nomin,tive c,se sub@ects: +ec,ll these sentences (rom p,st lessons (verbs underlined here!8
2!nke, es geht mir gut 9han(s, it goes ell ith %e ">erb is
*ch h!.e (iel 3r.eit I ha>e %uch or( ">erb is h!.en$
*st er zu Besuch0 Is he >isiting? ">erb is sein$
2u .ist ein Schwein4 ?ou are a -ig! ">erb is sein$
Wie hei-en Sie0 What are 5ou called? ">erb is hei-en, and
-ronoun is .or%al$
Wir spielen eine Stunde l!ng4 We -la5 .or one hour! ">erb is spielen$
Sie liegt !m 3us%luss des Z/richsees" It lies at the outlet o. Da(e 8urich ">erb
is liegen$
Grammatik 2%+ ( #ase in German nouns
<hrou%h our discussions on the person,l pronouns, ou h,ve le,rned ho# pronouns h,ve case: 2ouns
,lso h,ve c,seK,nd in $erm,n, noun c,se c,n be expressed b the de(inite ,rticle (der!: +ec,ll this
t,ble (rom Lektion "8
die (eminine
das neuter
<hese der-#ords re(lect noun gender in the nomin,tive c,seK,ppropri,te #henever , noun is used ,s
the sub@ect o( , sentence: For other c,ses, the der #ords ch,n%e: )xp,ndin% the t,ble to present
nomin,tive (2DN:!, ,ccus,tive (.FF:!, d,tive (4.<:!, ,nd %enitive ($)2:! c,ses8
D"B% A##% 5AT% GED%
der den dem des m,sculine
die die der der (eminine
das das dem des neuter
die die den der plural
2ote, there ,re ,lso der-#ord (orms to be used (or plur,l nouns: Fortun,tel, these ,re the s,me, no
m,tter #h,t the %ender o( the sin%ul,r noun: For (uture re(erence, ou c,n (ind the der-#ords
summ,ri7ed in .nh/n%e 4rei:
<he (ollo#in% ex,mples demonstr,te the use o( the de(initive ,rticle in v,rious p,rts o( speech8
2u h!st die Wurst und den ,se" ?ou ha>e the sausage and the cheese.
"accusati>e case$
2ie Gesch%tsleute (erstehen die 3r.eit 9he business associates understand the
"no%inati>e and accusati>e cases$
Sie liegt !m 3us%luss des Z/richsees" It lies at the outlet o. "the$ Da(e
"geniti>e case$
Z/rich ist die gr-te St!dt der Schweiz" 8urich is the largest cit5 in "o. the$
"no%inati>e and geniti>e cases$
In the l,st ex,mple, remember th,t in both )n%lish ,nd $erm,n, the noun (or pronoun! th,t (ollo#s the
verb Jto beJ is , predic,te noun, (or #hich the correct c,se is the nominative: <h,t is #h, in )n%lish, JIt
is IJ is %r,mm,tic,ll correct ,nd JIt is meJ is incorrect: ;o consider the (ollo#in% (,nd note th,t c,se o(
e,ch de(inite ,rticle is the s,me ,s in the l,st ex,mple ,bove!8
Z/rich ist der ,!ntn der gleichn!migen St!dt" 8urich is the canton o. the sa%e
na%ed cit5.
Grammatik 3%. ( #ommands
5u% sie !n, .itte4 4all her, -lease.
or 5u% sie .itte !n4
Gehen Sie n!ch H!use4 Go ho%e ".or%al$.
,mmt mit4 4o%e ith "-lural$!
Gi. es mir4 Gi>e %e it!
2otice th,t in these sentences there ,re no sub@ects (except (or T*!: In $erm,n, ,s in )n%lish, there is ,
commandati)e /orm, , #, to dem,nd somethin% usin% ,n understood ou: In )n%lish, there is onl one
ou-(orm ,nd one comm,nd (orm: In $erm,n, since there ,re three ouJs, there ,re three #,s to
I( the sub@ect is sin%ul,r (du!, then the verb h,s no endin%: I( it is irre%ul,r, it t,kes the du-(orm, such ,s
in essen (IssW! or lesen (LiesW!: I( there is , plur,l sub@ect (ihr!, then the verb t,kes the ihr-(orm:
2othin% else is ch,n%ed: Nost o( the time, ihr-comm,nds ,re used #ith children, but th,t is not ,l#,s
the c,se: In both o( these sentences, the du or ihr is omitted:
Form,l is norm,l: <he Sie st,s (,(ter the verb! ,nd the verb is in its (orm,l (orm: .lthou%h it is
#orded like , =uestion, in #ritten or spoken (orm, it is e,s to tell the di((erence:
Section 4054 7 2)rich S"itzerland
Lesson +%&3 ' Bathematik
Lernen 4 ( 9Jhlen von $. bis $&&
Dnce ou h,ve memori7ed the numbers (rom 1 to 1* (see Lernen "!, countin% hi%her in $erm,n
becomes ver much like countin% in )n%lish: From 1" to 19, ,dd ;zehn (10B >-teen> in )n%lish! ,(ter the
c,rdin,l number root8
1" a dreizehn (irre%ul,r in )n%lish8 JthirteenJ!
14 a )ierzehn
10 a /*n/zehn
11 a sechzehn (note th,t the JsJ in sechs is dropped!
1& a sie&zehn (note th,t the JenJ in sie&en is dropped!
1- a achtzehn
19 a neunzehn
.bove 19 the countin% sstem is const,nt8 ,dd ;zig (>-t> in )n%lish! to the c,rdin,l root: <hus, #e %et8
*0 a zwanzig
*1 a einundzwanzig (note8 Jone-,nd-t#entJ!
** a zweiundzwanzig (note8 Jt#o-,nd-t#entJ!
.nd the s,me (or "0, 40, 00::::etc:
"0 a drei6ig (this is ,n exception to the -7i% +ule!
40 a )ierzig
00 a /*n/zig
10 a sechzig
&0 a sie&zig
-0 a achtzig
90 a neunzig
100 a hundert
;o, combinin% these, #e %et8
"4 a )ierunddrei6ig (note8 J(our-,nd-thirtJ!
14" a hundertdreiund)ierzig (note8 Jhundred-three-,nd-(ortJ!
1&0 a hundertsie&zig
199 a hundertneunundneunzig
It #ould be excellent pr,ctice to#,rds le,rnin% these numbers b countin% (in $erm,n, o( course! (rom
1 to 199Kor countin% ,lon% ,n continuous se=uence th,t comes to mind: For ex,mple, st,rt #ith our
,%e ,nd count to 00 (count do#n i( ,ppropri,te!:
Grammatik 4P$ ( Bath #alculations
<he (ollo#in% t,ble presents the smbols used (or b,sic m,them,tics:
> "lus
P minus
U mal
V geteiltCdi)idiert durch
S ist gleich
W ist gr<6er als
X ist $leiner als
.Y drei hoch zwei
Ae c,n use these smbols to ,sk ,nd ,ns#er simple problems in m,them,tics: ;ome o( the ex,mples
th,t (ollo# include (irst , =uestion (Frage! ,nd then the ,ns#er (Antwort!8
Wie(iel ist sechs und sie.en0 Ho %uch is U and V?
Sechs und sie.en ist dreizehn U and V is @C
Wie(iel ist %/n%zig plus !chtzehn0 Ho %uch is KQ W @L?
&/n%zig plus !chtzehn ist gleich !chtundsechzig KQ W @L T UL
Wie(iel ist sie.zig minus zehn0 Ho %uch is VQ 2 @Q?
Sie.zig minus zehn ist gleich sechzig VQ 2 @Q T UQ
Wie(iel ist neun durch drei0 Ho %uch is F di>ided b5 C?
Neun durch drei ist gleich drei F X C T C
&un% ist gr-er !ls zwei K Y A
3cht ist kleiner !ls sie.zehn L Z @V
Vokabeln 4P$
Fountin% to 199 is ,lso included in the voc,bul,r (or !e$tion P:
die ,ntort anser
die Frage Nuestion
geteiltGdi>idiert durch o>er [%ath\
gr*er als greater than
(leiner als s%aller than
geteiltGdi>idiert di>ided, .or(ed, s-lit
gleich eNual, sa%e, e>en
hoch tall, to the -oer o. [%ath\
%al ti%es [%ath\
%inus %inus
-lus -lus
ie>iel? ho %uch?
Section 4054 7 2)rich S"itzerland
Lesson +%&4 ' BeinG 5einG und !ein
Grammatik 6P$ ( #olors
ello#8 %elb
blue8 bl,u
red8 rot
bl,ck8 sch#,r7
#hite8 #eiV
or,n%e8 or,n%e
pink8 pink
violet8 lil,
c,n8 tCrkis
bro#n8 br,un
%re8 %r,u
li%ht-%re8 hell%r,u
d,rk-%re8 dunkel%r,u
Grammatik 6P+ ( Possessive AdFectivesG PronounsG and the
Genitive #ase
+ec,ll the (ollo#in% (rom $espr/ch "-18
I,rl8 Ja1 =nd danach &ringst du mich au/ deinem Motorrad zu meiner Wohnung:
Ahich tr,nsl,tes8
F,rl8 JLes: .nd ,(ter th,t t,ke me on our motorccle to m ,p,rtmentJ:
<he sentence demonstr,tes t#o o( the possessive adFectives: <hese ,re (sin%ul,r! JmJ, JourJ, ,nd
Jhis9her9itsJ in )n%lish ,nd mein, dein, ,nd seinCihrCsein in $erm,n: 2ote th,t bec,use these ,re
,d@ectives, the #ord endin% must re(lect the c,se ,nd %ender o( the noun bein% modi(ied (see
$r,mm,tik 4-1 ,bove!:
In $erm,n, the genitive case correspond to the )n%lish possessive c,se or to the ob@ective c,se
proceeded b o/ to denote possession: I( the possessive is not (ollo#ed b , noun, it becomes ,
possessive pronoun: In %ener,l, possessive pronouns ,re r,ther r,rel used in $erm,n (see 5ronoun
2DN: .FF: 4.<: 5D;;: .4H:
I, me ich mich mir mein
ou du dich dir dein
he, him er ihn ihm sein
she, her sie sie ihr ihr
it es es ihm sein
#e, us wir uns uns unser
ou (,ll! ihr euch euch eurer
the, them sie sie ihnen ihr
ou ((orm,l! Sie Sie 9hnen Ihr
<he p,ttern in the c,se endin%s o( the possessive ,d@ectives is th,t seen in Lektion 4 (or the #ord ein:
Ae c,n %ener,li7e these endin%s ,s in the (ollo#in% t,ble, #here #e c,n express plur,l endin%s
bec,use other so-c,lled ein-#ords do h,ve plur,ls8
:in-%roup )ndin%s
2DN: .FF: 4.<:
N,sculine PP PPen PPem
Feminine PPe PPe PPer
2euter PP PP PPem
5lur,l PPe PPe PPen
<he sm,ll %roup o( #ords th,t t,ke these endin%s (in ,ddition to ein! includes the possessive ,d@ectives
,nd $ein (>not ,n> or >no> in the sense o( none!:
Section 4054 7 2)rich S"itzerland
Lesson +%&6 ' Einkaufen gehen
Lernen 7 ( 5ie 1leidungsstAcke =articles of clothing?
Ger%an /nglish Ger%an -lural
die &luse blouse die &lusen
der G+rtel belt die G+rtel
das He%d shirt die He%den
das =leid dress die =leider
die Hose -ants die Hosen
der Hut hat die H+te
die =leidung clothes "casual$ die =leidungsst+c(e
die !eans 'eans die !eans
die M+tzeGHaube ca- die M+tzen
der 3ullo>er -ullo>er die 3ullis, die 3ullo>er
der 7oc( s(irt die 7c(e
der Schuh shoe die Schuhe
die Shorts shorts die Shorts
die Soc(e soc( die Soc(en
der Stie.el boot die Stie.el
das 92Shirt 92shirt die 92Shirts
GesprJche 7P$ ( 1atrin macht Eesorgungen
I,trin m,cht ?esor%un%enKbesonders sucht sie neue ;chuhe: ;ie %eht in d,s )ink,u(s7entrum:
Katrin8 )ntschuldi%en ;ie: Ich br,uche ;chuhe: Ao sind sieP
Ver$#u/er8 Air h,ben viele ;chuhe: Aelche F,rbe mRchten ;ieP
Katrin8 )in 5,,r ;chuhe in AeiV, bitte:
Ver$#u/er8 4, drCben:
I,trin probiert ein 5,,r ;chuhe ,n:
Ver$#u/er8 5,ssen sieP
Katrin8 2ein, sie sind 7u klein:
Ver$#u/er8 NRchten ;ie diese ;chuheP ;ie sind %rRVer:
Katrin8 H,, d,nke:
I,trin probiert die ;chuhe ,n: ;ie p,ssen prim,:
Ver$#u/er8 ;ie kosten neununddreiVi% )uro neun7ehn:
Katrin8 4ie ;chuhe sind billi%: 4,nn k,u(e ich sie:
Vokabeln 7P$
Included in this voc,bul,r lesson ,re the $erm,n nouns (or v,rious ,rticles o( clothin% (!ernen K
die &esorgungen errands
das /in(au.szentru% sho--ing %all
der /uro ]uro
die Farbe color
die =la%otten gear, stu.. "things$
das 3aar -air, cou-le
der 3reis -rice
der 1er( sales cler(, sales assistant
neununddrei*ig /uro neunzehn ] CF.@F
an-robieren tr5 on
brauchen need
(au.en bu5
(osten cost
%gen ould li(e
-assen .it [clothing\
suchen see(, loo( .or
besonders es-eciall5
billig chea-
-ri%a to-notch, su-er
elche hich
+P+ !hoppingPrelated Verbs
<here ,re , lot o( verbs th,t h,ve to do #ith shoppin% (or clothes: <he most prominent ,re listed belo#:
an-iehen P to put on =clothes?
aussehen P to appear
nehmen P to take
ollen P to ant =somehat impolite?
<hese verbs ,re used o(ten, so it is necess,r to le,rn them: .mon% them ,re sep,r,ble verbs, irre%ul,r
verbs, ,nd mod,ls:
;ep,r,ble Eerbs
.nprobieren, ,ussehen ,nd ,n7iehen ,re se"ara&le )er&s: It is e,s to see this, ,s the e,ch h,ve ,
pre(ix o( J,usJ or J,nJ: Ahen usin% the verb ,s the m,in verb o( , sentence, sep,r,te the pre(ix ,nd put it
,t the end o( the sentence: Ahen the verb is in in(initive (orm, le,ve it @ust ,s ou see it:
Irre%ul,r Eerbs
.usehen ,nd nehmen ,re the t#o irre%ul,r verbs on this list: ?oth experience , ch,n%e in the (irst JeJ in
the du-(orm ,nd er9sie9es-(orm: 4u siehst ::: ,us und er9sie9es sieht ::: ,us: 4u nimmst und er9sie9es
NRchten ,nd #ollen ,re the t#o mod,ls introduced here: Nod,ls ,re simil,r to the helpin% verbs in
)n%lish ,nd c,use the other verb to %o to the end in the in(initive (orm: <he ,lso h,ve , str,n%e
con@u%,tion: NRchten ch,n%es in er9sie9es (orm to mRchte (the s,me ,s the ich-(orm!: In (,ct ,ll mod,ls
h,ve the s,me er9sie9es-(orm ,nd ich-(orm:
Aollen is like most other mod,ls8 it h,s , di((erent vo#el in sin%ul,r ,nd plur,l, except #hen usin%
(orm,l ou: Ich #ill (not to be con(used #ith (uture tense!, du #illst, er9sie9es #ill, #ir #ollen, ihr
#ollt, und sie9;ie #ollen:
.ll o( this verb con@u%,tion ,nd more c,n be (ound in +e(erence <,ble II:
. Accusative #ase
Lou h,ve ,lre,d le,rned the pronouns ,nd ,rticles in the nominati)e case: 2o# it is time (or the
accusati)e case:
.P$ E<ample !tory +
Lou no# need more clothes: Lou drive to , m,ll ,nd %o to the clothin% dep,rtment store:
4u suchst 7#ei He,ns, drei 6emden und einen $Crtel: 4u siehst die He,ns und nimmst 7#ei: 4u k,u(st
@et7t nur die 6emden und den $Crtel:
E)+IX3F)+I28 4ie $Crtel sind d,:
438 6,ben ;ie ,uch $Crtel in ?r,unP
E)+IX3F)+I28 H,, d, hinten:
4u nimmst den $Crtel in ?r,un, ,ber er ist billi%: 4u k,u(st 7#ei:
E)+IX3F)+I28 2och et#,sP
438 H,, ich br,uche drei 6emden:
E)+IX3F)+I28 6emden h,ben #ir: ;ie sind hier:
4u nimmst ein 6emd in ?l,u, und 7#ei in +ot: 4u probierst die 6emden, die He,ns, und die $Crtel ,n:
.lles p,sst:
438 A,s kosten diese Il,mottenP
E)+IX3F)+I28 '#ei He,ns, drei 6emden, und 7#ei $Crtel kosten (Cn(undsech7i% )uro:
Lou %ive the clerk the mone ,nd t,ke the clothin% home:
.P+ Accusative #ase Articles
+emember th,t in the nominitive c,se, the ,rticles ,re der' die' das' ,nd die, listed in NF25
(m,sculine, (eminine, neuter, ,nd plur,l! order: Aell, in the ,ccus,tive c,se, onl the m,sculine (orm
ch,n%es to den: .n e,s memor hook is >4er %oes to den ,nd the rest st, the s,me:>
<he ein-(orms under%o the s,me ch,n%e: N,sculine >ein> %oes to >einen> ,nd the rest st, the s,me:
2om: .cc: 2om: .cc:
N,sc: der den ein einen
Fem: die die eine eine
2eut: d,s d,s ein ein
5lur: die die does not e?ist does not e?ist
.P. Prices
<#o e,s #ords describe prices:
billig P cheap
teuer P e<pensive
<hese ,d@ectives ,re ,pplied to the products ou bu, never to the #ord >5reis>: .n#,, ou r,ther
s, >4,s ist billi%9teuer:> (me,nin% the product ou bu! th,n >4er 5reis ist niedri%9hoch:>
.P0 A 55/ Qoke
In einem I,u(h,us in der 44+ (r,%t ein Iunde8 >6,ben sie keine 3nterhosenP>:
4ie Eerk/u(erin ,nt#ortet8 >2ein, #ir h,ben keine ?,dehosen: Im 7#eiten ;tock h,ben #ir keine
.ragen to as(
007 0eutsche 0e%o(ratische 7e-ubli( "Ger%an 0e%ocratic 7e-ublic, long
since reunited ith the &70$ >er5 big sho-
=unde client
Enterhosen under-ants
&adehosen si%%ing trun(s
I% zeiten Stoc( on the second .loor
Section 4054 7 2)rich S"itzerland
/evie +%&+
Lesson 10 is , revie# (Wiederholung! lesson to summ,ri7e the $erm,n l,n%u,%e lessons presented in
Lessons 1 throu%h 9: Lou should, ,s #ell, return to Lektion 1 ,nd revie# (th,t is, completel rere,d!
