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From ESC-Fan Community at
Popoular rtists:
Popular composers:
Name: MakDok
Posted: 11/5 - 2014
Only one !ualification in the last " years# an$ the reputation for Euro%ision &eeps $ecreasin' in
Mace$onia. ( hope this is finally the )i' wa&e-up call for MRT.
*To The S&y* was a $ecent try# )ut a'ain they were some years late son'-wise# an$ with one of the
most chaotic choreo'raphies on top of that# it was $estine$ to flop with tele%otin'.
+hat they nee$ is a totally new approach. They can,t sen$ the same S&op-e Fest authors o%er an$
o%er a'ain cause let,s face it .imitro% an$ company -ust aren,t 'oo$ enou'h for success at the
European mar&et. n$ my $efinition of success is not !ualifyin' as the /0
country an$ only
$epen$in' on nei'h)ours %otes# )ut rather top 1 an$ European-charts material.
They nee$ to contemplate ta&in' in forei'n composers an$ authors# li&e most other countries $o.
n$ if they insist with Mace$onians# they ha%e to choose someone who is connecte$ to the
international music scene.
( can only thin& of one internationally acclaime$ Mace$onian composer# who is at another le%el an$
has ha$ tours in Europe an$ the whole worl$ for many years: Kiril Djakovzki.
(t,s time to finally 'i%e him a chance in or$er to try to stop this )a$ tren$.
2e $oes not only &now the mainstream popular music# )ut can also ma&e some 'oo$ inte'rations
with tra$itional ethnic styles. s people alrea$y sai$ the most important thin' is to show somethin'
new# ne%er seen )efore. n$ ( )et he &nows e3actly what to $o.
The artist is less important# )ut ( woul$ propose a youn'# charismatic sin'er with a 'oo$ %ocal.
.aniel 4a-ma&os&i# Ena....
(ma'ine the team 4iril / 4a-ma&os&i for 5ienna 60/1. They really ha%e the &ey for success in front
of them )ut still 'o on in their same ol$fashione$ way.....
Name: Mr. Spock
Posted: 11/5 2014
One lesson we learne$ from Ti-ana,s une3pecte$ result with the -uries is that we can always count
on them if we sen$ acts that can $eli%er %ocally. +hen e%en 7-o&o Tanes&i ma$e into their top /0 in
his semi# $espite the )lan$ son' an$ tasteless act# we can $o it with any other sin'er that can hol$ a
Of course the ri'ht formula will always remain that we nee$ to appeal to both -uries an$ tele%oters
to $o well. n$ )y tele%oters# ( $on,t mean -ust the $iaspora 8it,s too small in Europe9 or the :u'o-
)loc& 8we will continue )ein' un$er$o's there9. O)%iously# we nee$ to 'o for a whole pac&a'e
8son'# sin'er# performance# sta'e act...9.
Mo%in' onto potential artists# a $ream scenario for me woul$ )e:
- ny of the teams that were )ehin$ 4arolina,s two fol& al)ums to write some ethnic son' 8not
necessarily a ;el-&o )alla$# somethin' tone$-$own li&e <Chal'is&a< woul$ )e fine9
- 4iril .-a-&o%s&i or .u&e =o-a$-ie% as a composer# prefera)ly with somethin' li&e their cinematic
- 7i%e a chance to some alternati%e act li&e Foltin# Sarah Mace or =ei the Fish> as lon' as the son's
they come up with won,t )e too ,)ohemian, to stan$ a chance
From the mainstream names# (,ll )e fine with =il)ilo% as a son'writer# Ma'$alena 8-ust ma&e sure
she impro%e$ her %ocals9# ?am)e 8hopefully no one will )rin' up his anti-?7=T statement from a
few years a'o $urin' the ESC season9.
Name: Alex
Posted: 11/5 2014
( thin& it,s more important that we shoul$ focus on the son' rather than the sin'er. s lon' as we 'et
a sin'er that can actually sin'# (,m fine with what the choice is.
( )elie%e it is our $uty as ESC fans to 'ui$e the sin'er to ma&in' the perfect son'. =ecause
Mace$onia,s $efinition of <mo$ern< has en$e$ years a'o. @owa$ays if you want to $o well# you
nee$ to sen$ new# alternati%e music> nothin' that has )een seen in ESC )efore.
rmenia A The @etherlan$s 60/B are 6 e3amples of this. son' without a structure# -ust )uil$s up
into somethin' powerful.. an$ a simple country son'. People seem to li&e seein' new thin's in ESC
these $ays. s lon' as it is pro$uce$ well an$ professionally.
( thin& we shoul$ sen$ somethin' epic female %ocal music. Somethin' li&e this:
+e coul$ e%en throw some ethnic elements into the son'# such as:
$$ a mystical female %oice an$ we ha%e a top /0 conten$er ri'ht there.
To conclu$e# we shoul$ start aimin' for ,$ifferent, an$ ,powerful* with a )i' )an' for the en$in'.
4iril .Fa-&o%s&i woul$ )e an e3cellent choiceG

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