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Student Feedback Form (Phase II)

9. Which writing prompt did you enjoy writing to more?
1) The One about Transportation 2) The One about Why Travelling Matters in Education
Other Comments: ______________________________________________________
Statements Strongly
Disagree Uncertain Agree Strongly
01. I enjoyed using Weebly to write more
than last time.

02. I enjoyed having our class at the
computer lab.

03. I was more engaged in the writing
project this time because I was given more
instruction on web-based technology.

04. I was more engaged in the writing
project this time because I was provided a
qualified technology-based learning
environment (the computer lab).

05. I learned facts and opinions better than
last time because this time I was taught
how to distinguish a fact from an opinion
and how facts are used to support opinions.

06. I think learning how to distinguish a
fact from an opinion and how facts are used
to support opinions helps me enhance my
writing quality.

07. I was more willing to write when I was
given a lot of outside sources (articles and
videos) about the writing topic, because I
was able to get some ideas and supporting
details from these sources.

08. I was more willing to write my five-
paragraph writing assignment this time
because I am able to revisit the outside
sources on the teacher's Weebly site and
find some useful information to support my

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