e,ch o( the (our lessons b,ck up to this point: For , more ,dv,nced course, ou should no# incorpor,te
e,ch o( the ,dv,nced lessons into this >revie#> process: <h,t is8 revie# Lesson 1, then do Lesson 1.,
revie# Lesson &, then do Lesson &., etc: I( the ,dv,nced lessons h,ve ,lre,d been completed, then
no# revie# lessons in the order 1 -M 1. -M & -M &. -M -, etc:
Verb #onFugation
Lou h,ve le,rned th,t there is , rel,tionship bet#een the sub@ect o( , verb ,nd the (orm th,t verb t,kes
in $erm,n: ;ome verbs (ollo# , predict,ble re%ul,r p,ttern, #hile others ,re less predict,ble (irre%ul,r
>erb: knnen "can$ gehen "go$ sein "to be$
-ronoun >erb I "irreg.$ >erb II >erb III "irregular$
&asic.or% (nnen gehen sein
ich (ann gehe bin
du (annst gehst bist
erGsieGes (ann geht ist
ir (nnen gehen sind
ihr (nnt geht seid
sie (nnen gehen sind
Sie ".or%al$ (nnen gehen sind
.s ou c,n see, ,n verb uses the s,me declin,tion (or #ir, sie ,nd ;ie: .lso, er9sie9es uses the s,me
declin,tion (or ,ll three %enders:
Section 405; 7 German!
Lesson +%&7 ' Verbtempus und Wortstellung
Ein Treffen in :annover =WIP?
(4onJt be too ,(r,id, its lotJs o( text but little %r,mm,rW!
I,t@, h,t sich mit einem Freund, N,rkus, ver,bredet, den sie im Fh,t kennen%elernt h,t: ;ie h,t ein
Foto von ihm %esehen, und vielleicht %e(/llt er ihr @,: .m >IrRpcke>, der %rRVten 3-?,hnst,tion in
6,nnover, stei%t sie ,us der 3-?,hn: </%lich betreten 6underte von Nenschen diese ;t,tion, ;chCler,
;tudenten, .n%estellte und +entner: ;ie ist **, studiert seit * H,hren <iermedi7in in 6,nnover, und ist
im Noment ledi%:
;ie %eht ,u( die +olltreppe, betritt die ;tu(en, und (/hrt 7#ei ;tock#erke n,ch oben: A/hrenddessen
sch,ut sie n,ch unten: Ihre 3-?,hn h,t die ;t,tion verl,ssen: )ine ,ndere 3-?,hn h,t bereits %eh,lten,
und die F,hr%/ste sind ,u(%est,nden und ,us%estie%en: ;ie kommt ,u( der 7#eiten )bene ,n und %eht
#eiter, +ichtun% ;onnenlicht, in die 5,s,relle: 4ie 5,s,relle (Chrt +ichtun% 6,uptb,hnho(, und links
und rechts locken die ;ch,u(enster der $esch/(te: 2,ch einer Aeile h,t sie die +olltreppe erreicht, die
7um 6,uptb,hnho( (Chrt: 2un sieht sie in voller ?reite den 6,uptb,hnho( von 6,nnover, und d,vor
einen ;ockel mit einer ;t,tue von einem 5(erd mit +eiter: 4ort h,t N,rkus schon (Cn( Ninuten
%e#,rtet und be%rCVt sie, bevor sie sich ins )isc,(e neben,n set7en:
=at'a Fe%ale .irst na%e
Mar(us Male .irst na%e
sich >erabreden to %a(e a date
4hat Internet 4hat
(ennenlernen to get to (no so%eone
(ennengelernt 3artizi- 3er.e(t >on (ennenlernen
das Foto 3hotogra-hic 3icture
sehen to see
gesehen 3artizi- 3er.e(t >on :sehen:
>ielleicht -erha-s
ge.allen to -lease so%eone "ith dati>e$
er ge.#llt ihr She li(es hi% "he -leases her, literall5$
=r-c(e 9he na%e o. Hano>er's biggest suba5 station
E2&ahn suba5
die gr*te greatest ".e%inine here$
die Station the station
aussteigen getting o.. "a train, in>est%ent etc$
t#glich dail5
betreten to enter
Hunderte hundreds
diese .e%ale .or% o. :this:
der Sch+ler, die Sch+ler"-l$ :-u-il: "british engl.$
der Student student
der ,ngestellte 4ler(
der 7entner, die 7entner"-l$ -ensioner
studieren to stud5
i% Mo%ent currentl5
ledig a -erson not ha>ing a -artner
gehen to go
7olltre--e escalator
die Stu.e stair
.ahren to dri>e "o.ten s-ecializing .ro% engl. to tra>el
#hrenddessen :during this:
schauen loo(
ihre her ".or% .or .e%ale -osessions o. a .e%ale -erson$
>erlassen to lea>e
>erlassen 3artizi- 3er.e(t >on :>erlassen:
eine andere another ".e%inine ob'ect$
bereits alread5
der Fahrgast -assenger
die Fahrg#ste -assengers "-l$
au.stehen to stand u-
au.gestanden 3artizi- 3er.e(t >on :au.stehen:
ausgestiegen 3artizi- 3er.e(t >on :aussteigen:
die /bene le>elG-lateau
eitergehen to go on
sie geht eiter she goes on
das Sonnenlicht sunlight
die 7ichtung direction
7ichtung Sonnenlicht toards sunlight
die 3assarelle -assage a5
.+hren lead
Hau-tbahnho. central station "in %ost Ger%an cities this is in the
cit5 centre$
7ichtung Hau-tbahnho. in direction o. the central station
lin(s le.t
rechts right
loc(en te%-t "not to con.use ith :die Doc(en: T loc(s,
das Schau.enster dis-la5 indo
die Schau.enster -lural o. :das Schau.enster:
das Gesch#.t the sho-
die Gesch#.te the sho-s
der Gesch#.te o. the sho-s
nach einer Weile ,.ter a hile
erreichen reach
erreicht 3artizi- 3er.e(t >on erreichen
die zu% Hau-tbahnho. .+hrt that leads to the central station
Word "rder
Inverted #ord order occurs under sever,l circumst,nces, ,mon% #hich ,re8
<ime )xpressions
;ubordin,tin% Fon@unctions
For interro%,tives, , simple st,tement, >4u h,st d,s ?uch:> becomes >6,st du d,s ?uchP> #hen
convertin% it to , =uestion: <he method is simpl s#itchin% the verb ,nd sub@ect o( the sentence:
<ime expressions, such ,s >2,ch der ;chule> pre(,cin% , sentence c,use inverted #ord order: <he
(ormul, is ><ime )xpression>, >Eerb>, >;ub@ect> ,nd >+est o( sentence:> 5r,ctic,ll ,pplied, >)ver
d,, I %o to school> becomes >Heden <,% %ehe ich 7ur ;chule:>
;ubordin,tin% con@uctions connect , dependent cl,use to ,n independent cl,use: ;ome subordin,tin%
con@uctions ,re8 dass (th,t!, o&wohl (,lthou%h!, seit (since!, weil (bec,use!, ,nd wenn (i(, #hen!: <he
(ormul, (or , dependent cl,use is >subordin,tin% con@unction> >sub@ect> >rest o( cl,use> >verb> ,nd is
o((set (rom the independent cl,use b , comm,: 6ere ,re some ex,mples (the dependent cl,use is
Ich (ann das &uch nicht (au.en, eil ich (ein Geld habe.
Ich (au.e das &uch .+r dich, da du (ein Geld hast.
Wenn unsere /ltern uns besuchen, schen(en sie uns Geschen(e.

* c!n6t .u7 the .k .ec!use * h!(e n mne7"
* !m .u7ing the .k %r 7u, !s 7u h!(e n mne7"
When ur p!rents (isit us, the7 gi(e us presents"
Section 405; 7 German!
Lesson +%$& ' Mndeveloped
Section 405; 7 German!
Lesson +%$$ ' Mndeveloped
Section 405; 7 German!
Lesson +%$+ ' Mndeveloped
Section 405; 7 German!
/evie +%&.
German Level Three Lessons
An Intermediate Course in German
Level Three #ontents
!ection .%&$ ( Bonn German!
Lesson .%&$ ' Barkus studiert ( . short stor, person,l pronouns, incomplete sentences:
Lesson .%&+ ' GesprJche unter GeschJftsmJnnern ( 5olite convers,tion, #ord roots,
person,l pronouns in the nomin,tive c,se, some $erm,n9)n%lish verb (orms:
Lesson .%&. ' Bach dir keine !orgen; ( $ender o( ordin,ls, det,ils o( tellin% time:
!ection .%&+ (8nnsbruck Austria
Lesson .%&0 ' 5ie GeschJftsleute ( 5erson,l pronouns in the ,ccus,tive c,se, person,l
pronouns in the d,tive c,se:
Lesson .%&2 ' 5er EnglJnder in Zsterreich ( 5erson,l pronouns in the %enitive c,se:
Lesson .%&3 ' Mndeveloped Title ( 3ndeveloped
!ection .%&. ( Ba.aria German!
Lesson .%&4 ' Mndeveloped ( 3ndeveloped
Lesson .%&6 ' Mndeveloped ( 3ndeveloped
Lesson .%&7 ' Mndeveloped ( 3ndeveloped
Section ;056 7 Bonn German!
Lesson .%&$ ' Barkus studiert
eschichte 0;N 3 Mar$us studiert
N,rkus ist in der 3niversit/t: )r trinkt dort einen I,((ee und isst ein ?rRtchen:
4,n,ch %eht er in die ?ibliothek: )r sucht ein ?uch Cber ?iochemie: )r holt d,s
?uch ,us dem +e%,l und set7t sich ,n einen <isch: 2,ch einer ;tunde %eht er in
den 6o( und r,ucht eine 'i%,rette: 4,n,ch %eht er ,n den <isch 7urCck: )r denkt8
>Aeni%stens eine ;tunde:::> und stellt d,s ?uch #ieder in d,s +e%,l:
<his short stor (eschichte! is told in the "rd person (see $r,mm,tik 1-"!: 2ote ho# this is ,pp,rent
(rom both the pronoun (%r or >he>! ,nd verb (orms:
Vokabeln $P.
die &ibliothe# librar5
die &ioche%ie bioche%istr5
das &rtchen roll, biscuit
das &uch boo(
der Fortgeschrittene ad>ancer
die Fortgeschrittenen ad>ancers "-l.$
die Geschichte stor5
der Ho. court5ard; also court
die Stunde hour
der 9isch table
das 7egal shel.
die 8igarette cigarette
den(en thin( "/r den(t T He thin(s$
essen eat "/r isst T He eats$
holen .etch, get "/r holt T He getsG.etches$
rauchen s%o(e "a cigarette$ "/r raucht T He s%o(es$
sich setzen sit "onesel.$ don "/r setzt sich T He sits$
stellen -lace "/r stellt T He -laces$
suchen see(, search .or "/r sucht T He loo(s .or$
trin(en drin( "/r trin(t T He drin(s$
aus out
danach a.terards
dort there
in in
nach a.ter
+ber about
enigstens at least, at an5 rate
ieder again
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik $P. ( Personal Pronouns
.s in )n%lish, personal pronouns exist in three %r,mm,tic,l persons, e,ch #ith sin%ul,r ,nd plur,l
number: In $espr/ch 1-1 ,nd 1-*, ou see onl the sin%ul,r versions: <he t,ble here %ives ,lso the
plur,l (nomin,tive c,se onl!8
ich I a 1st person, sin%ul,r
du ou a *nd person, sin%ul,r
er he a "rd person musculine, sin%ul,r
sie she a "rd person (eminine, sin%ul,r
es it a "rd person neuter, sin%ul,r
"ir #e a 1st person, plur,l
ihr ou a *nd person, plur,l
sie the a "rd person, plur,l
a *nd person, plur,l ,nd sin%ul,r, ,l#,s declined
Grammatik $P. ( Incomplete !entences
Ah,t ,re #e to m,ke o( short, incomplete sentences such ,s th,t in $espr/ch 1-18 J3nd dirPJP <his
tr,nsl,tes ,s8 J.nd (or ouPJ: In )n%lish ,nd $erm,n it is not ,l#,s necess,r to express ever p,rt o(
, sentence, especi,ll in convers,tion #here the #ords le(t out ,re e,sil understood b both or ,ll
p,rties: A,lk up to , str,n%er ,nd s, J.nd ouPJ ,nd , possible response is , hostile JDut o( m (,ce,
(oolJ: ?ut in the convers,tion bet#een 6einrich ,nd I,rl, 6einrich kno#s th,t I,rl is re,ll me,nin%8
=nd wie geht es dir7, #ith th,t p,rt underlined le(t out o( the convers,tion,l st,tement: 2ote especi,ll
th,t the pronoun JouJ ret,ins its c,seKits rel,tion to the missin% verb (rom the implied sentenceK
distinctive in $erm,n (th,t is, dir inste,d o( du! but not so in )n%lish (the (orm >ou> covers both
Tberset-ung $P+
.lthou%h these sentences involve m,n %r,mm,tic,l concepts th,t h,ve not been covered, e,ch c,n be
#ritten in $erm,n b re(errin% to the ex,mple sentences ,nd voc,bul,ries in Lessons 1 ,nd 1.: 3sin% ,
piece o( p,per ,nd pencil, tr,nsl,te e,ch o( these sentences into $erm,n8
1: 6ello N,rkW 4o ou h,ve , ci%,retteP
*: .re ou studin% $erm,nP
": F,therine drinks co((ee ,t , t,ble:
4: <he students stud ,t the libr,r:
0: 6e e,ts cheese ,nd s,us,%e in the court,rd:
1: ;he looks (or , book ,bout biolo%:
&: N,rk %oes b,ck to the 3niversit:
-: N,rk removes the book (rom the shel( ,nd pl,ces it on the t,ble:
.nt#orten M
Section ;056 7 Bonn German!
