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NCSS Theme #1 Lesson Plan: Culture

Lesson Title: Religions from Around the Globe

Lesson Author: Robert Atkinson, Ansis Nudiens

Key Curriculum Words: Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism

Grade Level: 9
Grade World History

Time Allotted: 90 minutes

The purpose of this lesson is to ensure that students will be able to not only understand
the many religions of the world, but how they interrelate to each other. More importantly
however, they will have a better understanding of the people who follow such
This lesson will be aimed to address the SOL requirements for WHII.14 sections a and
b. It was designed for a ninth grade world history class and is intended to help students
understand the world religions, where they are located geographically, and to better
understand people within a global context and become a more tolerant individual as a
Key Concepts:
Polytheism (multiple deities)
Monotheism (single deity)
Sacred Texts (ex: Bible, Torah, Koran)
Unity (A universal oneness)

SOL Objective (Essential Knowledge and Skills)
WHII.14 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the influence of Judaism,
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism in the contemporary world by
a) Describing their beliefs, sacred writings, traditions, and customs;
b) Locating the geographic distribution of religions in the contemporary world.
NCSS Theme
The lesson will be focused on NCSS Standard number 1, which is culture. It will show
how religion is not only an important part of peoples culture, but how these cultures
shaped by religion have gone on to impact the world throughout history.

Guiding Questions
What are some characteristics of the major world religions?
What similarities and differences do these religions have?
Are their any overlying themes that connect the religions
What impact do these religions have on cultures
Where are these religions concentrated globally?

The Days Big Question
How do religions from around the world impact the culture in which they are prominent?

Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will learn about the traditions, beliefs, and practices of major religions all over
the world.
2. Students will be asked to compare and contrast Islam with Hinduism and Buddhism, as
well as Christianity with Judaism.
3. Students know where not only these 5 religions are prominent, but where other
religions are prominent in the world as well.

1. Using resources from the classroom, or the internet, students will fill out a chart,
depicting the characteristics, traditions and beliefs of many world religions

2. Using what they learned from filling in the chart, they will be asked to compare
and contrast Judaism with Christianity, as well as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam.

Textbooks, or books from the library about world religions
Internet access
The world religion chart
The Venn diagrams
Overhead Projector
Marker for whiteboard
Just Do It! (15minutes)
As a journal entry, students will take the time to write a journal entry, where they each
list the 5 most significant incidents of religion impacting history. We will then write
these moments down on the whiteboard and discuss them. Why did they choose this
event? What events are popular among the students?
Activities (60 minutes)
Religion Chart: (20 minutes) Students will fill in a chart that asks them to indicate the
beliefs, traditions, and practices of many world religions. Students will have access to
classroom, library, and internet materials in order to fill in the chart. We will then take
(10 minutes) to discuss what they found, writing their discoveries on the whiteboard
Venn Diagram (20 minutes) Having learned about Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam,
Christianity, Judaism, and other religions, they will fill in two Venn diagrams comparing
specifically, Judaism and Christianity, as well as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. We
will then take (10) minutes to discuss the similarities of the religions, and talk about the
overall themes that these religions promote.
Closure (15 minutes)
Students will fill in the worksheet where they will indicate what major religions are
located in the designated locations. We will then briefly discuss what they wrote down
before they are dismissed.
Diverse Learner Accommodations
Students will start by learning the basic information on their own and it will build
toward more complex thinking and understanding. This will help slow learners
We will be discussing everything the individual students do as a group, so
everybody is on the same page
Both audial and visual learners will be helped, because there are charts that help
put things into context for visual learners, and discussion to help visual learners
IEPs that require students to get extra time on assignments will not be necessary,
as these assignments are not for grades, and it is expected that some students will
not finish. The discussion at the end of each section will allow for these students
to learn the required information, regardless of whether or not they have finished.

What are some beliefs, traditions, and practices of the
following religions?

Christianity Judaism
Islam Hinduism
Buddhism Rastafarianism
Mormonism Scientology

What Religions are Prominent in the following locations?

North America

Western Europe

Eastern Europe

Middle East

Northern Africa


North America

South America

Southern and Southeast Asia (India, Philippines, Vietnam)

Central and Eastern Asia (China, Japan, Mongolia)

Fill Out the Venn Diagrams Indicating the Beliefs,
Characteristics, and Traditions of the Following Religions

Islam Buddhism

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