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N4052 VISTA RD. SULLIVAN, WI 53178 PHELPSDC10@UWW.EDU (262) 434-055
3 March 2014
Ralph Pederson
Human Resources, IT Division, ALPAA LL!
1234 "!#udderland Drive
Hac$insa%, MI 3214&
Dear Mr! Pederson'
I am hi(hl) in*eres*ed in *he en*r) level so+*%are en(ineer posi*ion pos*ed on *he ALPAA LL! careers
si*e a* u%an*laamas!com! I +irs* (ained in*eres* in )our or(ani,a*ion *hrou(h an assi(nmen* researchin(
*he pro(rammin( o+ -iolo(ical al(ori*hms in .. as a /unior in compu*er science and -iolo() a* 0"1
"hi*e%a*er %here I %ill (radua*e in *he sprin( o+ 201&! The innova*ion and s*rides in research *ha*
ALPAA has made re(ardin( *his su-/ec* *ha* is o+ pro+ound in*eres* *o me has led *o m) ac*ivel)
see$in( a posi*ion %i*h )ou!
As m) secondar) ma/or is -iolo() I -elieve *ha* I am a per+ec* +i* +or ALPAA in *ha* I am more
a**uned *o *he considera*ion and unders*andin( o+ *he comple2i*) and necessi*) o+ -iolo(ical and
chemical al(ori*hms, *heir use in *he scien*i+ic communi*), and *he comple2i*) o+ pro(rammin( *hese
al(ori*hms in a +ashion *ha* ma$es sense and is user +riendl)! M) previous e2perience %i*h *he 0!#!
Arm) has (iven me e2perience in leadin( small and medium si,ed *eams *o comple*e pro/ec*s
ade3ua*el) under *i(h* deadlines and %i*h as li**le overhead as mana(ea-le! As a mili*ar) cour* repor*er I
polished m) s$ills in communica*in( e++ec*ivel) and precisel) in a hi(hl) *echnical le(al +ield in %hich I
%as held hi(hl) accoun*a-le +or m) %or$!
Alon( %i*h m) e2perience I %ould also -e -rin(in( a (rea* %or$ e*hic, *he -asic Arm) values, and a
varie*) o+ *ech s$ills *o *he *a-le! .., 4avascrip*, 43uer), Ru-), P)*hon, Lua, #5L, and 67 are amon(
*he pro(rammin( lan(ua(es *ha* I have e2perience in and I have a (rea* in*eres* in cross1pla*+orm
pro(rammin( *hese *o mee* an) clien*s8 needs! 9Por*+olio availa-le upon re3ues*:
I am e2ci*ed a* *he possi-le oppor*uni*) *o spea$ %i*h )ou in person re(ardin( m) in*eres* in *his
posi*ion! Than$ )ou +or )our considera*ion!
David ! Phelps
Continued on next page

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