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Interdisciplinary Lesson plan

Name: Garrett Oleson

Grade level: 6-8
Class Size: 6
Todays activity: To learn a little bit about te istory o! sports" #ic include te
sub$ect o! te !irst Olympic %ames in ancient Greece" and to per!orm a !e# e&ercises
similar to te Olympic events #it te ancient Gree' Olympics (not to per!orm te
activities e&actly or as strenuous)*
Learning objective of the students: To ave students %ain 'no#led%e and
understandin% o! pysical activity istory by as'in% +uestions about some istoric
sportin% events* ,lso to ave tem per!orm simulations o! tese activities" #ic #ill
only include - simulation events o! runnin%" and discus tro#in% (#e #ill use !risbee.s
!or a simulations o! te discus tro#in%)*
Organization of Students: Students #ill be separated into teams" eac #it di!!erent
people o! di!!erent s'ill levels
Pre-requisites: Students sould ave basic 'no#led%e o! te ancient Olympic %ames in
Gree' istory*
Description of activity: a +uic' and very brie! e&planation about te istory o! ancient
Gree' sports #ill be %iven to te class" and +uestions about tese sports #ill be as' (name
/ o! te 'ey events tat too' place at te ancient Gree' Olympics*) i! te student %ets te
ans#er correct or is close to correct" tey #ill be %iven an advanta%e in te events
dependin% on o# many +uestions tey ans#er ri%t* 0or e&ample" i! a student ans#ers
all +uestions correct" tey #ill be %iven an at most a ten step advanta%e in te runnin%
event"* I! a student only %ets al! correct" tey #ill only %et al! te advanta%e* I! te
student %ets less tan al! te ans#ers correct" tey #ill %et no advanta%e* Students #ill
be divided evenly by s'ill (1ic-2risten" 0eli&-3ereon) and #ill be divided into teams*
Te ob$ect is to ans#er as many +uestions as tey can correctly* Te team tat %ets te
most +uestions correct #ill %et te advanta%e* I! bot teams ans#er te same amount o!
+uestions correctly" no advanta%e #ill be %iven*
Today Students #ill run - laps in a moc' runnin% event" and bot team members must
cross te line in order to be declared te #inner*
ariations: To ma'e te %ames more callen%in%" distance re+uirements could be
!or Those "ho #eed $odifications: 3istance can be decreased on te runnin%" or tey
can #al' at a moderate pace" and te team tat as someone in need o! modi!ications
%ains automatic advanta%e" dependin% on severity o! te in$ury* 0or modi!ications on te
discus" discus distance can be minimized !or tem and tey #ould %ain an advanta%e (in
!eet) dependin% on te distance tro#n (4 !eet !or less tan /5 !eet" 65 !eet !or !e#er tan
-5 !eet" etc*)
%ssess&ent 'deas: ,s' te students #at tey !eel te importance o! competition is*
$ateria(s #eeded: 7ritin% utensil !or te +uiz" and te +uiz itsel!
Time and activities:
8-8:54: #arm ups (8uads"" ri%t" le!t" arm crosses" arm circles)*
8:54-8:64 ta'e istory +uiz and e&plain activity
8:64-8:/4: per!orm activity
8:/4-8:95: cool do#n" as' !or +uestions:cec' !or student understandin%
,ncient Gree' Sports ;istory +uiz to be completed by students a!ter activities
6* ;o# o!ten do te Olympic %ames ta'e place<
-* Name at least - or / events tat too' place in te ,ncient Gree' Olympics*
/* 7ere did te Gree' Olympics ta'e place< (In oter #ords" #at #as te name o! te
Gree' City tat eld te Olympics<)
9* 7o did te Gree's believe tat te Olympic %ames onored<
4* 7ere #omen at tis time allo#ed to compete in te Olympics<

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