Lesson .%&+ ' GesprJche unter
es"r#ch H;N 3 Katrin geht ein$au/en
I,trin %eht eink,u(en: ;ie br,ucht Aurst und I/se, ,ber sie (indet viele leckere
Lebensmittel in dem 4elik,tessen%esch/(t:
Katrin8 6,llo: Ich br,uche I/se:
Ver$#u/er8 Ich h,be einen leckeren ;chmel7k/se: )r heiVt J?rimsenJ:
Katrin8 2ein: Ich suche 6,rtk/se: 6,ben ;ie einen JH,rlsber%JP
Ver$#u/er8 2ein: .ber ich h,be einen %uten ;ch#ei7erk/se: ;ie schmecken
Katrin8 DI: Eerk,u(en ;ie die stCck#eiseP
Ver$#u/er8 H,: )in ;tCckP
Katrin8 ?itte: 3nd h,ben ;ie AurstP
Ver$#u/er8 H, %e#iss: Air h,ben viele Aurstsorten:
Katrin8 Ich suche ACrstchen:
Ver$#u/er8 Ich h,be J2Crnber%er ;ch#eins#CrsteJ:
Katrin8 4,s ist %ut:
Vokabeln +P.
das 0eli(atessengesch#.t 0eli, 0elicatessen "d!s Gesch%t T
der Hart(#se hard cheese
das Debens%ittel, die Debens%ittel .ood, .oods
der Sch%elz(#se so.t cheese
die Scheinsurst -or( sausage
der Scheizer(#se /%%enthaler cheese, Siss cheese
das St+c( -iece
der 1er( sales cler(
das W+rstchen s%all sausage
die Wurstsorten t5-es o. sausage
&itte I. 5ou -lease
)+rnberger Scheins+rste a t5-e o. s%all, -or( sausage "-l.$
.inden .ind
hei*en call, na%e
sch%ec(en taste
suchen see(, loo( .or
>er(au.en sell "co%-are ith
eink!u%en B der +erku%er$
#hnlich si%ilar
ein a, an, an5, one
lec(er tast5, delicious
nicht not
st+c(eise -iece%eal, b5 the -iece "co%-are ith d!s
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik +P2 ( Word ,ormation
.s in ,n l,n%u,%e, m,n #ords in $erm,n ,re constructed (rom other sm,ller #ords th,t provide
simil,r me,nin%, ,lthou%h the connections c,n sometimes be obscured b the p,ss,%e o( time:
Fonstruction o( ne# #ords (rom #ord combin,tions is especi,ll prev,lent #ith $erm,n nouns, ,nd
underst,ndin% #ord roots c,n there(ore be help(ul in le,rnin% ne# #ords: .s ,n ex,mple, consider the
phr,se Au/ Wiedersehen K the st,nd,rd tr,nsl,tion into )n%lish bein% J$ood beJ, ,lthou%h it me,ns
liter,ll Jupon reunionJ (in essence, >until #e meet ,%,in>!: <he noun, das Wiedersehen, consists o(
wieder, Jonce ,%,inJ (or Jre-J ,s , pre(ix!, ,nd sehen or JseeJ:
<he noun die esch#/tsleute provides , direct ex,mple o( , compounded noun8 the (irst p,rt o( e,ch
derivin% (rom das esch#/t (JbusinessJ! ,nd the second p,rt (rom die !eute (JpeopleJ!: <he %ender o( ,
compound noun (ollo#s the b,se or l,st noun:
<here ,re other ex,mples in the this lesson, but these m, not be immedi,tel obvious unless ou
,lre,d h,ve , %ood comm,nd o( $erm,n #ords: 6o#ever, ou should tr,in oursel( to vie# ne#
#ords in terms o( the me,nin%s o( their component p,rts: Fonsider ,ll o( the v,rious #ords used in this
lesson to describe tpes o( cheeses8 der Hart$#se, der Schmelz$#se, der Schweizer$#seB or nouns ,nd
verbs rel,ted to buin% ,nd sellin% (Kau/en und Ver$au/en!:
Grammatik +P3 ( Personal Pronouns8 nominative case
6ere ,re the person,l pronouns in the nominative c,se8
;in%ul,r 5lur,l
1st person ich I ir #e
*nd person du (!ieU! ou ihr (!ieU! ou
"rd person erG sieG es he, she, it sie (,ll %enders! the
Polite (orm:
<he nomin,tive c,se is th,t o( the sub@ect o( , verb: <he pronoun subFect o( these sentences is
underlined in the $erm,n ,nd the )n%lish8
%s geht mir gut1 It %oes #ell ((or! me:
Das $ann ich )erstehen1 <h,t I c,n underst,nd:
Du &ist ein Schwein5 Lou ,re , pi%W
=nd $<nnen Sie mir sagen1117
.nd c,n ou tell (to!
<his l,st sentence is ,n ex,mple (rom $espr/ch *-" usin% the polite form o( JouJ: Ahether sin%ul,r or
plur,l must be est,blished b context: <his next sentence tr,nsl,tes #ith sie ,s JtheJ8
=nd $<nnen sie mir sagen1117
.nd c,n the tell
.nd this one, #ith sie ,s
=nd $ann sie mir sagen1117 .nd c,n she tell me:::P
,s evidenced b the (orm t,ken b the verb Jc,nJ ($<nnen!: Dther uses o( the nomin,tive c,se in $erm,n
#ill be explored in (uture lessons: <,bles o( the pronouns in ,ll c,ses ,re summ,ri7ed in the %r,mm,r
,ppendix8 5ronoun <,bles:
D"TE8 .n intr,nsitive verb c,nnot be (ollo#ed b ,n ob@ect in )n%lish or $erm,n: . pronoun
(ollo#in% ,n intr,nsitive verb such ,s Jto beJ is c,lled , predic,te pronoun ,nd should be in the
nomin,tive c,se: In )n%lish JIt is IJ is correctB JIt is meJ is incorrect:
Grammatik +P4 ( Bore on verb forms
Hust ,s )n%lish sometimes ,dds the verb >to be>, (ormin% the pro%ressive, note ,lso in $r,mm,tik *-*
(in both =uestion sentence ex,mples! th,t )n%lish ,lso m, insert the verb Jto doJ (c,lled the emph,tic
(orm!, especi,ll use(ul #hen (ormin% , =uestion: <his is not done in $erm,n8
Ha&en Sie zu )iel
becomes in
)n%lish8 :
4o ou h,ve too much
(2otice polite (orm o( JouJ
Hast du 8ede Wurst7
becomes in
4o ou h,ve ,n s,us,%eP
Hat Helena zehn
becomes in
4oes 6elen, h,ve ten
.%,in, in the present tense, the )n%lish sentences8
JI #rite , letter:J
JI ,m #ritin% , letter:J
JI do #rite , letter:J
,re ,ll, in $erm,n8 9ch schrei&e den Brie/1
Vokabeln +P0
der &rie. letter
das /in(au.en sho--ing
der Finger, die Finger .inger, .ingers
das =au.en bu5ing "use o. the >erb .or% is
das Schein -ig "co%-are ith die Schweinswurst$
das 1er(au.en selling
(nnen can
schreiben rite
'ede an5
zehn ten
Andere WNrter +A
3sin% these ,ddition,l voc,bul,r #ords, ou should be ,ble to rest,te GesprJch +P+ ,bove, ,lterin%
the me,nin% (or time o( d,! o( the convers,tion:
der ,bend e>ening
Guten ,bend! Good />ening "greeting$
%orgen .r+h to%orro %orning
zu enig too little
abend e>ening
abends e>enings
.alsch .alse, rong
%orgen to%orro
%orgens in the %orning
schlecht bad
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Tberset-ung +P+
Arite these sentences in $erm,n: 5, ,ttention to the ,ddition,l #ords presented in Andere W<rter HA8
1: $ood evenin% F,therine:Ahere ,re ou %oin%P
*: IJm lookin% (or , %ood ;#iss cheese:
": <h,t is #ron%W <oo little is too little:
.nt#orten M
Section ;056 7 Bonn German!
Lesson .%&. ' Bach dir keine !orgen;
es"r#ch N;N 3 Mach dir $eine Sorgen5
?eim ?,llspielen m,cht I,rl sich ;or%en um die 3hr7eit:
Karl8 Aie sp/t ist es @et7tP
Heinrich8 )s ist erst h,lb eins:
Karl8 I,nnst du mir bitte s,%en, #enn es Eiertel vor 7#ei istP
Heinrich8 A,rumP
Karl8 4,nn muss ich n,ch 6,use %ehen:
Heinrich8 3nd @et7t ist es schon ein 3hr einundreiVi%:
Karl8 4u bist komischW 6ier, ich kicke dir den ?,ll 7u:
Heinrich8 H,: 4,nn k,nn ich ihn dir 7urCckkicken:
Karl8 H,: 3nd d,n,ch brin%st du mich ,u( deinem Notorr,d 7u meiner
Vokabeln .P.
das &alls-iel ball ga%e
die Minute %inute
das Motorrad %otorc5cle
die Sorge, die Sorgen -roble%"s$, orr5"2ies$
das 1iertel Nuarter, one2.ourth
die Woche ee(
die Wohnung a-art%ent
%ach dir (eine Sorgen! do not orr5!
nach Hause gehen go ho%e
(ic(en (ic(
zur+c((ic(en (ic( bac(, return (ic(
bei% hen, hile "usuall5, :at the:$
danach a.ter that
dein 5our
erst onl5
halb hal.
'etzt no
(o%isch co%ical, .unn5
%ein %5
schon alread5
zur+c( bac(
arum h5 "interrogati>e$
Grammatik .P2 ( Dumbers
Gender of "rdinals
Drdin,l numbers ,re ,d@ectives, ,nd there(ore h,ve (orms (or e,ch o( the three %enders in $erm,n: <he
(orms ,re derived (rom the (eminine (orm (,s introduced in the be%innin% o( Lesson "! b ,ddin% ,n JrJ
(m,sculine! or ,n JsJ (neuter!: <hus8 erste ((eminine!, erster (m,sculine!, ,nd erstes (neuter!: )x,mples8
G erster Mann (J(irst m,nJ!B letzter Mann (Jl,st m,nJ!B sie&ter Himmel (&th he,ven!
G zehnte Frau (Jtenth #om,nJ!B zweite Woche (Jsecond #eekJ!
G drittes M#dchen (Jthird %irlJ!
Grammatik .P3 ( E<pressions of Time
Idioms used in Telling Time
.s in )n%lish, there ,re , number o( idiom,tic phr,ses ,ssoci,ted #ith %ivin% or tellin% time: For
ex,mple, note th,t the h,l( hour is %iven ,s ,ppro,chin% the next hour: <he $erm,n preposition, um, is
used to me,n >,t> , %iven time:
%s ist hal& el/: It is h,l( p,st ten (108"0!:
%r $ommt um sie&en =hr: 6e is comin% ,t seven oJclock:
Sie $ommt immer unge/#hr um acht =hr:
;he ,l#,s comes ,round ei%ht
Wir essen gegen sie&en =hr: Ae e,t ,bout seven oJclock:
Sie gehen nach Hause au/ eine Stunde: <he %o home (or ,n hour:
%s ist )iertel zehn
It is , =u,rter p,st nine
<his idiom (%s ist )iertel zehn! is used especi,ll in the e,stern p,rts o( $erm,n, but is
becomin% popul,r ,mon% oun% $erm,ns throu%hout the Fountr:
Periods of the 5ay
<here ,re , number o( ,dverbi,l phr,ses used in $erm,n to denote time periods durin% the d,:
Fommon ones ,re listed here8
am Morgen
in the mornin%B ,lso ,s morgens
or des Morgans
am Mittag
,t noon, midd,B ,lso ,s mittags or des Mittags
am Nachmittag
in the ,(ternoonB ,lso ,s nachmittags or des
am A&end
in the evenin%B ,lso ,s a&ends or des A&ends
am -age in the d,time
in der Nacht ,t ni%ht
gegen A&end to#,rds evenin%
gegen Morgen to#,rds mornin%
Forms like morgens ,nd des Nachmittags #ould tend to be used to indic,te custom,r or
h,bitu,l ,ctions, ,s in this sense8
Morgens s"iele ich: \ In the mornin% I (usu,ll! pl,:
6o#ever, these (orms ,re not much used ,nmore:
Additional Dotes
<he (irst sentence in $espr/ch "-" uses Beim Balls"ielen in the sense o( >durin% the b,ll %,me> or
>#hile pl,in% b,ll>: Beim is , contr,ction o( &ei dem or >,t the>: 6o#ever, das Balls"iel is , noun th,t
represents ,n ,ction (>pl,in% #ith , b,ll>!, so it is correct to use &eim in the sense intended here: It is
not the most be,uti(ul #, o( s,in% thisKbut is correct: Aith the in(initive o( , verb ou c,n use &eim
too8 Beim s"ielen me,ns >#hile pl,in%>: <his (orm is more common in modern $erm,n l,n%u,%e:
Vokabeln .P0
der ,bend e>ening
der Hi%%el hea>en
der Mittag noon, noonti%e
der Morgen, die Morgen %orning"s$
der )ach%ittag a.ternoon
die )acht night
der 9ag, die 9age da5"s$
abreisen de-art ".ro% a tri-$
au. .or "duration$, a.ter
gegen toards, about, a--roHi%atel5
letzt"er$ last
unge.#hr "at$ about, a--roHi%atel5
2ote th,t morgen does not ch,n%e in plur,lB thus, Die Morgen \ >the mornin%s>: It is uncommon to use
it in plur,l, unless ,s , me,sure o( l,nd Vier Morgen !and \ >(our Jmor%ens o( l,nd>: For , plur,l use
o( >mornin%s>, it is better to substitute die Vormittage:
Andere WNrter .A
3sin% these ,ddition,l voc,bul,r #ords, ou m, be ,ble to rest,te GesprJch .P. ,bove, ,lterin% the
me,nin% (or time o( d,! o( the convers,tion:
die H#l.te hal.
die 1iertelstunde Nuarter o. an hour
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Tberset-ung .P+
<r,nsl,te the (ollo#in% sentences into $erm,n8
1: I ,m ,l#,s ,t home in the mornin%:
.nt#orten M
Section ;054 78nnsbruck Austria
Lesson .%&0 ' 5ie GeschJftsleute
es"r#ch O;H 3 Die esch#/tsm#nner
6err ;chmidt und 6err ;t,ndish, ,ls sie sich ,m 6,uptsit7 endlich be%e%nen: Fr,u
?,um,nn ist ,uch d,:
Herr Schmidt8 $uten Nor%en, 6err ;t,ndishW 4,r( ich mich vorstellen8 mein 2,me ist
;chmidt, Hoh,nn ;chmidt:
Herr Standish8 )s (reut mich sehr, ;ie kennen 7u lernen: Ich heiVe Niles ;t,ndish:
Herr Schmidt8 Ich %l,ube, d,ss ;ie Fr,u ?,um,nn schon kennen:
Herr Standish8 H,, %e#iV: Aie %eht es Ihnen, Fr,u ?,um,nnP
Frau Baumann8 4,nke, es %eht mir %ut:
Herr Schmidt8 Eerstehe ich richti%, d,ss ;ie %estern ,nk,men und mor%en ins 8Aiener
?Cro reisen mCssenP
Herr Standish8 H,, ,m Nont,% (uhr ich mit dem ;chnell7u% durch den Xrmelk,n,ltunnel:
Aenn ich meine .rbeit ,b%eschlossen h,be, #erde ich ,m 4onnerst,% n,ch 'Crich und
Aien reisen:
Herr Schmidt8 ;ehr %ut: ?itte sprechen ;ie vor )nde der Aoche noch mit Fr,u
Frau Baumann8 ;ie ,rbeitet in der $esch/(tsbibliothek:
Herr Schmidt8 4,s ist richti%: 4ie ?ibliothek:
Herr Standish8 Ich #erde es so(ort tun:
Herr Schmidt8 .lles kl,r:
Frau Baumann8 ;p/ter #erden #ir eine Eers,mmlun% in der ?uchh,ltun% ,bh,lten:
Herr Standish8 ;ehr %ut: .u( Aiedersehen Fr,u ?,um,nn: .u( Aiedersehen 6err
Herr Schmidt8 .u( Aiedersehen:
Vokabeln 0P.
der ^r%el(analtunnel 4hunnel "/ngland2France channel tunnel$
die ,rbeit or(
die &ibliothe( librar5
die &uchhaltung accounting
das &+ro
der 0onnerstag 9hursda5
die Gesch#.tsbibliothe( co%-an5 "business$ librar5
der Montag Monda5
der )a%e na%e
der Schnellzug eH-ress train
das Sehen >ision
die 1ersa%%lung %eeting
das Wien 1ienna ",ustria$
das Wiedersehen reunion
die Woche ee(
das 8+rich 8urich
alles (lar loo(ing good
a% Montag on Monda5
dann enn at such ti%e hen
0ar. ich... ? Ma5 I... ?
