Resume Sample College Student Work Internship

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Emily Brown

1640 Riverside Drive, San Antonio, TX 78248

210-555-1210 (home), 210-555-155 (mo!i"e)
Resume Profile
&'tstandin( #riter and editor #ith varied e)*erien+e see,s to 'ti"i-e or(ani-ationa", +omm'ni+ation, and #ritin(
s,i""s to +ontri!'te to an or(ani-ation in the *'!"ishin( ind'str.%
Freelance Copywriter
Anderson Publications, Inc., San Antonio, Texas (2012)
/rote and *roo0read +o*. 0or mar,etin( materia"s *romotin( ed'+ationa" assessments, res'"tin( in
in+reased "eads 0or sa"es team%
Writers For Hire, San Antonio, Texas (2011)
/rote ad +o*. 0or ne#s"etters that *romoted n'tritiona" s'**"ement *rod'+ts 0or a nationa" hea"th store
1ond'+ted e)tensive resear+h to "earn a!o't the *rod'+ts in order to #rite a!o't them in an in0ormative,
interestin( manner to *i2'e +'stomers3 interest%
Public Relations Assistant
Uniersit! o" Texas as San Antonio (UTSA) Public #elations $e%art&ent, San Antonio, T' (2010 ( 2011)
Assisted in the *rod'+tion o0 4TSA3s ne#s"etter editin( and #ritin( +o*. that *romoted a++om*"ishments
and honors o0 the 4niversit.3s 0a+'"t. and st'dents%
/or,ed dire+t". #ith 4TSA3s 5'!"i+ Re"ations team to disseminate and +o""e+t *ress re"eases and ne#s
+"i**in(s re"ated to the identit. o0 the 4niversit. and its 0a+'"t. and st'dents%
E#itorial Intern
San Antonio States&an, San Antonio, Texas (2012)
/or,ed #ith the 6ditoria" Assistant and sta00 #riters to resear+h stories and edit te)t%
Assisted in *rod'+in( the Aro'nd The 1it. se+tion in the San Antonio Statesman, #hi+h "ists a"" the
nota!"e +'"t'ra" events ta,in( *"a+e in the +it. 0or the month
7e"*ed to (enerate stor. ideas at the month". 6ditoria" 8oard meetin(s and *er0ormed vario's editoria" and
resear+h tas,s that assisted in the *rod'+tion o0 the ne#s*a*er
$ar%etin& Intern
Harcourt Assess&ent, Inc., San Antonio, Texas (2011)
/rote and *roo0read +o*. 0or ads, +ata"o(s, and 0".ers *romotin( ed'+ationa" assessments%
)o&%uter S*ills
7ard#are9 51 and :a+intosh
So0t#are9 :i+roso0t &00i+e, :i+roso0t /ord, &'t"oo,, ;'ar,, /indo#s, 6)+e", 5o#er5oint, 5a(e :a,er, <e(as
5ro, 5ro A+id, So'nd =or(e, 5remier and vario's other media re"ated so0t#are%
+t,er S*ills
<ideo and A'dio 5rod'+tion> ?o'rna"ism 6)*erien+e> S+ri*t /ritin(> /ritin( 0or the :edia> 1reative /ritin(>
Aestheti+s o0 <ision and So'nd> :edia 6thi+s> 5'!"i+ Re"ations> and Advertisin(
Tannen 8"ood 1enter (2011)
Assistant S.stems 1"er,
Ameri+an Red 1ross (2010-2011)
Re"ie0 vo"'nteer
8a+he"or o0 Arts @ 1omm'ni+ations
The 4niversit. o0 Te)as @ San Antonio, San Antonio, TX

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