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Anahi Felix

William K. Martin
Intro to Humanities 1100-016
"!er" Mornin# I Wa$e %& 'n (he Wron# )i*e '+ ,a&italism"
(he &hoto#ra&h that the author/artist *i* sa"s- "!er" Mornin# I Wa$e %& 'n
(he Wron# )i*e '+ ,a&italism". (his is a &hoto#ra&h that .as ta$en on a .all &ossi/l"
in a nei#h/orhoo*. this author/artist .ante* to sen* a !er" uni0ue messsa#e out to a
1ommunit". the man in the &hoto#ra&h seems li$e he is little *resse*- &ro/a/l" to #o into
a 2o/ inter!ie.. (he .or*s on the .all are in /i# /ri#ht re* 1olors that stan* out !er"
mu1h. (he re* 1an s"m/oli3e +or man" thin# es&e1iall" +or ma"/e a &assion this artist
inten*e* to ex&ress- /loo* an* it #ets &eo&le4s attention. (he man is loo$in# *o.n an*
seems *e&resse* in a .a" there is no ex&ression on his +a1e. He is also stan*in# next to
the .all .ith .or*s.
(he man in the &hot#ra&h is a 1olore* man o+ *ar$ s$in. He is &ossi/l" +orei#n I
sa" he is &ossi/l" +orei#n /e1ause o+ his s$in 1olor an* is in this 1ountr" to &ersue the
"Ameri1an 5ream" /ut +in*s himsel+ on the .ron# si*e o+ 1a&italism. (hat 1an ha!e
man" meanin#s /e1ause the *e+inition o+ 1a&italism is an e1onomi1 an* &oliti1al s"stem
in .hi1h a 1ountr"4s tra*e an* in*ustr" are 1ontrolle* /" &ri!ate o.ners +or &ro+it- rather
than /" the state. He &ro/a/l" is ha!in# a har* time e1onomi1l".
(he author4s #oal in this &aintin# .as to o&en u& &eo&le4s e"es an* min*s a/out
ta$in# in 1onsi*eration .hat is ha&&enin# in our 1ountr". &eo&le .ill sto& an* loo$ at this
&hoto#ra&h or art .or$ in the street an* reall" thin$ a/out .hat it means. this 1an mean a
stru##le +or +ree*eom an* an e1onomi1 issue some &eo&le are tr"in# to #et &asse*. Also
/ein# in that lo1ation 1an mean that the e1onom" is #oin# throu#h some rou#h times- or
that the +ore#ners ha!e a har* time tr"in# to a*a&t an* ma$e en*s meet. (his art.or$ is
su&&ose to /e an ins&ieration to /e a.are o+ "our surroun*in#s o+ so1iet" an* ho. the
e1onom" is .or$in#.
)ome o+ the reasons .h" i .as 1on!in1e* that this &ie1e o+ art/&hoto#ra&h .as
1on!in1in# to me .as /e1ause o+ the ima#e /rin#s out. the messa#e that it sen*s to
&eo&le- "ou 1an tell a lot /" ho. it .as &ainte* an* ho. it loo$s it /rin#s out a &
meanin#. another reason /esi*es the ima#e or messa#e is the 1olor o+ the .all- its
su&&ose to stan* out an* mean somehtin#. 1olors 1an sa" a lot o+ ho. the &ainitn#
re&resents its sel+- the nei#h/orhoo*- the 1olor o+ the mans s$in an* es&ression- also the
.a" he is *resse*. When the art .or$ sa"s "!er" *a" I .a$e u& on the .ron# si*e o+
1a&italism" "ou loo$ at "our surroun*in#s an* tr" to +in* meanin# to it- an* thin#
so1ialol#i1l". '!er all this art .or$ is sen*in# out a messa#e to the 1ommunit" +or

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