/s .reut %ich sehr It gi>es %e -leasure
Guten Morgen! Good %orning! "greeting$
!a, gei* certainl5, o. course
>or /nde der Woche be.ore the end o. the ee(
Wiener &+ro 1ienna branch
abhalten hold
abschlie*en co%-lete
an(o%%en "(a% an,
ange(o%%en$ arri>e
.ahren ride
geben gi>e
(ennen lernen %eet, %a(e acNuaintance
%+ssen %ust "!u8"$
reisen tra>el
sehen see, loo(
tun do, acco%-lish
sich >orstellen introduce
erden ill
+rde ould
bitte -lease
da there
durch through, b5 %eans o.
endlich .inall5
gestern 5esterda5
nach to, toards
nat+rlich o. course
%ich %5sel. "re%le8i(e$
%it ith
schnell .ast, Nuic(, ra-id
so.ort directl5, .orthith
ieder again, once again
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Grammatik 0P0 ( Personal Pronouns8 Accusative #ase
6ere ,re the person,l pronouns in the accusative c,se8
;in%ul,r 5lur,l
1st person mich me uns us
*nd person dich (!ieU! ou euch (!ieU! ou
"rd person ihnG sieG es him, her, it sie (,ll %enders! them
UPolite (orm:
<he ,ccus,tive c,se is th,t o( the ob@ect o( , verb: Dnl tr,nsitive verbs t,ke direct ob@ects: <he
pronoun (,nd noun in t#o c,ses! obFect in e,ch o( these sentences is underlined in the $erm,n ,nd the
,nnen Sie mich (erstehen0 4an 5ou understand %e?
*ch k!nn Sie (erstehen" I can understand 5ou.
*ch k!nn sie (erstehen I can understand "her or the%$.
*ch k!nn ihn dir zur/ck kicken4 I can (ic( it bac( to 5ou!
2ote the order o( the pronouns in this l,st sentence: I( the direct ob@ect (here8 ihn! is , person,l
pronoun, it precedes the d,tive (dir!B i( it #ere , noun, the d,tive #ould precede it, ,s in these
Hier, ich kicke dir den B!ll zu" Here, I (ic( the ball to 5ou.
2!r% ich *hnen meine &reundin (rstellen0 Ma5 I introduce %5 .riend to 5ou?
Dther uses o( the ,ccus,tive c,se in $erm,n #ill be explored in (uture lessons: <,bles o( the person,l
pronouns in ,ll c,ses ,re summ,ri7ed in 5ronoun <,bles:
Grammatik 0P2 ( Personal Pronouns in the 5ative #ase
6ere ,re the person,l pronouns in the dative c,se8
;in%ul,r 5lur,l
1st person mir me uns us
*nd person dir (IhnenU! ou euch (IhnenU! ou
"rd person
ihmG ihrG
him, her, it ihnen (,ll %enders! them
UPolite (orm:
<he d,tive c,se is th,t o( the indirect ob@ect o( , verb: <he pronoun indirect obFect o( these sentences
is underlined in the $erm,n ,nd the )n%lish8
Es geht mir gut It goes ".or$ %e ell
Wie geht es dir0 Ho goes it ".or or ith$ 5ou
'nd knnen Sie mir s!gen"""0 ,nd can 5ou tell %e...?
,!rl gi.t ihm den B!ll =arl ga>e hi% the ball.
Wie geht es *hnen0 Ho goes it "ith$ 5ou? "Ho are 5ou?$
<his l,st sentence is ,n ex,mple (rom $espr/ch 1-* usin% the polite (orm o( JouJ: Ahether sin%ul,r or
plur,l must be est,blished b context: <his next sentence tr,nsl,tes #ith ihnen ,s JthemJ8
Wie geht es ihnen0 Ho goes it ith the%? "Ho are the5?$
<he me,nin% o( ihnen (or 9hnen! #ould h,ve to come (rom context in , convers,tion:
.nother use o( the d,tive c,se in $erm,n is ,(ter these prepositions8 aus bei mit nach seit .on zu:
Lou #ill be introduced to the me,nin%s o( these prepositions over m,n (uture lessons r,ther th,n ,ll ,t
once, bec,use some h,ve m,n me,nin%s in )n%lish: Indeed, bec,use e,ch l,n%u,%e ,ssoci,tes speci(ic
prepositions #ith m,n common s,in%s (,nd these o(ten do not correspond in $erm,n ,nd )n%lish!,
these >little> #ords c,n be troublesome (or students: 2onetheless, ou should memori7e no# the list o(
prepositions ,bove to ,l#,s remember their ,ssoci,tion #ith the d,tive c,se: <,bles o( the pronouns in
,ll c,ses ,re summ,ri7ed in .ppendix *:
Aord order in , $erm,n sentence #ith ,n indirect ob@ect depends upon #hether th,t direct ob@ect is ,
pronoun or , noun: I( the direct ob@ect is , noun, the d,tive precedes the ,ccus,tiveB i( the direct ob@ect
is , person,l pronoun, the ,ccus,tive precedes the d,tive8
9ch ge&e dem Jungen den Ball1 I %ive the bo the b,ll:
9ch ge&e ihm den Ball1 I %ive him the b,ll:
9ch ge&e ihn ihm1 I %ive it to him:
9ch ge&e ihn dem Jungen1 I %ive it to the bo:
)n%lish sentence structure is simil,r:
Section ;054 78nnsbruck Austria
Lesson .%&2 ' 5er EnglJnder in Zsterreich
es"r#ch L;H 3 Der %ngl#nder in sterreich
Aenn er ,u( den Iontinent (/hrt, #,ndert 6err ;t,ndish %ern: 6eute (rCh (/hrt er in die ;t,dt ;t: 5Rlten
in 2iederRsterreich: )r spricht mit einer (remden Fr,u8
Herr Standish8 )ntschuldi%en ;ie bitte: Ao ist hier ein 6otelP
Die Frau8 $leich dort drCben: 4,s ist d,s 6otel >'ur 5ost>:
Herr Standish8 $ibt es ein +est,ur,nt d,rinP
Die Frau8 H, %e#issW )in +est,ur,nt mit %utbCr%erlicher ICche, besonders 7um .bendessen:
.ber ich kRnnte Ihnen ein ,nderes +est,ur,nt emp(ehlen: )s heiVt, und es %ibt dort
d,s beste FrChstCck: 4,s +est,ur,nt ist links neben dem 6otel, um die )cke:
Herr Standish8 4,nke sehr: 3nd kRnnen ;ie mir s,%en, #o d,s +,th,us von ;t: 5Rlten istP
Die Frau8 Aie bitteP
Herr Standish8 Aie komme ich 7um +,th,usP
Die Frau8 +echts um die )cke und d,nn immer %er,de,us a un%e(/hr ein Iilometer:
Herr Standish8 4,nke sehr:
Die Frau8 ?itte sehr: Aiedersehen:
Herr Standish8 .u( Aiedersehen:
Vokabeln 2A
das ,bendessen su--er "e>ening %eal$
[das\ Psterreich ,ustria
die /c(e corner
das Fr+hst+c( brea(.ast
das Hotel hotel
der =ilo%eter (ilo%etre
die =+che coo(ing, cuisine
der =ontinent continent "/uro-e$
[das\ )iedersterreich ".ederal state o.$ Doer ,ustria
das 7athaus cit5 hall
das 7estaurant restaurant
die Stadt cit5
&itte sehr ?ou're elco%e
/ntschuldigen Sie 3ardon %e, eHcuse %e
/s gibt dort... 9here is there...
Gibt es...? Is there..?
gutb+rgerliche =+che good, traditional .ood
Guten 9ag good da5 "-arting$
i%%er geradeaus straight on ahead
(nnen Sie could 5ou "-olite .or%$
Wie bitte? 3ardon %e? "-olite :co%e again?:$
e%-.ehlen reco%%end
.ahren tra>el
(o%%en co%e, go, get
andern ander
sagen sa5, tell
s-rechen s-ea(
anderer, andere, anderes other
besonders es-eciall5
bitte -lease
das that
dann then
darin therein
ein a "inde.inite article$
eins one "cardinal nu%ber$
.re%d un(non
gern gladl5
gleich 'ust, right "correct$, right here, sa%e
heute .r+h this %orning
hier here "in this -lace$
ich I "-ersonal -ronoun$
lin(s le.t "direction$
neben neHt to
rechts right "direction$
unge.#hr a--roHi%atel5
>on o. "5!th!us (n St" 9lten T St. 3olten 4it5 Hall$
ie ho "interrogati>e$
o here "interrogati>e$
zu to "zum T contraction o. zu dem$
Andere WNrter 0A
der &ahnho. train station
der Flugha.en air-ort
die 3olizeiache -olice station
die 3ost -ost
genau eHact"l5$
heute toda5
LesestAck 2P$ ( Eine Geschichte Aber !t% PNlten
KarteM St1 4<lten in sterreich
2iederRsterreich ist so#ohl (l/chenm/Vi% ,ls ,uch n,ch )in#ohnern d,s %rRVte der neun
Rsterreichischen ?undesl/nder: ;,nkt 5Rlten ist die L,ndesh,uptst,dt von 2iederRsterreich: 4er 2,me
;t: 5Rlten %eht ,u( den heili%en 6ippoltos 7urCck, n,ch dem die ;t,dt ben,nnt #urde:
4ie .ltst,dt be(indet sich dort, #o vom *: bis 7um 4: H,hrhundert die +Rmerst,dt Aelium .etium st,nd:
&99 #urde der Drt ,ls ><reism,> er#/hnt: 4,s N,rktrecht erhielt ;t: 5Rlten um 1000, 7ur ;t,dt
erhoben #urde es 1109: ?is 1494 st,nd ;t: 5Rlten im ?esit7 des ?istums 5,ss,u, d,nn #urde es
l,ndes(Crstliches )i%entum: ?ereits &&1 (indet sich ein ?enediktinerkloster, ,b 10-1 %,b es .u%ustiner-
Fhorherren, 1&-4 #urde deren Iolle%i,tssti(t ,u(%ehoben, d,s $eb/ude dient seit 1&-0 ,ls
?ischo(ssit7: 'ur L,ndesh,uptst,dt von 2iederRsterreich #urde ;t: 5Rlten mit L,ndt,%sbeschluss vom
10: Huli 19-1, seit 199& ist es ;it7 der 2iederRsterreichischen L,ndesre%ierun%:
!u/t&ild )on St1 4<lten
Vokabeln 2E
0ie ,ltstadt old ton
0er ,ugustiner ,ugustinian
0er &esitz -ossession, holding
0as &istu% diocese
0er &ischo.ssitz bisho-'s see "a seat o. a bisho-'s authorit5$
0ie &undesl#nder .ederal states
0ie 4horherren %en's choir
0as /igentu% -ro-rietorshi-
0ie /inohner inhabitants
0as Geb#ude -re%ises
0ie Geschichte histor5
0as !ahrhundert centur5
0as =loster %onaster5, .riar5
0as =ollegiatssti.t %onaster5 college
0ie Dandeshau-tstadt regional or state ca-ital cit5
0ie Dandesregierung -ro>incial "state$ go>ern%ent
0er Dandtagsbeschluss da5 o. 'urisdictional reorganization
0as Mar(trecht right to hold %ar(ets
0er )a%e na%e
0er 6rt -lace, s-ot, cit5
0ie 7%erstadt 7o%an ton
0er Sitz o..icial -lace
&istu% 3assau a dioecian region in &a>aria
soohl... als auch both... and
zur+c( au. goes bac( to
au.heben "hob au., au.gehoben$ %erged in "or turned into?$
be.inden sich situated, located
"be.and sich, haben sich be.unden$
.inden sichJ .ound "located$
benennen "benannte, benannt$ call "as to label$
erhalten "erhielt, erhalten$ recei>e
erheben "erhob, erhoben$ arise, raise
er#hnen "er#hnte, er#hnt$ %ention
stehen "stand, gestanden$ stand "stood, stood$
erden "urde, [ist\georden$ beco%e
ab .ro%
au. u-
bereits alread5
bis until, b5, u- to
.l#chen%#*ig "no direct translation$ _ hen %easured in sur.ace
heilig hol5
landes.+rstlich baronial or -rincel5 "holdings$
nach in ter%s o.
u% around
(U one short (orm o( ,n(inden8 (indet sich (,n!B in collo=ui,l l,n%u,%e ou c,n cut the >,n>B but in <6I;
speci,l c,se it is the short (orm o( >(be!(indet sich (dort!>!
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
+e,d more ,bout ;t: 5Rlten ,t the $erm,n Aikipedi, (source o( ,rticle ,bove!:
Section ;054 78nnsbruck Austria
Lesson .%&3 ' Mndeveloped Title
!ernen P;H 3 -our de France
(,us Aikipedi,, der (reien )n7klop/die!
4ie -our de France ist eines der berChmtesten und #ichti%sten sportlichen $roVerei%nisse Cberh,upt:
;eit 190" #ird die <our ,ll@/hrlich - mit .usn,hme der 'eit des )rsten und '#eiten Aeltkrie%s - drei
Aochen l,n% im Huli ,us%etr,%en und (Chrt d,bei in #echselnder ;trecken(Chrun% =uer durch
Fr,nkreich und d,s n,he .usl,nd:
)ine <our de Fr,nce der Fr,uen (grande &oucle /Qminine! mit deutlich kCr7eren )t,ppen #ird seit 19-4
%e(,hren: ;ie steht medi,l vRlli% im ;ch,tten ihres m/nnlichen 5end,nts:
Vokabeln 4A
die ,usnah%e eHce-tion
die /nz5(lo-#die enc5clo-edia
der /rste Welt(rieg WW I
das Gro*ereignis %a'or e>ent
der !uli !ul5
das 7adrennen bic5cle race
die Welt orld
die Woche, die Wochen ee(, ee(s
die 8eit ti%e, -eriod
der 8eite Welt(rieg WW II
"bei eite%$ ber+h%teste a%ong the %ost idel5 renoned, the %ost -o-ular
all'#hrlich e>er5 5ear
bei a%ong "one o.$
ber+h%teste %ost celebrated, %ost renoned
.rei, .reien ",((usati>$ .ree
seit since
s-ortlich athletic
+berhau-t altogether, generall5
#hrend during
drei Wochen lang three ee(s lasting
eit broad, ide
ichtig i%-ortant
5ronunci,tion $uide MM
Section ;05; 7 Ba.aria German!
Lesson .%&4 ' Mndeveloped
Section ;05; 7 Ba.aria German!
Lesson .%&6 ' Mndeveloped
Section ;05; 7 Ba.aria German!
Lesson .%&7 ' Mndeveloped
German Level ,our Lessons
An Advance Course in German
Level ,our #ontents
!ection 0%&$ ( (iel German!
!ection 0%&+ ( Schaan Liechtenstein
!ection 0%&. ( Scha''hausen S"itzerland
German Level ,ive Lessons
The Final Course in German
Level ,ive #ontents
<his Aikibook module collection is desi%ned (or those #ho h,ve, ,t the ver le,st, ,
b,sic kno#led%e o( the $erm,n l,n%u,%e ,nd #ish to exp,nd their kno#led%e o( the
$r,mm,r or those #ho simpl re=uire re(erence: Please follo the lessons first if you
ish to begin learning German:
.d@ectiv,l 2ouns
Ae,k 2ouns
Nixed 2ouns
4e(inite .rticles
Inde(inite .rticles
AdFectives and Adverbs
.d@ectiv,l )ndin%s
$erm,n h,s (our c,ses: . c,se m, determine the p,rticul,r ,d@ective, ,d@ective endin%, pronoun, ,nd
noun endin% to use: ;t,rt b 4eterminin% F,se in $erm,n:
<he nominative case is used in re(erence to the sub@ect o( , sentence:
<he accusative case is used in re(erence to the direct ob@ect o( , sentence:
<he dative case is used in re(erence to the indirect ob@ect o( , sentence:
<he genitive case is used in re(erence to , possessed ob@ect o( , sentence:
$erm,n pronouns in c,ses
Dominative Accusative 5ative Genitive =Possessive?
:e er ihn ihm seiner 9 seines (sein!
!he sie sie ihr ihrer 9 ihres (ihr!
It es es ihm seiner 9 seines (sein!
They sie sie ihnen ihrer 9 ihres (ihr!
Oou =informal? du dich dir deiner 9 deines (dein!
Oou =formal? ;ie ;ie Ihnen Ihrer 9 Ihres (Ihr!
Oou =informal
ihr euch euch euer 9 eueres (euer!
I =me? ich mich mir meiner 9 meines (mein!
We =us? #ir uns uns unser 9 unseres (unser!
