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Teacher Information

Cornflour Slime

Curriculum links Year 2
ACS Substrand: Chemical Sciences
Content Description: Different materials can be combined, including by mixing, for a particular purpose

Declarative Knowledge:
The learner will know and understand:
- That different materials can be combined to form new mixtures
- That solids and liquids can be combined together to create new mixtures

Procedural Knowledge:
The learner will be able to:
- Combine materials together to create a new material
- Investigate the effects of mixing materials together
- Describe the properties of materials in different ways

Examples of use
Roll mixture into a ball. Then hold the ball in a flat palm, over the bowl and observe any changes.
Experiment with mixture by adding more flour or more water.
Place a marble on top of mixture in bowl and observe what happens.
Roll a marble across the mixture and observe what happens.

Class activity:
Teacher makes a large tub of cornflour slime.
Students observe the teacher as they drop a shotput onto the mixture. Observe and wait, record
observations in a table.
Students can then try slapping the cornflour slime and observe what happens. Then rest hands on top
and wait for them to sink, then pull hands out really fast and observe any changes. After washing their
hands, students can write down observations made.

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