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Critical Thinking Questions

NB: See detailed expectations under Instructions for the Critical Journal (posted)
Your Nae: !nahi "elix
Class Tie and #a$s: Intro to %uanities &&''( )*" &&:''+&&:,' a ( cultural acti-it$
.C) /)"!
Title of 0ork: The -irgin nursing the christ child
!uthor1!rtist of 0ork: 2eter paul 3u4ens "leish
&( *hat do $ou think the 0ork5s ain arguent6 point6 or conclusion ight 4e7
The artist ain point in this painting is that he is tr$ing to sho0 ho0 nurturing others
are( )others are -ie0ed as nurutring people6 the$ are gentle and tender 0ith childeren(
8speciall$ 0ith one9s o0n( In this case this is a painitng of The -irgin )ar$ 4reastfeeding
Jesus christ( This painting is suppose to 4e a 4eautiful painting of a other feeding her
$oung( 8speciall$ if its a4out Jesus6 this eans a lot to a lot of people 0ho 4eli-e in hi(
:( ;i-e three 0a$s the artist1author supports his1her point:
<=nl$ if $ou get the arguent in >uestion one (&) correct6 can $ou get this part correct
4ecause these are the supporting eleents to that arguent?
a( )other )ar$
4( The 4a$ Jesus Christ
c sho0ing capasion and feeding the 4a4$
@( %o0 ight the artist1author5s historical period and location (i(e( context) ha-e affected
ho0 he1she chose to ake his1her point7
The authors historical period and location ight ha-e affected ho0 he aor she ade her
point Aust 4$ if the people 4eli-e in Jesus or the -irgin )ar$( )an$ people at the tie
didnt a long tie agao( But no0 there are an$ people that do 4elei-e in hi( This
painting 4eing the /tah useu of fine arts6 people go there to look at this painitng( !
4eautiful thing to notice a4out this painting is so that people can see ho0 the -irgin ar$
0as so nurturing to her 4a4$ and people 0ant to see that others are preci-ed that(
B( #uring the tie period 0hen the 0ork 0as created 0hat social groups (for exaple:
econoic classC religious affiliationC political groupC ethnic1linguistic groupC gender) 0ere
4eing addressed7 *h$ do $ou think so7
NB: There should 4e e-idence for this in the aterial D explicitl$ stated6 or iplied 4$ the
This paintied 0as 4eing addressed to people 0ho are religious6 or 4elie-e in Jesus chirst(
Its also 4eing addressed to an$ race or different poeople around the countr$ 0ho coe to
the exhi4it to look at the art( 4ecause e-en if the$ dont 4eli-e in Jesus christ the$ do see
the caring other feeding her $oung and taking care of this -olunra4le 4a4$6 that needs to
4e taken care of and 4e protected 4$ her other(
This is 4eing iplied 4$ in nature thats ho0 others are to their 4a4ies6 the$ take
care of the6 the$ feed the and gi-e lo-e to the( 8-er$4od$ kno0s 4$ experience or
seen it e-er$0here e-er$da$ that ho0 others are(
,( %o0 did the artist1author 0ant this particular audience (fro .B) to react to his1her
The artist 0anted his audience to react in a0e6 he 0anted the to think that his painting
0as true6 that is ho0 )ar$ took care of 4a4$ Jesus( %e 0anted his audieance to think
positi-e 4ecasue its true6 e-en anials are that 0a$ 0ith their 4a4ies( %e 0anted people
to think that it 0as a 4eautiful thing and that the$ agree to 0hat he painted(

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