2ote8 <he possessive is not , c,se o( the person,l pronoun, r,ther itJs , pronoun itsel(: <his me,ns the
t,ble sho#s the nomin,tive c,se onl:
<he %enitive c,se is used to sho# possession or rel,tionships: In )n%lish, the pronoun re(errin% to the
%enitive ob@ect is the e=uiv,lent o( >o( the> or >his> or >m> etc: For simple sentence structure, the
,rticle o( the direct ob@ect is ch,n%ed ,ppropri,tel, #hile the ,rticle o( the %enitive p,rt is ch,n%ed to
end #ith -er i( itJs , die #ord ((eminine ,nd plur,l! ,nd to -es #ith der ,nd d,s #ords: Aith der9d,s
#ords, the %enitive noun must t,ke the su((ix -s, or -es i( there is but one sll,ble in the #ord: <here ,re
)x,mples8 I #,nt the te,cherJs book: --+e#rite ,s8 I #,nt the book >o( the> te,cher: -Ich #ill d,s ?uch
des Lehrers (der Lehererin!:
Aithout his (riendJs c,r, #e c,nnot %o home: -Dhne den A,%en seines Freundes kRnnen #ir nicht n,ch
6,use %ehen:
<he #,ll o( the buildin% is old ,nd bro#n: -4ie A,nd des $eb/udes ist ,lt und br,un:
2ote8 ,ll ,d@ectives in the %enitive c,se #ill end in -en:
Prepositions and Postpositions
$erm,n h,s d,tive, ,ccus,tive, %enitive ,nd t#o-#, prepositions ,nd postpositions: ),ch preposition
c,uses the ,dverbi,l expression on #hich it ,cts to t,ke the c,se o( the preposition: <#o-#,
prepositions c,use the ,dverbi,l expression to t,ke the ,ccus,tive c,se i( the verb is tr,nsitive, ,nd the
d,tive c,se i( the verb is intr,nsitive:
;ever,l $erm,n prepositions
Accusative 5ative Genitive toPay
durch ,us #/hrend ,n
ohne ,uVer trot7 ,u(
um bei ,nst,tt hinter
%e%en mit #e%en in
bis n,ch neben
(Cr seit Cber
entl,n% von unter
#ider 7u vor
%e%enCber 7#ischen
$e%enCber is one o( the r,re postpositions, #hich tpic,ll (ollo#s the ob@ect it modi(ies:
/r stand %ir gegen+ber.
Mir gegen+ber steht ,u*en%inister Fischer.
.ber ,uch8
Gegen+ber >on Ihnen be.indet sich das Stadt%useu%.
2,ch is ,lso sometimes used ,s , postposition, #hen its me,nin% is >,ccordin% to>: <he t#o pr,ses ,re
)ach de% 3.arrer sei Gott gut.
0e% 3.arrer nach sei Gott gut.
In spoken l,n%u,%e, the %enitive #ith #/hrend is no#,d,s norm,ll repl,ced b the d,tive8
Written: W#hrend des /ssens ollen ir nicht gestrt erden.
S-o(en: W#hrend de% /ssen ollen ir nicht gestrt erden.
$erm,n verbs c,n be cl,ssi(ied ,s wea$ or ,s strong: Ae,k verbs ,re ver re%ul,r in their (orms,
#here,s stron% verbs ch,n%e the stem vo#el:
(au.en, (au.te, ge(au.t
singen, sang, gesungen
Aith its ,n%lo-s,xon ori%in, this notion is ,lso present in )n%lish:
.li-, .li--ed, .li--ed
sing, sang, sung
;ome $erm,n verbs h,ve #e,k ,nd stron% (orms: <his m, depend on me,nin%8
0er &otscha.ter urde nach &erlin gesandt.
0er S+ddeutsche 7und.un( sendete ein =onzert aus de% Gasteig.
Dr on tr,nsitive vs: intr,nsitive use8
0as He%d hing au. der W#scheleine.
Sie h#ngte das He%d au. die W#scheleine.
#lasses of Verbs
sep,r,ble verbs
re(lexive verbs
Present Tense
5resent <ense
Past Tenses
5er(ect <ense
Imper(ect - 5reterite
,uture Tenses
Future <ense
!entence !tructure
Types of #lauses
N,in Fl,use
;ubordin,te Fl,use
#onnecting #lauses

A%&$ ' 5as Alphabet ( $erm,n ,lph,bet ,nd 5ronunci,tion $uide
A%&+ ' Phrase Eook ( Fommon phr,ses in $erm,n
A%&. ' /esources ( Dnline +esources (or $erm,n L,n%u,%e ;tudents
A%&0 ' Dames ( 2,men - , list o( common, modern $erm,n n,mes
A%&2 ' :istory [ $erm,n histor
A%&3 ' ,alse ,riends ( .ll the $erm,n #ords th,t look like )n%lish #ords, but h,ve di((erent
A%&$ ' Alphabet
<he $erm,n ,lph,bet, like )n%lish, consists o( *1 b,sic letters: 6o#ever, there ,re ,lso combined
letters ,nd (our uml,uted (orms (,n umlaut is the p,ir o( dots pl,ced over cert,in vo#els!: <he
(ollo#in% t,ble includes , listin% o( ,ll these letters ,nd , %uide to their pronunci,tion: .s in )n%lish,
letter sounds c,n di((er dependin% upon #here #ithin , #ord the letter occurs: <he (irst pronunci,tion
%iven belo# (second column! is th,t in )n%lish o( the letter (or combin,tion! itsel(: +e,din% do#n this
column ,nd pronouncin% the >)n%lish> #ords #ill recite the ,lph,bet au/ Deutsch (>in $erm,n>!: 2ote
th,t letter order is ex,ctl the s,me ,s in )n%lish, but pronunci,tion is not (or m,n o( the letters: In the
list o( pronunci,tion notes, no entr me,ns essenti,ll >pronounced ,s in )n%lish>:
. (,h! Lon% J,J ,s J,J in J(,therJ (,h!B short J,J ,s JoJ in JcomeJ
? (b,! 5ronounced like JpJ #hen ,t the end o( , #ord
F (ts,!
;ee combin,tion letter (ormsB
#ithout , (ollo#in% JhJ8 be(ore JeJ, JiJ, JJ, J/J, JRJ like the %erm,n letter J7J else like JkJ
4 (d,! 5ronounced like JtJ #hen ,t the end o( , #ordB sli%htl more >dent,l>
) (,!
Lon% JeJ ,s J,J in Jl,teJ (,!B there is no movement in the sound ,s in the en%lish
e=uiv,lent: ;hort JeJ ,s JeJ in JpetJ: In unstressed sll,bles like J,J in J,boutJ or JeJ in J%,rdenJ
F (e(!
$ (%,!
5ronounced like J%J in J%etJB pronounced like JkJ #hen ,t the end o( , #ordB
pronounced like JichJ-sound (see belo#! in the su((ix J-i%J ,t the end o( #ords
6 (h,h!
like JhJ in JhouseJ onl ,t the be%innin% o( #ords or , sll,ble
be(ore J,J, JiJ, JoJ, JuJ, JJ, J/J, JRJ, JCJ (onl i( these vo#els donJt belon% to , su((ix!, else
I (ee! Lon% JiJ ,s JeJ in JseenJ (ee!B short JiJ ,s JiJ in JpitJ
H (ot! 5ronounced like JJ in J,rdJ
I (k,h!
L (el! ;li%htl more >dent,l>
N (em!
2 (en!
;li%htl more >dent,l>B in Jn%J like in Jsin%in%JB like in J(in%erJ
be(ore J,J, JiJ, JoJ, JuJ, JJ, J/J, JRJ, JCJ (onl i( these vo#els donJt belon% to , su((ix!
D (oh!
Lon% JoJ ,s JoJ in JopenJ (oh!, there is no movement in the sound ,s in the en%lish
e=uiv,lent: ;hort JoJ ,s JoJ in JpotJ
5 (p,!
S (koo!
5ronounced like JkJB onl occurs in the combin,tion J=uJ, #hich is pronounced like
JkvJ not like Jk#J
+ (,ir! trilled (see belo#!
; (ess!
In $erm,n, pronounced like J7JB pronounced like JsJ in JsoundJ #hen ,t the end o( ,
#ord, ,(ter conson,nts
(except JlJ, JmJ, JnJ, n%J! ,nd be(ore conson,ntsB in .ustri,, pronounced like J7J onl #hen
it ,ppe,rs bet#een t#o vo#els, pronounced like JsJ other#ise: 5ronounced like JshJ in the
be%innin% o( , #ord be(ore JpJ or JtJ
< (t,! ;li%htl more >dent,l>
3 (oo! Lon% JuJ ,s JooJ in JmoonJ (oo!B short JuJ ,s JuJ in JputJ
E ((o#!
5ronounced like J(J #hen ,t the end o( , #ord ,nd in , (e# but o(ten used #ords
(in most c,ses o( %erm,nic ori%in!, in %ener,l ,t the be%innin% o( $erm,n %eo%r,phic,l
,nd (,mil n,mes: In ,ll other c,ses like JvJ
A (v,! 5ronounced like JvJ
[ (iks! 5ronounced like JksJ
5ronounced like JCJ (see belo#!, except in #ords o( )n%lish ori%in, #here it is
pronounced like in )n%lish
' (tset! 5ronounced like JtsJ
Mni\ue German letters
umlaut letters
2ote th,t uml,uts #ere ori%in,ll #ritten ,s J,eJ, JoeJ, ,nd JueJ:
X (,h-uml,ut!
Lon% / pronounced simil,r to lon% e
Xu (,h-uml,ut-oo! 5ronounced like JoiJ in JoilJ
Y (oh-uml,ut!
2o )n%lish e=uiv,lent sound (see
Z (oo-uml,ut!
2o )n%lish e=uiv,lent sound (see
the /ormer ligature 6
V (ess-tset or sh,r(es ess!
5ronounced like JsJ in JsetJ or JcJ in JniceJB see belo# (or
combined letters
ch (ts,-h,h! 5ronounced v,rious #,s (see Konsonanten sounds belo#!
ck (ts,-k,h!
t7 (t,-tset!
sch (ess-ts,-h,h!
7sch, t7sch
5ronounced like JchJ (onl used in %eo%r,phic,l ,nd (,mil
Audio8 D$$ ("00I?! G Das Al"ha&et oder Das AB.
Audio8 D$$ (114I?! G Die =mlaute
`` ?e%innin% $erm,n e ?,sic $erm,n e .dv,nced $erm,n
5eutsche Aussprache ( German Pronunciation Guide
Vokale ( Voels
$erm,n vo#els ,re either lon% or short, but never dr,#led ,s in some )n%lish di,lects: . simple
method o( reco%ni7in% #hether , vo#el is likel to be lon% or short in , $erm,n #ord is c,lled the
/ule of double consonants: I( , vo#el is (ollo#ed b , sin%le conson,nt K ,s in ha&en (h,ve!, dir
(ou, dat1!, 4eter (5eter!, ,nd schon (,lre,d! K the vo#el sound is usu,ll long: I( there ,re t#o or
more conson,nts (ollo#in% the vo#el K ,s in /alsch ((,lse!, el/ (eleven!, immer (,l#,s!, ,nd noch
(still! K the vo#el sound is usu,ll short: <here ,re some $erm,n #ords th,t ,re exceptions to the
double conson,nt rule8 &in, &is, das, es, hat, ,nd was ,ll h,ve short vo#el sounds: It is ,lso the c,se th,t
the silent JhJ does not count ,s , conson,nt ,nd the preceedin% vo#el is ,l#,s lon%: 9hnen is ,n
<his >rule> is ,pplied to the use o( JssJ vs: JVJ (see belo#!, in th,t JVJ is tre,ted ,s , sin%le conson,nt:
<hus, the vo#el be(ore JVJ in der Fu6 ((oot! is lon%, #hile th,t be(ore JssJ in das Fass (c,sk! is short:
au a J.h-ooJ is prononced like Jo#J in )n%lish JcoJ: $erm,n ex,mples ,re &lau (blue! ,nd auch
(,lso see belo# under ach G uni=ue $erm,n sounds!:
Ju a J.h-uml,ut-ooJ is pronounced like the $erm,n eu (,-ooB see next!: In #ritten ,nd printed
$erm,n, J,eJ c,n be ,n ,ccept,ble subsitute (or J/J i( the l,tter is un,v,il,ble:
eu a J.-ooJ is pronounced like JoiJ in )n%lish #ord JoilJ: $erm,n ex,mples ,re neun (nine! ,nd
heute (tod,!:
ie ,nd ei a J)e-,J h,s ex,ctl the s,me sound ,s , $erm,n lon% JiJB th,t is, like the JeeJ in JseenJ:
J.-eeJ is pronounced like the JeiJ in Jhei%htJ: 2ote th,t this ,ppe,rs to be the opposite (or these
t#o vo#el combin,tions in )n%lish, #here the rule is th,t the (irst vo#el is lon% ,nd the second
is silent: Fonsider this #ord8 JdieJ K in $erm,n it is pronounced JdeeJ, in )n%lish like JdeJ: <he
#ord mein in $erm,n is the )n%lish JmineJ: In e((ect, JieJ (ollo#s the s,me rule ,s in )n%lish,
#ith the (irst vo#el lon% (ee in $erm,n! ,nd the second vo#el silentB JeiJ is the e=uiv,lent sound
in $erm,n to the )n%lish lon% JiJ ,s in JmineJ:
1onsonanten ( #onsonants
Nost $erm,n conson,nts ,re pronounced simil,r to the #, the ,re in )n%lish, #ith exceptions noted
in column " ,bove: 4et,ils o( cert,in conson,nt sounds ,nd uses ,re discussed (urther here8
ch a 5ronounced like JkJ in m,n #ords o( $reek ori%in like .hrist or .hara$ter, but like JshJ in
#ords o( French ori%in, ,nd JtchJ in #ords o( )n%lish ori%in: <he $erm,n sechs (six! is
pronounced ver much simil,r to the )n%lish JsexJ: ;ee ,lso the discussion o( >ich-sound>
belo#: <he pronunci,tion o( #ords #ith ,n initi,l JchJ (ollo#ed b , vo#el, ,s in .hina or
.hemie v,ries8 in 6i%h $erm,n the >ich-sound> is the st,nd,rd pronunci,tion, but in ;outh
$erm,n di,lect ,nd .ustri,n $erm,n JkJ is pre(erred:
d, t, l, ,nd n a <hese letters ,re pronounced simil,rl in )n%lish ,nd $erm,n: 6o#ever, in
pronouncin% these letters, the $erm,n extends his ton%ue up to the b,ck o( the b,se o( the teeth,
cre,tin% , more dental sound: .s noted ,bove, JdJ is , Jdent,l dJ except ,t the end o( , #ord,
#here it becomes , Jdent,l tJ:
sch a in $erm,n J)ss-ts,-h,hJ is pronounced like JshJ, not JskJ ,s in )n%lish: $erm,n #ord
ex,mple8 Sch*ler (student!:
sp ,nd st a Ahere the combin,tions Jess-p,J or Jess-t,J ,ppe,r ,t the be%innin% o( , #ord, the
JessJ sound becomes ,n JshJ sound: $erm,n ex,mples ,re s"ielen (pl,! ,nd s"#t (l,te!: .n
interestin% >exception> is , #ord like Bleisti/t (pencil!, #here the inside JstiJ is pronounced JshtiJ
K ho#ever, this is , compound #ord (rom Blei (le,d! ,nd Sti/t (pen!: ;ome loc,l di,lects
ho#ever pronounce ,ll occur,nces >sh,rp> (#ith ,n JessJ sound -- tpic,l (or 2orth $erm,n
di,lects, especi,ll ne,r 6,mbur%! or >so(t> (#ith ,n JshJ sound -- tpic,l (or the ;#,bi,n
) a <he (ormer li%,ture (o( JssJ or Js7J!, Jess-tsetJ is #idel used in $erm,n, but its use is
some#h,t more restricted in ver modern $erm,n (,l#,s pronounced like JsJ in JsoundJ!: JVJ is
used (or the sound JsJ in c,ses #here JssJ or JsJ c,nJt be used8 this is especi,ll ,(ter lon% vo#els
,nd diphthon%s (c(: the )n%lish us,%e o( JcJ like in JviceJ or J%rocerJ!: <hus, the vo#el be(ore JVJ
in der Fu6 ((oot! is lon%, #hile th,t be(ore JssJ in das Fass (c,sk! is short: JVJ ,ppe,rs ,(ter
diphthon%s (J,uJ, JeiJ, JeuJ! bec,use the ,re lon%: In #ritten ,nd printed $erm,n, JssJ c,n be ,n
,ccept,ble subsitute (or JVJ i( the letter is un,v,il,ble: <he %reek letter, f, is not to be used ,s ,
substitute (or JVJ: 2ote th,t in ;#it7erl,nd, JVJ is ,l#,s #ritten ,s JssJ:
German !ounds not found in English
<here ,re sounds in the $erm,n l,n%u,%e th,t h,ve no re,l e=uiv,lent in the )n%lish l,n%u,%e: <hese
,re discussed here:
r a $erm,n l,n%u,%e h,s t#o pronunci,tions (or r8 <he more common is simili,r to the French
r, , %uttur,l sound resemblin% , (r,ction,ted g, ,s (ound in .r,bic or some pronunci,tions o(
modern $reek R: <he second pronounci,tion is , >rolled> r ,s in ;p,nish or ;cots: Its use is
limited to ;#it7erl,nd ,nd p,rts o( ;outhern $erm,n:
N (oh-uml,ut! a <he #ord >uml,ut> me,ns >ch,n%e in sound> ,nd ,n uml,uted JoJ ch,n%es to ,
sound #ith no e=uiv,lent in )n%lish: <he Jlon% RJ is m,de b (irst soundin% JooJ ,s in moon, then
pursin% the lips ,s i( to #histle, ,nd ch,n%in% the sound to J,J ,s in JlateJ: .n ex,mple #ord is
sch<n (be,uti(ul!: <he Jshort RJ sound is m,de b (irst soundin% JooJ, pursin% the lips, ,nd
ch,n%in% the sound to JeJ ,s in Jpet: . Jshort RJ sounds ,ctu,ll ver simil,r to the JiJ in JsirJ: .n
ex,mple #ord is zw<l/ (t#elve!: I( ou h,ve problems pronouncin% <, do not repl,ce it b >o>
but b >e> (,s in el(! like in m,n $erm,n di,lects: In #ritten ,nd printed $erm,n, JoeJ c,n be
,n ,ccept,ble subsitute (or JRJ i( the l,tter is un,v,il,ble:
A (oo-uml,ut! a .s #ith JRJ, Joo-uml,utJ is , rounded vo#el sound #ith no )n%lish e=uiv,lent:
<he Jlon% CJ is m,de b (irst soundin% JooJ ,s in moon, then pursin% the lips ,s i( to #histle, ,nd
ch,n%in% the sound to JeeJ ,s in JseenJ: .n ex,mple #ord is /r*h: <he Jshort CJ sound is m,de b
(irst soundin% JooJ, pursin% the lips, ,nd ch,n%in% the sound to JiJ ,s in Jpit: .n ex,mple #ord is
/*n/ ((ive!: I( ou h,ve problems pronouncin% *, do not repl,ce it b >u> but b >i> (,s in (ish!
