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Name: ___Derek Jones___ Grade: _4___Title: ___Economic Life of an Ahupua'a___________

Connection to GLO(s): GLO 2: Community Contributor!he un"erstan"in# that it is essentia$ for human bein#s to %ork
2&2Cooperates %ith an" he$ps an" encoura#es others in #roup situations&
Enduring Understanding(s): ' can "escribe a typica$ "ay in the economic $ife of a (a%aiian in the Ahupua'a system&
Guiding Questions: )hat is the typica$ "ay in the economic $ife of the Ahupua'a system* )hat %as it $ike to $i+e in (a%aii
before there %ere stores an" factories*
S!eci"ic content area standard/#enchmar The !er"ormance tas gi$es students o!!ortunit% to demonstrate
no&ledge to meet the #enchmar
Benchmar: ,,&4&-&2 E.p$ain the history of (a%aii's ear$y economy
Sam!le 'er"ormance (ssessment: !he ,tu"ent: can summari/e the barterin# system in their
The !er"ormance tas gi$es students o!!ortunit% to demonstrate no&ledge to meet the #enchmar
)ormati$e assessments (a!!lied a!!ro!riatel% throughout lesson):
!eacher %i$$ check on stu"ents as he0she #oes& As stu"ents sit in 1 "ifferent #roups2 #o to the #roups an" ta$k to the about
the - "ifferent Ahupua'a sections& Ask them about natura$ resources pro+i"e" prior to %estern contact& En#a#e stu"ents in
con+ersation about their barterin# system&
Summati$e assessment (includes checlist or ru#ric):
3oints ,corin# Criteria 4#roup5
2 6 ,tu"ent can accurate$y "escribe economic $ife of an Ahupua'a on their o%n
6 ,tu"ent can accurate$y i"entify an" "escribe Ahupua'a resources on their o%n
6 ,tu"ent contribute" fu$$ effort to the #roup
7 6 ,tu"ent can accurate$y "escribe Ahupua'a resources if prompte"
6 ,tu"ent can accurate$y "escribe economic $ife of an Ahupua'a if prompte"
6 ,tu"ent partia$$y participate" %ith their #roup
8 6 ,tu"ent "oes not sho% un"erstan"in# of economic $ife of an Ahupua'a
6 ,tu"ent "oes not sho% un"erstan"in# of Ahupua'a resources
6 ,tu"ent "i" not participate %ith their #roup
ACE' 4 9 Informal and formal assessment
Can"i"ate p$ans appropriate formati+e an" summati+e assessments to #ui"e an" assess stu"ent $earnin#2 inc$u"in# scorin#
Acti+ities0'nstructiona$ ,trate#ies
Clear ste!s that con$e% the use o" multi!le strategies* resources and technolog%
(cti$ating 'rior +no&ledge: !eacher an" stu"ents %i$$ meet on the carpet to "iscuss %hat an Ahupua'a is& As a c$ass %e
ha" a $esson on Ahupua'a the pre+ious %eek so this portion %i$$ be re+ie%& Discuss %hat an Ahupua'a is an" the sections
they're portione" into& Discuss the ru$es pertainin# to an Ahupua'a& (a+e stu"ents turn an" ta$k "urin# the con+ersation to
ensure that e+erybo"y is on the same pa#e&
,ini Lesson: !here %i$$ be a :uick ;eynote presentation as %e$$ as con+ersation re#ar"in# economic $ife of an ahupua'a&
)e %i$$ "iscuss resources a+ai$ab$e to (a%aiians before %estern contact an" ho% it %as use" to barter& !a$k about ho%
(a%aiians ha" to be resourcefu$ an" $i+e %ithin their means as they cou$" not use other Ahupuaa for resources& E.p$ain
throu#h the presentation ho% "ifferent peop$e specia$i/e" in "ifferent resources& ,ho%case e.amp$es of %hat may be use"
as barter as it %i$$ be an important part of the stu"ents pro<ect& A$$ resources %i$$ be $inke" throu#h the presentation& (a+e
stu"ents turn an" ta$k to "eci"e if they think the barter is #oo"2 or they shou$" pass& ,tu"ents can %rite their ans%ers on
s$ates to "escrease shoutin#&
Emphasi/e #oo" tra"es as %e$$ as ba" tra"es& !a$k about price points an" the conse:uences of bein# to e.pensi+e2 or too
cheap& ,tu"ents %i$$ turn an" ta$k as %e$$ as $ist pro's an" con's of the prices %ith #raphic or#ani/er&
-or Time: !he c$ass %i$$ be "i+i"e" into si. separate #roups& Each #roup %i$$ be #i+en a cut6out that is a section 4moku5
of Oahu 4;ona section2 E%a section2 )aianae section2 etc&5& )ithin their #roups2 they %i$$ create their o%n barterin#
system an" create it on their portion of the is$an"& Encoura#e the use of pictures in a""itions to <ust %or"s& A$so2 for the sake
of it bein# their o%n Ahupua'a 4an" for fun52 a$$o% the stu"ents to try an" %ork out "ea$s %ith other #roups for barterin#&
Emphasi/e that if a #roup says =no> to $ea+e it at that& ,tu"ents %i$$ recor" their resources an" the barterin# prices on their
pieces of is$an"& 't is important to %a$k the room an" monitor to ensure that e+ery stu"ent is on task&
Closure: After finishin# their Ahupua'a stu"ents %i$$ be brou#ht back to the carpet to present their systems to the rest of the
c$ass& !hey %i$$ "iscuss %hether or not they forme" any a$$iances %ith other #roups2 %hether they remaine" in"epen"ent2
etc& (a+e stu"ents pair an" share simi$arities an" "ifferences bet%een actua$ Ahupua'a an" their o%n an" share %ith the
c$ass& Ask stu"ents to "iscuss %hich min"fu$ habits they use" "urin# the $esson2 an" %hich cou$" be use" in the future to
impro+e the $esson&Note: (s students onl% ha$e . hour* this ma% not all get done in one da%/ 0" needed* allo& students
time to "inish on another da%/
1i""erentiation 'lan
(da!tations connected to instructional strategies
1i""erentiate the learning en$ironment* content* !rocess* or !er"ormance tas "or indi$iduals or small grou!s (e/g/*
accelerated* ELL/,LL students)/
'"entify the type of nee" 4e&#&2 ELL0?LL2
acce$erate" stu"ents2 rea"in# nee"s2 @84 stu"ents2
stru##$in# $earners2 enrichment5
List the type of "ifferentiation 4$earnin# en+ironment2 content2
process2 or performance task5 an" te$$ ho% you %i$$ "ifferentiate
,tru##$in# Learners Learnin# en+ironment ,tru##$in# $earners %i$$ be put
into #roups %ith hi#her
achie+in# stu"ents that can he$p
#ui"e their $earnin#
Acce$erate" Learners Learnin# en+ironment (i#her achie+in# stu"ents %i$$
be p$ace" %ith $o%er achie+in#
stu"ents an" he$p #ui"e their
1uration: 2 47 5hour sessions
,aterials: penci$2 paper2 construction paper2 co$or penci$s2 markers

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