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How to give a


Gajendra Pal Singh

Something presented : as
a : a symbol or image that represents something
b : something offered or given
c : an immediate object of perception, cognition,
or memory

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Before your Presentation
 Before you think about
presenting your presentation
you should practice and or
look over it so you know how
and what you will say.
 Smile and face the crowd.
Make sure you have the right
 you can tell the crowd your
info without reading it off of
the PowerPoint.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

To Present Your
 To begin presenting your presentation you have to
keep your voice strong and pace your presentation
well. Look Confident!
 Keep eye contact with more than just one individual
in the room. Scan the room so you will look as if you
are having a conversation with everyone in the room.
 You should have a good personality while sharing
your information with the class and its optional to add
a few gestures with your speech depending on the
amount of space you have.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Maybe you are new at talking to
a large group of people and you
are a shy person to begin with.
Don’t feel bad about it! Feeling
nervous is a typical thing
many people experience.
There are little ways to resolve
this problem;

 holding small objects in your hand but

don’t let the crowd notice.
 Imagining the audience is not there
watching you or your friends are the
audience which is very comforting.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Controlling Nerves
 Dry mouth: bite side of the tongue, sip water
 Too much saliva: breath through mouth
 Tight throat: yawn with your mouth closed
 Short of breath: apply pressure on lower abdomen
 Butterflies: tense & relax muscles of abdomen
 Drying Up: look at your note, repeat what you have
just said
 Gestures
 Practice

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Present that presentation with all you got. You have nothing to
lose, you just got to stay confident and don’t let them catch
you off guard with any question! Be prepared!

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Presentation Skills

“The mind is a wonderful thing………

It starts working the moment you are
born, and never stops ……….
Until you get up to speak in public!!”

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Making Notes
 Use Cards - tie/number
 Use headings/subheadings
 Bullet points
 Colour code/shorthand
 Underline/indent
 Write out first/last sentence in full
 Memorise introduction
 Rehearse
 Use large visible printing

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Fear of Public
 Population

 No.1 fear=Public Speaking

Fear No.2=Death

 Stage fright

-In spotlight

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Preparation

 Practice

 Presence

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Volume  Mumbling
 Voice drop
 Too high
Pitch  Too low
 Monotonous
 Hesitancy
 Gabbling

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Talk at a natural, moderate
rate of speech
 Project your voice.
 Speak clearly and
 Repeat critical information.
 Pause briefly to give your
audience time to digest the
information on each new
 Don’t read the slides aloud.
Your audience can read
them far faster than you
can talk.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Things You
Shouldn’t Do
 Read directly from notes
 Read directly from screen

 Turn back on audience

 Slouch, hands in pockets

 No um, ah, you know’s

 No nervous gestures

 Talk too fast,

 Talk too quietly

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Things You
Should Do
 Eye contact
 Can glance at
 Appropriate
 Rhetorical
questions to
involve audience

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Ten Successful Tips
Control the
 Know the room- become familiar with
the place of presentation
 Know the audience- greet or chat with
the audience before hand. It’s easier to
speak to friends than to strangers
 Know your material-increased
nervousness is due to un-preparedness

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Control the
 Gainexperience-experience builds confidence, which is key to
effective public speaking

