Lesson Plan 1

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Garrett Oleson

Lesson plan for 27 April 2012

Grades teaching today: 1,3
Subect: !odgeball
"#uip$ent needed: 10 foa$ round balls
%daho Standards &argeted: 1' S(illed $o)e$ent, 2' *o)e$ent (no+ledge, ,' -ersonal
and Social .esponsibility
/ar$ up e0ercises: .un 1 lap around the gy$, then line up and run across the gy$
hori1ontally and ha)e the$ do pushups, then run bac( and ha)e the$ do sit ups, then
23ran(enstein,4 5+al(ing, (ic( and reaching for the toes +hile they (ic(6, then butt7
(ic(ers, and then high7(nees, and then shuffles, and lastly, (areo(e'
Setup: "ach tea$ +ill be di)ided by a 172 count, separating the class e)enly' "ach tea$
+ill start on the free7thro+ line of the gy$, +ith the balls set up at half court'
-laying the Ga$e: /hen the instructor yells 2Go4 each tea$ +ill run to grab a ball and
then try to thro+ and hit so$eone on the opposite tea$' &he person +ho is hit by a ball is
out unless they are hit any+here abo)e the shoulders'
Getting bac( in +hen you are out: &here are 3 +ays you $ay get bac( into the ga$e' &he
+ay is if so$eone on your tea$ catches a ball fro$ so$eone on the opposite side' %f
the catch is successful, the person +ho thre+ the ball is no+ out of the ga$e, and another
person fro$ the opposite tea$ +ill be allo+ed to oin the current ga$e again'
8ailbrea(: /hen one tea$ is at a great disad)antage by a loss of $any tea$$ates, the
instructor $ay call 2ailbrea(,4 +hich $eans that e)eryone on both tea$s, no $atter ho+
$any are in or out of the ga$e, are bac( into the ga$e'
Open Season: &his rule is +hen each tea$ is do+n to the last 37, players' &he instructor
$ay call 2open season,4 and students $ay go any+here e0cept the out of bound lines and
try to get the other tea$ out faster'
*odifications needed 5if any6 for children +ith disabilities: 9one needed

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