Pike News 2014-1

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News & Notes from raving wood, barony of pike spring + 2378

Pike News

Raving Wood Ravaged
Crisis Increases - Locals Upset
More deaths of travelers and locals have
been reported in the Raving Wood, and the
(remaining) locals are wondering when
someone is going to step in and nd a
resolution to the troubles that plague the area.
All these crazy happenings are bad for
business! When is somebody going tp help
us? said Crantz, a worker at the Unicorn
The strange occurrences that started last
fall have increased, with more dangers, the
latest being a plague with no apparent cure.
[see Beware New Plague elsewhere in this issue]
Ficino, brother to Marsilius who died in
the debacle of the Summer Festival last year,
has sent yet another missive to the Padishah,
asking for help from both his personal troops
and his council of mages.
I have also sent to the Mage Guild at
Jefmere, asking for help. I believe that the
events and creatures are not ordinary
products of nature, and perhaps the Mage
Guild will be able to ascertain the cause and
resolution of our troubles.
New Plague Rears Head
The latest trouble to affect our area is a
new sickness, a plague that has so far proved
fatal in all cases.
Ive always been able to nd a solution,
either through experimentation or poring
over old records, or discovering a solution
through Divination, said Belladonna, whose
herb shop has turned into an apothecary and
sometime inrmary. But this new malady
seems to come from nowhere, and is like
nothing Ive seen before.
The new plague rst manifests as a
coughing spell, followed by shortness of
breath and a mild headache. Within an hour,
the victim starts to lose the ability
to speak clearly, and substitutes
odd words in sentences. This
period lasts about a half an hour,
after which the victim is unable to
express any thoughts verbally,
although he can still understand
language and act accordingly.
Death occurs within 24 hours of
the rst coughing spell.
This is so far beyond my skill that it
frightens me. I have been able to lessen the
symptoms for some people who seek
treatment right away, but I cannot stop the
advance of the disease. If it is a disease.
When asked about this last statement, she
replied: Most diseases spread from person to
person, but when someone has this plague,
they do not seem to infect others. Strange.
No! "om #e Game Designers
Please remember that a deadline is approaching. Registrations postmarked by June
1st require a $45 fee. After June 1st, the PayPal buttons on the website will be
changed to charge $55/person.
This is a good time to look around at your friends and think about inviting them into
the Game community.

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