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Title: When I'm Big

By: Ashley Krolewicz

Date: Wednesday October 3rd 2!2
I. Standard: "se a combination o# drawing$ dictating$ and writing to com%ose
in#ormati&e'e(%lanatory te(ts in which they name what they are writing abo)t
and s)%%ly some in#ormation abo)t the to%ic*
With g)idance and s)%%ort #rom ad)lts$ res%ond to +)estions and s)ggestions
#rom %eers and add details to strengthen writing as needed*
II. Objective/Target
,ractice %rocess-writing and contin)ing writing acti&ities
T.W res%ond to a +)estion and s)ggestions #rom %eers and add details to strengthen
writing as needed*
T.W res%ond to a +)estion )sing %ro%er ca%italization and %)nct)ation
T.W res%ond to a +)estion gi&ing some detail*
State Behavior Expectations
What do yo) need to be doing when I am reading these %oems/ 0listening1
Where do yo)r eyes need to be/ 0on yo)1
2ow are we going to sit/ 0)% straight1
Where are we going to 3ee% o)r hands/ 04olded on the table1
III. Anticipatory Set:
5ead boo3: When I'm Big6 by 7ila Aye and Tim Dr)ry

I* Anno)nce that I am going to read a boo3*
II* 8tate beha&ior e(%ectations by as3ing learners: What do yo) need to be doing when I am
reading this boo3/ 0listening1* Where do yo)r eyes need to be/ 0on yo)1$ 2ow are we going
to sit/ 0"% 8traight1* Where are we going to 3ee% o)r hands/ 0#olded on the table1*
III* 5ead the boo3*
I9* Tell st)dents to thin3 abo)t what they want to be when they are big*
9* 2a&e st)dents share with a %artner* 0Thin3-,air-8hare1*
9I* 2a&e st)dents write their answer on a sheet o# %a%er* Their answer m)st be in com%lete
sentences* It doesn't need to be s%elled !: correctly* They need to try their %ersonal
best* ;a%italization and ,)nct)ation is a <"8T= 2a&e st)dents brain storm ideas that they
wo)ld li3e to incor%orate in their %oem* .earners will )se this brainstorming techni+)e as a
way to organize their tho)ghts*
9II* When st)dents ha&e #inished writing their answer$ they will draw a %ict)re o# themsel&es
when they are big*
9III* When st)dents ha&e #inished drawing their %ict)re$ we'll do a whi% aro)nd %ass o# what
they want to be when they are big*
Keep every students !or"# They !i$$ be put into a c$ass boo"% as !e$$ as &ade into individua$
boo"$ets during the cu$&inating $esson# Do not ha&e st)dents %)t their wor3 in their mailbo( to ta3e
A* Thin3ing .e&els: Bloom>s Ta(onomy 0re#er to other %ages in Te(t and Ti%s
!* Knowledge -,rior 3nowledge o# res%onding to a gi&en %rom%t? %rior 3nowledge
o# writing a com%lete sentence )sing %ro%er %)nct)ation and ca%italization
2* A%%lication- "sing 3nowledge to answer the daily +)estion in a com%lete
3* Analysis- ;om%are answers to others in the class 0thin3-,air-8hare1
@* 8ynthesis- "se brainstorming ideas to answer the daily +)estion*
A* B&al)ation C Why did yo) chose that 'career' when yo) get big/
B* .earning 8tyles and'or <)lti%le Intelligence
9erbal ling)istic: s%ea3ing$ sharing$ and disc)ssing st)dent's chosen careers with
%artners thro)gh thin3-,air-8hare
9is)al'8%atial: Drawing a re%resentation o# their chosen career*
0B&ent)ally1 This will be Inter%ersonal thro)gh coo%erating learning in centers
;* <ethods:
Writing'answering +)estions
The boo3 DWhen I'm Big6 by 7ila Aye and Tim Dr)ry
Wor3sheet o)tline #or their res%onse and drawing$
The teacher will model that their answers sho)ld incl)de at least one detail o# why they ha&e
chosen their s%eci#ic answer*
The teacher will read a boo3 that answers the daily +)estion*
I# st)dents are ha&ing di##ic)lties thin3ing o# a career$ re#er bac3 to some o# the careers that
was mentioned in the boo3* 2a&e st)dents thin3 abo)t some %eo%le they 3now and what they
do #or a li&ing*
The teacher will chec3 #or )nderstanding by as3ing st)dents the st)dents: DWhat are we going
to do #irst/6 0The st)dents are to write what career'Eob they wo)ld want to ha&e1* The teacher
wo)ld then as3$ DA#ter yo)'&e written yo)r answer that is in a com%lete sentence$ then what do
yo) do/6 The st)dents are to draw a %ict)re to go along with their answer
(I. )hec"ing *or +nderstanding:
The teacher will chec3 #or )nderstanding by as3ing st)dents the st)dents: DWhat are we
going to do #irst/6 0The st)dents are to write what s)%er%ower they wo)ld want to ha&e1*
The teacher wo)ld then as3$ DA#ter yo)'&e written yo)r answer that is in a com%lete
sentence$ then what do yo) do/6 The st)dents are to draw a %ict)re to go along with their
The teacher will circ)late aro)nd the room and chec3 st)dent wor3*
(II. ,uided -ractice:
A* The daily +)estion ro)tine will become a daily center* The st)dents will become
#amiliar with the ro)tine o# answering the daily +)estion with the )nderstanding that they
are ma3ing their own %ersonal boo3s*
Thro)gh centers$ the teacher can circ)late aro)nd the room and catch errors inde%endently
in sentence #ormation$ ca%italization$ and %)nct)ation* 8t)dents will be doing se&eral other
centers thro)gho)t this )nit to b)ild writing stamina and #ewer errors in daily writing*
(III. Independent -ractice:
,ractice %rocess-writing and contin)ing writing acti&ities
T.W res%ond to the +)estion and s)ggestions #rom %eers and add details to strengthen
writing as needed*
T.W res%ond to a +)estion )sing %ro%er ca%italization and %)nct)ation
T.W res%ond to a +)estion gi&ing some detail*
8t)dents will be doing this inde%endently in centers a#ter they ha&e #amiliarized themsel&es
with the ro)tine
I.. )$osure:
Whi% aro)nd %ass o# the career they ha&e chosen'What they want to be when they get big
.. Assess&ent
The teacher will be assessing st)dents by monitoring their sentence #ormation*
The teacher will be assessing st)dents %rogress by monitoring st)dent stamina and errors
thro)gh centers*
.I. /e*$ection: *or every $esson
5e#lect on the +)estion* Fet a #eel #or what ty%e o# +)estions st)dents li3e to be as3ed*
Whether it be #iction or non-#iction sort o# creation* Whether they ha&e to loo3 bac3 at memory$
or thin3 creati&ely*
05e&ised'Bdited by
.* <c;rea$ 2!21

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