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Anil Thakraney: Dirty corporate politics

By Anil Thakraney

We will never really know the exact reason behind CEO Vikram Pandits
abrupt departure from Citigroup. And thats because there are always
two sides to a story. Most of the media reports, however, indicate that
Pandit was a victim of organizational politics, that it was unholy play by
his boss that led to Pandits sacking. And this, despite the officers good
performance. Apparently, Citigroups Chairman, Michael ONeill, had been planning Pandits exit for
a very long time.

If indeed that is the case, Pandit becomes just another name in a very long list of senior execs
who were shown the door as a direct result of dirty office politics and back-stabbing.
Unfortunately, this happens quite commonly in organizations, so you can imagine how many bright
minds have fallen by the wayside because they couldnt play the game, or chose not to participate
in it.

I must add here that the No 1 reason I preferred to be a freelance operator was to escape the
clutches of politics. I make less money than I would in a full-time job, I get no annual/sick/casual
leave, and I have long forgotten what Perks means (I am now convinced its just a chocolate
brand). In addition, I often have to chase payments harder than I chase stories. And yet, I am at
complete peace, all the negatives get nullified because I no longer have to put up with shitty
corporate power games.

Popular belief is that some amount of politics does get played in all organizations, that its an
inevitable fact of life. Everyone wants to get ahead fast, everyone wants to retain control, so
messing with another group/individual becomes par for the course. This may be true. And yet, I do
believe this is a cultural issue. If the man/woman at the top encourages a culture of ethics, mutual
respect and integrity, and comes down heavily on back-stabbers, it is possible to build a clean
organization. In fact, I am certain there must be many such across the world. Thats why I believe
its purely a matter of good leadership. And am afraid, if the media reports are accurate, Citigroup
has projected a very sad image of itself.

Surely theres more happiness in achieving goals on ones own merit, and not by trampling on
others? Or am I living in fools paradise?


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