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I. Please tell us about yourself in brief.

II. How old are you.

A. 11-20
B. 21-30
C. 31-40
D. 41-50
E. 51-60
III. Do you use clinic plus shampoo
IV. From where do you buy Clinic Plus Shampoo? Any particular shop?
V. How long have you been using shampoos?
A. 1-10 years
B. 11-20 years
C. 21-30 years
D. 31-40 years
VI. Do you use any other shampoo, if yes, which one?
A. No
B. Pantene
C. Clinic All Clear
D. Sunsilk
E. Others
VII. Who all use Clinic Plus at your home?
A. 1 person
B. More than 1
VIII. Since when are you using Clinic Plus shampoo?
A. 1-5
B. 6-10
C. 11-15
D. 15+
IX. If you go to a shop to buy shampoo and clinic plus is not available, would you prefer to buy a
different brand or go try in a different shop?
A. Different brand
B. Different shop
X. How did you come to know about the clinic plus shampoo
A. Newspaper
B. Television
C. Magazine
D. Word of mouth
E. Others
XI. Rank the below in order of preference:
a. a)Sunsilk b)Head and Shoulders c)Panteen d)Clinic Plus e)Chik
XII. Do you always buy sachet or sometimes bottles also of shampoo?
A. Sachet
B. Bottle
C. Both
XIII. Why do you prefer sachets?
A. Economical
B. Easy to carry, use and dispose
C. Wastage
D. Quality difference

XIV. How many times in a week do you use the shampoo sachet?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 3+
XV. If a new brand of shampoo comes would you prefer to try it?
A. Yes
B. No

Questions Attribute Count
Age Count
How long you have been using shampoos? Count
Do you use any other shampoo, if yes, which one Count
No. of people using Clinic Plus at home Count
Since when are you using Clinic Plus shampoo Count
If not available,Different brand/Different shop Count
How did you come to know about the clinic plus shampoo Count
Sachet/Bottle/Both Count
Why do you prefer sachets Count
How many times in a week do you use the shampoo sachet Count
XV. If a new brand of shampoo comes would you prefer to try it Count

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