Novel Portfolio Outline Frankenstein

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Novel Portfolio Project (Frankenstein)

For the past few weeks you have been completing response journal entries related to your reading. For
this assignment you will submit all your novel-related journals as a portfolio that will demonstrate the
connections and interpretations you have developed from your novel study. You will also include a
variety of short assignments that will be based on the understanding you have gained in your
response journals.

Your Novel Project portfolio must include the following elements:

1. An Alternative Cover Design

Your cover design should create a unique book cover for Frankenstein that is closely
connected to the climax of the story. I will be marking your piece on how well it visually
represents the climax of the story, not on its artistic merits. Include a short description
of how your piece demonstrates the climax and why you believe the moment you chose
is the climax of the story.

2. A table of contents

3. All novel-related response journals

You should have at least 5 response journals but it is possible that some of you may have
done many more than that. I will judge the quality of your work by how thoroughly you
have captured significant moments from the story. A response journal that has 3 or 4
quotes will be considered equivalent to two response journals with only 1 or 2.

4. 2-4 visuals that identify a significant moment in the story

For your visuals, I would like to see that you can identify significant moments in the
story with a visual image. You must create the image yourself, no pictures taken from the
internet (or presenting any work as your own that you did not create). The visuals can be
associated with your response journals (or taken directly from), as you will likely identify
important moments as you read. You can choose to do two very detailed and complex
visuals or four simple ones (or some combination in that range).

5. One creative text, written from the perspective of the Monster (A 350-word minimum)

The incident with William Frankenstein (left vague for those who have not read this part
yet) offers you a chance to determine the guilt or innocence of the monster. From the
perspective of the monster, using your creative writing skills, create in your reader a
feeling sympathy or angry at the monsters action (or some combination), revealing how
you feel the monsters actions should be viewed.

6. A 1-2 page reflection on how your novel portfolio demonstrates your understanding of the

This is your chance to explain to me how your work in this portfolio, specifically the
response journals, demonstrates your understanding of Frankenstein. Please use this
opportunity to explain your creative text and your cover design.

Due Date: April 11
/100 Marks

All Assignments must be submitted to me through fax or email.

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