like in m,n $erm,n di,lects: In #ritten ,nd printed $erm,n, JueJ c,n be ,n ,ccept,ble subsitute
(or JCJ i( the l,tter is un,v,il,ble:
ach a <he letter combin,tion JchJ ,s in auch (,lso! is c,lled the >,ch-sound> ,nd resembles ,
thro,t-cle,rin% (%uttur,l! sound: It is used ,(ter J,J, JoJ, JuJ, ,nd J,uJ: It is pronounced some#h,t
like >och> in Loch 2ess (lock, not loke! in its ori%in,l (orm: <he 6ebre# letter ,nd the
.r,bic letter ,s #ell ,s continent,l ;p,nish 8 ,re pronounced the s,me ,s the >,ch-sound>:
ich a <he >ich-sound> in $erm,n is ,lso some#h,t %uttur,l, like , more (orce(ul JhJ in )n%lish
>hue>, >hu%e>: .nother ,ppro,ch is to s, >sh> #hile (,lmost! touchin% the p,lp,tine not #ith
the tip but #ith the middle o( our ton%ue: In the #ord richtig (>correct>! both the JichJ ,nd the
(in,l Ji%J h,ve this sound: It is used ,(ter JeJ, JiJ, JJ, J/J, JRJ, JCJ, JeiJ, JeuJ, J/uJ, ,(ter conson,nt-letters
,nd sometimes ,t the be%innin% o( #ords (especi,ll be(ore JeJ, JiJ, JJ, J/J, JRJ!: I( ou h,ve
problems pronouncin% ich, repl,ce #ith the sound o( JhueJ or b JshJ but never b , h,rd JkJ
(never >ick>!W In some p,rts o( $erm,n >ich>, ,s #ell ,s the (in,l Ji%J, is pronounced >ish>: In
.ustri, ,nd some loc,l di,lects o( $erm,n the (in,l Ji%J (,s in >richti%>! is simpl pronounced
,s in )n%lish >di%>:
Audio8 D$$ ("&I?! G ach, auch, ich, richtig
!yllable !tress
<he %ener,l rule in $erm,n is th,t #ords ,re stressed on the (irst sll,ble: 6o#ever, there ,re
exceptions: .lmost ,ll exceptions ,re o( l,tin, (rench, or %reek ori%in: Nostl these ,re #ords stressed
on the l,st sll,ble, ,s sho#n b the (ollo#in%8
1oT`(al =onTsoT`nant De(TtiT`on
<hese #ords (not stressed on the (irst sll,ble! ,ppe,r in the (Level II ,nd III! lesson voc,bul,ries ,s
Vokal, Konsonant, !e$tion (in some re%ions8 !e$tion!, etc:
A%&+ ' Phrase book
German Phrases
H!ll4 Hello!
Guten T!g4 Good da5!
T!g4 Good da5!
Guten 1rgen4 Good %orning!
Guten 3.end4 Good e>ening!
Gute N!cht4 Good night!
Wie geht es *hnen0 Ho are 5ou ".or%al$? Ho are 5ou doing?
Wie geht6s Ho are 5ou "in.or%al$
Es geht mir gut I'% doing .ine, I'% ell
9rim!4 Great!
Spitze4 Su-er!
Gut4 Good!
Sehr gut4 1er5 good!
Tll4 9erri.ic!
G!nz gut 3rett5 good
S l!l! 6=
Es geht s Going o(
Nicht gut )ot ell
Schlecht &ad
Sehr schlecht 1er5 bad
1iser!.el Miserable
'nd *hnen0 ,nd 5ou ".or%al$?
3u% Wiedersehen4 Good b5e!

Wiedersehen4 &5e!
Tsch/ss4 See 5ou!
Tsch!u4 4iao! "Italian .or 'see 5ou'$
Bis spter4 Dater! "until later$
Bis d!nn4 Dater! "until hene>er$
Wiederhren "hear$ again "used o>er the -hone$
2ote8 Wiedersehen directl tr,nsl,tes ,s >to see ,%,in>:
GesprJche =conversations?
0an(e "sehr$! 9han(s, than( 5ou
0an(e schn! 9han(s a lot!
&itte? 3lease?
&itte "sehr$! ?ou're elco%e! "co%es a.ter dan(e$
/ntschuldigung! /Hcuse %e!
1ielen 0an( Much than(s
Gern geschehen ?ou are elco%e
Verstehen =understanding?
&itte, s-rechen Sie etas langsa%er. 3lease s-ea( so%ehat sloer
=nnen Sie %ich >erstehen? 4an 5ou understand %e?
Ich >erstehe Sie nicht. I don't understand 5ou.
Was haben Sie gesagt? What as that? What ha>e 5ou said?
=nnen Sie das bitte iederholen? 4an 5ou sa5 that again, -lease!
Ich s-reche (ein 0eutsch. I don't s-ea( Ger%an "literall5: I s-ea( no
Ich s-reche nur ein bisschen 0eutsch. I s-ea( onl5 a little Ger%an
A%&. ' /esources
Lists and directories to online resources
###:deutschlern:net - )-le,rnin% pl,t(orm (or be%innin%, intermedi,te ,nd ,dv,nced students
,nd te,chers o( $erm,n: )xercises b,sed on ,uthentic texts tr,in re,din% comprehension,
voc,bul,r, ,nd %r,mm,r: Nonitor (unction (or te,chers: Free o( ch,r%e, re=uires (ree lo%in:
4eutsch ,ls Fremdspr,che - 3se(ul links (or $erm,n l,n%u,%e le,rners: ;ite in $erm,n:
$erm,n L,n%u,%e ,nd Fulture +esources - N,teri,ls ,nd resources (or le,rnin% the $erm,n
l,n%u,%e ,nd ,bout $erm,n-spe,kin% culture:
Free Dnline $erm,n <utori,l - ,t iel,n%u,%es:com
Tber die deutsche !prache P about German
)thnolo%ue report (or $erm,n
Eerein 4eutsche ;pr,che
"nline WNrterbAcher P 5ictionary
5eutschPEnglisch =GermanPEnglish?
Aiktion,r - )n%lish
Aiktion,r - $erm,n
dicolo%os re,ll this is , multil,n%u,%e diction,r #ith o(er &:000:000 lemm,s in sever,l
?,blon ?,blon Dnline 4iction,r
L)D - #ith ,udio(iles o( most o( the #ords ,nd voc,bul,r tr,iner:
5ons - 4iction,r #ith voc,bul,r tr,iner:
Dur 5eutsch P German only
4A4;- 4,s di%it,le ARrterbuch der deutschen ;pr,che - $erm,n onl diction,r (or ,dv,nced
4eutsche ARrterbCcher von A,hri% - Drtho%r,ph ,nd (orei%n #ords
+edens,rtenindex - $erm,n idioms ,nd proverbs #ith expl,n,tions
!lideshos ith pictures and pronuciations
L,n%u,%e courses $erm,n ,t the time o( insertion there is onl one (ile ,bout (ruit - I #ill tr to ,dd
ne# ones ever #eek-end:
5eutsche Grammatik und /echtschreibungP German Grammar
and !pelling
F,noo - extensive d,t,b,se ,bout in(lection ,nd #ord (orm,tion
4ie neue +echtschreibun% G -he new s"elling
Free online $erm,n course - ne# ortho%r,ph, %r,mm,r, exercises, tests, ex,mple sentences,
@okes, le,rnin% tips
Aussprache P Pronunciation
. $uide to %erm,n 5ronunci,tion - 5ronunci,tion course (or be%inners:
4eutschlernblo% <ips (or le,rnin% $erm,n: ;ite entirel in $erm,n:
4,F-?lo% Dn $erm,n l,n%u,%e ,nd ho# to le,rn it: 5,rts o( the ;ite ,re in )n%lish, but most o(
it in $erm,n:
4eutsch-6,ppen sm,ll, bite-si7ed sn,ps o( $erm,n l,n%u,%e (or the ,dv,ncin% le,rner
from learners
;pe,ken ;ie 4eutschP 8 5odc,st (rom F,n,di,n 6u%h $ordon (+ss-Feed!:
for learners
$uter 3m%,n% 8 $erm,n l,n%u,%e le,rnin% blo% ,bout collo=ui,l $erm,n (+;;-Feed!:
LetJs spe,k $erm,n 8 Hokes, poems, ton%uet#isters ,nd more in $erm,n (+;;-Feed!:
5odc,sts o( 4eutsche Aelle 8 2,chrichten, <op-<hem,, ;tich#ort, ;pr,chb,r ,nd
.llt,%sdeutsch ,re speci(ic,ll m,de (or l,n%u,%e le,rners: Nost o( the texts c,n be (ound on
the p,%es 4eutsch im Fokus (;pr,chb,r, ;tich#ort ,nd .llt,%sdeutsch! ,nd 4id,ktuelles
(2,chrichten ,nd <op-<hem,!:
<,ndem b )-N,il
A%&0 ' Dames
,irst Dames
$erm,n n,mes h,ve under%one , dr,stic ch,n%e in the l,st 10 e,rs: Dlder, >tpic,l> $erm,n n,mes
like :ans, ,rit-, :einrich, 1arl or Wilhelm ,re no# uncommon in contempor,r $erm,n: <od,
m,n p,rents %ive their children n,mes like (ten most popul,r n,mes *00"!8
1: N,ximili,n
*: .lex,nder
": Leon
4: 5,ul
0: Luk,s9Luc,s
1: Felix
&: Luc,
-: 4,vid
9: <im
1: N,rie
*: ;ophie
": N,ri,
4: .nn,, .nne
0: Le,(h!
1: L,ur,
&: Len,
-: Leonie
9: Huli,
(;ource8 $esellsch,(t (Cr deutsche ;pr,che!
Eoys@ Dames
$erh,rd, $erd, $ert
<hom,s 9 <om,s
$Cnter 9 $Cnther
Fl,us 9 Il,us
;te(,n 9 ;teph,n
Girls@ Dames
3rsul,, 3ll,
Nonic, 9 Nonik,
$iesel, 9 $isel,
?ir%it 9 ?ir%itt
.nn,, .nne
Last Dames
?/cker, ?ecker
?,er, ?,ier, ?eier
?r,nd, ?r,ndt, ?r,nt
6o((m,nn, 6o(m,nn
Ieiser, I,iser
N,er, N,ier, Neer, Neier
;chmidt,;chmid, ;chmitt
;chul7e, ;chult7e
Eo%el, Eo%l
A%&2 ' :istory
<he histor o( the $erm,n l,n%u,%e be%ins #ith the 6i%h $erm,n conson,nt shi(t durin% the Ni%r,tion
period, sep,r,tin% ;outh $erm,nic di,lects (rom common Aest $erm,nic: <he e,rliest testimonies o(
Dld 6i%h $erm,n ,re (rom sc,ttered )lder Futh,rk inscriptions, especi,ll in .lem,nnic, (rom the 1th
centur, the e,rliest %losses (.bro%,ns! d,te to the -th ,nd the oldest coherent texts (the
6ildebr,ndslied, the Nuspilli ,nd the Nersebur% Inc,nt,tions! to the 9th centur: Dld ;,xon ,t this
time belon%s to the 2orth ;e, $erm,nic cultur,l sphere, ,nd Lo# $erm,n should (,ll under $erm,n
r,ther th,n .n%lo-Frisi,n in(luence durin% the 6ol +om,n )mpire:
.s $erm,n #,s divided into m,n di((erent st,tes, the onl (orce #orkin% (or , uni(ic,tion or
st,nd,rdis,tion o( $erm,n durin% , period o( sever,l hundred e,rs #,s the %ener,l pre(erence o(
#riters trin% to #rite in , #, th,t could be understood in the l,r%est possible ,re,:
Ahen N,rtin Luther tr,nsl,ted the ?ible (the 2e# <est,ment in 10** ,nd the Dld <est,ment,
published in p,rts ,nd completed in 10"4! he b,sed his tr,nsl,tion m,inl on this ,lre,d developed
l,n%u,%e, #hich #,s the most #idel understood l,n%u,%e ,t this time: <his l,n%u,%e #,s b,sed on
),stern 3pper ,nd ),stern Fentr,l $erm,n di,lects ,nd preserved much o( the %r,mm,tic,l sstem o(
Niddle 6i%h $erm,n (unlike the spoken $erm,n di,lects in Fentr,l ,nd 3pper $erm,n th,t ,lre,d
,t th,t time be%,n to lose the %enitive c,se ,nd the preterit tense!: In the be%innin%, copies o( the ?ible
h,d , lon% list (or e,ch re%ion, #hich tr,nsl,ted #ords unkno#n in the re%ion into the re%ion,l di,lect:
+om,n F,tholics re@ected LutherJs tr,nsl,tion in the be%innin% ,nd tried to cre,te their o#n F,tholic
st,nd,rd (%emeines 4eutsch! K #hich, ho#ever, onl di((ered (rom J5rotest,nt $erm,nJ in some minor
det,ils: It took until the middle o( the 1-th centur to cre,te , st,nd,rd th,t #,s #idel ,ccepted, thus
endin% the period o( ),rl 2e# 6i%h $erm,n:
$erm,n used to be the l,n%u,%e o( commerce ,nd %overnment in the 6,bsbur% )mpire, #hich
encomp,ssed , l,r%e ,re, o( Fentr,l ,nd ),stern )urope: 3ntil the mid-19th centur it #,s essenti,ll
the l,n%u,%e o( to#nspeople throu%hout most o( the )mpire: It indic,ted th,t the spe,ker #,s ,
merch,nt, ,n urb,nite, not their n,tion,lit: ;ome cities, such ,s 5r,%ue ($erm,n8 5r,%! ,nd ?ud,pest
(?ud,, $erm,n8 D(en!, #ere %r,du,ll $erm,ni7ed in the e,rs ,(ter their incorpor,tion into the
6,bsbur% dom,in: Dthers, such ,s ?r,tisl,v, ($erm,n8 5ressbur%!, #ere ori%in,ll settled durin% the
6,bsbur% period ,nd #ere prim,ril $erm,n ,t th,t time: . (e# cities such ,s Nil,n ($erm,n8
N,il,nd! rem,ined prim,ril non-$erm,n: 6o#ever, most cities #ere prim,ril $erm,n durin% this
time, such ,s 5r,%ue, ?ud,pest, ?r,tisl,v,, ',%reb ($erm,n8 .%r,m!, ,nd L@ubl@,n, ($erm,n8
L,ib,ch!, thou%h the #ere surrounded b territor th,t spoke other l,n%u,%es:
3ntil ,bout 1-00, st,nd,rd $erm,n #,s ,lmost onl , #ritten l,n%u,%e: .t this time, people in urb,n
northern $erm,n, #ho spoke di,lects ver di((erent (rom ;t,nd,rd $erm,n, le,rnt it ,lmost like ,
(orei%n l,n%u,%e ,nd tried to pronounce it ,s close to the spellin% ,s possible: 5rescriptive
pronunci,tion %uides used to consider northern $erm,n pronunci,tion to be the st,nd,rd: 6o#ever, the
,ctu,l pronunci,tion o( st,nd,rd $erm,n v,ries (rom re%ion to re%ion:
Nedi, ,nd #ritten #orks ,re ,lmost ,ll produced in st,nd,rd $erm,n (o(ten c,lled 6ochdeutsch in
$erm,n! #hich is understood in ,ll ,re,s #here $erm,n is spoken, except b pre-school children in
,re,s #hich spe,k onl di,lect, (or ex,mple ;#it7erl,nd: 6o#ever, in this ,%e o( television, even the
no# usu,ll le,rn to underst,nd ;t,nd,rd $erm,n be(ore school ,%e:
<he (irst diction,r o( the ?rothers $rimm, the 11 p,rts o( #hich #ere issued bet#een 1-0* ,nd 1-10,
rem,ins the most comprehensive %uide to the #ords o( the $erm,n l,n%u,%e: In 1-10, %r,mm,tic,l ,nd
ortho%r,phic rules (irst ,ppe,red in the 4uden 6,ndbook: In 1901, this #,s decl,red the st,nd,rd
de(inition o( the $erm,n l,n%u,%e: D((ici,l revisions o( some o( these rules #ere not issued until 199-,
#hen the $erm,n spellin% re(orm o( 1991 #,s o((ici,ll promul%,ted b %overnment,l represent,tives
o( ,ll $erm,n-spe,kin% countries: ;ince the re(orm, $erm,n spellin% h,s been in ,n ei%ht-e,r
tr,nsition,l period #here the re(ormed spellin% is t,u%ht in most schools, #hile tr,dition,l ,nd
re(ormed spellin% co-exist in the medi,: ;ee $erm,n spellin% re(orm o( 1991 (or ,n overvie# o( the
he,ted public deb,te concernin% the re(orm #ith some m,@or ne#sp,pers ,nd m,%,7ines ,nd sever,l
kno#n #riters re(usin% to ,dopt it:
.(ter the spellin% re(orm o( 1991 let to so much public controvers ,nd some o( its ch,n%ed rules
introduced ne# ,mbi%uities or #ere simpl perceived ,s >u%l>, the tr,nsition,l period (initi,ll
scheduled to end on 4ec, "1: *000! #,s extended until ,t le,st end *001 ,nd some p,rts o( the re(orm
#ere ch,n%ed ,%,in in N,rch *001: <his ne# >re(orm o( the re(orm> tries to remove the ,mbi%uities
introduced in 1991: <o d,te (.pril *001!, it is et to be ,ccepted b ,ll %erm,n spe,kin% countries:
A%&3 ' ,alse ,riends
<here ,re some #ords #hich ,re spelled the s,me in )n%lish ,nd in $erm,n, but h,ve completel
di((erent me,nin%s: )ven thou%h the #ords ,re spelled the s,me, the ,re usu,ll pronounced
completel di((erentl: It c,n sometimes be d,n%erous to use these #ords ((or both n,tive )n%lish
spe,kers ,nd n,tive $erm,n spe,kers:! <hink o( th,t, next time someone #,nts to %ive ou , > $i(t> or
opens , door ,nd s,s > .(ter ouW>
Dote8 <his list cont,ins some items o( etmolo%ic,l interest: For ex,mple, the tr,ns(orm,tion o( the
conson,nt JtJ in $erm,n to JdJ in )n%lish in #ord p,irs like ?,rt-M?e,rd, ?eet-M?ed, $ut-M$ood, 6,rt-
M6,rd, +ot-M+ed, ,nd 2ot-M2eed:
German meaning =in English?
