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Critical Thinking Questions #1

NB: See detailed expectations under Instructions for the Critical Journal (posted
!our Na"e: #nahi $elix
Class Ti"e and %a&s :'u"anities 1(1() 11:(( a"*11:+( a") ,-$
Title of .ork: I .ant change
#uthor/#rtist of .ork: unkno.n
10 -hat do &ou think the .ork1s "ain argu"ent) point) or conclusion "ight 2e3
The author is tr&ing to "ake a point through art0 this painting is dra.ned in a
neigh2orhood that looks like it is in lo. inco"e0 'e is sa&ing that there needs to 2e
change) the "an in the picture has a poster that sa&s i .ant change) 2ut not the "one&
kind of change) a change in life for the 2etter0
40 5i6e three .a&s the artist/author supports his/her point:
78nl& if &ou get the argu"ent in 9uestion one (1 correct) can &ou get this part correct
2ecause these are the supporting ele"ents to that argu"ent:
a0 ;ainting
20 ,an in the picture holding the i .ant change sign
c The area the painting .as painted
<0 'o. "ight the artist/author1s historical period and location (i0e0 context ha6e affected
ho. he/she chose to "ake his/her point3
The authors historical period does affect the .a& he or she "akes the point 2ecasue it
depends in the area it .as "ade and .hat the painting is also to .ho the "essage is 2eing
sent to0 one reading the the .ords and seeing the painting can get an idea of .hat it can
possi2l& "ean0 It .ill get so"eone thinking a2out .hat it "ight refer to0
=0 %uring the ti"e period .hen the .ork .as created .hat social groups (for exa"ple:
econo"ic class> religious affiliation> political group> ethnic/linguistic group> gender .ere
2eing addressed3 -h& do &ou think so3
NB: There should 2e e6idence for this in the "aterial ? explicitl& stated) or i"plied 2& the
context0 I do think that that .hen the painting .as painted a "an .as dra.ned to it) it
see"ed to "e 2e a hispanic "an 2ecause of ho. he looked e6en though it didnt ha6e
color) the "an had so"e kind of characteristics of a hispanic or foriegn) his .a& of
dressing and ho. his face looked0 the area it "ight ha6e 2een painted see"ed to 2e in
@os #ngeles 2ecasue there are al.a&s paintings like that in the street .alls0
+0 'o. did the artist/author .ant this particular audience (fro" #= to react to his/her
The author .anted his audiences to react to his paintings to stop and look at the painting
and read it) take a look at it and look around to think hard of .hat it could "ean0 But that
there has to 2e change "ade) not as in "one&0
NB: Nothing a2out &our ans.ers i"plies agree"ent or disagree"ent .ith the ideas
presented0 -e "a&) in fact) disagree .ith the .ork) 2ut .e do not express such
disagree"ent until .e AunderstandB0 I"portantl&) in these 9uestions do I ask for
&our AreactionB or &our Aopinions0B This is the 6er& first step in .riting a2out a pri"ar&
or secondar& sources0 It is onl& after &ou understand the o2Cect of &our criticis" .ill &ou
2e a2le to offer a reasona2le and effecti6e criti9ue0
No.) &ou are tasked to .rite an Aanal&sisB of the .ork) .hich should re"ain scholarl&
and o2Cecti6e (as "uch as possi2le0 #fter &ou ha6e successfull& introduced the su2Cect
(o2Cecti6el&) &ou are to spend a2out as "uch space addressing .hether or not the author
.as successful in his/her artistic goal) and gi6e reasons as to .hether or not &ou .ere
con6inced0 The length of paper .ill 2e indicated at the ti"e of the assign"ent0

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