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 FOCUS. In general, using a few powerful slides is
the aim.
 Don’t overload your slides with too much text or
 Let the picture or graphic tell the story. Avoid text.
 Number your slides and give them a title.
 Prepare a company logo slide for your
 You can add a logo and other graphics to every
slide using the slide master feature.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 A font size of 28 to 34 with a bold font is recommended for
subtitles. The title default size is 44. Use a san serif font for
 Use clear, simple visuals. Don’t confuse the audience.
 Use contrast: light on dark or dark on light.
 Graphics should make a key concept clearer.
 Place your graphics in a similar location within each screen.
 The drawing toolbar is extremely useful You can:
 Insert clip art
 Insert pictures
 Use Word Art
 Use text boxes
 Insert charts and diagrams
 Insert arrows, banners, and thought balloons.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Font size must be large enough to be easily read.
Size 28 to 34 with a bold font is recommended.
 It is distracting if you use too wide a variety of
 Overuse of text is a common mistake.
 Too much text makes the slide unreadable. You may just
as well show a blank slide. Stick to a few key words.
 If your audience is reading the slides they are not paying
attention to you. If possible, make your point with graphics
instead of text.
 You can use Word Art, or a clip art image of a sign, to
convey text in a more interesting way.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Numbers are usually confusing to the audience. Use as
few as possible and allow extra time for the audience to
do the math.
 Numbers should never be ultra precise:
 “Anticipated Revenues of $660,101.83” looks silly. Are your
numbers that accurate? Just say $660 thousand.
 Don’t show pennies. Cost per unit is about the only time you
would need to show pennies.
 If you have more than 12-15 numbers on a slide, that’s
probably too many.
 Using only one number per sentence helps the audience
absorb the data.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Backgrounds should never distract from the
 Using the default white background is hard on the
viewer’s eyes. You can easily add a design style or a
color to the background.
 Backgrounds that are light colored with dark text, or
vice versa, look good. A dark background with white
font reduces glare.
 Colors appear lighter when projected. Pale colors often
appear as white.
 Consistent backgrounds add to a professional
 For a long presentation, you may want to change
background designs when shifting to a new topic.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Timing - Practicing
Your Presentation,
 Talk through your presentation to see how much
time you use for each slide.
 Set the automatic slide transition to the amount of
time you want to spend discussing each slide.
 Change the automatic slide transition settings for
individual slides to fit the amount of time needed
for that slide and practice again. Are you still within
the time limit?

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Presentation Skills
“The key to effective presentations is
to manage the relationship
between yourself and the audience
so that a good rapport is developed
with them”

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Presentation Skills
✦ Short sharp paragraphs
✦ Simple words
✦ Repeat key phrases for effect
✦ Repeat key phrases for effect
✦ Avoid catch phrases
✦ Humour
✦ Anecdotes: real-life examples
✦ Rhetorical questions: don’t
require answers
Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut
Presentation Checklist
Check : 
Size of room
 Tables and
 Sockets
 Lights
 Equipment
 Display table
 Entrance

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Presentation Day &
✦ 30 minutesPractice
✦ Arrange table & chairs
✦ Set up equipment
✦ Catering
✦ Display
✦ Start Promptly
✦ Finish on Time

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Know your audience
 Know the occasion
 Know your speaking environment
 Pin down your topic
 Brain storm
 Research
 Prepare a rough draft of your presentation
 Transfer your presentation to mental/ written notes
 Practice ...To overcome nervousness!

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Now is the time to deliver your
whole presentation to the group
using all of the delivery
techniques we have discussed.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Practice takes you from this..

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

To this….

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Plan to get there a few minutes early to set up and
test the equipment.
 Dress appropriately for your audience.
 Turn off your cell phone.
 Handouts:
 Edward , the leading expert on visual presentation
techniques, advises speakers to always prepare a handout
when giving a PowerPoint presentation.
 Make about 10% more handouts than you expect to use.
 Distribute handouts at the beginning of your talk.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Jump right in and get to the point.
 Give your rehearsed opening statement; don't
improvise at the last moment.
 Use the opening to catch the interest and attention
of the audience.
 Briefly state the problem or topic you will be
 Briefly summarize your main theme for an idea or

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Body Language
 Dress
 Posture
 Facial Expression
 Voice
 Movement
 Gesture
 Eye Contact
Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Keep your eyes on the audience

 Use natural gestures.
 Don’t turn your back to the audience.
 Don’t hide behind the lectern.
 Avoid looking at your notes. Only use them as
reference points to keep you on track. Talk, don’t

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Always leave time for a few questions at the end of the talk.
 If you allow questions during the talk, the presentation time
will be about 25% more than the practice time.
 You can jump directly to a slide by typing its number or by
right-clicking during the presentation and choosing from the
slide titles.
 Relax. If you’ve done the research you can easily answer
most questions.
 Some questions are too specific or personal. Politely refuse
to answer.
 If you can’t answer a question, say so. Don’t apologize. “I
don’t have that information. I’ll try to find out for you.”

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

 Close the sale.
 Concisely summarize your key concepts and the
main ideas of your presentation.
 Resist the temptation to add a few last impromptu
 End your talk with the summary statement or
question you have prepared. What do you want them
to do? What do you want them to remember?
 Consider alternatives to “Questions?” for your closing
slide. A summary of your key points, a cartoon, a
team logo, or a company logo may be stronger.

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Any Question?

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

Now Finally You are a
Good and Effective

Gajendra Pal Singh, SU, Meerut

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