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Portfolio Introduction

This portfolio explains different ideas and strategies that a teacher can use when teaching
ELL students. Its important that the teacher meets the needs of all students in his or her
classroom in order to ensure the success for each student. My portfolio uses a variety of
techniques that the teacher will be able to incorporate in his or her lesson depending on their
students English mastery. Different activities that youll get in this portfolio are; sentence
structure activities, scaffolding techniques with L1 and L2 learners, and vocabulary activities.

This portfolio will demonstrate my knowledge and skills for teaching ELLs because, Im
able to use strategies such as assessments to help gage how well the student is preforming in the
classroom. By using assessments you are able to actively observe and record the students in
order to recognize his or her strengths and weaknesses. After a thorough assessment, the teacher
is able to make different types of lessons thatll help the student in that content area. This
portfolio is geared towards students in 6th

World Cultures, 7
Texas History, and 8
American History classroom.

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