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Term 2 Week 3

crab desirable
cradle excitable
craft lovable
crane notable
crash tolerable
crawl religion
crayon tradition
cricket ceremony
cried custom
croak folklore
crown their
crust there
1. Rule up correctly and copy these words into your spelling book. Remember date and
title your work.

2. Write each list word again this time in syllables.

3. Find a word from the list to rhyme with each of the following words.
Rhyme List Word Rhyme List Word
brown bash
shaft must
brawl galore
lied reachable
grab where

4. Fill in missing word for these sentences.
their desirable customs lovable excitable traditional ceremony folklore cradle croaked
a. The children were very _______________ as they prepared for their part in
the special _______________ to celebrate Easter.
b. The _______________ baby gave a cute look while lying in her
_______________ that made her very _______________.
c. The children learnt that in Indian _______________ the chief wore a
_______________ head set of feathers as part of the wedding
d. The _______________ chirped loudly as the fat, hungry frog
_______________ as he leapt to eat him.
Before you start the next section, (questions 5, 6, 7) decide which words best suit each
5. Sentences. Select 12 words and write a FANTASTIC sentence for each word.

6. Fancy Letters. Choose 6 words to write in fancy letter style.

7. Alphabetical Order. Put the remaining 6 words into alphabetical order.

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