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Escaping the Traps of Doubt

& Unbelief
Presented by John F. Hansen
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Billy Graham: “The intellectually proud…cannot

understand that faith goes beyond learning, knowledge
and even reason, and accepts that which may not even
appear logical to the mind.”

• Serious doubts are symptoms of a weakened root belief.

Prayerfully discern if your root belief is based on a truth or a lie.
• If you are approaching a faith crisis, seek help immediately from God
and people. Don’t think that no one will understand. Isolation is one
step away from a total breakdown.
• Become convinced of the power of faith resolutions. Decide to trust
God despite your doubts.
•“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservations.” –
Elton Trueblood
• “God gives us just enough evidence so that those who want him can
have him. Those who want to follow the clues will.” —Peter Kreeft

• “A man rejects God neither because of intellectual demands nor

because of the scarcity of the evidence. A man rejects God because
of a moral resistance that refuses to admit his need for God.”—Ravi

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