Englische Eedeutung =auf 5eutsch?
;p/ter, 2,chher
Fishin% +od
.b%esondert, .bseits
Iind, sort, species
Iunst, ICnstlichkeit
)sel, 4ump(b,cke, In,llkop(
;chlecht, ;chlimm
.n%esteller im ;uperm,rkt der die )ink/u(e in <Cten p,ckt
3nbeh,,rt, I,hlkRp(i%
In,ll, Ir,ch, ;ch,ll
in F,sh, 5ure
;t,b (see ,lso8 ;t,b!
2,me eines N,nnes
,sked politel, re=uested
Flo#er bed
'uckerruebe, rote +uebe
to ,sk politel, re=uest
;hin, ;hinin%
3nbeschri(tet, 3n,us%e(Cllt
;heet met,l
.usdruck des )kels
to <#ist, Form, ?end
;ump(, <or(moor
?lendend, $eistvoll
Front o( , bo,t or pl,ne
L,us, Insekt, ;tRrun%
;chnC((ler, ;ch#,n7, der stei(e 5enis
<e,m, )leven
)l(e, Iobold
I(, in c,se
Eerh/n%nisvoll, 3nheilvoll, <Rdlich
.lmost, 2e,rl
5reise, $ebChr
Fo,t (,nim,l!
F,r ,#,, 4ist,nt
5eitschen, .uspeitschen
.#,, D((, $one
Festun%, I,stell
4rCckeber%er, Nusik von 19&0Js
A,lk, $,it, A,
$ruppe, ?,nde, <rupp
$,be, $eschenk
.u(%rei(en, )r%rei(en
4e%ree (temper,ture!
einen ,k,demischen $r,d erl,n%en
4,rm (;chnecke und Iette!
6eib, Ierbe, 'erh,cken
Fell 5hone
5r,ktisch, 5,ssend, 6,ndlich
;lope, Inclin,tion
6/n%en, 6enken
?it, Norsel
'u(/lli% $eschehen, Eorkommen, 5,ssieren
?,ck o( , bo,t or pl,ne
A,s 7um <eu(elP (Ah,t the 6eckP!
Fooker, Dven, +,n%e
<hro#, Lob, ;#in% (see ,lso8 Lob!
Aickelkern, 2,be
Hem,nd der summt
.rt, ;orte
In,ppheit, N,n%el
7urueckbleiben, 7oe%ern
Lo,d, ?urden, Aei%ht
EerknCp(un%, Eerbindun%en
Aer(, 6ub (see ,lso8 6ub!
?lock, Ilot7
5lumb (line!
5,7ille, die Nen%e, die N,sse
<o (eel like doin% somethin%
;innliche ?e%ierde
6er%estellt, $em,cht
Nouth (,nim,l!
der ;chle%el, ?esch/di%en, 4urchprC%eln
N,nure, <r,sh
leichter 2ebel
distress, need
$r,de (in school!
bemerken, ,u(schreiben, kleiner ?rie(
die ;ch#ester (im Iloster!, 2onne
$eklin%elt, $eklun%en
.usdruck der ?e#underun% (#ie $eil!
die +,tte
N,@est/tisch, IRni%lich, 6oheitsvoll
?ee(, F,ttle
;ch#,rte, ;ch,le
;tein, Fels
der +Rmer
Eerrotten, Eer#esun%
6istor, Nth
Aeise, Ilu%, $escheit
A,hrnehmun%, ?edeutun%, Eerst,nd, ;inn
2e# Le,rs )ve
2,me eines N,nnes
;pur (see ,lso8 ;pur!
;pore (5il7e!
<r,ce, <r,cks, L,ne
;chi((sschn,bel, ;porn, .nsporn (see ,lso8 ;pore!
+od, 5ole, ?,ton, ?,r (see ,lso8 ?,r!
ERlli%, $/n7lich
)rnst, d,s 6eck
N,rkierstelle, Ienn7eichnun%
.merik,nisches Dr,n%en%etr/nk
Ie (,s in kebo,rd!
Iostprobe, $eschm,ckssinn
$re,tW ;uperW
'oll,b%,be, ;tr,Venbenut7un%s%ebChr
4e,th, 4e,d
2,me eines N,nnes
Fl,, , ;ound
die <onne
kleines Iind, kleiner Inirps
c,l( (o( the le%!
der ',uberst,b
A,s (see ,lso8 A,s!
#urde9#,r (see ,lso8 A,r!
Su,ddel, ?eule
.%,inst, Fontr,r to
Aeiter, ?reiter
.lthou%h not spelled identic,ll in both l,n%u,%es, be%inners ,re o(ten con(used b the simil,rit o( the
$erm,n >bekommen> ,nd )n%lish >to become>:
bekommen \M to receive, to %et
#erden \M to become
#urrent 5evelopment
$ener,l8 the m,in t,lk p,%e:
Lessons8 Lessons pl,nnin% p,%e:
5onloadable and Print Versions
Fomplete 5rint Eersion
Fomplete 54F Eersion
Lessons Information
. print .ersion o( $erm,n lessons is ,v,il,ble:
Lesson 5l,nnin%
4o#nlo,d,ble ,nd 5rint Eersions
I( , lesson is ,dded or the n,me o( ,n existin% lesson is ch,n%ed, ple,se upd,te8
<he print version
<he level one m,in p,%e , <he level t#o m,in p,%e, <he level three m,in p,%e,
<he level (our m,in p,%e, or <he level (ive m,in p,%e
It is not necess,r to upd,te these versions i( the sections #ithin these m,in lesson p,%es
,re ,ltered:
.ll <empl,tes
Flick here
Ahile Aikibooks o((ers some#h,t cle,rer opportunities (or >,uthorship> th,n Aikipedi,, there rem,ins
the (,ct th,t ,nthin% put here is re,ll @ust , contribution, ,nd everone #ho (urthers the e((ort is ,
contributor: In this respect there re,ll ,re no >,uthors>:
3ncert,in ho# to contributeP <o le,rn ho# to edit or contribute m,teri,l to this textbook, (irst re,d the
introduction ,t8 3o" to :dit%
;,m) is developin% the Level I lessons ,nd contributed m,teri,l to the Level II lessons be(ore
Level I #,s cre,ted: 6e is currentl t,kin% $erm,n in school ,nd usin% th,t experience to %uide
his ,ppro,ch to te,chin% the be%innin% student:
?oit is developin% , $erm,n $r,mm,r summ,ri7,tion:
<hom,s ;trohm,nn , , $erm,n spe,ker, h,s contributed to this book, ,lthou%h he is mostl
involved in developin% the ;p,nish textbookK,lon% #ith H,p,nese the ver (irst l,n%u,%e
textbooks st,rted ,t Aikibooks:
)tothex #,s the ori%in,l contributor to the $erm,n-)n%lish textbook, st,rtin% it on Dctober 10,
Flo(lei1 is , $erm,n student o( )n%lish ,s , second l,n%u,%e ,nd , ne#bie ,t #iki:
<he $r,mm,r Iin% is currentl , $erm,n student, ,nd is ver (,mili,r #ith $erm,n culture: 6e
is ,lso , ne#bie ,t Aiki, ,nd pl,ns on editin% the p,%e #ith cultur,l notes ,nd other cultur,l
in(orm,tion, ,s #ell ,s more in(orm,tion to the Level I course:
$erm,n Nen9* is currentl still studin% $erm,n, but kno#s some m,n #ords ,nd $erm,n
$r,mmer: 6e is pro%ressin% p,%es in the Level I course: .nd is ,lso studin% $ermen Fulture:
Dthers (,dd our n,me ,nd thou%hts here i( ou ,re , serious contributor!
Dther ,nonmous Aikibook contributers (see individu,l p,%e histories!:
2umerous other Aikibooks contributors, especi,ll those (rom the $erm,n Aikibooks:
<he $erm,n-)n%lish l,n%u,%e textbook #,s st,rted in Dctober *00": It #,s one o( the (irst l,n%u,%e
textbooks ,t the )n%lish version o( Aikibooks, (ollo#in% close on the heels o( (,nd borro#in% some
l,out ide,s (rom! the ;p,nish l,n%u,%e textbook then under development b <hom,s ;trohm,nn: )ric
$uinther desi%ned the cover ,nd contents p,%es, exp,ndin% on , cover l,out used (or the ;p,nish
textbook, ,nd these ide,s ,s introductions to l,n%u,%e books h,ve since been #idel copied ,t
Aikibooks (see 4utch, French, Fhinese, 2or#e%i,n, or +om,ni,n (or ex,mples!:
Eersion 1:*, 2ovember *00*
4o-5right "4$ AQQQ,AQQ@,AQQA Free So.tare Foundation, Inc.
K@ Fran(lin St, Floor, &oston, M, QA@@Q2@CQ@ ES,
/>er5one is -er%itted to co-5 and distribute >erbati% co-ies
o. this license docu%ent, but changing it is not alloed.
<he purpose o( this License is to m,ke , m,nu,l, textbook, or other (unction,l ,nd use(ul document >(ree> in the sense o( (reedom8 to
,ssure everone the e((ective (reedom to cop ,nd redistribute it, #ith or #ithout modi(in% it, either commerci,ll or noncommerci,ll:
;econd,ril, this License preserves (or the ,uthor ,nd publisher , #, to %et credit (or their #ork, #hile not bein% considered responsible
(or modi(ic,tions m,de b others:
<his License is , kind o( >cople(t>, #hich me,ns th,t deriv,tive #orks o( the document must themselves be (ree in the s,me sense: It
complements the $23 $ener,l 5ublic License, #hich is , cople(t license desi%ned (or (ree so(t#,re:
Ae h,ve desi%ned this License in order to use it (or m,nu,ls (or (ree so(t#,re, bec,use (ree so(t#,re needs (ree document,tion8 , (ree
pro%r,m should come #ith m,nu,ls providin% the s,me (reedoms th,t the so(t#,re does: ?ut this License is not limited to so(t#,re
m,nu,lsB it c,n be used (or ,n textu,l #ork, re%,rdless o( sub@ect m,tter or #hether it is published ,s , printed book: Ae recommend this
License princip,ll (or #orks #hose purpose is instruction or re(erence:
<his License ,pplies to ,n m,nu,l or other #ork, in ,n medium, th,t cont,ins , notice pl,ced b the copri%ht holder s,in% it c,n be
distributed under the terms o( this License: ;uch , notice %r,nts , #orld-#ide, ro,lt-(ree license, unlimited in dur,tion, to use th,t #ork
under the conditions st,ted herein: <he >4ocument>, belo#, re(ers to ,n such m,nu,l or #ork: .n member o( the public is , licensee,
,nd is ,ddressed ,s >ou>: Lou ,ccept the license i( ou cop, modi( or distribute the #ork in , #, re=uirin% permission under
copri%ht l,#:
. >Nodi(ied Eersion> o( the 4ocument me,ns ,n #ork cont,inin% the 4ocument or , portion o( it, either copied verb,tim, or #ith
modi(ic,tions ,nd9or tr,nsl,ted into ,nother l,n%u,%e:
. >;econd,r ;ection> is , n,med ,ppendix or , (ront-m,tter section o( the 4ocument th,t de,ls exclusivel #ith the rel,tionship o( the
publishers or ,uthors o( the 4ocument to the 4ocumentJs over,ll sub@ect (or to rel,ted m,tters! ,nd cont,ins nothin% th,t could (,ll
directl #ithin th,t over,ll sub@ect: (<hus, i( the 4ocument is in p,rt , textbook o( m,them,tics, , ;econd,r ;ection m, not expl,in ,n
m,them,tics:! <he rel,tionship could be , m,tter o( historic,l connection #ith the sub@ect or #ith rel,ted m,tters, or o( le%,l, commerci,l,
philosophic,l, ethic,l or politic,l position re%,rdin% them:
<he >Inv,ri,nt ;ections> ,re cert,in ;econd,r ;ections #hose titles ,re desi%n,ted, ,s bein% those o( Inv,ri,nt ;ections, in the notice th,t
s,s th,t the 4ocument is rele,sed under this License: I( , section does not (it the ,bove de(inition o( ;econd,r then it is not ,llo#ed to
be desi%n,ted ,s Inv,ri,nt: <he 4ocument m, cont,in 7ero Inv,ri,nt ;ections: I( the 4ocument does not identi( ,n Inv,ri,nt ;ections
then there ,re none:
<he >Fover <exts> ,re cert,in short p,ss,%es o( text th,t ,re listed, ,s Front-Fover <exts or ?,ck-Fover <exts, in the notice th,t s,s th,t
the 4ocument is rele,sed under this License: . Front-Fover <ext m, be ,t most 0 #ords, ,nd , ?,ck-Fover <ext m, be ,t most *0
. ><r,nsp,rent> cop o( the 4ocument me,ns , m,chine-re,d,ble cop, represented in , (orm,t #hose speci(ic,tion is ,v,il,ble to the
%ener,l public, th,t is suit,ble (or revisin% the document str,i%ht(or#,rdl #ith %eneric text editors or ((or im,%es composed o( pixels!
