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Portfolio Exemplar Cover Sheet

Attach to each exemplar in your portfolio.

Teacher Candidate Derek Jones Cohort # 414
Title of Exemplar Ahupuaa
Portfolio Cateory !!!!!! " "" """ x "# #
ACE" $tandard ACE" "#% Assessment
ACE" $tandard Element&s' A4% Candidates kno() understand) and use formal and
informal assessment strateies to plan) e*aluate) and strenthen instruction that (ill
promote continuous intellectual) social) emotional) and physical de*elopment of each
elementary student.
$emester $prin +,14 Date -ay .
) +,14
1. Description of exemplar and ho( it demonstrates meetin this ACE" $tandard
and Element&s'.
"n this lesson) students learned a/out economic life of an ancient 0a(aiian in an
Ahupuaa. " had an interacti*e presentation that explain the concepts of li*in off
of the land and /ein a/le to effecti*ely manae the resources in their ha/itat.
$tudents had to learn that 0a(aiians had to /e resourceful (ith their oods as
they (ere not allo(ed to o to other land di*isions to hunt for food and ather.
They learned the concept of /arterin (ith one another to ensure that e*ery/ody
(as happy. E*entually students (ould /reak into roups and create their o(n
Ahupuaa system. To add some fun to the assinment) " allo(ed the students to
trade /et(een roups. $o they could de*elop a le*el of importance to their
resources) they (ere only allotted a certain amount of items &ex). ., pis) +,,
coconuts) 1,l/s of kalo'.
" met the ACE" "# standard as there (as a *ast amount of assessment in*ol*ed. "
planned the (hole lesson around students /ein a/le to de*elop con*ersation
(ith one another and e*aluate their thinkin. " made 2 different roups /et(een
all of the students to encourae roup sharin. Throuhout the presentation) "
had multiple opportunities for students to turn and talk (ith their partners a/out
the concepts that (e (ere co*erin and then share them (ith myself. As
students deli*ered their ideas to me) " (rote them on the /oard to use as
references later. " tried to make sure that " only facilitated (hat (as happenin
rater than let them kno( (hat (as riht or (ron. 3e also had a /arterin ame
at the end of the lesson to ensure that students understood the concept of
tradin) and determinin *alue of items. E*entually students had a (orksheet to
fill out as my final assessment.
+. 4eflection on my professional ro(th in kno(lede) skills) and dispositions related
to this ACE" $tandard and Element&s'.
"n this lesson a de*eloped a /etter kno(lede of effecti*ely assessin students (ork.
This lesson pro*ided me the opportunity to let an assinment /e more student
dri*en and facilitate their con*ersations. This " found (as a *ery effecti*e (ay for
me to informally assess the students.
-y skills de*eloped as " meticulously de*eloped a lesson that " could assess the
students e*ery step of the (ay (ithout it /ein apparent they (ere /e assessed. "
feel that since " (as a/le to effecti*ely de*elop this lesson) my skills for future
lessons are reatly enhanced.
-y dispositions related to assessment are de*elopin nicely. -y confidence in
/ein a facilitator of education as a means to formally and informally assess
student (ork has enhanced reatly.

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