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Catherine Liebrock Grade Level: 2

2013-2014 September 30- October 4 Communication Art
Academic Standard!"-#A Chapter 4
CC.1.1 $oundational kill: Student %ain a &orkin% kno&led%e o' concept o' print( alphabetic principal and other baic
CC.1.2 )eadin% *n'ormational te+t: Student read( undertand( and repond to in'ormational te+t- &ith emphai on
comprehenion( makin% connection amon% idea and bet&een te+t &ith 'ocu on te+tual evidence,
CC.1.3 readin% literature tudent read and repond to &ork o' literature- &ith emphai on comprehenion( makin%
connection amon% idea and bet&een te+t &it 'ocu on te+tual evidence,
CC.1.4 -ritin%: Student &rite 'or di''erent purpoe and audience, Student &rite clear and 'ocued te+t to conve. a
&ell-de'ined perpective and appropriate content,
Students will:
CC,1,1,2,1 2no& and appl. %rade level phonic and &ord anal.i kill in decodin% &ord,
1itin%uih lon% and hort vo&el &hen readin% re%ularl. pelled one-.llable &ord,
CC.1.1.2.E: )ead &ith accurac. and 'luenc. to upport comprehenion:
)ead on-level te+t &ith purpoe and undertandin%,
CC.1.2.2.B: Ak and an&er 3uetion uch a &ho( &hat( &here( &hen( &h.( and ho& to demontrate undertandin%
o' ke. detail in a te+t,
CC.1.3.2.J: Ac3uire and ue %rade-appropriate converational( %eneral academic( and domain-peci'ic &ord and
CC.1.3.2.G: 4e in'ormation 'rom illutration and &ord( in print or di%ital te+t( to demontrate undertandin% o'
character( ettin%( or plot,
1emontrate a %rade appropriate command o' the convention o' tandard 5n%lih %rammar and pellin%,
Capitali6e proper noun,
4e comma and apotrophe appropriatel.,
Spell &ord dra&in% on common pellin% pattern,
Conult re'erence material a needed,
CC.1.4.2.L: 1emontrate a %rade appropriate command o' the convention o' tandard 5n%lih %rammar and pellin%,
5ential07opical0Guidin% 8uetion!"
9o& do &e ho& tatement( command( 3uetion( and e+clamation:
9o& do &e ue )obut vocabular. in ever.da. lan%ua%e:
9o& do &e read a paa%e and pick out the detail and main idea:
9o& can &e ummari6e a hort tor.:
-hat i the bet &a. to ho& a phonetic pattern:
-hat component create a entence:
Ob;ective !/loom< 7a+onom."
Students will:
5+plore &a. to ue robut vocabular. in ever.da. lan%ua%e
1emontrate abilit. 'ollo& a phonetic pattern
5+plain the main idea and detail o' a paa%e
Appl. abilit. to ue correct punctuation,
1emontrate abilit. to contruct a entence
Aement Option0#er'ormance Criteria
Students will:
Oberve tudent 3uetion and an&er in cla dicuion
Correct all tation heet,
5nd o' election aement
5ential Learnin% and Learnin% Opportunitie
Students will:
4ndertand and comprehend >ei%hborhood >e& read aloud a the tudent act out the character
4ndertand and de'ine the )obut vocabular. throu%h %ivin% real li'e e+ample
Antholo%. read aloud and litenin% tet
#honic 3ui6- complete the tet independentl., )evie& vo&el ound be'ore tet,
Complete tation b. pendin% 12-1? minute at each one in %roup o' 'our
)obut @ocabular.- -rite the de'inition on one ide o' the card,
Character- read a tor. and an&er the character inveti%ation heet o' entence-complete entence reco%nition heet and identi'.in% entence
=ain *dea-
Sub;ect and #redicate- complete the ub;ect and predicate heet
Complete be%innin% o' leon revie& tet independentl.,
-ork on practice book pa%e revie&in% leon 1-4
Complete and 'inih leon revie& tet independentl.,
4ndertand robut vocabular. 'rom -inner >ever 8uit b. =ia 9amm
Liten to antholo%. read aloud read b. the teacher
Liten to -inner >ever 8uit b. =ia 9amm read aloud b. the teacher
4ndertand noun b. completin% the part o' peech 'lip book and Grammar /ook pa%e 1A a a &hole cla
and 20 independentl.,
7imeline 1 hour and 30 minute
1i''erentiation: Content( #roce !Learnin% Opportunitie"( #roduct !Aement Option"
Allo& tudent to &ork in partner or team o that thoe &ho tru%%le &ith an. o' the concept can complete the
7icket out the door &hen prompted &ith a entence repond &ith the correct 'orm,
5ential =aterial
#honic 3ui6-21
)obut vocabular. card-21
Grammar 3ui6- 21
#ractice book- 21
Character inveti%ation heet-21
Sub;ect and predicate heet-21
Complete entence heet-21
Sentence heet- 21
)ubric or Checklit
)e'lective Aement
1, 7o &hat e+tent &ere tudent productivel. en%a%ed:
2, 1id the tudent learn &hat * intended:
3, 1id * modi'. m. intruction:
4, -hat &ould * do di''erentl. ne+t time:

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