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Grated Paneer (cheese) - 1 cup
Onion (chopped) - 1 cup
Maida (Refined Wheat flour) ± 1 cup
Ghee - 1 tbsp
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fry

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Mix Grated Paneer, Chopped Onion, little salt.
Keep aside.


Make dough from mixing Maida, little salt, ghee with water
Press it into Chappatis (Divide the dough into equal size balls. Flatten the balls with a presser or roll
into round discs approximately 6 inches in diameterY.
In each chappati keep little stuffing and fold it into triangular shape.
Deep fry in oil.


Moong Dal flour(Green Gram) ± 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Ghee ± ½ cup
Nuts(Cashew, Badam) ± A Little
Cardamom(powdered) - 1 tsp

Fry the flour till its raw smell goes.
Powder the sugar.
Fry nuts in ghee.
Mix flour, cardamom, nuts, sugar.
Make balls using ghee.



Kabul Channa (ChickPea) É 1 cup
Red Chillies É 2
Garlic É 2 cloves
Coconut scraping É 1tbsp
Cumin É ½ tsp
Turmeric Powder É ½ tsp
Mustard É ½ tsp
Corainder Leaves (minced) É 1 tbsp
Curry Leaves É 1 twig
Asafoedita É a pinch
Salt to taste
Oil É 1 tsp

Soak Kabul Channa overnight.
Cook with little salt and keep aside.
Grind Red Chillies, Garlic, Coconut, Cumin, Turmeric Powder and 1 tbsp of Cooked Channa.
Heat oil in the frying pan , put mustard, wait till it splutters.
Add Asafetida, Curry leaves, Ground masala, Salt and Cooked Channa.
Mix in medium heat.
Garnish with Corainder leaves and serve.


grad Dal(Black Gram) ± 1 cup
Green Chilies ± 4
Black Pepper ± 1 tsp
Ginger ± 1 inch piece
Asafetida ± ½ tsp
Onion ± 1, finely chopped
Curry Leaves ± 2 twigs, finely chopped
Salt to taste
Oil to deep fry

Soak grad Dal in water for an hour.
Grind with green chilies, ginger, asafetida, salt into a nice paste.
Add black pepper to the grounded paste and grind it for a minute.
Add chopped onions and curry leaves to the grounded paste.
Now the dough is ready to fry.
Heat oil in a frying pan.
Take a ball of the dough, make it flat round and fry it well.
Have it hot with the coconut chutney.

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