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For English Language Society

Group 1 level 1

Topic : Treasure Hunt

Material needed : Manila cards, marker pens

Resources : Activity Module English for Primary Schools
Page 112
Presentation :
1. Pupils are divided into groups.
2. Each group is given a first letter card with instructions on it.
3. Pupils follow the instructions and collect another letter card once the first instruction
is completed.
4. This goes on until pupils are able to collect all letter cards to form a word.
Example: solar
5. Each group is given a different word to form using the steps above.
Group 1- level 2

Topic: Making A Solar Grill (Co Curricular Activities)
Materials needed: shoe box, aluminum foil, scissors, mesh wire,
cellophane tape, cardboard, pliers, glue

Resources : Activity Module English for Primary Schools Page
Presentation :
1. Pupils bring the materials.
2. Teacher demonstrates how to make the solar grill.
3. Pupils make the solar grill in groups
4. Teacher demonstrates how to use the solar grill
5. Pupils grill the sausages in groups

Group 2-level 2

Topic: Looking Good
1) Arrange jumbled- up letters to form words.

1. Teacher shows pupils a few envelopes.
2. Each group will get 2 envelopes. (envelope A contains green cards, while envelope B
contains blue cards) - envelope A -> SOLAR TOOTHBRUSH, envelope B -> SOLAR HEATER
3.Each card has a letter on it. Every group has to work together to arrange the letters from
the envelopes to form words. There are 2 words for each envelope that pupils have to
come up with.
4. The group that finishes first is the winner and gets the prize.

******(Teacher instructs pupils to arrange the letters in envelope A first before proceeding to
envelope B.)
Group 3

Topic : Save Energy Campaign
Sample Activity
1. Draw posters using suitable slogans.
Example : Save Electricity

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