%eneric p,int pro%r,ms or ((or dr,#in%s! some #idel ,v,il,ble dr,#in% editor, ,nd th,t is suit,ble (or input to text (orm,tters or (or
,utom,tic tr,nsl,tion to , v,riet o( (orm,ts suit,ble (or input to text (orm,tters: . cop m,de in ,n other#ise <r,nsp,rent (ile (orm,t
#hose m,rkup, or ,bsence o( m,rkup, h,s been ,rr,n%ed to th#,rt or discour,%e subse=uent modi(ic,tion b re,ders is not <r,nsp,rent:
.n im,%e (orm,t is not <r,nsp,rent i( used (or ,n subst,nti,l ,mount o( text: . cop th,t is not ><r,nsp,rent> is c,lled >Dp,=ue>:
)x,mples o( suit,ble (orm,ts (or <r,nsp,rent copies include pl,in .;FII #ithout m,rkup, <exin(o input (orm,t, L,<e[ input (orm,t,
;$NL or [NL usin% , publicl ,v,il,ble 4<4, ,nd st,nd,rd-con(ormin% simple 6<NL, 5ost;cript or 54F desi%ned (or hum,n
modi(ic,tion: )x,mples o( tr,nsp,rent im,%e (orm,ts include 52$, [FF ,nd H5$: Dp,=ue (orm,ts include propriet,r (orm,ts th,t c,n
be re,d ,nd edited onl b propriet,r #ord processors, ;$NL or [NL (or #hich the 4<4 ,nd9or processin% tools ,re not %ener,ll
,v,il,ble, ,nd the m,chine-%ener,ted 6<NL, 5ost;cript or 54F produced b some #ord processors (or output purposes onl:
<he ><itle 5,%e> me,ns, (or , printed book, the title p,%e itsel(, plus such (ollo#in% p,%es ,s ,re needed to hold, le%ibl, the m,teri,l this
License re=uires to ,ppe,r in the title p,%e: For #orks in (orm,ts #hich do not h,ve ,n title p,%e ,s such, ><itle 5,%e> me,ns the text
ne,r the most prominent ,ppe,r,nce o( the #orkJs title, precedin% the be%innin% o( the bod o( the text:
. section >)ntitled [L'> me,ns , n,med subunit o( the 4ocument #hose title either is precisel [L' or cont,ins [L' in p,rentheses
(ollo#in% text th,t tr,nsl,tes [L' in ,nother l,n%u,%e: (6ere [L' st,nds (or , speci(ic section n,me mentioned belo#, such ,s
>.ckno#led%ements>, >4edic,tions>, >)ndorsements>, or >6istor>:! <o >5reserve the <itle> o( such , section #hen ou modi( the
4ocument me,ns th,t it rem,ins , section >)ntitled [L'> ,ccordin% to this de(inition:
<he 4ocument m, include A,rr,nt 4iscl,imers next to the notice #hich st,tes th,t this License ,pplies to the 4ocument: <hese
A,rr,nt 4iscl,imers ,re considered to be included b re(erence in this License, but onl ,s re%,rds discl,imin% #,rr,nties8 ,n other
implic,tion th,t these A,rr,nt 4iscl,imers m, h,ve is void ,nd h,s no e((ect on the me,nin% o( this License:
Lou m, cop ,nd distribute the 4ocument in ,n medium, either commerci,ll or noncommerci,ll, provided th,t this License, the
copri%ht notices, ,nd the license notice s,in% this License ,pplies to the 4ocument ,re reproduced in ,ll copies, ,nd th,t ou ,dd no
other conditions #h,tsoever to those o( this License: Lou m, not use technic,l me,sures to obstruct or control the re,din% or (urther
copin% o( the copies ou m,ke or distribute: 6o#ever, ou m, ,ccept compens,tion in exch,n%e (or copies: I( ou distribute , l,r%e
enou%h number o( copies ou must ,lso (ollo# the conditions in section ":
Lou m, ,lso lend copies, under the s,me conditions st,ted ,bove, ,nd ou m, publicl displ, copies:
I( ou publish printed copies (or copies in medi, th,t commonl h,ve printed covers! o( the 4ocument, numberin% more th,n 100, ,nd the
4ocumentJs license notice re=uires Fover <exts, ou must enclose the copies in covers th,t c,rr, cle,rl ,nd le%ibl, ,ll these Fover
<exts8 Front-Fover <exts on the (ront cover, ,nd ?,ck-Fover <exts on the b,ck cover: ?oth covers must ,lso cle,rl ,nd le%ibl identi(
ou ,s the publisher o( these copies: <he (ront cover must present the (ull title #ith ,ll #ords o( the title e=u,ll prominent ,nd visible:
Lou m, ,dd other m,teri,l on the covers in ,ddition: Fopin% #ith ch,n%es limited to the covers, ,s lon% ,s the preserve the title o( the
4ocument ,nd s,tis( these conditions, c,n be tre,ted ,s verb,tim copin% in other respects:
I( the re=uired texts (or either cover ,re too voluminous to (it le%ibl, ou should put the (irst ones listed (,s m,n ,s (it re,son,bl! on
the ,ctu,l cover, ,nd continue the rest onto ,d@,cent p,%es:
I( ou publish or distribute Dp,=ue copies o( the 4ocument numberin% more th,n 100, ou must either include , m,chine-re,d,ble
<r,nsp,rent cop ,lon% #ith e,ch Dp,=ue cop, or st,te in or #ith e,ch Dp,=ue cop , computer-net#ork loc,tion (rom #hich the
%ener,l net#ork-usin% public h,s ,ccess to do#nlo,d usin% public-st,nd,rd net#ork protocols , complete <r,nsp,rent cop o( the
4ocument, (ree o( ,dded m,teri,l: I( ou use the l,tter option, ou must t,ke re,son,bl prudent steps, #hen ou be%in distribution o(
Dp,=ue copies in =u,ntit, to ensure th,t this <r,nsp,rent cop #ill rem,in thus ,ccessible ,t the st,ted loc,tion until ,t le,st one e,r
,(ter the l,st time ou distribute ,n Dp,=ue cop (directl or throu%h our ,%ents or ret,ilers! o( th,t edition to the public:
It is re=uested, but not re=uired, th,t ou cont,ct the ,uthors o( the 4ocument #ell be(ore redistributin% ,n l,r%e number o( copies, to
%ive them , ch,nce to provide ou #ith ,n upd,ted version o( the 4ocument:
0% B"5I,I#ATI"D!
Lou m, cop ,nd distribute , Nodi(ied Eersion o( the 4ocument under the conditions o( sections * ,nd " ,bove, provided th,t ou
rele,se the Nodi(ied Eersion under precisel this License, #ith the Nodi(ied Eersion (illin% the role o( the 4ocument, thus licensin%
distribution ,nd modi(ic,tion o( the Nodi(ied Eersion to #hoever possesses , cop o( it: In ,ddition, ou must do these thin%s in the
Nodi(ied Eersion8
A% 3se in the <itle 5,%e (,nd on the covers, i( ,n! , title distinct (rom th,t o( the 4ocument, ,nd (rom those o( previous versions
(#hich should, i( there #ere ,n, be listed in the 6istor section o( the 4ocument!: Lou m, use the s,me title ,s , previous
version i( the ori%in,l publisher o( th,t version %ives permission:
E% List on the <itle 5,%e, ,s ,uthors, one or more persons or entities responsible (or ,uthorship o( the modi(ic,tions in the
Nodi(ied Eersion, to%ether #ith ,t le,st (ive o( the princip,l ,uthors o( the 4ocument (,ll o( its princip,l ,uthors, i( it h,s (e#er
th,n (ive!, unless the rele,se ou (rom this re=uirement:
#% ;t,te on the <itle p,%e the n,me o( the publisher o( the Nodi(ied Eersion, ,s the publisher:
5% 5reserve ,ll the copri%ht notices o( the 4ocument:
E% .dd ,n ,ppropri,te copri%ht notice (or our modi(ic,tions ,d@,cent to the other copri%ht notices:
,% Include, immedi,tel ,(ter the copri%ht notices, , license notice %ivin% the public permission to use the Nodi(ied Eersion
under the terms o( this License, in the (orm sho#n in the .ddendum belo#:
G% 5reserve in th,t license notice the (ull lists o( Inv,ri,nt ;ections ,nd re=uired Fover <exts %iven in the 4ocumentJs license
:% Include ,n un,ltered cop o( this License:
I% 5reserve the section )ntitled >6istor>, 5reserve its <itle, ,nd ,dd to it ,n item st,tin% ,t le,st the title, e,r, ne# ,uthors, ,nd
publisher o( the Nodi(ied Eersion ,s %iven on the <itle 5,%e: I( there is no section )ntitled >6istor> in the 4ocument, cre,te one
st,tin% the title, e,r, ,uthors, ,nd publisher o( the 4ocument ,s %iven on its <itle 5,%e, then ,dd ,n item describin% the Nodi(ied
Eersion ,s st,ted in the previous sentence:
Q% 5reserve the net#ork loc,tion, i( ,n, %iven in the 4ocument (or public ,ccess to , <r,nsp,rent cop o( the 4ocument, ,nd
like#ise the net#ork loc,tions %iven in the 4ocument (or previous versions it #,s b,sed on: <hese m, be pl,ced in the >6istor>
section: Lou m, omit , net#ork loc,tion (or , #ork th,t #,s published ,t le,st (our e,rs be(ore the 4ocument itsel(, or i( the
ori%in,l publisher o( the version it re(ers to %ives permission:
1% For ,n section )ntitled >.ckno#led%ements> or >4edic,tions>, 5reserve the <itle o( the section, ,nd preserve in the section
,ll the subst,nce ,nd tone o( e,ch o( the contributor ,ckno#led%ements ,nd9or dedic,tions %iven therein:
L% 5reserve ,ll the Inv,ri,nt ;ections o( the 4ocument, un,ltered in their text ,nd in their titles: ;ection numbers or the e=uiv,lent
,re not considered p,rt o( the section titles:
B% 4elete ,n section )ntitled >)ndorsements>: ;uch , section m, not be included in the Nodi(ied Eersion:
D% 4o not retitle ,n existin% section to be )ntitled >)ndorsements> or to con(lict in title #ith ,n Inv,ri,nt ;ection:
"% 5reserve ,n A,rr,nt 4iscl,imers:
I( the Nodi(ied Eersion includes ne# (ront-m,tter sections or ,ppendices th,t =u,li( ,s ;econd,r ;ections ,nd cont,in no m,teri,l
copied (rom the 4ocument, ou m, ,t our option desi%n,te some or ,ll o( these sections ,s inv,ri,nt: <o do this, ,dd their titles to the
list o( Inv,ri,nt ;ections in the Nodi(ied EersionJs license notice: <hese titles must be distinct (rom ,n other section titles:
Lou m, ,dd , section )ntitled >)ndorsements>, provided it cont,ins nothin% but endorsements o( our Nodi(ied Eersion b v,rious
p,rties--(or ex,mple, st,tements o( peer revie# or th,t the text h,s been ,pproved b ,n or%,ni7,tion ,s the ,uthorit,tive de(inition o( ,
Lou m, ,dd , p,ss,%e o( up to (ive #ords ,s , Front-Fover <ext, ,nd , p,ss,%e o( up to *0 #ords ,s , ?,ck-Fover <ext, to the end o(
the list o( Fover <exts in the Nodi(ied Eersion: Dnl one p,ss,%e o( Front-Fover <ext ,nd one o( ?,ck-Fover <ext m, be ,dded b (or
throu%h ,rr,n%ements m,de b! ,n one entit: I( the 4ocument ,lre,d includes , cover text (or the s,me cover, previousl ,dded b
ou or b ,rr,n%ement m,de b the s,me entit ou ,re ,ctin% on beh,l( o(, ou m, not ,dd ,notherB but ou m, repl,ce the old one, on
explicit permission (rom the previous publisher th,t ,dded the old one:
<he ,uthor(s! ,nd publisher(s! o( the 4ocument do not b this License %ive permission to use their n,mes (or publicit (or or to ,ssert or
impl endorsement o( ,n Nodi(ied Eersion:
Lou m, combine the 4ocument #ith other documents rele,sed under this License, under the terms de(ined in section 4 ,bove (or
modi(ied versions, provided th,t ou include in the combin,tion ,ll o( the Inv,ri,nt ;ections o( ,ll o( the ori%in,l documents, unmodi(ied,
,nd list them ,ll ,s Inv,ri,nt ;ections o( our combined #ork in its license notice, ,nd th,t ou preserve ,ll their A,rr,nt 4iscl,imers:
<he combined #ork need onl cont,in one cop o( this License, ,nd multiple identic,l Inv,ri,nt ;ections m, be repl,ced #ith , sin%le
cop: I( there ,re multiple Inv,ri,nt ;ections #ith the s,me n,me but di((erent contents, m,ke the title o( e,ch such section uni=ue b
,ddin% ,t the end o( it, in p,rentheses, the n,me o( the ori%in,l ,uthor or publisher o( th,t section i( kno#n, or else , uni=ue number:
N,ke the s,me ,d@ustment to the section titles in the list o( Inv,ri,nt ;ections in the license notice o( the combined #ork:
In the combin,tion, ou must combine ,n sections )ntitled >6istor> in the v,rious ori%in,l documents, (ormin% one section )ntitled
>6istor>B like#ise combine ,n sections )ntitled >.ckno#led%ements>, ,nd ,n sections )ntitled >4edic,tions>: Lou must delete ,ll
sections )ntitled >)ndorsements:>
3% #"LLE#TI"D! ", 5"#MBEDT!
Lou m, m,ke , collection consistin% o( the 4ocument ,nd other documents rele,sed under this License, ,nd repl,ce the individu,l
copies o( this License in the v,rious documents #ith , sin%le cop th,t is included in the collection, provided th,t ou (ollo# the rules o(
this License (or verb,tim copin% o( e,ch o( the documents in ,ll other respects:
Lou m, extr,ct , sin%le document (rom such , collection, ,nd distribute it individu,ll under this License, provided ou insert , cop o(
this License into the extr,cted document, ,nd (ollo# this License in ,ll other respects re%,rdin% verb,tim copin% o( th,t document:
. compil,tion o( the 4ocument or its deriv,tives #ith other sep,r,te ,nd independent documents or #orks, in or on , volume o( , stor,%e
or distribution medium, is c,lled ,n >,%%re%,te> i( the copri%ht resultin% (rom the compil,tion is not used to limit the le%,l ri%hts o( the
compil,tionJs users beond #h,t the individu,l #orks permit: Ahen the 4ocument is included in ,n ,%%re%,te, this License does not
,ppl to the other #orks in the ,%%re%,te #hich ,re not themselves deriv,tive #orks o( the 4ocument:
I( the Fover <ext re=uirement o( section " is ,pplic,ble to these copies o( the 4ocument, then i( the 4ocument is less th,n one h,l( o( the
entire ,%%re%,te, the 4ocumentJs Fover <exts m, be pl,ced on covers th,t br,cket the 4ocument #ithin the ,%%re%,te, or the electronic
e=uiv,lent o( covers i( the 4ocument is in electronic (orm: Dther#ise the must ,ppe,r on printed covers th,t br,cket the #hole
<r,nsl,tion is considered , kind o( modi(ic,tion, so ou m, distribute tr,nsl,tions o( the 4ocument under the terms o( section 4:
+epl,cin% Inv,ri,nt ;ections #ith tr,nsl,tions re=uires speci,l permission (rom their copri%ht holders, but ou m, include tr,nsl,tions
o( some or ,ll Inv,ri,nt ;ections in ,ddition to the ori%in,l versions o( these Inv,ri,nt ;ections: Lou m, include , tr,nsl,tion o( this
License, ,nd ,ll the license notices in the 4ocument, ,nd ,n A,rr,nt 4iscl,imers, provided th,t ou ,lso include the ori%in,l )n%lish
version o( this License ,nd the ori%in,l versions o( those notices ,nd discl,imers: In c,se o( , dis,%reement bet#een the tr,nsl,tion ,nd
the ori%in,l version o( this License or , notice or discl,imer, the ori%in,l version #ill prev,il:
I( , section in the 4ocument is )ntitled >.ckno#led%ements>, >4edic,tions>, or >6istor>, the re=uirement (section 4! to 5reserve its
<itle (section 1! #ill tpic,ll re=uire ch,n%in% the ,ctu,l title:
Lou m, not cop, modi(, sublicense, or distribute the 4ocument except ,s expressl provided (or under this License: .n other ,ttempt
to cop, modi(, sublicense or distribute the 4ocument is void, ,nd #ill ,utom,tic,ll termin,te our ri%hts under this License: 6o#ever,
p,rties #ho h,ve received copies, or ri%hts, (rom ou under this License #ill not h,ve their licenses termin,ted so lon% ,s such p,rties
rem,in in (ull compli,nce:
$&% ,MTM/E /EVI!I"D! ", T:I! LI#ED!E
<he Free ;o(t#,re Found,tion m, publish ne#, revised versions o( the $23 Free 4ocument,tion License (rom time to time: ;uch ne#
versions #ill be simil,r in spirit to the present version, but m, di((er in det,il to ,ddress ne# problems or concerns: ;ee
),ch version o( the License is %iven , distin%uishin% version number: I( the 4ocument speci(ies th,t , p,rticul,r numbered version o( this
License >or ,n l,ter version> ,pplies to it, ou h,ve the option o( (ollo#in% the terms ,nd conditions either o( th,t speci(ied version or o(
,n l,ter version th,t h,s been published (not ,s , dr,(t! b the Free ;o(t#,re Found,tion: I( the 4ocument does not speci( , version
number o( this License, ou m, choose ,n version ever published (not ,s , dr,(t! b the Free ;o(t#,re Found,tion:
E<ternal links
$23 Free 4ocument,tion License (Aikipedi, ,rticle on the license!
D((ici,l $23 F4L #ebp,%e

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