English Themes Grade 1-6 in English Lesson

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English Themes of Grade 1-6 in English Lesson:

Grade 1
1. Hello, good morning.
2. What is your name?
. !l"ha#ets
$. %arts of the #ody
&. 'ruits
6. (egeta#les
). The #all is round
*. +olors
,. -y .lassroom
1/. 0um#ers
11. 1"orts
12. 2aily !.ti3ities
Grade 2
1. Greetings and %arting
2. 0um#ers
. 1ha"es and +oloring
$. 4 ha3e Toys
&. -y family
6. 2aily 5outines
). !t the Garden
*. Let6s Go to the 7oo
,. 8n the 'arm
1/. -y 1.hool
11. Healthy Ha#its
12. 4t6s 1unny 2ay
1. -y Garden
2. What time do you usually 9a:e u"?
. 1im"le -ath
$. -y "ets
&. %layground
6. 8rdinal and +ardinal num#er
). Weather and 1easons
*. Hel"ing Ea.h 8ther
Grade $
1. 4ndahnya ;e#ersamaan
<+ountries and 0ationalities=
2. Hemat energy
<Household e>ui"ment=
. !nimals6 ?ody %arts
$. 46d li:e to #e a @
&. %u#li. %la.es A 2ire.tions
6. 4ndahnya negeri:u
<Tourism 8#Be.ts=
). Healthy 'oods
Grade &
1. We are 8ne 'amily
2. +ould Cou Tell -e the ?iggest Tem"le in
. 1"orts
$. 2aily !.ti3ities of Da3anese
&. Telling the Time
6. 0ational 2ays
). %laying 9ith Things !round Es
Grade 6
1. +inta tanah air
- ;egiatan tradisional 24C
<+ountries: ?ati:=
2. %emerintahan <Go3ernment=
. Ling:ungan !lam <He9an, tum#uhan,
$. -ar:et: Let6s Go 1ho""ing
&. %u#li. health

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