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Learning Objectives/Primary Emphasis

Metabolism and Free energy (G)

i) Appreciate the universality of metabolism in all organisms.
ii) Know the two branches of metabolism catabolism and anabolism.
iii) Understand the G requirements (including distinction) of catabolism and anabolism.
iv) Understand metabolic processes based on thermodynamic considerations - all subject to the
constraints of the laws of thermodynamics.
v) Know the value of G as a measure of spontaneity.
vi) Know enthalpic and entropic contributions to G know how they may determine the spontaneity
of a reaction.
vii) Understand how G additivity could be used to drive non-spontaneous reaction coupling of
exergonic and endergonic processes through intermediate synthesis of a high energy compound.
viii) Know other uses of high energy compounds in metabolism. Know key examples of high energy
compounds, including their attributes.
ix) Know the general principle of regulation of metabolic processes.
x) Appreciate various sources of metabolic G.
i) Know the two stages of glycolysis.
ii) You should be able to identify glycolytic metabolites.
iii) Know the consequence of DHAP/GAP equilibrium in glycolytic pathway.
iv) Know the mechanistic roles of glycolytic enzymes.
v) Appreciate the consequence of kinetics on the roles of enzyme isoforms in glycolysis Hexokinase
vs Glucokinase
vi) Know the relationship between glycolysis and substrate level phosphorylation.
vii) You should know key experiments to confirm the mechanism of action of key glycolytic enzymes.
viii) You should know three enzymes which control glycolytic flux Hexokinase, phosphofructokinase,
and pyruvate-kinase.
ix) Know why the reaction of phosphofructokinase is the most important regulatory step in glycolysis
(i.e. the major glycolytic flux point).
x) Know the effects of compounds, such as iodoacetate and fluoride ion, on glycolytic flux.
xi) Understand the relationship between substrate cycling and glycolytic flux.
xii) Know the catabolic fates of pyruvate alcoholic fermentation, homolactic fermentation, complete
xiii) You should know the biochemical basis of Tarui disease, Pasteurs effect, and Warburg Effect.

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