Instructionalplan Learningstrategy

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Grade level of targeted Student: 6th Subject Area: Social Studies

Learning Strategy: Advanced Organizer Specific Content:

I will introduce the strategy by first showing the student a visual of
the advanced organizer. I will go on to explain that when completed it will
provide us with the !big picture" or overview of the chapter. I will explain
that this strategy can help us anticipate what is to come in the chapter before
we explore the content of the chapter. #he advanced organizer also
introduces us to the vocabulary in the chapter allowing us to become
familiar with the language before we begin reading.
#he specific student I will be teaching this strategy to has had great
success with graphic organizers in the past. $e feels that graphic organizers
help him when he is feeling overwhelmed with the content in a chapter
which is this student%s typical response. $e was able to articulate this
concern to me as&ing what else he could do to address this issue while in
class reading from a textboo&. 'y teaching him this strategy I hope to
empower him with specific tools to reduce the stress created by feeling
overwhelmed at the start of each chapter. #his student also struggles with
understanding the content that involves vocabulary he does not comprehend.
$e gets frustrated with himself and has explained that he feels !dumb" when
he encounters this problem. #his strategy should help him by presenting the
vocabulary to him before the chapter begins. (y hope is to give this student
the tools he needs to learn how to approach reading with confidence a
stronger opportunity to understand the content and overall improved sense
of self)esteem while in the classroom.
#o model this strategy I will present each section of the organizer
step by step with the student. It will be essential to clearly explain how to
find the information that is written within each section. I will use a
completed graphic organizer of the most recent chapter read in class to
ensure the student will feel comfortable with the content and is in a position
to apply his focus on the advanced organizer. #he textboo& will be used as a
resource as we wor& through each section so the student can see exactly
where the information in placed within the chapter to benefit from the
textboo&%s organization and context.
!At the top of the advanced organizer is the Title of the Units Section.
I have written !*hat were the +ounders% 'asic Ideas About ,overnment-"
I will then direct the student to the exact page in the text that displays this
information. clearly explaining !#his is the /nit page." #his page explains
what the entire unit will be about. In this graphic organizer the essential
information is contained the title of the unit.
!#he section below is the Title of Current Chapter. It is best to move
to that section next so we &now exactly what lesson0chapter we will be
focusing on. #his chapter is !*hat was America li&e in the 1223%s-" I will
then ta&e the student to the first page of the chapter and show the student
exactly where that information is located. !#he section to the left is the #itle
of the 4ast Chapter. +or this chapter we will put 5none% as this is the first
chapter of the unit. #he section to the right is the #itle of the 6ext Chapter.
In this section we will put the title of Chapter 7 which is !*hy did the
+ounders thin& we needed a government-" I will direct the student to the
specific page in the boo& that contains the information about the next
!6ext we will learn about the Important Vocabulary section. 8ach
vocabulary word listed on the organizer is a bolded word within the text in
this chapter. 4et%s go through the chapter and find each vocabulary word. I
suggest that after you complete this section and find the vocabulary words
you loo& up the definitions of those vocabulary words. 9ou could ma&e
flash cards or you could highlight the sentence within the text that provides
the definition. #his will help you when we read the chapter during class."
!6ow we will move onto the Chapter Map. #he chapter map is li&e
the graphic organizers you have used in the past. #he large bubble has the
ma:or main idea of the chapter and the smaller bubbles have the details that
support the main idea. It is important to note that these bubbles are small for
a reason. #here should not be any ma:or content in these bubbles :ust main
points. #ry to use as few words as possible. 4et%s go through the chapter
together and find the information that should go in the bubbles." I would
wor& through the chapter with the student pointing out the specific
subheadings from which the bubbled information came.
!6ext we will focus on the Guiding Questions section of the advanced
organizer. #his section includes ;uestions that are big and broad. #hey
usually can be answered in one or two words. #he simple ;uestions are
tools to help guide you through the content of the chapter." I would then
share my ;uestions with the student and show them where you can find the
answers within the text.
!#he last section in the advanced organizer is Connections to Prior
and uture Chapters! In this section you will be able to write things you
already &new that relate to this chapter as well as things you thin& this
chapter might lead to. I thin& this chapter will lead to the 5+ounders wanting
their own government%."
Guided Practice:
8ach time this student completes an advanced organizer I will as& the
student to fill out a provided form to share his own opinion about his wor&.
#ypical ;uestions to prompt meaningful responses would include< !Are you
feeling comfortable with this strategy and how do you feel about the
chapter-" I will have multiple options for each ;uestion so he will only need
to circle which response best conveys his feelings. I will review the
student%s completed form and add with my own notes regarding his
achievements in terms of completion and areas of particular success. 'y
using these forms I will be able to monitor his progress with this particular
strategy. As the main purpose of teaching this strategy is to increase the
student%s self)confidence in textboo& related learning I will pay particular
attention to his comfort level with the strategy to gauge his performance.
I will instruct this student to practice this strategy for the chapter he is
about to start in his social studies class. I will as& him to complete it right
after showing him my completed advanced organizer to help him in
retaining the information. #o ensure that he is comfortable with the process
I will have him lead me his process through step by step. Since this
particular student struggles with confidence I want to ma&e absolutely
certain he believes in his ability to successfully use this strategy. *hen
beginning to put this plan to wor& I will provide one)on)one guidance and
support as needed. I will be the student%s learning partner answering his
;uestions and as&ing him ;uestions to help deepen his understanding of the
strategy. (oving forward through the process I will gradually decrease my
direct involvement. #he first time he completes an advanced organizer on
his own I will be present in the classroom however I will not be going
through the strategy step by step. I will be there to answer any ;uestions he
might have during his wor& time. #he next time this student completes an
advanced organizer I will not be present. I would li&e him to complete the
strategy without being able to as& any ;uestions. I believe this final step will
be the most telling about whether or not he is ready to use this strategy
Independent Practice:
#he student will be able to use this strategy at the beginning of a
chapter in any content area. *hether it is social studies science or math the
concept of the advanced organizer stays the same. I taught this student the
strategy to help him feel more confident and ready when beginning a chapter
in class. to maximize his continued progress this student should spend
resource time completing this activity on an ongoing basis. I will explain to
this student that at this point the power is in his hands. I want him to
understand that he is ultimately the one in charge of his learning. I do not
want to re;uire the advanced organizer if possible but rather urge the
student to see it as a resource to help him get the most of every learning
opportunity stay in control of his study plans and reduce stressful feelings
of being overwhelmed.
I would &now that the student is generalizing the learning strategy if
he is completing the advanced organizer for multiple sub:ect areas. $e might
also use small components of the strategy when appropriate. If I see this
student loo&ing at the vocabulary in a chapter before he begins reading I
will &now that he is generalizing the learning strategy. I could ma&e a
resource folder for this student labeled "earning Strategies that would
contain examples and0or templates for all of the strategies he has learned.
#he file would be available if the student needs to review a strategy that
would apply to particular classroom situations. I might also encourage him
to apply the strategy if I observe a potential challenge. !It might be helpful
to complete a graphic organizer for this next chapter there is a lot of new
vocabulary=" I want to give the student support while giving him the
opportunity to be in charge of his learning.

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